Пример #1
void NotifyObjectListeners (ASID idCell, ASID idObject)
    // If we get here, our cache of information for the specified object
    // has just been updated. Check for listeners who may be interested
    // in changes to this object.
    if (l.pListeners)
        for (LPENUM pEnum = l.pListenersKeyObject->FindFirst (&idObject); pEnum; pEnum = pEnum->FindNext())
            LPLISTENER pl = (LPLISTENER)( pEnum->GetObject() );
            if (pl->idCell != idCell)

            if (!IsWindow (pl->hNotify))
                l.pListeners->Remove (pl);
                Delete (pl);

            PostMessage (pl->hNotify, WM_ASC_NOTIFY_OBJECT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)idObject);
Пример #2
void SERVER::FreeServices (void)
   for (LPENUM pEnum = m_lServices->FindLast(); pEnum; pEnum = pEnum->FindPrevious())
      LPSERVICE lpService = (LPSERVICE)(pEnum->GetObject());
      m_lServices->Remove (lpService);
      Delete (lpService);
Пример #3
void SERVER::FreeAggregates (void)
   for (LPENUM pEnum = m_lAggregates->FindLast(); pEnum; pEnum = pEnum->FindPrevious())
      LPAGGREGATE lpAggregate = (LPAGGREGATE)(pEnum->GetObject());
      m_lAggregates->Remove (lpAggregate);
      Delete (lpAggregate);
Пример #4
void SERVER::SendDeleteNotifications (void)
   LPENUM pEnum;
   for (pEnum = m_lAggregates->FindFirst(); pEnum; pEnum = pEnum->FindNext())
      LPAGGREGATE lpAggregate = (LPAGGREGATE)(pEnum->GetObject());
      lpAggregate->SendDeleteNotifications ();

   for (pEnum = m_lServices->FindFirst(); pEnum; pEnum = pEnum->FindNext())
      LPSERVICE lpService = (LPSERVICE)(pEnum->GetObject());

   NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtDestroy, GetIdentifier());
Пример #5
void ClearObjectNotifications (HWND hNotify)

    if (l.pListeners)
        for (LPENUM pEnum = l.pListeners->FindFirst(); pEnum; pEnum = pEnum->FindNext())
            LPLISTENER pl = (LPLISTENER)( pEnum->GetObject() );
            if (pl->hNotify == hNotify)
                l.pListeners->Remove (pl);
                Delete (pl);

Пример #6
void TestForNotifications (UINT_PTR idClient, ASID idCell, ASID idObject)
    if (l.pListeners)
        // First we'll zip through our list of listeners and
        // build an ASIDLIST reflecting the objects in this cell
        // for which we're listening.
        LPASIDLIST pAsidList = NULL;
        for (LPENUM pEnum = l.pListeners->FindFirst(); pEnum; pEnum = pEnum->FindNext())
            LPLISTENER pl = (LPLISTENER)( pEnum->GetObject() );
            if (pl->idCell != idCell)
            if (idObject && (pl->idObject != idObject))

            if (!pAsidList)
                if (!asc_AsidListCreate (&pAsidList))
            if (!asc_AsidListAddEntry (&pAsidList, pl->idObject, 0))

        // Then we'll call one of our cache routines, which in turn will tell
        // the admin server what version of the properties we have for each
        // of these objects; if any have newer properties available, we'll
        // get them back--and that will cause us to send out notifications to
        // our listeners.
        if (pAsidList)
            ULONG status;
            (void)RefreshCachedProperties (idClient, idCell, pAsidList, GET_ALL_DATA, &status);
Пример #7
LPIDENT FILESET::GetIdentifier (void)
   if (m_lpiThis == NULL)
      TCHAR szCell[ cchNAME ];
      TCHAR szServer[ cchNAME ];
      TCHAR szAggregate[ cchNAME ];
      m_lpiAggregate->GetCellName (szCell);
      m_lpiAggregate->GetLongServerName (szServer);
      m_lpiAggregate->GetAggregateName (szAggregate);

      // Finding the identifier for a fileset is a little tricky, because
      // (a) a fileset identifier's unique "key" includes the fileset's
      // aggregate, and (b) filesets can move around in the cell.
      // We'll search through our list of IDENTs and see if we can find
      // an old IDENT object that refers to this fileset; if we can't find
      // one, we'll create a new one. To make sure we have an accurate match,
      // we'll require that the IDENT we find match all of the following
      // criteria:
      //    1- The identifier must point to a fileset
      //    2- The identifier must have the same fileset ID as this FILESET
      //    3- The identifier's cRef must be zero (i.e., there should
      //       not be another FILESET object out there which thinks *it*
      //       uses that IDENT)
      //    4- The identifier must (obviously) point to the cell in which
      //       this FILESET object resides
      //    5- If this is a fileset replica, the IDENT must be on the same
      //       aggregate as this fileset
      // Note that the IDENT class maintains its list of IDENTs in a
      // HASHLIST that a key placed on volume IDs. We'll use that key
      // to speed up our search enormously.
      BOOL fRequireSameAggregate = ProbablyReplica();

      for (LPENUM pEnum = IDENT::x_lkFilesetID->FindFirst (&m_idVolume); pEnum; pEnum = pEnum->FindNext())

         // Only volumes which match this fileset ID will get here.
         LPIDENT lpiFind = (LPIDENT)( pEnum->GetObject() );

         if (lpiFind->m_iType != itFILESET)
         if (lpiFind->m_cRef != 0)
         if (lstrcmpi (szCell, lpiFind->m_szCell))
         if (fRequireSameAggregate)
            if (lstrcmpi (szServer, lpiFind->m_szServer))
            if (lstrcmpi (szAggregate, lpiFind->m_szAggregate))

         // Found a match! Update the IDENT's name and location,
         // to ensure it jives with reality... for instance, if
         // a fileset has been moved, we'll need to fix the
         // server and aggregate names. Since this affects one
         // of the keys in the IDENT class's hashlist, update that list.
         Delete (pEnum);
         m_lpiThis = lpiFind;
         lstrcpy (m_lpiThis->m_szServer, szServer);
         lstrcpy (m_lpiThis->m_szAggregate, szAggregate);
         lstrcpy (m_lpiThis->m_szFileset, m_szName);

      if (m_lpiThis == NULL)
         m_lpiThis = New2 (IDENT,(this));  // Create a new IDENT if necessary.

      m_lpiThis->m_cRef ++;

   return m_lpiThis;
Пример #8
void Display_OnEndTask_UpdMachines (LPTASKPACKET ptp)
   HWND hDlg = GetTabChild (GetDlgItem (g.hMain, IDC_TAB));
   HWND hList = GetDlgItem (hDlg, IDC_MACHINES_LIST);
   if (IsWindow (hList) && !lstrcmpi (TASKDATA(ptp)->szPattern, g.szPatternMachines))
      FastList_Begin (hList);

      // Update the title above the list to indicate what we're showing
      TCHAR szCell[ cchRESOURCE ];
      asc_CellNameGet_Fast (g.idClient, g.idCell, szCell);

      LPTSTR pszTitle = FormatString ((TASKDATA(ptp)->szPattern[0]) ? IDS_MACHINES_PATTERN : IDS_MACHINES_ALL, TEXT("%s"), szCell);
      SetDlgItemText (hDlg, IDC_MACHINES_TITLE, pszTitle);
      FreeString (pszTitle);

      // For faster access, we'll want to use a hashlist to deal with
      // the items in our ASIDLIST (right now it's just a flat array).
      // This lets us remove duplicates--which is no big deal because
      // there shouldn't be any anyway--but more importantly it lets
      // us instantly determine if a particular ASID is in the list
      // (the asc_AsidListTest function is O(n), and we need O(1)).
      LPHASHLIST pAsidList = New (HASHLIST);
      if (TASKDATA(ptp)->pAsidList)
         for (size_t iAsid = 0; iAsid < TASKDATA(ptp)->pAsidList->cEntries; ++iAsid)
            pAsidList->AddUnique ((PVOID)(TASKDATA(ptp)->pAsidList->aEntries[ iAsid ].idObject));

      // Delete any items which are currently in the FastList but
      // which aren't in our AsidList.
      HLISTITEM hItemNext;
      for (HLISTITEM hItem = FastList_FindFirst (hList); hItem; hItem = hItemNext)
         hItemNext = FastList_FindNext (hList, hItem);
         ASID idObject = (ASID)FastList_GetItemParam (hList, hItem);
         if (!pAsidList->fIsInList ((PVOID)idObject))
            FastList_RemoveItem (hList, hItem);

      // Add items for any entries which are in our AsidList but aren't
      // currently in the FastList.
      DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLong (hList, GWL_STYLE);

      for (LPENUM pEnum = pAsidList->FindFirst(); pEnum; pEnum = pEnum->FindNext())
         ASID idObject = (ASID)( pEnum->GetObject() );

         HLISTITEM hItem;
         if ((hItem = FastList_FindItem (hList, (LPARAM)idObject)) == NULL)
            FASTLISTADDITEM ai;
            memset (&ai, 0x00, sizeof(ai));
            Display_GetImageIcons (dwStyle, gr.ivMch, idObject, imageSERVER, IMAGE_NOIMAGE, &ai.iFirstImage, &ai.iSecondImage);
            ai.lParam = (LPARAM)idObject;
            hItem = FastList_AddItem (hList, &ai);

      Delete (pAsidList);
      FastList_End (hList);

Пример #9
void AfsAdmSvr_CallbackManager (void)
   if ((++l.cManagers) == 1)
      l.heCallback = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, TEXT("AfsAdmSvr_CallbackManager Event"));
      l.pListCallbacks = New (HASHLIST);

   for (;;)
      WaitForSingleObjectEx (l.heCallback, INFINITE, FALSE);

      if (l.fStopManagers)

      // We must ensure that we don't block the server's operations because
      // a callback doesn't go through; since other operations may need
      // access to the l.pListCallbacks structure in order to queue new
      // callbacks, we can't leave it locked by issuing callbacks while
      // enumerating it. Instead we'll copy the list into a local copy,
      // clear it, and enumerate that local copy--other threads can then
      // continue to add new requests to l.pListCallbacks.

      LPHASHLIST pList = New (HASHLIST);
      LPENUM pEnum;
      for (pEnum = l.pListCallbacks->FindFirst(); pEnum; pEnum = pEnum->FindNext())
         LPCALLBACKDATA pData = (LPCALLBACKDATA)( pEnum->GetObject() );
         pList->Add (pData);
         l.pListCallbacks->Remove (pData);

      ResetEvent (l.heCallback);

      // Now enumerate that copied list, and issue callbacks for each item.
      for (pEnum = pList->FindFirst(); pEnum; pEnum = pEnum->FindNext())
         LPCALLBACKDATA pData = (LPCALLBACKDATA)( pEnum->GetObject() );

         try {
            switch (pData->Type)
               case cbtACTION:
                  AfsAdmSvrCallback_Action (pData->pAction, pData->fFinished);
         } catch(...) {

         pList->Remove (pData);
         AfsAdmSvr_FreeCallbackData (pData);

      Delete (pList);

   if ((--l.cManagers) == 0)
      Delete (l.pListCallbacks);
      l.pListCallbacks = NULL;
      CloseHandle (l.heCallback);
      l.heCallback = NULL;
Пример #10
BOOL SERVER::RefreshServices (BOOL fNotify, ULONG *pStatus)
   BOOL rc = TRUE;
   DWORD status = 0;

   if (m_fServicesOutOfDate)
      m_fServicesOutOfDate = FALSE;

      if (fIsMonitored())
         if (fNotify)
            NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtRefreshServicesBegin, GetIdentifier());

         // First thing is to forget about what services we think we have now.
         LPENUM pEnum;
         for (pEnum = m_lServices->FindLast(); pEnum; pEnum = pEnum->FindPrevious())
            LPSERVICE lpService = (LPSERVICE)(pEnum->GetObject());
            m_lServices->Remove (lpService);
            Delete (lpService);

         // Next, the harder part: look through the server to find a list
         // of services.
         PVOID hCell;
         PVOID hBOS;
         if ((hBOS = OpenBosObject (&hCell, &status)) == NULL)
            rc = FALSE;
            WORKERPACKET wpBegin;
            wpBegin.wpBosProcessNameGetBegin.hServer = hBOS;
            if (!Worker_DoTask (wtaskBosProcessNameGetBegin, &wpBegin, &status))
               rc = FALSE;
               LPSERVICE lpService = New2 (SERVICE,(this, TEXT("BOS")));
               m_lServices->Add (lpService);
               NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtCreate, lpService->GetIdentifier());

               for (;;)
                  TCHAR szServiceName[ cchNAME ];

                  WORKERPACKET wpNext;
                  wpNext.wpBosProcessNameGetNext.hEnum = wpBegin.wpBosProcessNameGetBegin.hEnum;
                  wpNext.wpBosProcessNameGetNext.pszService = szServiceName;

                  if (!Worker_DoTask (wtaskBosProcessNameGetNext, &wpNext, &status))
                     if (status == ADMITERATORDONE)
                        status = 0;
                        rc = FALSE;

                  lpService = New2 (SERVICE,(this, wpNext.wpBosProcessNameGetNext.pszService));
                  m_lServices->Add (lpService);
                  NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtCreate, lpService->GetIdentifier());

               WORKERPACKET wpDone;
               wpDone.wpBosProcessNameGetDone.hEnum = wpBegin.wpBosProcessNameGetBegin.hEnum;
               Worker_DoTask (wtaskBosProcessNameGetDone, &wpDone);


         if (fNotify)
            NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtRefreshServicesEnd, GetIdentifier(), ((rc) ? 0 : status));

   if (pStatus && !rc)
      *pStatus = status;
   return TRUE;
Пример #11
BOOL SERVER::RefreshAggregates (BOOL fNotify, ULONG *pStatus)
   BOOL rc = TRUE;
   DWORD status = 0;

   if (m_fAggregatesOutOfDate)
      m_fAggregatesOutOfDate = FALSE;

      if (fIsMonitored())
         if (fNotify)
            NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtRefreshAggregatesBegin, GetIdentifier());

         // First thing is to forget about what aggregates we think we have
         // now.
         LPENUM pEnum;
         for (pEnum = m_lAggregates->FindLast(); pEnum; pEnum = pEnum->FindPrevious())
            LPAGGREGATE lpAggregate = (LPAGGREGATE)(pEnum->GetObject());
            m_lAggregates->Remove (lpAggregate);
            Delete (lpAggregate);

         // Next, the harder part: look through the server to find a list
         // of aggregates.
         PVOID hCell;
         PVOID hVOS;
         if ((hVOS = OpenVosObject (&hCell, &status)) == NULL)
            rc = FALSE;
            WORKERPACKET wpBegin;
            wpBegin.wpVosPartitionGetBegin.hCell = hCell;
            wpBegin.wpVosPartitionGetBegin.hServer = hVOS;

            if (!Worker_DoTask (wtaskVosPartitionGetBegin, &wpBegin, &status))
               rc = FALSE;
               for (;;)
                  WORKERPACKET wpNext;
                  wpNext.wpVosPartitionGetNext.hEnum = wpBegin.wpVosPartitionGetBegin.hEnum;
                  if (!Worker_DoTask (wtaskVosPartitionGetNext, &wpNext, &status))
                     if (status == ADMITERATORDONE)
                        status = 0;
                        rc = FALSE;

                  vos_partitionEntry_p pData = &wpNext.wpVosPartitionGetNext.Data;

                  LPTSTR pszName = AnsiToString (pData->name);
                  LPTSTR pszDevice = AnsiToString (pData->deviceName);

                  LPAGGREGATE lpAggregate = New2 (AGGREGATE,(this, pszName, pszDevice));

                  lpAggregate->m_as.dwID = lpAggregate->GetID();

                  FreeString (pszDevice, pData->deviceName);
                  FreeString (pszName,   pData->name);

                  lpAggregate->m_wGhost |= GHOST_HAS_SERVER_ENTRY;
                  lpAggregate->m_as.ckStorageTotal = pData->totalSpace;
                  lpAggregate->m_as.ckStorageFree = pData->totalFreeSpace;
                  m_lAggregates->Add (lpAggregate);

                  NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtCreate, lpAggregate->GetIdentifier());

               WORKERPACKET wpDone;
               wpDone.wpVosPartitionGetDone.hEnum = wpBegin.wpVosPartitionGetBegin.hEnum;
               Worker_DoTask (wtaskVosPartitionGetDone, &wpDone);


         if (fNotify)
            NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtRefreshAggregatesEnd, GetIdentifier(), ((rc) ? 0 : status));

   if (pStatus && !rc)
      *pStatus = status;
   return TRUE;