Пример #1
/* [maintenence functions] */
void LocalBitmap::updateSelf()
	if ( this->linkstatus == LINK_ON || this->linkstatus == LINK_UPDATING )
		/* making sure file still exists */
		if ( !gDirUtilp->fileExists(this->filename) ) { this->linkstatus = LINK_BROKEN; return; }

		/* exists, let's check if it's lastmod has changed */
		llstat temp_stat;
		LLFile::stat(this->filename, &temp_stat);
		std::time_t temp_time = temp_stat.st_mtime;

		LLSD new_last_modified = asctime( localtime(&temp_time) );
		if ( this->last_modified.asString() == new_last_modified.asString() ) { return; }

		/* here we update the image */
		LLImageRaw* new_imgraw = new LLImageRaw();
		if ( !decodeSelf(new_imgraw) ) { this->linkstatus = LINK_UPDATING; return; }
		else { this->linkstatus = LINK_ON; }

		LLViewerFetchedTexture* image = gTextureList.findImage(this->id);
		if (!image->forSculpt()) 
		    { image->createGLTexture( LOCAL_DISCARD_LEVEL, new_imgraw ); }
			{ image->setCachedRawImage(-1,new_imgraw); }

		/* finalizing by updating lastmod to current */
		this->last_modified = new_last_modified;

		/* setting unit property to reflect that it has been changed */
		switch (this->bitmap_type)
				  { break; }

			case TYPE_SCULPT:
					  /* sets a bool to run through all visible sculpts in one go, and update the ones necessary. */
					  this->sculpt_dirty = true;
					  this->volume_dirty = true;
					  gLocalBrowser->setSculptUpdated( true );

			case TYPE_LAYER:
					  /* sets a bool to rebake layers after the iteration is done with */
					  gLocalBrowser->setLayerUpdated( true );

				  { break; }


/* [maintenence functions] */
void LLLocalBitmap::updateSelf()
	if ( this->mLinkStatus == LS_ON || this->mLinkStatus == LS_UPDATING )
		/* making sure file still exists */
		if ( !gDirUtilp->fileExists(this->mFilename) )
				this->mLinkStatus = LS_BROKEN;

		/* exists, let's check if it's lastmod has changed */
		const std::time_t temp_time = boost::filesystem::last_write_time( boost::filesystem::path( this->mFilename ) );
		LLSD new_last_modified = asctime( localtime(&temp_time) );
		if ( this->mLastModified.asString() == new_last_modified.asString() ) { return; }

		/* here we update the image */
		LLImageRaw* new_imgraw = new LLImageRaw();
		if ( !decodeSelf(new_imgraw) ) { this->mLinkStatus = LS_UPDATING; return; }
		else { this->mLinkStatus = LS_ON; }

		LLViewerFetchedTexture* image = gTextureList.findImage(this->mId);
		// here was a check if isForSculptOnly, but it appears the function is broken.
		image->createGLTexture( LOCAL_DISCARD_LEVEL, new_imgraw );
		image->setCachedRawImage( LOCAL_DISCARD_LEVEL, new_imgraw );

		/* finalizing by updating lastmod to current */
		this->mLastModified = new_last_modified;

		/* setting unit property to reflect that it has been changed */
		switch (this->mBitmapType)
			case BT_TEXTURE:
				  { break; }

			case BT_SCULPT:
					  /* sets a bool to run through all visible sculpts in one go, and update the ones necessary. */
					  this->mSculptDirty = true;
					  this->mVolumeDirty = true;
					  gLocalBrowser->setSculptUpdated( true );

			case BT_LAYER:
					  /* sets a bool to rebake layers after the iteration is done with */
					  gLocalBrowser->setLayerUpdated( true );

				  { break; }

