Пример #1
void LLUrlAction::copyLabelToClipboard(std::string url)
	LLUrlMatch match;
	if (LLUrlRegistry::instance().findUrl(url, match))
Пример #2
bool LLUrlRegistry::isUrl(const LLWString &text)
	LLUrlMatch match;
	if (findUrl(text, match))
		return (match.getStart() == 0 && match.getEnd() >= text.size()-1);
	return false;
	void object::test<2>()
		// test the getStart() method
		LLUrlMatch match;
		ensure_equals("getStart() == 0", match.getStart(), 0);

		match.setValues(10, 20, "", "", "", "", LLUIColor(), "", "", false);
		ensure_equals("getStart() == 10", match.getStart(), 10);
Пример #4
bool GrowlManager::onLLNotification(const LLSD& notice)
	if (notice["sigtype"].asString() != "add")
		return false;

	LLNotificationPtr notification = LLNotifications::instance().find(notice["id"].asUUID());
	std::string name = notification->getName();
	LLSD substitutions = notification->getSubstitutions();
	if (gGrowlManager->mNotifications.find(name) != gGrowlManager->mNotifications.end())
		GrowlNotification* growl_notification = &gGrowlManager->mNotifications[name];
		std::string body = "";
		std::string title = "";
		if (growl_notification->useDefaultTextForTitle)
			title = notification->getMessage();
		else if (!growl_notification->growlTitle.empty())
			title = growl_notification->growlTitle;
			LLStringUtil::format(title, substitutions);
		if (growl_notification->useDefaultTextForBody)
			body = notification->getMessage();
		else if (!growl_notification->growlBody.empty())
			body = growl_notification->growlBody;
			LLStringUtil::format(body, substitutions);
		//TM:FS no need to log whats sent to growl
		//LL_INFOS("GrowlLLNotification") << "Notice: " << title << ": " << body << LL_ENDL;
		if (name == "ObjectGiveItem" || name == "OwnObjectGiveItem" || name == "ObjectGiveItemUnknownUser" || name == "UserGiveItem" || name == "SystemMessageTip")
			LLUrlMatch urlMatch;
			LLWString newLine = utf8str_to_wstring(body);
			LLWString workLine = utf8str_to_wstring(body);
			while (LLUrlRegistry::instance().findUrl(workLine, urlMatch) && !urlMatch.getUrl().empty())
				LLWStringUtil::replaceString(newLine, utf8str_to_wstring(urlMatch.getUrl()), utf8str_to_wstring(urlMatch.getLabel()));

				// Remove the URL from the work line so we don't end in a loop in case of regular URLs!
				// findUrl will always return the very first URL in a string
				workLine = workLine.erase(0, urlMatch.getEnd() + 1);
			body = wstring_to_utf8str(newLine);
		gGrowlManager->notify(title, body, growl_notification->growlName);
	return false;
Пример #5
	void object::test<2>()
		// test the getStart() method
		LLUrlMatch match;
		ensure_equals("getStart() == 0", match.getStart(), 0);

		match.setValues(10, 20, "", "", "", "", "", LLStyle::Params(), "", "", LLUUID::null);
		ensure_equals("getStart() == 10", match.getStart(), 10);
Пример #6
void LLUrlAction::showLocationOnMap(std::string url)
	LLUrlMatch match;
	if (LLUrlRegistry::instance().findUrl(url, match))
		if (! match.getLocation().empty())
			executeSLURL("secondlife:///app/worldmap/" + match.getLocation());
Пример #7
	void object::test<3>()
		// test the getEnd() method
		LLUrlMatch match;
		ensure_equals("getEnd() == 0", match.getEnd(), 0);

		match.setValues(10, 20, "", "", "", "", LLUIColor(), "", "", false,LLUUID::null);
		ensure_equals("getEnd() == 20", match.getEnd(), 20);
Пример #8
void LLUrlAction::teleportToLocation(std::string url)
	LLUrlMatch match;
	if (LLUrlRegistry::instance().findUrl(url, match))
		if (! match.getLocation().empty())
			executeSLURL("secondlife:///app/teleport/" + match.getLocation());
Пример #9
	void object::test<1>()
		// test the empty() method
		LLUrlMatch match;
		ensure("empty()", match.empty());

		match.setValues(0, 1, "http://secondlife.com", "Second Life", "", "", LLUIColor(), "", "", false,LLUUID::null);
		ensure("! empty()", ! match.empty());
Пример #10
bool LLUrlEntrySLLabel::underlineOnHoverOnly(const std::string &string) const
	std::string url = getUrl(string);
	LLUrlMatch match;
	if (LLUrlRegistry::instance().findUrl(url, match))
		return match.underlineOnHoverOnly();

	// unrecognized URL? should not happen
	return LLUrlEntryBase::underlineOnHoverOnly(string);
Пример #11
std::string LLUrlEntrySLLabel::getTooltip(const std::string &string) const
	// return a tooltip corresponding to the URL type instead of the generic one (EXT-4574)
	std::string url = getUrl(string);
	LLUrlMatch match;
	if (LLUrlRegistry::instance().findUrl(url, match))
		return match.getTooltip();

	// unrecognized URL? should not happen
	return LLUrlEntryBase::getTooltip(string);
Пример #12
bool LLUrlRegistry::findUrl(const std::string &text, LLUrlMatch &match, const LLUrlLabelCallback &cb)
	// avoid costly regexes if there is clearly no URL in the text
	if (! (stringHasUrl(text) || stringHasJira(text)))
		return false;

	// find the first matching regex from all url entries in the registry
	U32 match_start = 0, match_end = 0;
	LLUrlEntryBase *match_entry = NULL;

	std::vector<LLUrlEntryBase *>::iterator it;
	for (it = mUrlEntry.begin(); it != mUrlEntry.end(); ++it)
		LLUrlEntryBase *url_entry = *it;

		U32 start = 0, end = 0;
		if (matchRegex(text.c_str(), url_entry->getPattern(), start, end))
			// does this match occur in the string before any other match
			if (start < match_start || match_entry == NULL)
				match_start = start;
				match_end = end;
				match_entry = url_entry;
	// did we find a match? if so, return its details in the match object
	if (match_entry)
		// fill in the LLUrlMatch object and return it
		std::string url = text.substr(match_start, match_end - match_start + 1);
		match.setValues(match_start, match_end,
						match_entry->getLabel(url, cb),
		return true;

	return false;
Пример #13
	void object::test<5>()
		// test the getLabel() method
		LLUrlMatch match;
		ensure_equals("getLabel() == ''", match.getLabel(), "");

		match.setValues(10, 20, "", "Label", "", "", LLUIColor(), "", "", false,LLUUID::null);
		ensure_equals("getLabel() == 'Label'", match.getLabel(), "Label");

		match.setValues(10, 20, "", "", "", "", LLUIColor(), "", "", false,LLUUID::null);
		ensure_equals("getLabel() == '' (2)", match.getLabel(), "");
Пример #14
	void object::test<6>()
		// test the getTooltip() method
		LLUrlMatch match;
		ensure_equals("getTooltip() == ''", match.getTooltip(), "");

		match.setValues(10, 20, "", "", "Info", "", LLUIColor(), "", "", false,LLUUID::null);
		ensure_equals("getTooltip() == 'Info'", match.getTooltip(), "Info");

		match.setValues(10, 20, "", "", "", "", LLUIColor(), "", "", false,LLUUID::null);
		ensure_equals("getTooltip() == '' (2)", match.getTooltip(), "");
	void object::test<8>()
		// test the getMenuName() method
		LLUrlMatch match;
		ensure("getMenuName() empty", match.getMenuName().empty());

		match.setValues(10, 20, "", "", "", "Icon", LLUIColor(), "xui_file.xml", "", false);
		ensure_equals("getMenuName() == \"xui_file.xml\"", match.getMenuName(), "xui_file.xml");

		match.setValues(10, 20, "", "", "", "", LLUIColor(), "", "", false);
		ensure("getMenuName() empty (2)", match.getMenuName().empty());
Пример #16
	void object::test<4>()
		// test the getUrl() method
		LLUrlMatch match;
		ensure_equals("getUrl() == ''", match.getUrl(), "");

		match.setValues(10, 20, "http://slurl.com/", "", "", "", LLUIColor(), "", "", false,LLUUID::null);
		ensure_equals("getUrl() == 'http://slurl.com/'", match.getUrl(), "http://slurl.com/");

		match.setValues(10, 20, "", "", "", "", LLUIColor(), "", "", false,LLUUID::null);
		ensure_equals("getUrl() == '' (2)", match.getUrl(), "");
Пример #17
	void object::test<9>()
		// test the getLocation() method
		LLUrlMatch match;
		ensure("getLocation() empty", match.getLocation().empty());

		match.setValues(10, 20, "", "", "", "Icon", LLUIColor(), "xui_file.xml", "Paris", false,LLUUID::null);
		ensure_equals("getLocation() == \"Paris\"", match.getLocation(), "Paris");

		match.setValues(10, 20, "", "", "", "", LLUIColor(), "", "", false,LLUUID::null);
		ensure("getLocation() empty (2)", match.getLocation().empty());
Пример #18
	void object::test<7>()
		// test the getIcon() method
		LLUrlMatch match;
		ensure_equals("getIcon() == ''", match.getIcon(), "");

		match.setValues(10, 20, "", "", "", "Icon", LLUIColor(), "", "", false,LLUUID::null);
		ensure_equals("getIcon() == 'Icon'", match.getIcon(), "Icon");

		match.setValues(10, 20, "", "", "", "", LLUIColor(), "", "", false,LLUUID::null);
		ensure_equals("getIcon() == '' (2)", match.getIcon(), "");
// Put a line of chat in all the right places
void LLFloaterChat::addChat(const LLChat& chat, 
			  BOOL from_instant_message, 
			  BOOL local_agent)
	LLColor4 text_color = get_text_color(chat, from_instant_message);

	BOOL invisible_script_debug_chat = 
			chat.mChatType == CHAT_TYPE_DEBUG_MSG
			&& !gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ScriptErrorsAsChat");

// [RLVa:KB] - Checked: 2009-07-08 (RLVa-1.0.0e)
	if (rlv_handler_t::isEnabled())
		// TODO-RLVa: we might cast too broad a net by filtering here, needs testing
		if ( (gRlvHandler.hasBehaviour(RLV_BHVR_SHOWLOC)) && (!chat.mRlvLocFiltered) && (CHAT_SOURCE_AGENT != chat.mSourceType) )
			LLChat& rlvChat = const_cast<LLChat&>(chat);
			if (!from_instant_message)
			rlvChat.mRlvLocFiltered = TRUE;
		if ( (gRlvHandler.hasBehaviour(RLV_BHVR_SHOWNAMES)) && (!chat.mRlvNamesFiltered) )
			LLChat& rlvChat = const_cast<LLChat&>(chat);
			if ( (!from_instant_message) && (CHAT_SOURCE_AGENT != chat.mSourceType) )
				// Filter object and system chat (names are filtered elsewhere to save ourselves an gObjectList lookup)
			rlvChat.mRlvNamesFiltered = TRUE;
// [/RLVa:KB]

	if (!invisible_script_debug_chat 
		&& !chat.mMuted 
		&& gConsole 
		&& !local_agent)
		// We display anything if it's not an IM. If it's an IM, check pref...
		if	( !from_instant_message || gSavedSettings.getBOOL("IMInChatConsole") ) 
			// Replace registered urls in the console so it looks right.
			std::string chit(chat.mText), // Read through this
						chat; // Add parts to this
			LLUrlMatch match;
			while (!chit.empty() && LLUrlRegistry::instance().findUrl(chit, match))
				const auto start(match.getStart()), length(match.getEnd()+1-start);
				if (start > 0) chat += chit.substr(0, start); // Add up to the start of the match
				chat += match.getLabel() + match.getQuery(); // Add the label and the query
				chit.erase(0, start+length); // remove the url match and all before it
			if (!chit.empty()) chat += chit; // Add any leftovers
			gConsole->addConsoleLine(chat, text_color);

	if(from_instant_message && gSavedPerAccountSettings.getBOOL("LogChatIM"))
	if(from_instant_message && gSavedSettings.getBOOL("IMInChatHistory")) 	 


Пример #20
bool LLUrlRegistry::findUrl(const LLWString &text, LLUrlMatch &match, const LLUrlLabelCallback &cb)
	// boost::regex_search() only works on char or wchar_t
	// types, but wchar_t is only 2-bytes on Win32 (not 4).
	// So we use UTF-8 to make this work the same everywhere.
	std::string utf8_text = wstring_to_utf8str(text);
	if (findUrl(utf8_text, match, cb))
		// we cannot blindly return the start/end offsets from
		// the UTF-8 string because it is a variable-length
		// character encoding, so we need to update the start
		// and end values to be correct for the wide string.
		LLWString wurl = utf8str_to_wstring(match.getUrl());
		S32 start = text.find(wurl);
		if (start == std::string::npos)
			return false;
		S32 end = start + wurl.size() - 1;

		match.setValues(start, end, match.getUrl(), 
		return true;
	return false;