int UtcDaliHitTestAlgorithmStencil(void)
  TestApplication application;
  tet_infoline("Testing Dali::HitTestAlgorithm with a stencil");

  Stage stage = Stage::GetCurrent();
  Actor rootLayer = stage.GetRootLayer();
  rootLayer.SetName( "RootLayer" );

  // Create a layer
  Layer layer = Layer::New();
  layer.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::TOP_LEFT );
  layer.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::TOP_LEFT );
  layer.SetName( "layer" );
  stage.Add( layer );

  // Create a stencil and add that to the layer
  Actor stencil = ImageActor::New(Dali::BitmapImage::WHITE() );
  stencil.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::TOP_LEFT );
  stencil.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::TOP_LEFT );
  stencil.SetSize( 50.0f, 50.0f );
  stencil.SetDrawMode( DrawMode::STENCIL );
  stencil.SetName( "stencil" );
  layer.Add( stencil );

  // Create an actor and add that to the layer
  Actor layerHitActor = Actor::New();
  layerHitActor.SetSize( 100.0f, 100.0f );
  layerHitActor.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::TOP_LEFT );
  layerHitActor.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::TOP_LEFT );
  layerHitActor.SetName( "layerHitActor" );
  layer.Add( layerHitActor );

  // Render and notify

  // Hit within stencil and actor
    HitTestAlgorithm::Results results;
    HitTest(stage, Vector2( 10.0f, 10.0f ), results, &DefaultIsActorTouchableFunction);
    DALI_TEST_CHECK( == layerHitActor );
    tet_printf( "Hit: %s\n", ( ? : "NULL" ) );

  // Hit within actor but outside of stencil, should hit the root-layer
    HitTestAlgorithm::Results results;
    HitTest(stage, Vector2( 60.0f, 60.0f ), results, &DefaultIsActorTouchableFunction);
    DALI_TEST_CHECK( == rootLayer );
    tet_printf( "Hit: %s\n", ( ? : "NULL" ) );
bool CubeTransitionApp::OnEffectButtonClicked( Toolkit::Button button )
  mContent.Remove( mCurrentEffect );
  if(mCurrentEffect == mCubeWaveEffect)
    mCurrentEffect = mCubeCrossEffect;
    mTitle.SetProperty( TextLabel::Property::TEXT, std::string(APPLICATION_TITLE_CROSS) );
    mEffectChangeButton.SetUnselectedImage( EFFECT_CROSS_IMAGE );
    mEffectChangeButton.SetSelectedImage( EFFECT_CROSS_IMAGE_SELECTED );

  else if(mCurrentEffect == mCubeCrossEffect)
    mCurrentEffect = mCubeFoldEffect;
    mTitle.SetProperty( TextLabel::Property::TEXT, std::string(APPLICATION_TITLE_FOLD) );
    mEffectChangeButton.SetUnselectedImage( EFFECT_FOLD_IMAGE );
    mEffectChangeButton.SetSelectedImage( EFFECT_FOLD_IMAGE_SELECTED );
    mCurrentEffect = mCubeWaveEffect;
    mTitle.SetProperty( TextLabel::Property::TEXT, std::string(APPLICATION_TITLE_WAVE) );
    mEffectChangeButton.SetUnselectedImage( EFFECT_WAVE_IMAGE );
    mEffectChangeButton.SetSelectedImage( EFFECT_WAVE_IMAGE_SELECTED );
  mContent.Add( mCurrentEffect );

  // Set the current image to cube transition effect
  // only need to set at beginning or change from another effect
  mCurrentEffect.SetCurrentImage( mCurrentImage );
  return true;
void DissolveEffectApp::OnInit( Application& application )
  Stage::GetCurrent().KeyEventSignal().Connect(this, &DissolveEffectApp::OnKeyEvent);

  // Creates a default view with a default tool bar, the view is added to the stage.
  mContent = DemoHelper::CreateView( application, mView,mToolBar, "", TOOLBAR_IMAGE, "" );

  // Add an effect-changing button on the right of the tool bar.
  mEffectChangeButton = Toolkit::PushButton::New();
  mEffectChangeButton.SetProperty( Toolkit::Button::Property::UNSELECTED_STATE_IMAGE, EFFECT_HIGHP_IMAGE );
  mEffectChangeButton.SetProperty( Toolkit::Button::Property::SELECTED_STATE_IMAGE, EFFECT_HIGHP_IMAGE_SELECTED );
  mEffectChangeButton.ClickedSignal().Connect( this, &DissolveEffectApp::OnEffectButtonClicked );
  mToolBar.AddControl( mEffectChangeButton, DemoHelper::DEFAULT_VIEW_STYLE.mToolBarButtonPercentage, Toolkit::Alignment::HorizontalRight, DemoHelper::DEFAULT_MODE_SWITCH_PADDING );

  // Add title to the tool bar.
  mTitleActor = DemoHelper::CreateToolBarLabel( APPLICATION_TITLE_HIGHP );
  mToolBar.AddControl( mTitleActor, DemoHelper::DEFAULT_VIEW_STYLE.mToolBarTitlePercentage, Toolkit::Alignment::HorizontalCenter );

  // Add an slide-show button on the right of the title
  mPlayStopButton = Toolkit::PushButton::New();
  mPlayStopButton.SetProperty( Toolkit::Button::Property::UNSELECTED_STATE_IMAGE, PLAY_ICON );
  mPlayStopButton.SetProperty( Toolkit::Button::Property::SELECTED_STATE_IMAGE, PLAY_ICON_SELECTED );
  mPlayStopButton.ClickedSignal().Connect( this, &DissolveEffectApp::OnSildeshowButtonClicked );
  mToolBar.AddControl( mPlayStopButton, DemoHelper::DEFAULT_VIEW_STYLE.mToolBarButtonPercentage, Toolkit::Alignment::HorizontalCenter, DemoHelper::DEFAULT_PLAY_PADDING );

  // use pan gesture to detect the cursor or finger movement
  mPanGestureDetector = PanGestureDetector::New();
  mPanGestureDetector.DetectedSignal().Connect( this, &DissolveEffectApp::OnPanGesture );

  mViewTimer = Timer::New( VIEWINGTIME );
  mViewTimer.TickSignal().Connect( this, &DissolveEffectApp::OnTimerTick );
  mTimerReady = true;

  // Set size to stage size to avoid seeing a black border on transition
  mParent = Actor::New();
  mParent.SetSize( Stage::GetCurrent().GetSize() );
  mParent.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER );
  mContent.Add( mParent );

  // show the first image
  mCurrentImage = CreateStageFillingImageView( IMAGES[mIndex] );
  mCurrentImage.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER );
  mCurrentImage.SetResizePolicy( ResizePolicy::FILL_TO_PARENT, Dimension::ALL_DIMENSIONS );
  mCurrentImage.SetSizeScalePolicy( SizeScalePolicy::FIT_WITH_ASPECT_RATIO );
  mParent.Add( mCurrentImage );

  mPanGestureDetector.Attach( mCurrentImage );

  mDissolveEffect = Dali::Toolkit::CreateDissolveEffect( mUseHighPrecision );
  Property::Map emptyShaderMap;
  mEmptyEffect.Insert( "shader", emptyShaderMap );
void EffectsViewApp::OnAppInitialize( Application& application )
  // The Init signal is received once (only) during the Application lifetime

  Stage stage = Stage::GetCurrent();
  stage.KeyEventSignal().Connect(this, &EffectsViewApp::OnKeyEvent);
  stage.SetBackgroundColor( Color::WHITE );

  mStageSize = stage.GetSize();

  // Creates a default view with a default tool bar.
  // The view is added to the stage.
  mContents = DemoHelper::CreateView( application, mView, mToolBar, "", TOOLBAR_IMAGE, "" );

  // Creates view change button.
  Toolkit::PushButton viewButton = Toolkit::PushButton::New();
  viewButton.SetUnselectedImage( VIEW_SWAP_IMAGE );
  viewButton.SetSelectedImage( VIEW_SWAP_SELECTED_IMAGE );
  // Connects the view change button clicked signal to the OnView method.
  viewButton.ClickedSignal().Connect( this, &EffectsViewApp::ChangeEffectSize );
  mToolBar.AddControl( viewButton, DemoHelper::DEFAULT_VIEW_STYLE.mToolBarButtonPercentage, Toolkit::Alignment::HorizontalRight, DemoHelper::DEFAULT_MODE_SWITCH_PADDING  );

  Vector2 effectsViewSize( mStageSize.width, mStageSize.height * 0.25f );
  mDropShadowView = CreateEffectsView( EffectsView::DROP_SHADOW, effectsViewSize, mEffectSize );
  mDropShadowView.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER );
  mDropShadowView.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::BOTTOM_CENTER );
  mDropShadowView.SetZ( -mStageSize.height * 0.1f );
  mContents.Add( mDropShadowView );

  mEmbossView = CreateEffectsView( EffectsView::EMBOSS, effectsViewSize, mEffectSize );
  mEmbossView.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER );
  mEmbossView.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::TOP_CENTER );
  mEmbossView.SetZ( mStageSize.height * 0.1f );
  mContents.Add( mEmbossView );

  SetTitle( mEffectSize );
Пример #5
void Magnifier::SetFrameVisibility(bool visible)
  if(visible && !mFrameLayer)
    Actor self(Self());

    Layer mFrameLayer = Layer::New();
    mFrameLayer.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER );

    Image image = Image::New( DEFAULT_FRAME_IMAGE_PATH );
    ImageActor frame = ImageActor::New( image );
    frame.SetStyle( ImageActor::STYLE_NINE_PATCH );

    frame.SetNinePatchBorder( Vector4::ONE * IMAGE_BORDER_INDENT );

    // Apply position constraint to the frame
    Constraint constraint = Constraint::New<Vector3>( Actor::POSITION,
                                                      Source( self, Actor::WORLD_POSITION ),
                                                      EqualToConstraint() );

    // Apply scale constraint to the frame
    constraint = Constraint::New<Vector3>( Actor::SCALE,
                                           Source( self, Actor::SCALE ),
                                           EqualToConstraint() );

    Source(self, Actor::SCALE),

    // Apply size constraint to the the frame
    constraint = Constraint::New<Vector3>(Actor::SIZE,
                                          Source(self, Actor::SIZE),
  else if(!visible && mFrameLayer)
void CubeTransitionApp::OnInit( Application& application )
  Stage::GetCurrent().KeyEventSignal().Connect(this, &CubeTransitionApp::OnKeyEvent);

  // Creates a default view with a default tool bar, the view is added to the stage.
  mContent = DemoHelper::CreateView( application, mView, mToolBar, "", TOOLBAR_IMAGE, "" );
  mContent.SetBehavior( Layer::LAYER_3D );

  // Add an effect-changing button on the right of the tool bar.
  mEffectChangeButton = Toolkit::PushButton::New();
  mEffectChangeButton.SetUnselectedImage( EFFECT_WAVE_IMAGE );
  mEffectChangeButton.SetSelectedImage( EFFECT_WAVE_IMAGE_SELECTED );
  mEffectChangeButton.ClickedSignal().Connect( this, &CubeTransitionApp::OnEffectButtonClicked );
  mToolBar.AddControl( mEffectChangeButton, DemoHelper::DEFAULT_VIEW_STYLE.mToolBarButtonPercentage, Toolkit::Alignment::HorizontalRight, DemoHelper::DEFAULT_MODE_SWITCH_PADDING );

  // Add title to the tool bar.
  mTitle = DemoHelper::CreateToolBarLabel( APPLICATION_TITLE_WAVE );
  mToolBar.AddControl( mTitle, DemoHelper::DEFAULT_VIEW_STYLE.mToolBarTitlePercentage, Toolkit::Alignment::HorizontalCenter );

  //Add an slideshow icon on the right of the title
  mSlideshowButton = Toolkit::PushButton::New();
  mSlideshowButton.SetUnselectedImage( SLIDE_SHOW_START_ICON );
  mSlideshowButton.SetSelectedImage( SLIDE_SHOW_START_ICON_SELECTED );
  mSlideshowButton.ClickedSignal().Connect( this, &CubeTransitionApp::OnSildeshowButtonClicked );
  mToolBar.AddControl( mSlideshowButton, DemoHelper::DEFAULT_VIEW_STYLE.mToolBarButtonPercentage, Toolkit::Alignment::HorizontalCenter, DemoHelper::DEFAULT_PLAY_PADDING );

  // Set size to stage size to avoid seeing a black border on transition
  mViewSize = Stage::GetCurrent().GetSize();

  // show the first image
  mCurrentImage = LoadStageFillingImage( IMAGES[mIndex] );

  //use small cubes
  mCubeWaveEffect = Toolkit::CubeTransitionWaveEffect::New( NUM_ROWS_WAVE, NUM_COLUMNS_WAVE );
  mCubeWaveEffect.SetTransitionDuration( ANIMATION_DURATION_WAVE );
  mCubeWaveEffect.SetCubeDisplacement( CUBE_DISPLACEMENT_WAVE );
  mCubeWaveEffect.TransitionCompletedSignal().Connect(this, &CubeTransitionApp::OnTransitionCompleted);

  mCubeWaveEffect.SetSize( mViewSize );
  mCubeWaveEffect.SetPositionInheritanceMode( USE_PARENT_POSITION );
  mCubeWaveEffect.SetCurrentImage( mCurrentImage );

  // use big cubes
  mCubeCrossEffect = Toolkit::CubeTransitionCrossEffect::New(NUM_ROWS_CROSS, NUM_COLUMNS_CROSS );
  mCubeCrossEffect.SetTransitionDuration( ANIMATION_DURATION_CROSS );
  mCubeCrossEffect.SetCubeDisplacement( CUBE_DISPLACEMENT_CROSS );
  mCubeCrossEffect.TransitionCompletedSignal().Connect(this, &CubeTransitionApp::OnTransitionCompleted);

  mCubeCrossEffect.SetSize( mViewSize );
  mCubeCrossEffect.SetPositionInheritanceMode( USE_PARENT_POSITION );
  mCubeCrossEffect.SetCurrentImage( mCurrentImage );

  mCubeFoldEffect = Toolkit::CubeTransitionFoldEffect::New( NUM_ROWS_FOLD, NUM_COLUMNS_FOLD );
  mCubeFoldEffect.SetTransitionDuration( ANIMATION_DURATION_FOLD );
  mCubeFoldEffect.TransitionCompletedSignal().Connect(this, &CubeTransitionApp::OnTransitionCompleted);

  mCubeFoldEffect.SetSize( mViewSize );
  mCubeFoldEffect.SetPositionInheritanceMode( USE_PARENT_POSITION );
  mCubeFoldEffect.SetCurrentImage( mCurrentImage );

  mViewTimer = Timer::New( VIEWINGTIME );
  mViewTimer.TickSignal().Connect( this, &CubeTransitionApp::OnTimerTick );

  mCurrentEffect = mCubeWaveEffect;
  mContent.Add( mCurrentEffect );

  // use pan gesture to detect the cursor or finger movement
  mPanGestureDetector = PanGestureDetector::New();
  mPanGestureDetector.DetectedSignal().Connect( this, &CubeTransitionApp::OnPanGesture );
  mPanGestureDetector.Attach( mContent );
   * Invoked upon creation of application
   * @param[in] application The application instance
  void Create( Application& application )
    Stage::GetCurrent().KeyEventSignal().Connect(this, &ExampleController::OnKeyEvent);

    mStageSize = Stage::GetCurrent().GetSize();

    // The Init signal is received once (only) during the Application lifetime

    // Hide the indicator bar
    application.GetWindow().ShowIndicator( Dali::Window::INVISIBLE );

    // Creates a default view with a default tool bar.
    // The view is added to the stage.
    Toolkit::ToolBar toolBar;
    mContent = DemoHelper::CreateView( application,
                                       APPLICATION_TITLE );

    mContent.TouchSignal().Connect( this, &ExampleController::OnTouched );

    // Create magnifier (controlled by human touch)
    Layer overlay = Layer::New();
    overlay.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER );

    mMagnifier = Toolkit::Magnifier::New();
    mMagnifier.SetSourceActor( mView );
    mMagnifier.SetSize( MAGNIFIER_SIZE * mStageSize.width );  // Size of magnifier is in relation to stage width
    mMagnifier.SetProperty( Toolkit::Magnifier::Property::MAGNIFICATION_FACTOR, MAGNIFICATION_FACTOR );
    overlay.Add( mMagnifier );

    // Apply constraint to animate the position of the magnifier.
    Constraint constraint = Constraint::New<Vector3>( mMagnifier, Actor::Property::POSITION, ConfinementConstraint(Vector3( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f ), Vector2::ONE * MAGNIFIER_INDENT, Vector2::ONE * MAGNIFIER_INDENT) );
    constraint.AddSource( LocalSource(Actor::Property::SIZE) );
    constraint.AddSource( LocalSource(Actor::Property::PARENT_ORIGIN) );
    constraint.AddSource( LocalSource(Actor::Property::ANCHOR_POINT) );
    constraint.AddSource( ParentSource(Actor::Property::SIZE) );

    // Create bouncing magnifier automatically bounces around screen.
    mBouncingMagnifier = Toolkit::Magnifier::New();
    mBouncingMagnifier.SetSourceActor( mView );
    mBouncingMagnifier.SetSize( MAGNIFIER_SIZE * mStageSize.width ); // Size of magnifier is in relation to stage width
    mBouncingMagnifier.SetProperty( Toolkit::Magnifier::Property::MAGNIFICATION_FACTOR, MAGNIFICATION_FACTOR );
    overlay.Add( mBouncingMagnifier );

    mAnimationTimeProperty = mBouncingMagnifier.RegisterProperty("animationTime",  0.0f);

    // Apply constraint to animate the position of the magnifier.
    constraint = Constraint::New<Vector3>( mBouncingMagnifier, Actor::Property::POSITION, MagnifierPathConstraint(mStageSize, mStageSize * 0.5f) );
    constraint.AddSource( LocalSource(Actor::Property::SIZE) );
    constraint.AddSource( LocalSource(mAnimationTimeProperty) );

    // Apply constraint to animate the source of the magnifier.
    constraint = Constraint::New<Vector3>( mBouncingMagnifier, Toolkit::Magnifier::Property::SOURCE_POSITION, MagnifierPathConstraint(mStageSize) );
    constraint.AddSource( LocalSource(Actor::Property::SIZE) );
    constraint.AddSource( LocalSource(mAnimationTimeProperty) );
   * @brief This is the main scene setup method for this demo.
   * This is called via the Init signal which is received once (only) during the Application lifetime.
   * @param[in] application The DALi application object
  void Create( Application& application )
    Stage stage = Stage::GetCurrent();

    // Creates a default view with a default tool-bar.
    // The view is added to the stage.
    Toolkit::ToolBar toolBar;
    Layer toolBarLayer = DemoHelper::CreateView( application, mView, toolBar, BACKGROUND_IMAGE, TOOLBAR_IMAGE, APPLICATION_TITLE );
    stage.Add( toolBarLayer );

    // Layer to hold the 3D scene.
    Layer layer = Layer::New();
    layer.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::CENTER );
    // Set the parent origin to a small percentage below the center (so the demo will scale for different resolutions).
    layer.SetParentOrigin( Vector3( 0.5f, 0.58f, 0.5f ) );
    layer.SetBehavior( Layer::LAYER_2D );
    layer.SetDepthTestDisabled( false );
    stage.Add( layer );

    // Main cube:
    // Make the demo scalable with different resolutions by basing
    // the cube size on a percentage of the stage size.
    float scaleSize( std::min( stage.GetSize().width, stage.GetSize().height ) );
    float cubeWidth( scaleSize * CUBE_WIDTH_SCALE );
    Vector3 cubeSize( cubeWidth, cubeWidth, cubeWidth );
    // Create the geometry for the cube, and the texture.
    Geometry cubeGeometry = CreateCubeVertices( Vector3::ONE, false );
    TextureSet cubeTextureSet = CreateTextureSet( CUBE_TEXTURE );
    // Create the cube object and add it.
    // Note: The cube is anchored around its base for animation purposes, so the position can be zero.
    mCubes[ MAIN_CUBE ] = CreateMainCubeObject( cubeGeometry, cubeSize, cubeTextureSet );
    layer.Add( mCubes[ MAIN_CUBE ] );

    // Floor:
    float floorWidth( scaleSize * FLOOR_DIMENSION_SCALE.x );
    Vector3 floorSize( floorWidth, scaleSize * FLOOR_DIMENSION_SCALE.y, floorWidth );
    // Create the floor object using the cube geometry with a new size, and add it.
    Actor floorObject( CreateFloorObject( cubeGeometry, floorSize ) );
    layer.Add( floorObject );

    // Stencil:
    Vector3 planeSize( floorWidth, floorWidth, 0.0f );
    // Create the stencil plane object, and add it.
    Actor stencilPlaneObject( CreateStencilPlaneObject( planeSize ) );
    layer.Add( stencilPlaneObject );

    // Reflection cube:
    // Create the reflection cube object and add it.
    // Note: The cube is anchored around its base for animation purposes, so the position can be zero.
    mCubes[ REFLECTION_CUBE ] = CreateReflectionCubeObject( cubeSize, cubeTextureSet );
    layer.Add( mCubes[ REFLECTION_CUBE ] );

    // Rotate the layer so we can see some of the top of the cube for a more 3D effect.
    layer.SetProperty( Actor::Property::ORIENTATION, Quaternion( Degree( -24.0f ), Degree( 0.0f ), Degree( 0.0f ) ) );

    // Set up the rotation on the Y axis.
    mRotationAnimation = Animation::New( ANIMATION_ROTATION_DURATION );
    float fullRotation = 360.0f;
    mRotationAnimation.AnimateBy( Property( mCubes[ MAIN_CUBE ], Actor::Property::ORIENTATION ),
                                 Quaternion( Degree( 0.0f ), Degree( fullRotation ), Degree( 0.0f ) ) );
    mRotationAnimation.AnimateBy( Property( floorObject, Actor::Property::ORIENTATION ),
                                 Quaternion( Degree( 0.0f ), Degree( fullRotation ), Degree( 0.0f ) ) );
    // Note the stencil is pre-rotated by 90 degrees on X, so we rotate relatively on its Z axis for an equivalent Y rotation.
    mRotationAnimation.AnimateBy( Property( stencilPlaneObject, Actor::Property::ORIENTATION ),
                                 Quaternion( Degree( 0.0f ), Degree( 0.0f ), Degree( fullRotation ) ) );
    mRotationAnimation.AnimateBy( Property( mCubes[ REFLECTION_CUBE ], Actor::Property::ORIENTATION ),
                                 Quaternion( Degree( 0.0f ), Degree( fullRotation ), Degree( 0.0f ) ) );
    mRotationAnimation.SetLooping( true );

    // Set up the cube bouncing animation.
    float totalTime = ANIMATION_BOUNCE_TOTAL_TIME;
    float deformationTime = ANIMATION_BOUNCE_DEFORMATION_TIME;
    // Percentage based amounts allows the bounce and deformation to scale for different resolution screens.
    float deformationAmount = ANIMATION_BOUNCE_DEFORMATION_PERCENT / 100.0f;
    float heightChange = ( cubeSize.y * ANIMATION_BOUNCE_HEIGHT_PERCENT ) / 100.0f;

    // Animation pre-calculations:
    float halfTime = totalTime / 2.0f;
    float halfDeformationTime = deformationTime / 2.0f;

    // First position the cubes at the top of the animation cycle.
    mCubes[ MAIN_CUBE ].SetProperty(       Actor::Property::POSITION_Y, -heightChange );
    mCubes[ REFLECTION_CUBE ].SetProperty( Actor::Property::POSITION_Y,  heightChange );

    mBounceAnimation = Animation::New( totalTime );

    // The animations for the main and reflected cubes are almost identical, so we combine the code to do both.
    for( int cube = 0; cube < 2; ++cube )
      // If iterating on the reflection cube, adjust the heightChange variable so the below code can be reused.
      if( cube == 1 )
        heightChange = -heightChange;

      // 1st TimePeriod: Start moving down with increasing speed, until it is time to distort the cube due to impact.
      mBounceAnimation.AnimateBy( Property( mCubes[ cube ], Actor::Property::POSITION_Y ),  heightChange, AlphaFunction::EASE_IN_SQUARE, TimePeriod( 0.0f, halfTime - halfDeformationTime ) );

      // 2nd TimePeriod: The cube is touching the floor, start deforming it - then un-deform it again.
      mBounceAnimation.AnimateBy( Property( mCubes[ cube ], Actor::Property::SCALE_X ),  deformationAmount, AlphaFunction::BOUNCE, TimePeriod( halfTime - halfDeformationTime, deformationTime ) );
      mBounceAnimation.AnimateBy( Property( mCubes[ cube ], Actor::Property::SCALE_Z ),  deformationAmount, AlphaFunction::BOUNCE, TimePeriod( halfTime - halfDeformationTime, deformationTime ) );
      mBounceAnimation.AnimateBy( Property( mCubes[ cube ], Actor::Property::SCALE_Y ), -deformationAmount, AlphaFunction::BOUNCE, TimePeriod( halfTime - halfDeformationTime, deformationTime ) );

      // 3rd TimePeriod: Start moving up with decreasing speed, until at the apex of the animation.
      mBounceAnimation.AnimateBy( Property( mCubes[ cube ], Actor::Property::POSITION_Y ), -heightChange, AlphaFunction::EASE_OUT_SQUARE, TimePeriod( halfTime + halfDeformationTime, halfTime - halfDeformationTime ) );

    mBounceAnimation.SetLooping( true );

    // Start the animations.

    // Respond to a click anywhere on the stage
    stage.GetRootLayer().TouchSignal().Connect( this, &RendererStencilExample::OnTouch );
    // Connect signals to allow Back and Escape to exit.
    stage.KeyEventSignal().Connect( this, &RendererStencilExample::OnKeyEvent );
Пример #9
void Magnifier::Initialize()
  Actor self = Self();
  mPropertySourcePosition = self.RegisterProperty( Toolkit::Magnifier::SOURCE_POSITION_PROPERTY_NAME, Vector3::ZERO );
  Vector2 stageSize(Stage::GetCurrent().GetSize());

  Layer dummyLayer = Layer::New();

  // NOTE:
  // sourceActor is a dummy delegate actor that takes the source property position,
  // and generates a WORLD_POSITION, which is 1 frame behind the source property.
  // This way the constraints for determining the camera position (source) and those
  // for determining viewport position use the same 1 frame old values.
  // A simple i) CameraPos = f(B), ii) B = f(A) set of constraints wont suffice as
  // although CameraPos will use B, which is A's previous value. The constraint will
  // not realise that B is still dirty as far as constraint (i) is concerned.
  // Perhaps this is a bug in the way the constraint system factors into what is dirty
  // and what is not.
  mSourceActor = Actor::New();
  Constraint constraint = Constraint::New<Vector3>( Actor::POSITION,
                                                    Source( self, mPropertySourcePosition ),
                                                    EqualToConstraint() );

  // create the render task this will render content on top of everything
  // based on camera source position.

  // set up some constraints to:
  // i) reposition (dest) frame actor based on magnifier actor's world position (this is 1 frame delayed)
  // ii) reposition and resize (dest) the render task's viewport based on magnifier actor's world position (1 frame delayed) & size.
  // iii) reposition (source) camera actor based on magnifier source actor's world position (this is 1 frame delayed)

  // Apply constraint to camera's position
  // Position our camera at the same distance from its target as the default camera is.
  // The camera position doesn't affect how we render, just what we render (due to near and far clip planes)
  // NOTE: We can't interrogate the default camera's position as it is not known initially (takes 1 frame
  // for value to update).
  // But we can determine the initial position using the same formula:
  // distance = stage.height * 0.5 / tan(FOV * 0.5)

  RenderTaskList taskList = Stage::GetCurrent().GetRenderTaskList();
  RenderTask renderTask = taskList.GetTask(0u);
  float fov = renderTask.GetCameraActor().GetFieldOfView();
  mDefaultCameraDistance = (stageSize.height * 0.5f) / tanf(fov * 0.5f);

  // Use a 1 frame delayed source position to determine the camera actor's position.
  // This is necessary as the viewport is determined by the Magnifier's Actor's World position (which is computed
  // at the end of the update cycle i.e. after constraints have been applied.)
  //Property::Index propertySourcePositionDelayed = mCameraActor.RegisterProperty("delayed-source-position", Vector3::ZERO);

  constraint = Constraint::New<Vector3>( Actor::POSITION,
                                                    Source( mSourceActor, Actor::WORLD_POSITION ),
                                                    CameraActorPositionConstraint(stageSize, mDefaultCameraDistance) );

  // Apply constraint to render-task viewport position
  constraint = Constraint::New<Vector2>( RenderTask::VIEWPORT_POSITION,
                                         Source( self, Actor::WORLD_POSITION ),//mPropertySourcePosition ),
                                         Source( self, Actor::SIZE ),
                                         Source( self, Actor::WORLD_SCALE),
                                         RenderTaskViewportPositionConstraint(stageSize) );

  // Apply constraint to render-task viewport position
  constraint = Constraint::New<Vector2>( RenderTask::VIEWPORT_SIZE,
                                         Source( self, Actor::SIZE ),
                                         Source( self, Actor::WORLD_SCALE),
                                         RenderTaskViewportSizeConstraint() );