Пример #1
// Rotate gauge of the lattice (from Min)
void rotate_gauge_explicit(Lattice &lat,int dir)

  const char *cname="none";
  const char *fname="rotate_gauge_explicit";

  if ((dir<0)||(dir>3)){
    VRB.Result(cname,fname,"Error:: direction should be 0,1,2,3\n");

  int NX(GJP.XnodeSites());
  int NY(GJP.YnodeSites());
  int NZ(GJP.ZnodeSites());
  int NT(GJP.TnodeSites());

  // Set up the gauge fixing and other required conditions

  int num_nodes[4]
    = { GJP.Xnodes(), GJP.Ynodes(), GJP.Znodes(), GJP.Tnodes() } ;
  int node_sites[4]
    = { GJP.XnodeSites(), GJP.YnodeSites(), GJP.ZnodeSites(), GJP.TnodeSites() } ;
  int Size[4];
  for (int i=0; i<4; i++){
    Size[i] = num_nodes[i]*node_sites[i];
  int *plns;
  plns = (int*) smalloc(Size[dir]*sizeof(int));
  for (int i=0; i<Size[dir]; i++){
    plns[i] = i;
  int npln = Size[dir];
  FixGaugeType normdir;
  if (dir==3) normdir = FIX_GAUGE_COULOMB_T;
  else if (dir==0) normdir = FIX_GAUGE_COULOMB_X;
  else if (dir==1) normdir = FIX_GAUGE_COULOMB_Y;
  else normdir = FIX_GAUGE_COULOMB_Z;

  //initialize the parameters need to gauge fixing ---------------------
  Matrix *L;
  Matrix **Gp;
  int ii;
  int volume = NX*NY*NZ*NT;
  L = (Matrix*) smalloc(4*volume*sizeof(Matrix));
  Gp = (Matrix**) smalloc(npln*sizeof(Matrix*));
  for(ii=0; ii<npln; ii++)
    Gp[ii] = (Matrix*) smalloc(volume/node_sites[dir] * sizeof(Matrix));

  for (int slice=0; slice<node_sites[dir]; slice++)
    for(int cnt=0; cnt<volume/node_sites[dir]; cnt++)
  // TRY TO Transform the Lattice to the Coulomb Gauge and store it ---------------

  int tt,xx,yy,zz,temp_ind;
  int slice_ind[3];
  //slice_ind[3] stores the 3 directions on the 'dir' slice with indices increasing 
  temp_ind = 0;
  for (int i=0; i<4; i++){
    if (i!=dir) {
      slice_ind[temp_ind] = i;
  VRB.Result(cname,fname,"dir == %d \n",dir);
  VRB.Result(cname,fname,"slice index == %d %d %d\n",slice_ind[0],slice_ind[1],slice_ind[2]);
  // the dummy node_sites for each dummy dirction
  int NN[4];
  NN[0] = node_sites[slice_ind[0]];
  NN[1] = node_sites[slice_ind[1]];
  NN[2] = node_sites[slice_ind[2]];
  NN[3] = node_sites[dir];
  int s[4];
  for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
    s[i] = slice_ind[i];
  s[3] = dir;

  //copy the old lattice config to matrix array L, transform L and then copy back
  int x[4];
  // xx yy zz tt are dummy position vector, as tt represents the gfixing direction  
  for (x[3]=0; x[3]<node_sites[3]; x[3]++)
    for (x[2]=0; x[2]<node_sites[2]; x[2]++)
      for (x[1]=0; x[1]<node_sites[1]; x[1]++)
	for (x[0]=0; x[0]<node_sites[0]; x[0]++)
	    xx = x[slice_ind[0]];
	    yy = x[slice_ind[1]];
	    zz = x[slice_ind[2]];
	    tt = x[dir];
	    Matrix g = Gp[tt][(zz*NN[1]+yy)*NN[0]+xx];
	    Matrix D; 
	    Matrix gg ;
	    Matrix transmit;
	    //----------------- T Direction ----------------------------
	    if (tt+1<NN[3]) gg = Gp[tt+1][(zz*NN[1]+yy)*NN[0]+xx];
	    else { 
	      transmit = Gp[0][(zz*NN[1]+yy)*NN[0]+xx];
	      getPlusData((IFloat *)&gg, (IFloat *)&transmit,
			  sizeof(Matrix)/sizeof(IFloat), dir) ;
	    L[IND(x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3],dir)] = g*L[IND(x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3],dir)]*D;
	    //----------------- Z Direction ----------------------------
	    if (zz+1<NN[2]) gg = Gp[tt][((zz+1)*NN[1]+yy)*NN[0]+xx]; 
	    else {
	      transmit = Gp[tt][((zz+1)%NN[2]*NN[1]+yy)*NN[0]+xx]; 
	      getPlusData((IFloat *)&gg, (IFloat *)&transmit,
			  sizeof(Matrix)/sizeof(IFloat), slice_ind[2]) ;
	    L[IND(x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3],slice_ind[2])] = g*L[IND(x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3],slice_ind[2])]*D;
	    //----------------- Y Direction ----------------------------
	    if (yy+1<NN[1]) gg = Gp[tt][(zz*NN[1]+(yy+1))*NN[0]+xx];
	    else {
	      transmit = Gp[tt][(zz*NN[1]+(yy+1)%NN[1])*NN[0]+xx];
	      getPlusData((IFloat *)&gg, (IFloat *)&transmit,
			  sizeof(Matrix)/sizeof(IFloat), slice_ind[1]) ;
	    L[IND(x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3],slice_ind[1])] = g*L[IND(x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3],slice_ind[1])]*D;
	    //----------------- X Direction ----------------------------
	    if (xx+1<NN[0]) gg = Gp[tt][(zz*NN[1]+yy)*NN[0]+(xx+1)];
	    else {
	      transmit = Gp[tt][(zz*NN[1]+yy)*NN[0]+(xx+1)%NN[0]];
	      getPlusData((IFloat *)&gg, (IFloat *)&transmit,
			  sizeof(Matrix)/sizeof(IFloat), slice_ind[0]) ;
	    L[IND(x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3],slice_ind[0])] = g*L[IND(x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3],slice_ind[0])]*D;
  //--------------------------------Free L and Gp -------------------------------------
  for (ii=0; ii<npln; ii++)

Пример #2
// Coulomb gauge fix fermion solution vector in hyperplanes of direction dir.
// Gauge fixing matrices must exist before this routine is used.
// --- Meifeng Lin 01/31/06
void FermionVector::gaugeFixSink(Lattice &lat, int dir) const
  char *fname = "gaugeFixSink()";
  VRB.Func(d_class_name, fname);
  Matrix **gm = lat.FixGaugePtr();
  //If gauge fixing matrices do not exist, 
  //nothing has to be done.
    ERR.General(d_class_name,fname,"No gauge fixing matrices were found\n");
    printf("Gauge Fixing Sink...\n");


  IFloat *fv = d_fermion_p;

  int error = 0;
  case 0:
    if ( lat.FixGaugeKind() != FIX_GAUGE_COULOMB_X )
      error = 1;break;
  case 1:
    if ( lat.FixGaugeKind() != FIX_GAUGE_COULOMB_Y )
      error = 1;break;
  case 2:
    if ( lat.FixGaugeKind() != FIX_GAUGE_COULOMB_Z )
      error = 1;break;
  case 3:
    if ( lat.FixGaugeKind() != FIX_GAUGE_COULOMB_T )
      error = 1;break;
  if (error)
    ERR.General(d_class_name,fname,"Mismatch gauge fixing kind\n");

  int lcl[LORENTZs];
  // Indices for all the directions
  // Here use "t" to indicate the propagation direction, but not necessarily 
  // the generic t direction. Other 3 directions are arbitrarily labelled x,y,z
  int t = dir;
  int z = (dir + 1) % LORENTZs;
  int y = (dir + 2) % LORENTZs;
  int x = (dir + 3) % LORENTZs;
  Vector tmp_vec;
  for (lcl[t]=0; lcl[t] < lcl_sites[t]; lcl[t]++) {
    Matrix *pM = gm[lcl[t]];
    if(pM != NULL ){
      for (lcl[z]  = 0; lcl[z] < lcl_sites[z]; lcl[z]++)
	for (lcl[y] = 0; lcl[y] < lcl_sites[y]; lcl[y]++)
	  for (lcl[x] = 0; lcl[x] < lcl_sites[x]; lcl[x]++)
	      // the matrix offset
	      int j =  siteOffset(lcl,dir);
	      for (int spin = 0; spin < DIRACs; spin++)
		  // the vector offset
		  int i= 2 * COLORs * ( spin + 4 * siteOffset(lcl));
		  tmp_vec.CopyVec((Vector*)&fv[i], 6);
		  uDotXEqual((IFloat*)&fv[i],(const IFloat*)&pM[j],
			     (const IFloat*)&tmp_vec);
         ERR.General(d_class_name,fname,"Not gauge fixing matrices were found at slice = %d\n",lcl[t]); 
         Float *null_p = 0;
         *null_p = 1.;
