Пример #1
BOOL LLVOTree::idleUpdate(LLAgent &agent, LLWorld &world, const F64 &time)
 	if (mDead || !(gPipeline.hasRenderType(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_TREE)))
		return TRUE;
	F32 app_angle = getAppAngle()*LLVOTree::sTreeFactor;

	for (S32 j = 0; j < sMAX_NUM_TREE_LOD_LEVELS; j++)
		if (app_angle > LLVOTree::sLODAngles[j])
			trunk_LOD = j;

	if (mReferenceBuffer.isNull())
		gPipeline.markRebuild(mDrawable, LLDrawable::REBUILD_ALL, TRUE);
	else if (trunk_LOD != mTrunkLOD)
		gPipeline.markRebuild(mDrawable, LLDrawable::REBUILD_ALL, FALSE);
		// we're not animating but we may *still* need to
		// regenerate the mesh if we moved, since position
		// and rotation are baked into the mesh.
		// *TODO: I don't know what's so special about trees
		// that they don't get REBUILD_POSITION automatically
		// at a higher level.
		const LLVector3 &this_position = getPositionAgent();
		if (this_position != mLastPosition)
			gPipeline.markRebuild(mDrawable, LLDrawable::REBUILD_POSITION);
			mLastPosition = this_position;
			const LLQuaternion &this_rotation = getRotation();
			if (this_rotation != mLastRotation)
				gPipeline.markRebuild(mDrawable, LLDrawable::REBUILD_POSITION);
				mLastRotation = this_rotation;

	mTrunkLOD = trunk_LOD;

	return TRUE;
Пример #2
BOOL LLVOTree::idleUpdate(LLAgent &agent, LLWorld &world, const F64 &time)
	const U16 FRAMES_PER_WIND_UPDATE = 20;				//  How many frames between wind update per tree
	const F32 TREE_WIND_SENSITIVITY = 0.005f;
	const F32 TREE_TRUNK_STIFFNESS = 0.1f;

 	if (mDead || !(gPipeline.hasRenderType(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_TREE)))
		return TRUE;
	//it's cheaper to check if wind is enabled first
	if (gLLWindEnabled && gSavedSettings.getBOOL("RenderAnimateTrees"))
		F32 mass_inv; 

		//  For all tree objects, update the trunk bending with the current wind 
		//  Walk sprite list in order away from viewer 
		if (!(mFrameCount % FRAMES_PER_WIND_UPDATE)) 
			//  If needed, Get latest wind for this tree
			mWind = mRegionp->mWind.getVelocity(getPositionRegion());

		mass_inv = 1.f/(5.f + mDepth*mBranches*0.2f);
		mTrunkVel += (mWind * mass_inv * TREE_WIND_SENSITIVITY);		//  Pull in direction of wind
		mTrunkVel -= (mTrunkBend * mass_inv * TREE_TRUNK_STIFFNESS);		//  Restoring force in direction of trunk 	
		mTrunkBend += mTrunkVel;
		mTrunkVel *= 0.99f;									//  Add damping

		if (mTrunkBend.length() > 1.f)

		if (mTrunkVel.length() > 1.f)

	S32 trunk_LOD = 0;
	F32 app_angle = getAppAngle()*LLVOTree::sTreeFactor;

	for (S32 j = 0; j < 4; j++)

		if (app_angle > LLVOTree::sLODAngles[j])
			trunk_LOD = j;

	if (!gLLWindEnabled || !gSavedSettings.getBOOL("RenderAnimateTrees"))
		if (mReferenceBuffer.isNull())
			gPipeline.markRebuild(mDrawable, LLDrawable::REBUILD_ALL, TRUE);
		else if (trunk_LOD != mTrunkLOD)
			gPipeline.markRebuild(mDrawable, LLDrawable::REBUILD_ALL, FALSE);
			// we're not animating but we may *still* need to
			// regenerate the mesh if we moved, since position
			// and rotation are baked into the mesh.
			// *TODO: I don't know what's so special about trees
			// that they don't get REBUILD_POSITION automatically
			// at a higher level.
			const LLVector3 &this_position = getPositionAgent();
			if (this_position != mLastPosition)
				gPipeline.markRebuild(mDrawable, LLDrawable::REBUILD_POSITION);
				mLastPosition = this_position;
				const LLQuaternion &this_rotation = getRotation();
				if (this_rotation != mLastRotation)
					gPipeline.markRebuild(mDrawable, LLDrawable::REBUILD_POSITION);
					mLastRotation = this_rotation;

	mTrunkLOD = trunk_LOD;

	return TRUE;
Пример #3
U32 LLVOTree::processUpdateMessage(LLMessageSystem *mesgsys,
										  void **user_data,
										  U32 block_num, EObjectUpdateType update_type,
										  LLDataPacker *dp)
	// Do base class updates...
	U32 retval = LLViewerObject::processUpdateMessage(mesgsys, user_data, block_num, update_type, dp);

	if (  (getVelocity().lengthSquared() > 0.f)
		||(getAcceleration().lengthSquared() > 0.f)
		||(getAngularVelocity().lengthSquared() > 0.f))
		llinfos << "ACK! Moving tree!" << llendl;

	if (update_type == OUT_TERSE_IMPROVED)
		// Nothing else needs to be done for the terse message.
		return retval;

	//  Load Instance-Specific data 
	if (mData)
		mSpecies = ((U8 *)mData)[0];
	if (!sSpeciesTable.count(mSpecies))
		if (sSpeciesTable.size())
			SpeciesMap::const_iterator it = sSpeciesTable.begin();
			mSpecies = (*it).first;

	//  Load Species-Specific data 
	mTreeImagep = gImageList.getImage(sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mTextureID);
	if (mTreeImagep)
	mBranchLength = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mBranchLength;
	mTrunkLength = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mTrunkLength;
	mLeafScale = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mLeafScale;
	mDroop = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mDroop;
	mTwist = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mTwist;
	mBranches = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mBranches;
	mDepth = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mDepth;
	mScaleStep = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mScaleStep;
	mTrunkDepth = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mTrunkDepth;
	mBillboardScale = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mBillboardScale;
	mBillboardRatio = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mBillboardRatio;
	mTrunkAspect = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mTrunkAspect;
	mBranchAspect = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mBranchAspect;
	// position change not caused by us, etc.  make sure to rebuild.
	gPipeline.markRebuild(mDrawable, LLDrawable::REBUILD_ALL);

	return retval;
Пример #4
U32 LLVOTree::processUpdateMessage(LLMessageSystem *mesgsys,
										  void **user_data,
										  U32 block_num, EObjectUpdateType update_type,
										  LLDataPacker *dp)
	// Do base class updates...
	U32 retval = LLViewerObject::processUpdateMessage(mesgsys, user_data, block_num, update_type, dp);

	if (  (getVelocity().lengthSquared() > 0.f)
		||(getAcceleration().lengthSquared() > 0.f)
		||(getAngularVelocity().lengthSquared() > 0.f))
		llinfos << "ACK! Moving tree!" << llendl;

	if (update_type == OUT_TERSE_IMPROVED)
		// Nothing else needs to be done for the terse message.
		return retval;

	//  Load Instance-Specific data 
	if (mData)
		mSpecies = ((U8 *)mData)[0];
	if (!sSpeciesTable.count(mSpecies))
		if (sSpeciesTable.size())
			SpeciesMap::const_iterator it = sSpeciesTable.begin();
			mSpecies = (*it).first;

	//  Load Species-Specific data 
	static const S32 MAX_TREE_TEXTURE_VIRTURE_SIZE_RESET_INTERVAL = 32 ; //frames.
	mTreeImagep = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mTextureID, TRUE, LLViewerTexture::BOOST_NONE, LLViewerTexture::LOD_TEXTURE);
	mTreeImagep->setMaxVirtualSizeResetInterval(MAX_TREE_TEXTURE_VIRTURE_SIZE_RESET_INTERVAL); //allow to wait for at most 16 frames to reset virtual size.

	mBranchLength = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mBranchLength;
	mTrunkLength = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mTrunkLength;
	mLeafScale = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mLeafScale;
	mDroop = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mDroop;
	mTwist = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mTwist;
	mBranches = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mBranches;
	mDepth = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mDepth;
	mScaleStep = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mScaleStep;
	mTrunkDepth = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mTrunkDepth;
	mBillboardScale = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mBillboardScale;
	mBillboardRatio = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mBillboardRatio;
	mTrunkAspect = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mTrunkAspect;
	mBranchAspect = sSpeciesTable[mSpecies]->mBranchAspect;
	// position change not caused by us, etc.  make sure to rebuild.
	gPipeline.markRebuild(mDrawable, LLDrawable::REBUILD_ALL);

	return retval;