Vect2 AziEquiProjection::project2(const LatLonAlt& lla) const { Vect2 p = sphere_to_plane(ref, spherical2xyz(,lla.lon())); if (p.norm() <= 0.0) { return Vect2::ZERO; } else { return p.Scal(GreatCircle::distance(lla, llaRef)/p.norm()); } }
std::pair<LatLonAlt,Velocity> KinematicsLatLon::vsAccel(const LatLonAlt& so, const Velocity& vo, double t, double a) { double dist =*t; double currentTrk = vo.trk(); LatLonAlt sn = GreatCircle::linear_initial(so, currentTrk, dist); double nsz = so.alt() + vo.z*t + 0.5*a*t*t; sn = sn.mkAlt(nsz); Velocity vn = vo.mkVs(vo.z + a*t); return std::pair<LatLonAlt,Velocity>(sn,vn); }
std::pair<LatLonAlt,Velocity> KinematicsLatLon::gsAccel(const LatLonAlt& so, const Velocity& vo, double t, double a) { double dist =*t + 0.5*a*t*t; double currentTrk = vo.trk(); LatLonAlt sn = GreatCircle::linear_initial(so, currentTrk, dist); sn = sn.mkAlt(so.alt() + vo.z*t); double vnGs = + a*t; Velocity vn = vo.mkGs(vnGs); //fpln(" $$$$$ gsAccel: sn = "+sn+" vn = "+vn); return std::pair<LatLonAlt,Velocity>(sn,vn); }
std::pair<LatLonAlt,Velocity> KinematicsLatLon::turnByDist2D(const LatLonAlt& so, const LatLonAlt& center, int dir, double d, double gsAtd) { double R = GreatCircle::distance(so, center); double alpha = dir*d/R; double vFinalTrk = GreatCircle::initial_course(center,so); double nTrk = vFinalTrk + alpha; LatLonAlt sn = GreatCircle::linear_initial(center, nTrk, R); sn = sn.mkAlt(0.0); double final_course = GreatCircle::final_course(center,sn); double finalTrk = final_course + dir*M_PI/2; Velocity vn = Velocity::mkTrkGsVs(finalTrk,gsAtd,0.0); //double finalTrk = vo.trk()+alpha; //double finalTrk = final_course + Util.sign(d)*Math.PI/2; //Velocity vn = vo.mkTrk(finalTrk); // TODO: THIS IS WRONG -- cannot assume gs is constant!!!! return std::pair<LatLonAlt,Velocity>(sn,vn); }
double KinematicsLatLon::closestDistOnTurn(const LatLonAlt& s0, const Velocity& v0, double R, int dir, const LatLonAlt& x, double maxDist) { LatLonAlt cent = center(s0, v0.trk(), R, dir); if (x.mkAlt(0).almostEquals(cent.mkAlt(0))) return -1.0; double ang1 = GreatCircle::initial_course(cent,s0); double ang2 = GreatCircle::initial_course(cent,x); double delta = Util::turnDelta(ang1, ang2, dir); double t = GreatCircle::small_circle_arc_length(R, delta); if (maxDist > 0 && (t < 0 || t > maxDist)) { double maxD = 2*M_PI*R; if (t > (maxD + maxDist) / 2) { return 0.0; } else { return maxDist; } } return t; }
scene::LatLonAlt scene::ECEFToLLATransform::transform(const Vector3& ecef) const { LatLonAlt lla; Vector3 myecef = ecef; //do conversion here; store result in lla struct double initLat = getInitialLatitude(myecef); double tempLat = computeLatitude(myecef, initLat); double threshold = 0.0; int idx = 0; do { if (idx++ > 4) break; lla.setLatRadians(tempLat); //recompute reducedLatitude initLat = computeReducedLatitude(tempLat); //recompute latitude tempLat = computeLatitude(myecef, initLat); threshold = lla.getLatRadians() - tempLat; } while (std::abs(threshold) > .00000000000000000001); lla.setLatRadians(tempLat); lla.setLonRadians(computeLongitude(myecef)); lla.setAlt(computeAltitude(myecef, lla.getLatRadians())); return lla; }
std::pair<LatLonAlt,Velocity> KinematicsLatLon::turnOmega(const LatLonAlt& so, const Velocity& vo, double t, double omega) { double currentTrk = vo.trk(); double perpTrk; if (omega > 0) perpTrk = currentTrk+M_PI/2; else perpTrk = currentTrk-M_PI/2; double radius = Kinematics::turnRadiusByRate(, omega); LatLonAlt center = GreatCircle::linear_initial(so, perpTrk, radius); double alpha = omega*t; double vFinalTrk = GreatCircle::initial_course(center,so); double nTrk = vFinalTrk + alpha; LatLonAlt sn = GreatCircle::linear_initial(center, nTrk, radius); sn = sn.mkAlt(so.alt() + vo.z*t); //double finalTrk = currentTrk+theta; double final_course = GreatCircle::final_course(center,sn); // TODO: THIS IS PROBABLY BETTER double finalTrk = final_course + Util::sign(omega)*M_PI/2; Velocity vn = vo.mkTrk(finalTrk); return std::pair<LatLonAlt,Velocity>(sn,vn); }
double KinematicsLatLon::closestTimeOnTurn(const LatLonAlt& s0, const Velocity& v0, double omega, const LatLonAlt& x, double endTime) { LatLonAlt cent = center(s0,v0,omega); if (x.mkAlt(0).almostEquals(cent.mkAlt(0))) return -1.0; double ang1 = GreatCircle::initial_course(cent,s0); double ang2 = GreatCircle::initial_course(cent,x); double delta = Util::turnDelta(ang1, ang2, Util::sign(omega)); double t = std::abs(delta/omega); if (endTime > 0 && (t < 0 || t > endTime)) { double maxTime = 2*M_PI/std::abs(omega); if (t > (maxTime + endTime) / 2) { return 0.0; } else { return endTime; } } return t; }
std::pair<LatLonAlt,Velocity> KinematicsLatLon::turnByDist(const LatLonAlt& so, const Velocity& vo, double signedRadius, double d) { double currentTrk = vo.trk(); double perpTrk; if (signedRadius > 0) perpTrk = currentTrk+M_PI/2; else perpTrk = currentTrk-M_PI/2; double radius = std::abs(signedRadius); LatLonAlt center = GreatCircle::linear_initial(so, perpTrk, radius); double alpha = d/signedRadius; double vFinalTrk = GreatCircle::initial_course(center,so); double nTrk = vFinalTrk + alpha; LatLonAlt sn = GreatCircle::linear_initial(center, nTrk, radius); double t = d/; sn = sn.mkAlt(so.alt() + vo.z*t); double final_course = GreatCircle::final_course(center,sn); //double finalTrk = currentTrk+alpha; double finalTrk = final_course + Util::sign(d)*M_PI/2; Velocity vn = vo.mkTrk(finalTrk); return std::pair<LatLonAlt,Velocity>(sn,vn); }
void SceneGeometry::initialize() { // Compute slant plane vectors mXs = mPa - mPo; mXs.normalize(); mZs = math::linear::cross(mXs, mVa); mZs.normalize(); // Figure out if we are pointing up or down mSideOfTrack = ( < 0) ? -1 : 1; mZs *= mSideOfTrack; mYs = math::linear::cross(mZs, mXs); // Transform mRefPosition to LLA; compute 'up' LatLonAlt lla = Utilities::ecefToLatLon(mPo); double sinLat = sin(lla.getLatRadians()); double cosLat = cos(lla.getLatRadians()); double sinLon = sin(lla.getLonRadians()); double cosLon = cos(lla.getLonRadians()); // mZg is also up mZg[0] = cosLat * cosLon; mZg[1] = cosLat * sinLon; mZg[2] = sinLat; mNorth[0] = -sinLat * cosLon; mNorth[1] = -sinLat * sinLon; mNorth[2] = cosLat; // Calculate ground range mRg = mXs - mZg * (; mRg *= -1; // Calculate ground track mVg = mVa - mZg * (; }
std::pair<LatLonAlt,Velocity> KinematicsLatLon::turnRadius(const LatLonAlt& so, const Velocity& vo, double t, double signedRadius) { double currentTrk = vo.trk(); double dir = Util::sign(signedRadius); double perpTrk = currentTrk+dir*M_PI/2; double radius = std::abs(signedRadius); LatLonAlt center = GreatCircle::linear_initial(so, perpTrk, radius); double pathDist =*t; double theta = pathDist/radius; //TODO: theta = pathDist/radius, assumes radius is a chord radius, when it is actually a great circle radius. // for small distances the difference is not that big, but still... //Note: The other problem is that this assumes a constant speed and constant ground speed through the turn. // this may or may not be true. double vFinalTrk = GreatCircle::initial_course(center,so); double nTrk = vFinalTrk + dir*theta; LatLonAlt sn = GreatCircle::linear_initial(center, nTrk, radius); sn = sn.mkAlt(so.alt() + vo.z*t); double final_course = GreatCircle::final_course(center,sn); double finalTrk = final_course + dir*M_PI/2; Velocity vn = vo.mkTrk(finalTrk); return std::pair<LatLonAlt,Velocity>(sn,vn); }
std::pair<LatLonAlt,Velocity> KinematicsLatLon::turnOmegaAlt(const LatLonAlt& so, const Velocity& vo, double t, double omega) { double currentTrk = vo.trk(); double perpTrk; if (omega > 0.0) { perpTrk = currentTrk+M_PI/2; } else { perpTrk = currentTrk-M_PI/2; } double radius = turnRadiusByRate(, omega); LatLonAlt center = GreatCircle::linear_initial(so, perpTrk, radius); //f.pln("center="+center); LatLonAlt sn = GreatCircle::small_circle_rotation(so,center,omega*t).mkAlt(so.alt()+vo.z*t); double finalPerpTrk = GreatCircle::initial_course(sn,center); double nTrk = finalPerpTrk - M_PI/2 * Util::sign(omega); Velocity vn = vo.mkTrk(nTrk); return std::pair<LatLonAlt,Velocity>(sn,vn); }
double scene::LLAToECEFTransform::computeRadius(const LatLonAlt& lla) { double f = model->calculateFlattening(); double flatLat = computeLatitude(lla.getLatRadians()); double denominator = (1.0 / pow((1.0 - f), 2)) - 1.0; denominator *= pow(sin(flatLat), 2); denominator += 1.0; double flatRadius = model->getEquatorialRadius(); flatRadius = pow(flatRadius, 2); flatRadius /= denominator; flatRadius = sqrt(flatRadius); return flatRadius; }
AziEquiProjection::AziEquiProjection(const LatLonAlt& lla) { projAlt = lla.alt(); ref = spherical2xyz(,lla.lon()); llaRef = lla; }
Vect3 AziEquiProjection::project(const LatLonAlt& lla) const { return Vect3(project2(lla),lla.alt() - projAlt); }
scene::Vector3 scene::LLAToECEFTransform::transform(const LatLonAlt& lla) { Vector3 ecef; LatLonAlt mylla = lla; if (std::abs(mylla.getLatRadians()) > M_PI/2 || std::abs(mylla.getLonRadians()) > M_PI) { //invalid lla coordinate std::ostringstream str; str << "Invalid lla coordinate: "; str << "lat="; str << lla.getLatRadians(); str << ", lon="; str << lla.getLonRadians(); str << ", alt="; str << lla.getAlt(); throw except::InvalidFormatException(str.str()); } //do conversion here; store result in ecef struct double r = computeRadius(mylla); double flatLat = computeLatitude(mylla.getLatRadians()); double coslat = cos(mylla.getLatRadians()); double coslon = cos(mylla.getLonRadians()); double cosflatlat = cos(flatLat); double sinlat = sin(mylla.getLatRadians()); double sinlon = sin(mylla.getLonRadians()); double sinflatlat = sin(flatLat); ecef[0] = (r * cosflatlat * coslon) + (mylla.getAlt() * coslat * coslon); ecef[1] = (r * cosflatlat * sinlon) + (mylla.getAlt() * coslat * sinlon); ecef[2] = (r * sinflatlat) + (mylla.getAlt() * sinlat); return ecef; }