void LLDrawPoolAvatar::updateRiggedFaceVertexBuffer(LLVOAvatar* avatar, LLFace* face, const LLMeshSkinInfo* skin, LLVolume* volume, const LLVolumeFace& vol_face, LLVOVolume* vobj) { LLVector4a* weight = vol_face.mWeights; if (!weight) { return; } LLPointer<LLVertexBuffer> buffer = face->getVertexBuffer(); LLDrawable* drawable = face->getDrawable(); U32 data_mask = face->getRiggedVertexBufferDataMask(); if (buffer.isNull() || buffer->getTypeMask() != data_mask || buffer->getRequestedVerts() != vol_face.mNumVertices || buffer->getRequestedIndices() != vol_face.mNumIndices || (drawable && drawable->isState(LLDrawable::REBUILD_ALL))) { face->setGeomIndex(0); face->setIndicesIndex(0); if (buffer.isNull() || buffer->getTypeMask() != data_mask) { //make a new buffer if (sShaderLevel > 0) { buffer = new LLVertexBuffer(data_mask, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW_ARB); } else { buffer = new LLVertexBuffer(data_mask, GL_STREAM_DRAW_ARB); } buffer->allocateBuffer(vol_face.mNumVertices, vol_face.mNumIndices, true); } else { //resize existing buffer buffer->resizeBuffer(vol_face.mNumVertices, vol_face.mNumIndices); } face->setSize(vol_face.mNumVertices, vol_face.mNumIndices); face->setVertexBuffer(buffer); U16 offset = 0; LLMatrix4 mat_vert = skin->mBindShapeMatrix; glh::matrix4f m((F32*) mat_vert.mMatrix); m = m.inverse().transpose(); F32 mat3[] = { m.m[0], m.m[1], m.m[2], m.m[4], m.m[5], m.m[6], m.m[8], m.m[9], m.m[10] }; LLMatrix3 mat_normal(mat3); static LLCachedControl<bool> mesh_enable_deformer(gSavedSettings, "MeshEnableDeformer"); if (mesh_enable_deformer) { LLDeformedVolume* deformed_volume = vobj->getDeformedVolume(); deformed_volume->deform(volume, avatar, skin, face->getTEOffset()); face->getGeometryVolume(*deformed_volume, face->getTEOffset(), mat_vert, mat_normal, offset, true); } else { face->getGeometryVolume(*volume, face->getTEOffset(), mat_vert, mat_normal, offset, true); } } if (sShaderLevel <= 0 && face->mLastSkinTime < avatar->getLastSkinTime()) { //perform software vertex skinning for this face LLStrider<LLVector3> position; LLStrider<LLVector3> normal; bool has_normal = buffer->hasDataType(LLVertexBuffer::TYPE_NORMAL); buffer->getVertexStrider(position); if (has_normal) { buffer->getNormalStrider(normal); } LLVector4a* pos = (LLVector4a*) position.get(); LLVector4a* norm = has_normal ? (LLVector4a*) normal.get() : NULL; //build matrix palette LLMatrix4a mp[64]; LLMatrix4* mat = (LLMatrix4*) mp; for (U32 j = 0; j < skin->mJointNames.size(); ++j) { LLJoint* joint = avatar->getJoint(skin->mJointNames[j]); if (joint) { mat[j] = skin->mInvBindMatrix[j]; mat[j] *= joint->getWorldMatrix(); } } LLMatrix4a bind_shape_matrix; bind_shape_matrix.loadu(skin->mBindShapeMatrix); for (U32 j = 0; j < buffer->getRequestedVerts(); ++j) { LLMatrix4a final_mat; final_mat.clear(); S32 idx[4]; LLVector4 wght; F32 scale = 0.f; for (U32 k = 0; k < 4; k++) { F32 w = weight[j][k]; idx[k] = llclamp((S32) floorf(w), 0, 63); wght[k] = w - floorf(w); scale += wght[k]; } wght *= 1.f/scale; for (U32 k = 0; k < 4; k++) { F32 w = wght[k]; LLMatrix4a src; src.setMul(mp[idx[k]], w); final_mat.add(src); } LLVector4a& v = vol_face.mPositions[j]; LLVector4a t; LLVector4a dst; bind_shape_matrix.affineTransform(v, t); final_mat.affineTransform(t, dst); pos[j] = dst; if (norm) { LLVector4a& n = vol_face.mNormals[j]; bind_shape_matrix.rotate(n, t); final_mat.rotate(t, dst); norm[j] = dst; } } } if (drawable && face->getTEOffset() == drawable->getNumFaces() - 1) { drawable->clearState(LLDrawable::REBUILD_ALL); } }
void LLViewerCamera::setPerspective(BOOL for_selection, S32 x, S32 y_from_bot, S32 width, S32 height, BOOL limit_select_distance, F32 z_near, F32 z_far) { F32 fov_y, aspect; fov_y = RAD_TO_DEG * getView(); BOOL z_default_far = FALSE; if (z_far <= 0) { z_default_far = TRUE; z_far = getFar(); } if (z_near <= 0) { z_near = getNear(); } aspect = getAspect(); // Load camera view matrix gGL.matrixMode( LLRender::MM_PROJECTION ); gGL.loadIdentity(); LLMatrix4a proj_mat; proj_mat.setIdentity(); if (for_selection) { // make a tiny little viewport // anything drawn into this viewport will be "selected" const LLRect& rect = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw(); const F32 scale_x = rect.getWidth() / F32(width); const F32 scale_y = rect.getHeight() / F32(height); const F32 trans_x = scale_x + (2.f * (rect.mLeft - x)) / F32(width) - 1.f; const F32 trans_y = scale_y + (2.f * (rect.mBottom - y_from_bot)) / F32(height) - 1.f; //Generate a pick matrix proj_mat.applyScale_affine(scale_x, scale_y, 1.f); proj_mat.setTranslate_affine(LLVector3(trans_x, trans_y, 0.f)); if (limit_select_distance) { // ...select distance from control // z_far = gSavedSettings.getF32("MaxSelectDistance"); // [RLVa:KB] - Checked: 2010-04-11 (RLVa-1.2.0e) | Added: RLVa-1.2.0e z_far = (!gRlvHandler.hasBehaviour(RLV_BHVR_FARTOUCH)) ? gSavedSettings.getF32("MaxSelectDistance") : 1.5; // [/RLVa:KB] } else { z_far = gAgentCamera.mDrawDistance; } } else { // Only override the far clip if it's not passed in explicitly. if (z_default_far) { z_far = MAX_FAR_CLIP; } glViewport(x, y_from_bot, width, height); gGLViewport[0] = x; gGLViewport[1] = y_from_bot; gGLViewport[2] = width; gGLViewport[3] = height; } if (mZoomFactor > 1.f) { float offset = mZoomFactor - 1.f; int pos_y = mZoomSubregion / llceil(mZoomFactor); int pos_x = mZoomSubregion - (pos_y*llceil(mZoomFactor)); proj_mat.applyTranslation_affine(offset - (F32)pos_x * 2.f, offset - (F32)pos_y * 2.f, 0.f); proj_mat.applyScale_affine(mZoomFactor,mZoomFactor,1.f); } calcProjection(z_far); // Update the projection matrix cache proj_mat.mul(gGL.genPersp(fov_y,aspect,z_near,z_far)); gGL.loadMatrix(proj_mat); gGLProjection = proj_mat; gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW ); LLMatrix4a ogl_matrix; getOpenGLTransform(ogl_matrix.getF32ptr()); LLMatrix4a modelview; modelview.setMul(OGL_TO_CFR_ROTATION, ogl_matrix); gGL.loadMatrix(modelview); if (for_selection && (width > 1 || height > 1)) { // NB: as of this writing, i believe the code below is broken (doesn't take into account the world view, assumes entire window) // however, it is also unused (the GL matricies are used for selection, (see LLCamera::sphereInFrustum())) and so i'm not // comfortable hacking on it. calculateFrustumPlanesFromWindow((F32)(x - width / 2) / (F32)gViewerWindow->getWindowWidthScaled() - 0.5f, (F32)(y_from_bot - height / 2) / (F32)gViewerWindow->getWindowHeightScaled() - 0.5f, (F32)(x + width / 2) / (F32)gViewerWindow->getWindowWidthScaled() - 0.5f, (F32)(y_from_bot + height / 2) / (F32)gViewerWindow->getWindowHeightScaled() - 0.5f); } // if not picking and not doing a snapshot, cache various GL matrices if (!for_selection && mZoomFactor == 1.f) { // Save GL matrices for access elsewhere in code, especially project_world_to_screen //glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, gGLModelView); glh_set_current_modelview(modelview); } updateFrustumPlanes(*this); /*if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("CameraOffset")) { gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_PROJECTION); gGL.translatef(0,0,-50); gGL.rotatef(20.0,1,0,0); gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); }*/ }
void LLDrawPoolAvatar::renderRigged(LLVOAvatar* avatar, U32 type, bool glow) { if ((avatar->isSelf() && !gAgent.needsRenderAvatar()) || !gMeshRepo.meshRezEnabled()) { return; } stop_glerror(); for (U32 i = 0; i < mRiggedFace[type].size(); ++i) { LLFace* face = mRiggedFace[type][i]; LLDrawable* drawable = face->getDrawable(); if (!drawable) { continue; } LLVOVolume* vobj = drawable->getVOVolume(); if (!vobj) { continue; } LLVolume* volume = vobj->getVolume(); S32 te = face->getTEOffset(); if (!volume || volume->getNumVolumeFaces() <= te || !volume->isMeshAssetLoaded()) { continue; } LLUUID mesh_id = volume->getParams().getSculptID(); if (mesh_id.isNull()) { continue; } const LLMeshSkinInfo* skin = gMeshRepo.getSkinInfo(mesh_id, vobj); if (!skin) { continue; } //stop_glerror(); //const LLVolumeFace& vol_face = volume->getVolumeFace(te); //updateRiggedFaceVertexBuffer(avatar, face, skin, volume, vol_face); //stop_glerror(); U32 data_mask = LLFace::getRiggedDataMask(type); LLVertexBuffer* buff = face->getVertexBuffer(); if (buff) { if (sShaderLevel > 0) { //upload matrix palette to shader LLMatrix4 mat[JOINT_COUNT]; U32 count = llmin((U32) skin->mJointNames.size(), (U32) JOINT_COUNT); for (U32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { LLJoint* joint = avatar->getJoint(skin->mJointNames[i]); if(!joint) { joint = avatar->getJoint("mRoot"); } if (joint) { LLMatrix4a tmp; tmp.loadu((F32*)skin->mInvBindMatrix[i].mMatrix); tmp.setMul(joint->getWorldMatrix(),tmp); mat[i] = LLMatrix4(tmp.getF32ptr()); } } stop_glerror(); F32 mp[JOINT_COUNT*12]; for (U32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { F32* m = (F32*) mat[i].mMatrix; U32 idx = i*12; mp[idx+0] = m[0]; mp[idx+1] = m[1]; mp[idx+2] = m[2]; mp[idx+3] = m[12]; mp[idx+4] = m[4]; mp[idx+5] = m[5]; mp[idx+6] = m[6]; mp[idx+7] = m[13]; mp[idx+8] = m[8]; mp[idx+9] = m[9]; mp[idx+10] = m[10]; mp[idx+11] = m[14]; } LLDrawPoolAvatar::sVertexProgram->uniformMatrix3x4fv(LLViewerShaderMgr::AVATAR_MATRIX, count, FALSE, (GLfloat*) mp); LLDrawPoolAvatar::sVertexProgram->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::AVATAR_MAX_WEIGHT, F32(count-1)); stop_glerror(); } else { data_mask &= ~LLVertexBuffer::MAP_WEIGHT4; } U16 start = face->getGeomStart(); U16 end = start + face->getGeomCount()-1; S32 offset = face->getIndicesStart(); U32 count = face->getIndicesCount(); /*if (glow) { gGL.diffuseColor4f(0,0,0,face->getTextureEntry()->getGlow()); }*/ const LLTextureEntry* te = face->getTextureEntry(); LLMaterial* mat = te->getMaterialParams().get(); if (mat && is_deferred_render) { gGL.getTexUnit(sDiffuseChannel)->bind(face->getTexture(LLRender::DIFFUSE_MAP)); gGL.getTexUnit(normal_channel)->bind(face->getTexture(LLRender::NORMAL_MAP)); gGL.getTexUnit(specular_channel)->bind(face->getTexture(LLRender::SPECULAR_MAP)); LLColor4 col = mat->getSpecularLightColor(); F32 spec = llmax(0.0001f, mat->getSpecularLightExponent() / 255.f); F32 env = mat->getEnvironmentIntensity()/255.f; if (mat->getSpecularID().isNull()) { env = te->getShiny()*0.25f; col.set(env,env,env,0); spec = env; } BOOL fullbright = te->getFullbright(); sVertexProgram->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::EMISSIVE_BRIGHTNESS, fullbright ? 1.f : 0.f); sVertexProgram->uniform4f(LLShaderMgr::SPECULAR_COLOR, col.mV[0], col.mV[1], col.mV[2], spec); sVertexProgram->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::ENVIRONMENT_INTENSITY, env); if (mat->getDiffuseAlphaMode() == LLMaterial::DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_MASK) { sVertexProgram->setMinimumAlpha(mat->getAlphaMaskCutoff()/255.f); } else { sVertexProgram->setMinimumAlpha(0.004f); } for (U32 i = 0; i < LLRender::NUM_TEXTURE_CHANNELS; ++i) { LLViewerTexture* tex = face->getTexture(i); if (tex) { tex->addTextureStats(avatar->getPixelArea()); } } } else { gGL.getTexUnit(sDiffuseChannel)->bind(face->getTexture()); if(sVertexProgram) { if (mat && mat->getDiffuseAlphaMode() == LLMaterial::DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_MASK) { sVertexProgram->setMinimumAlpha(mat->getAlphaMaskCutoff()/255.f); } else { sVertexProgram->setMinimumAlpha(0.004f); } } if (normal_channel > -1) { LLDrawPoolBump::bindBumpMap(face, normal_channel); } } if (face->mTextureMatrix && vobj->mTexAnimMode) { gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_TEXTURE); gGL.loadMatrix(*face->mTextureMatrix); buff->setBuffer(data_mask); buff->drawRange(LLRender::TRIANGLES, start, end, count, offset); gGL.loadIdentity(); gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); } else { buff->setBuffer(data_mask); buff->drawRange(LLRender::TRIANGLES, start, end, count, offset); } gPipeline.addTrianglesDrawn(count, LLRender::TRIANGLES); } } }
void LLPanelPrimMediaControls::updateShape() { LLViewerMediaImpl* media_impl = getTargetMediaImpl(); LLViewerObject* objectp = getTargetObject(); if(!media_impl || gFloaterTools->getVisible()) { setVisible(FALSE); return; } LLPluginClassMedia* media_plugin = NULL; if(media_impl->hasMedia()) { media_plugin = media_impl->getMediaPlugin(); } LLParcel *parcel = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getAgentParcel(); bool can_navigate = parcel->getMediaAllowNavigate(); bool enabled = false; bool is_zoomed = (mCurrentZoom != ZOOM_NONE) && (mTargetObjectID == mZoomObjectID) && (mTargetObjectFace == mZoomObjectFace); // There is no such thing as "has_focus" being different from normal controls set // anymore (as of user feedback from bri 10/09). So we cheat here and force 'has_focus' // to 'true' (or, actually, we use a setting) bool has_focus = (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("PrimMediaControlsUseHoverControlSet")) ? media_impl->hasFocus() : true; setVisible(enabled); if (objectp) { bool mini_controls = false; LLMediaEntry *media_data = objectp->getTE(mTargetObjectFace)->getMediaData(); if (media_data && NULL != dynamic_cast<LLVOVolume*>(objectp)) { // Don't show the media controls if we do not have permissions enabled = dynamic_cast<LLVOVolume*>(objectp)->hasMediaPermission(media_data, LLVOVolume::MEDIA_PERM_CONTROL); mini_controls = (LLMediaEntry::MINI == media_data->getControls()); } const bool is_hud = objectp->isHUDAttachment(); // // Set the state of the buttons // // XXX RSP: TODO: FIXME: clean this up so that it is clearer what mode we are in, // and that only the proper controls get made visible/enabled according to that mode. mBackCtrl->setVisible(has_focus); mFwdCtrl->setVisible(has_focus); mReloadCtrl->setVisible(has_focus); mStopCtrl->setVisible(false); mHomeCtrl->setVisible(has_focus); mZoomCtrl->setVisible(!is_zoomed); mUnzoomCtrl->setVisible(is_zoomed); mOpenCtrl->setVisible(true); mMediaAddressCtrl->setVisible(has_focus && !mini_controls); mMediaPlaySliderPanel->setVisible(has_focus && !mini_controls); mVolumeCtrl->setVisible(false); mWhitelistIcon->setVisible(!mini_controls && (media_data)?media_data->getWhiteListEnable():false); // Disable zoom if HUD mZoomCtrl->setEnabled(!is_hud); mUnzoomCtrl->setEnabled(!is_hud); mSecureLockIcon->setVisible(false); mCurrentURL = media_impl->getCurrentMediaURL(); mBackCtrl->setEnabled((media_impl != NULL) && media_impl->canNavigateBack() && can_navigate); mFwdCtrl->setEnabled((media_impl != NULL) && media_impl->canNavigateForward() && can_navigate); mStopCtrl->setEnabled(has_focus && can_navigate); mHomeCtrl->setEnabled(has_focus && can_navigate); LLPluginClassMediaOwner::EMediaStatus result = ((media_impl != NULL) && media_impl->hasMedia()) ? media_plugin->getStatus() : LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_NONE; mVolumeCtrl->setVisible(has_focus); mVolumeCtrl->setEnabled(has_focus); mVolumeSliderCtrl->setEnabled(has_focus && shouldVolumeSliderBeVisible()); mVolumeSliderCtrl->setVisible(has_focus && shouldVolumeSliderBeVisible()); if(media_plugin && media_plugin->pluginSupportsMediaTime()) { mReloadCtrl->setEnabled(false); mReloadCtrl->setVisible(false); mMediaStopCtrl->setVisible(has_focus); mHomeCtrl->setVisible(has_focus); mBackCtrl->setVisible(false); mFwdCtrl->setVisible(false); mMediaAddressCtrl->setVisible(false); mMediaAddressCtrl->setEnabled(false); mMediaPlaySliderPanel->setVisible(has_focus && !mini_controls); mMediaPlaySliderPanel->setEnabled(has_focus && !mini_controls); mSkipFwdCtrl->setVisible(has_focus && !mini_controls); mSkipFwdCtrl->setEnabled(has_focus && !mini_controls); mSkipBackCtrl->setVisible(has_focus && !mini_controls); mSkipBackCtrl->setEnabled(has_focus && !mini_controls); mVolumeCtrl->setVisible(has_focus); mVolumeCtrl->setEnabled(has_focus); mVolumeSliderCtrl->setEnabled(has_focus && shouldVolumeSliderBeVisible()); mVolumeSliderCtrl->setVisible(has_focus && shouldVolumeSliderBeVisible()); mWhitelistIcon->setVisible(false); mSecureLockIcon->setVisible(false); if (mMediaPanelScroll) { mMediaPanelScroll->setVisible(false); mScrollUpCtrl->setVisible(false); mScrollDownCtrl->setVisible(false); mScrollRightCtrl->setVisible(false); mScrollDownCtrl->setVisible(false); } F32 volume = media_impl->getVolume(); // movie's url changed if(mCurrentURL!=mPreviousURL) { mMovieDuration = media_plugin->getDuration(); mPreviousURL = mCurrentURL; } if(mMovieDuration == 0) { mMovieDuration = media_plugin->getDuration(); mMediaPlaySliderCtrl->setValue(0); mMediaPlaySliderCtrl->setEnabled(false); } // TODO: What if it's not fully loaded if(mUpdateSlider && mMovieDuration!= 0) { F64 current_time = media_plugin->getCurrentTime(); F32 percent = current_time / mMovieDuration; mMediaPlaySliderCtrl->setValue(percent); mMediaPlaySliderCtrl->setEnabled(true); } // video vloume if(volume <= 0.0) { mMuteBtn->setToggleState(true); } else if (volume >= 1.0) { mMuteBtn->setToggleState(false); } else { mMuteBtn->setToggleState(false); } switch(result) { case LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_PLAYING: mPlayCtrl->setEnabled(FALSE); mPlayCtrl->setVisible(FALSE); mPauseCtrl->setEnabled(TRUE); mPauseCtrl->setVisible(has_focus); break; case LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_PAUSED: default: mPauseCtrl->setEnabled(FALSE); mPauseCtrl->setVisible(FALSE); mPlayCtrl->setEnabled(TRUE); mPlayCtrl->setVisible(has_focus); break; } } else // web based { if(media_plugin) { mCurrentURL = media_plugin->getLocation(); } else { mCurrentURL.clear(); } mPlayCtrl->setVisible(FALSE); mPauseCtrl->setVisible(FALSE); mMediaStopCtrl->setVisible(FALSE); mMediaAddressCtrl->setVisible(has_focus && !mini_controls); mMediaAddressCtrl->setEnabled(has_focus && !mini_controls); mMediaPlaySliderPanel->setVisible(FALSE); mMediaPlaySliderPanel->setEnabled(FALSE); mSkipFwdCtrl->setVisible(FALSE); mSkipFwdCtrl->setEnabled(FALSE); mSkipBackCtrl->setVisible(FALSE); mSkipBackCtrl->setEnabled(FALSE); if(media_impl->getVolume() <= 0.0) { mMuteBtn->setToggleState(true); } else { mMuteBtn->setToggleState(false); } if (mMediaPanelScroll) { mMediaPanelScroll->setVisible(has_focus); mScrollUpCtrl->setVisible(has_focus); mScrollDownCtrl->setVisible(has_focus); mScrollRightCtrl->setVisible(has_focus); mScrollDownCtrl->setVisible(has_focus); } // TODO: get the secure lock bool from media plug in std::string prefix = std::string("https://"); std::string test_prefix = mCurrentURL.substr(0, prefix.length()); LLStringUtil::toLower(test_prefix); if(test_prefix == prefix) { mSecureLockIcon->setVisible(has_focus); } if(mCurrentURL!=mPreviousURL) { setCurrentURL(); mPreviousURL = mCurrentURL; } if(result == LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_LOADING) { mReloadCtrl->setEnabled(FALSE); mReloadCtrl->setVisible(FALSE); mStopCtrl->setEnabled(TRUE); mStopCtrl->setVisible(has_focus); } else { mReloadCtrl->setEnabled(TRUE); mReloadCtrl->setVisible(has_focus); mStopCtrl->setEnabled(FALSE); mStopCtrl->setVisible(FALSE); } } if(media_plugin) { // // Handle progress bar // if(LLPluginClassMediaOwner::MEDIA_LOADING == media_plugin->getStatus()) { mMediaProgressPanel->setVisible(true); mMediaProgressBar->setValue(media_plugin->getProgressPercent()); } else { mMediaProgressPanel->setVisible(false); } } if(media_impl) { // // Handle Scrolling // switch (mScrollState) { case SCROLL_UP: media_impl->scrollWheel(0, -1, MASK_NONE); break; case SCROLL_DOWN: media_impl->scrollWheel(0, 1, MASK_NONE); break; case SCROLL_LEFT: media_impl->scrollWheel(1, 0, MASK_NONE); // media_impl->handleKeyHere(KEY_LEFT, MASK_NONE); break; case SCROLL_RIGHT: media_impl->scrollWheel(-1, 0, MASK_NONE); // media_impl->handleKeyHere(KEY_RIGHT, MASK_NONE); break; case SCROLL_NONE: default: break; } } setVisible(enabled); // // Calculate position and shape of the controls // std::vector<LLVector3>::iterator vert_it; std::vector<LLVector3>::iterator vert_end; std::vector<LLVector3> vect_face; LLVolume* volume = objectp->getVolume(); if (volume) { const LLVolumeFace& vf = volume->getVolumeFace(mTargetObjectFace); LLVector3 ext[2]; ext[0].set(vf.mExtents[0].getF32ptr()); ext[1].set(vf.mExtents[1].getF32ptr()); LLVector3 center = (ext[0]+ext[1])*0.5f; LLVector3 size = (ext[1]-ext[0])*0.5f; LLVector3 vert[] = { center + size.scaledVec(LLVector3(1,1,1)), center + size.scaledVec(LLVector3(-1,1,1)), center + size.scaledVec(LLVector3(1,-1,1)), center + size.scaledVec(LLVector3(-1,-1,1)), center + size.scaledVec(LLVector3(1,1,-1)), center + size.scaledVec(LLVector3(-1,1,-1)), center + size.scaledVec(LLVector3(1,-1,-1)), center + size.scaledVec(LLVector3(-1,-1,-1)), }; LLVOVolume* vo = (LLVOVolume*) objectp; for (U32 i = 0; i < 8; i++) { vect_face.push_back(vo->volumePositionToAgent(vert[i])); } } vert_it = vect_face.begin(); vert_end = vect_face.end(); LLMatrix4a mat; if (!is_hud) { mat.setMul(glh_get_current_projection(),glh_get_current_modelview()); } else { LLMatrix4a proj, modelview; if (get_hud_matrices(proj, modelview)) { //mat = proj * modelview; mat.setMul(proj,modelview); } } LLVector4a min; min.splat(1.f); LLVector4a max; max.splat(-1.f); for(; vert_it != vert_end; ++vert_it) { // project silhouette vertices into screen space LLVector4a screen_vert; screen_vert.load3(vert_it->mV,1.f); mat.perspectiveTransform(screen_vert,screen_vert); // add to screenspace bounding box min.setMin(screen_vert,min); max.setMax(screen_vert,max); } // convert screenspace bbox to pixels (in screen coords) LLRect window_rect = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectScaled(); LLCoordGL screen_min; screen_min.mX = ll_round((F32)window_rect.mLeft + (F32)window_rect.getWidth() * (min.getF32ptr()[VX] + 1.f) * 0.5f); screen_min.mY = ll_round((F32)window_rect.mBottom + (F32)window_rect.getHeight() * (min.getF32ptr()[VY] + 1.f) * 0.5f); LLCoordGL screen_max; screen_max.mX = ll_round((F32)window_rect.mLeft + (F32)window_rect.getWidth() * (max.getF32ptr()[VX] + 1.f) * 0.5f); screen_max.mY = ll_round((F32)window_rect.mBottom + (F32)window_rect.getHeight() * (max.getF32ptr()[VY] + 1.f) * 0.5f); // grow panel so that screenspace bounding box fits inside "media_region" element of panel LLRect media_panel_rect; // Get the height of the controls (less the volume slider) S32 controls_height = mMediaControlsStack->getRect().getHeight() - mVolumeSliderCtrl->getRect().getHeight(); getParent()->screenRectToLocal(LLRect(screen_min.mX, screen_max.mY, screen_max.mX, screen_min.mY), &media_panel_rect); media_panel_rect.mTop += controls_height; // keep all parts of panel on-screen // Area of the top of the world view to avoid putting the controls window_rect.mTop -= mTopWorldViewAvoidZone; // Don't include "spacing" bookends on left & right of the media controls window_rect.mLeft -= mLeftBookend->getRect().getWidth(); window_rect.mRight += mRightBookend->getRect().getWidth(); // Don't include the volume slider window_rect.mBottom -= mVolumeSliderCtrl->getRect().getHeight(); media_panel_rect.intersectWith(window_rect); // clamp to minimum size, keeping rect inside window S32 centerX = media_panel_rect.getCenterX(); S32 centerY = media_panel_rect.getCenterY(); // Shrink screen rect by min width and height, to ensure containment window_rect.stretch(-mMinWidth/2, -mMinHeight/2); window_rect.clampPointToRect(centerX, centerY); media_panel_rect.setCenterAndSize(centerX, centerY, llmax(mMinWidth, media_panel_rect.getWidth()), llmax(mMinHeight, media_panel_rect.getHeight())); // Finally set the size of the panel setShape(media_panel_rect, true); // Test mouse position to see if the cursor is stationary LLCoordWindow cursor_pos_window; getWindow()->getCursorPosition(&cursor_pos_window); // If last pos is not equal to current pos, the mouse has moved // We need to reset the timer, and make sure the panel is visible if(cursor_pos_window.mX != mLastCursorPos.mX || cursor_pos_window.mY != mLastCursorPos.mY || mScrollState != SCROLL_NONE) { mInactivityTimer.start(); mLastCursorPos = cursor_pos_window; } if(isMouseOver() || hasFocus()) { // Never fade the controls if the mouse is over them or they have keyboard focus. mFadeTimer.stop(); } else if(!mClearFaceOnFade && (mInactivityTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() < mInactiveTimeout)) { // Mouse is over the object, but has not been stationary for long enough to fade the UI mFadeTimer.stop(); } else if(! mFadeTimer.getStarted() ) { // we need to start fading the UI (and we have not already started) mFadeTimer.reset(); mFadeTimer.start(); } else { // I don't think this is correct anymore. This is done in draw() after the fade has completed. // setVisible(FALSE); } } }