void LayoutTableRow::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const ComputedStyle* oldStyle) { ASSERT(style()->display() == TABLE_ROW); LayoutBox::styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle); propagateStyleToAnonymousChildren(); if (section() && oldStyle && style()->logicalHeight() != oldStyle->logicalHeight()) section()->rowLogicalHeightChanged(this); // If border was changed, notify table. if (parent()) { LayoutTable* table = this->table(); if (table && !table->selfNeedsLayout() && !table->normalChildNeedsLayout() && oldStyle && oldStyle->border() != style()->border()) table->invalidateCollapsedBorders(); if (table && oldStyle && diff.needsFullLayout() && needsLayout() && table->collapseBorders() && borderWidthChanged(oldStyle, style())) { // If the border width changes on a row, we need to make sure the cells in the row know to lay out again. // This only happens when borders are collapsed, since they end up affecting the border sides of the cell // itself. for (LayoutBox* childBox = firstChildBox(); childBox; childBox = childBox->nextSiblingBox()) { if (!childBox->isTableCell()) continue; childBox->setChildNeedsLayout(); } } } }
void TableCellPainter::paintBoxDecorationBackground(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset) { LayoutTable* table = m_layoutTableCell.table(); if (!table->collapseBorders() && m_layoutTableCell.style()->emptyCells() == EmptyCellsHide && !m_layoutTableCell.firstChild()) return; bool needsToPaintBorder = m_layoutTableCell.styleRef().hasBorderDecoration() && !table->collapseBorders(); if (!m_layoutTableCell.hasBackground() && !m_layoutTableCell.styleRef().boxShadow() && !needsToPaintBorder) return; if (LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder::useCachedDrawingIfPossible(paintInfo.context, m_layoutTableCell, DisplayItem::BoxDecorationBackground)) return; LayoutRect visualOverflowRect = m_layoutTableCell.visualOverflowRect(); visualOverflowRect.moveBy(paintOffset); // TODO(chrishtr): the pixel-snapping here is likely incorrect. LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder recorder(paintInfo.context, m_layoutTableCell, DisplayItem::BoxDecorationBackground, pixelSnappedIntRect(visualOverflowRect)); LayoutRect paintRect = paintBounds(paintOffset, DoNotAddOffsetFromParent); BoxPainter::paintBoxShadow(paintInfo, paintRect, m_layoutTableCell.styleRef(), Normal); // Paint our cell background. paintBackgroundsBehindCell(paintInfo, paintOffset, &m_layoutTableCell, DisplayItem::BoxDecorationBackground); BoxPainter::paintBoxShadow(paintInfo, paintRect, m_layoutTableCell.styleRef(), Inset); if (!needsToPaintBorder) return; BoxPainter::paintBorder(m_layoutTableCell, paintInfo, paintRect, m_layoutTableCell.styleRef()); }
void AXTableCell::rowIndexRange(std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>& rowRange) { if (!m_layoutObject || !m_layoutObject->isTableCell()) return; LayoutTableCell* layoutCell = toLayoutTableCell(m_layoutObject); rowRange.first = layoutCell->rowIndex(); rowRange.second = layoutCell->rowSpan(); // since our table might have multiple sections, we have to offset our row appropriately LayoutTableSection* section = layoutCell->section(); LayoutTable* table = layoutCell->table(); if (!table || !section) return; LayoutTableSection* tableSection = table->topSection(); unsigned rowOffset = 0; while (tableSection) { if (tableSection == section) break; rowOffset += tableSection->numRows(); tableSection = table->sectionBelow(tableSection, SkipEmptySections); } rowRange.first += rowOffset; }
void TableCellPainter::paintBoxDecorationBackground(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset) { if (!paintInfo.shouldPaintWithinRoot(&m_layoutTableCell)) return; LayoutTable* table = m_layoutTableCell.table(); if (!table->collapseBorders() && m_layoutTableCell.style()->emptyCells() == HIDE && !m_layoutTableCell.firstChild()) return; bool needsToPaintBorder = m_layoutTableCell.styleRef().hasBorder() && !table->collapseBorders(); if (!m_layoutTableCell.hasBackground() && !m_layoutTableCell.styleRef().boxShadow() && !needsToPaintBorder) return; LayoutRect paintRect = paintBounds(paintOffset, DoNotAddOffsetFromParent); LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder recorder(*paintInfo.context, m_layoutTableCell, DisplayItem::BoxDecorationBackground, pixelSnappedIntRect(paintRect)); if (recorder.canUseCachedDrawing()) return; BoxPainter::paintBoxShadow(paintInfo, paintRect, m_layoutTableCell.styleRef(), Normal); // Paint our cell background. paintBackgroundsBehindCell(paintInfo, paintOffset, &m_layoutTableCell); BoxPainter::paintBoxShadow(paintInfo, paintRect, m_layoutTableCell.styleRef(), Inset); if (!needsToPaintBorder) return; BoxPainter::paintBorder(m_layoutTableCell, paintInfo, paintRect, m_layoutTableCell.styleRef()); }
void TableCellPainter::paintBackgroundsBehindCell(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, LayoutObject* backgroundObject) { if (!paintInfo.shouldPaintWithinRoot(&m_layoutTableCell)) return; if (!backgroundObject) return; if (m_layoutTableCell.style()->visibility() != VISIBLE) return; LayoutTable* tableElt = m_layoutTableCell.table(); if (!tableElt->collapseBorders() && m_layoutTableCell.style()->emptyCells() == HIDE && !m_layoutTableCell.firstChild()) return; Color c = backgroundObject->resolveColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor); const FillLayer& bgLayer = backgroundObject->style()->backgroundLayers(); LayoutRect paintRect = paintBounds(paintOffset, backgroundObject != &m_layoutTableCell ? AddOffsetFromParent : DoNotAddOffsetFromParent); if (bgLayer.hasImage() || c.alpha()) { // We have to clip here because the background would paint // on top of the borders otherwise. This only matters for cells and rows. bool shouldClip = backgroundObject->hasLayer() && (backgroundObject == &m_layoutTableCell || backgroundObject == m_layoutTableCell.parent()) && tableElt->collapseBorders(); GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*paintInfo.context, shouldClip); if (shouldClip) { LayoutRect clipRect(paintRect.location(), m_layoutTableCell.size()); clipRect.expand(m_layoutTableCell.borderInsets()); paintInfo.context->clip(clipRect); } BoxPainter(m_layoutTableCell).paintFillLayers(paintInfo, c, bgLayer, paintRect, BackgroundBleedNone, SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode, backgroundObject); } }
void LayoutTableCol::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const ComputedStyle* oldStyle) { LayoutBox::styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle); // If border was changed, notify table. if (parent()) { LayoutTable* table = this->table(); if (table && !table->selfNeedsLayout() && !table->normalChildNeedsLayout() && oldStyle && oldStyle->border() != style()->border()) { table->invalidateCollapsedBorders(); } else if (oldStyle && oldStyle->logicalWidth() != style()->logicalWidth()) { // FIXME : setPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty is done for all cells as of now. // Need to find a better way so that only the cells which are changed by // the col width should have preferred logical widths recomputed. for (LayoutObject* child = table->children()->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) { if (!child->isTableSection()) continue; LayoutTableSection* section = toLayoutTableSection(child); for (LayoutTableRow* row = section->firstRow(); row; row = row->nextRow()) { for (LayoutTableCell* cell = row->firstCell(); cell; cell = cell->nextCell()) cell->setPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty(); } } } } }
void TableCellPainter::paintMask(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset) { if (m_layoutTableCell.style()->visibility() != VISIBLE || paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseMask) return; LayoutTable* tableElt = m_layoutTableCell.table(); if (!tableElt->collapseBorders() && m_layoutTableCell.style()->emptyCells() == HIDE && !m_layoutTableCell.firstChild()) return; BoxPainter(m_layoutTableCell).paintMaskImages(paintInfo, paintBounds(paintOffset, DoNotAddOffsetFromParent)); }
LayoutRect LayoutTableCol::clippedOverflowRectForPaintInvalidation(const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, const PaintInvalidationState* paintInvalidationState) const { // For now, just paint invalidate the whole table. // FIXME: Find a better way to do this, e.g., need to paint invalidate all the cells that we // might have propagated a background color or borders into. // FIXME: check for paintInvalidationContainer each time here? LayoutTable* parentTable = table(); if (!parentTable) return LayoutRect(); return parentTable->clippedOverflowRectForPaintInvalidation(paintInvalidationContainer, paintInvalidationState); }
void TableCellPainter::paintMask(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset) { if (m_layoutTableCell.style()->visibility() != VISIBLE || paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseMask) return; LayoutTable* tableElt = m_layoutTableCell.table(); if (!tableElt->collapseBorders() && m_layoutTableCell.style()->emptyCells() == EmptyCellsHide && !m_layoutTableCell.firstChild()) return; if (LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder::useCachedDrawingIfPossible(paintInfo.context, m_layoutTableCell, paintInfo.phase)) return; LayoutRect paintRect = paintBounds(paintOffset, DoNotAddOffsetFromParent); LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder recorder(paintInfo.context, m_layoutTableCell, paintInfo.phase, paintRect); BoxPainter(m_layoutTableCell).paintMaskImages(paintInfo, paintRect); }
LayoutRect LayoutTableCol::localOverflowRectForPaintInvalidation() const { // Entire table gets invalidated, instead of invalidating // every cell in the column. // This is simpler, but suboptimal. LayoutTable* table = this->table(); if (!table) return LayoutRect(); // The correctness of this method depends on the fact that LayoutTableCol's // location is always zero. ASSERT(this->location() == LayoutPoint()); return table->localOverflowRectForPaintInvalidation(); }
void LayoutTableRow::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const ComputedStyle* oldStyle) { DCHECK_EQ(style()->display(), EDisplay::TableRow); LayoutTableBoxComponent::styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle); propagateStyleToAnonymousChildren(); if (!oldStyle) return; if (section() && style()->logicalHeight() != oldStyle->logicalHeight()) section()->rowLogicalHeightChanged(this); if (!parent()) return; LayoutTable* table = this->table(); if (!table) return; if (!table->selfNeedsLayout() && !table->normalChildNeedsLayout() && oldStyle->border() != style()->border()) table->invalidateCollapsedBorders(); if (LayoutTableBoxComponent::doCellsHaveDirtyWidth(*this, *table, diff, *oldStyle)) { // If the border width changes on a row, we need to make sure the cells in // the row know to lay out again. // This only happens when borders are collapsed, since they end up affecting // the border sides of the cell itself. for (LayoutBox* childBox = firstChildBox(); childBox; childBox = childBox->nextSiblingBox()) { if (!childBox->isTableCell()) continue; // TODO(dgrogan) Add a layout test showing that setChildNeedsLayout is // needed instead of setNeedsLayout. childBox->setChildNeedsLayout(); childBox->setPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty(MarkOnlyThis); } // Most table componenents can rely on LayoutObject::styleDidChange // to mark the container chain dirty. But LayoutTableSection seems // to never clear its dirty bit, which stops the propagation. So // anything under LayoutTableSection has to restart the propagation // at the table. // TODO(dgrogan): Make LayoutTableSection clear its dirty bit. table->setPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty(); } }
void AXTableColumn::headerObjectsForColumn(AXObjectVector& headers) { if (!m_parent) return; LayoutObject* layoutObject = m_parent->getLayoutObject(); if (!layoutObject) return; if (!m_parent->isAXTable()) return; if (toAXTable(m_parent)->isAriaTable()) { for (const auto& cell : children()) { if (cell->roleValue() == ColumnHeaderRole) headers.append(cell); } return; } if (!layoutObject->isTable()) return; LayoutTable* table = toLayoutTable(layoutObject); LayoutTableSection* tableSection = table->topSection(); for (; tableSection; tableSection = table->sectionBelow(tableSection, SkipEmptySections)) { unsigned numCols = tableSection->numEffectiveColumns(); if (m_columnIndex >= numCols) continue; unsigned numRows = tableSection->numRows(); for (unsigned r = 0; r < numRows; r++) { LayoutTableCell* layoutCell = tableSection->primaryCellAt(r, m_columnIndex); if (!layoutCell) continue; AXObject* cell = axObjectCache().getOrCreate(layoutCell->node()); if (!cell || !cell->isTableCell() || headers.contains(cell)) continue; if (toAXTableCell(cell)->scanToDecideHeaderRole() == ColumnHeaderRole) headers.append(cell); } } }
void TableCellPainter::paintBackgroundsBehindCell(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, const LayoutObject* backgroundObject, DisplayItem::Type type) { if (!paintInfo.shouldPaintWithinRoot(&m_layoutTableCell)) return; if (!backgroundObject) return; if (m_layoutTableCell.style()->visibility() != VISIBLE) return; LayoutTable* tableElt = m_layoutTableCell.table(); if (!tableElt->collapseBorders() && m_layoutTableCell.style()->emptyCells() == HIDE && !m_layoutTableCell.firstChild()) return; LayoutRect paintRect = paintBounds(paintOffset, backgroundObject != &m_layoutTableCell ? AddOffsetFromParent : DoNotAddOffsetFromParent); // Record drawing only if the cell is painting background from containers. Optional<LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder> recorder; if (backgroundObject != &m_layoutTableCell) { LayoutPoint adjustedPaintOffset = paintRect.location(); if (LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder::useCachedDrawingIfPossible(*paintInfo.context, m_layoutTableCell, type, adjustedPaintOffset)) return; recorder.emplace(*paintInfo.context, m_layoutTableCell, type, paintRect, adjustedPaintOffset); } else { ASSERT(paintRect.location() == paintOffset); } Color c = backgroundObject->resolveColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor); const FillLayer& bgLayer = backgroundObject->style()->backgroundLayers(); if (bgLayer.hasImage() || c.alpha()) { // We have to clip here because the background would paint // on top of the borders otherwise. This only matters for cells and rows. bool shouldClip = backgroundObject->hasLayer() && (backgroundObject == &m_layoutTableCell || backgroundObject == m_layoutTableCell.parent()) && tableElt->collapseBorders(); GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*paintInfo.context, shouldClip); if (shouldClip) { LayoutRect clipRect(paintRect.location(), m_layoutTableCell.size()); clipRect.expand(m_layoutTableCell.borderInsets()); paintInfo.context->clip(pixelSnappedIntRect(clipRect)); } BoxPainter(m_layoutTableCell).paintFillLayers(paintInfo, c, bgLayer, paintRect, BackgroundBleedNone, SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode, backgroundObject); } }
void LayoutTableRow::addChild(LayoutObject* child, LayoutObject* beforeChild) { if (!child->isTableCell()) { LayoutObject* last = beforeChild; if (!last) last = lastCell(); if (last && last->isAnonymous() && last->isTableCell() && !last->isBeforeOrAfterContent()) { LayoutTableCell* lastCell = toLayoutTableCell(last); if (beforeChild == lastCell) beforeChild = lastCell->firstChild(); lastCell->addChild(child, beforeChild); return; } if (beforeChild && !beforeChild->isAnonymous() && beforeChild->parent() == this) { LayoutObject* cell = beforeChild->previousSibling(); if (cell && cell->isTableCell() && cell->isAnonymous()) { cell->addChild(child); return; } } // If beforeChild is inside an anonymous cell, insert into the cell. if (last && !last->isTableCell() && last->parent() && last->parent()->isAnonymous() && !last->parent()->isBeforeOrAfterContent()) { last->parent()->addChild(child, beforeChild); return; } LayoutTableCell* cell = LayoutTableCell::createAnonymousWithParent(this); addChild(cell, beforeChild); cell->addChild(child); return; } if (beforeChild && beforeChild->parent() != this) beforeChild = splitAnonymousBoxesAroundChild(beforeChild); LayoutTableCell* cell = toLayoutTableCell(child); ASSERT(!beforeChild || beforeChild->isTableCell()); LayoutTableBoxComponent::addChild(cell, beforeChild); // Generated content can result in us having a null section so make sure to // null check our parent. if (parent()) { section()->addCell(cell, this); // When borders collapse, adding a cell can affect the the width of // neighboring cells. LayoutTable* enclosingTable = table(); if (enclosingTable && enclosingTable->collapseBorders()) { if (LayoutTableCell* previousCell = cell->previousCell()) previousCell->setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalc( LayoutInvalidationReason::TableChanged); if (LayoutTableCell* nextCell = cell->nextCell()) nextCell->setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalc( LayoutInvalidationReason::TableChanged); } } if (beforeChild || nextRow()) section()->setNeedsCellRecalc(); }
void AXTable::addChildren() { ASSERT(!isDetached()); if (!isAXTable()) { AXLayoutObject::addChildren(); return; } ASSERT(!m_haveChildren); m_haveChildren = true; if (!m_layoutObject || !m_layoutObject->isTable()) return; LayoutTable* table = toLayoutTable(m_layoutObject); AXObjectCacheImpl& axCache = axObjectCache(); Node* tableNode = table->node(); if (!isHTMLTableElement(tableNode)) return; // Add caption if (HTMLTableCaptionElement* caption = toHTMLTableElement(tableNode)->caption()) { AXObject* captionObject = axCache.getOrCreate(caption); if (captionObject && !captionObject->accessibilityIsIgnored()) m_children.append(captionObject); } // Go through all the available sections to pull out the rows and add them as children. table->recalcSectionsIfNeeded(); LayoutTableSection* tableSection = table->topSection(); if (!tableSection) return; LayoutTableSection* initialTableSection = tableSection; while (tableSection) { HeapHashSet<Member<AXObject>> appendedRows; unsigned numRows = tableSection->numRows(); for (unsigned rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < numRows; ++rowIndex) { LayoutTableRow* layoutRow = tableSection->rowLayoutObjectAt(rowIndex); if (!layoutRow) continue; AXObject* rowObject = axCache.getOrCreate(layoutRow); if (!rowObject || !rowObject->isTableRow()) continue; AXTableRow* row = toAXTableRow(rowObject); // We need to check every cell for a new row, because cell spans // can cause us to miss rows if we just check the first column. if (appendedRows.contains(row)) continue; row->setRowIndex(static_cast<int>(m_rows.size())); m_rows.append(row); if (!row->accessibilityIsIgnored()) m_children.append(row); appendedRows.add(row); } tableSection = table->sectionBelow(tableSection, SkipEmptySections); } // make the columns based on the number of columns in the first body unsigned length = initialTableSection->numEffectiveColumns(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) { AXTableColumn* column = toAXTableColumn(axCache.getOrCreate(ColumnRole)); column->setColumnIndex((int)i); column->setParent(this); m_columns.append(column); if (!column->accessibilityIsIgnored()) m_children.append(column); } AXObject* headerContainerObject = headerContainer(); if (headerContainerObject && !headerContainerObject->accessibilityIsIgnored()) m_children.append(headerContainerObject); }
bool AXTable::isDataTable() const { if (!m_layoutObject || !node()) return false; // Do not consider it a data table if it has an ARIA role. if (hasARIARole()) return false; // When a section of the document is contentEditable, all tables should be // treated as data tables, otherwise users may not be able to work with rich // text editors that allow creating and editing tables. if (node() && node()->hasEditableStyle()) return true; // This employs a heuristic to determine if this table should appear. // Only "data" tables should be exposed as tables. // Unfortunately, there is no good way to determine the difference // between a "layout" table and a "data" table. LayoutTable* table = toLayoutTable(m_layoutObject); Node* tableNode = table->node(); if (!isHTMLTableElement(tableNode)) return false; // Do not consider it a data table if any of its descendants have an ARIA role. HTMLTableElement* tableElement = toHTMLTableElement(tableNode); if (elementHasAriaRole(tableElement->tHead())) return false; if (elementHasAriaRole(tableElement->tFoot())) return false; RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<HTMLCollection> bodies = tableElement->tBodies(); for (unsigned bodyIndex = 0; bodyIndex < bodies->length(); ++bodyIndex) { Element* bodyElement = bodies->item(bodyIndex); if (elementHasAriaRole(bodyElement)) return false; } RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<HTMLTableRowsCollection> rows = tableElement->rows(); unsigned rowCount = rows->length(); for (unsigned rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowCount; ++rowIndex) { HTMLTableRowElement* rowElement = rows->item(rowIndex); if (elementHasAriaRole(rowElement)) return false; RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<HTMLCollection> cells = rowElement->cells(); for (unsigned cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < cells->length(); ++cellIndex) { if (elementHasAriaRole(cells->item(cellIndex))) return false; } } // If there is a caption element, summary, THEAD, or TFOOT section, it's most certainly a data table if (!tableElement->summary().isEmpty() || tableElement->tHead() || tableElement->tFoot() || tableElement->caption()) return true; // if someone used "rules" attribute than the table should appear if (!tableElement->rules().isEmpty()) return true; // if there's a colgroup or col element, it's probably a data table. if (Traversal<HTMLTableColElement>::firstChild(*tableElement)) return true; // go through the cell's and check for tell-tale signs of "data" table status // cells have borders, or use attributes like headers, abbr, scope or axis table->recalcSectionsIfNeeded(); LayoutTableSection* firstBody = table->firstBody(); if (!firstBody) return false; int numCols = firstBody->numEffectiveColumns(); int numRows = firstBody->numRows(); // If there's only one cell, it's not a good AXTable candidate. if (numRows == 1 && numCols == 1) return false; // If there are at least 20 rows, we'll call it a data table. if (numRows >= 20) return true; // Store the background color of the table to check against cell's background colors. const ComputedStyle* tableStyle = table->style(); if (!tableStyle) return false; Color tableBGColor = tableStyle->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor); // check enough of the cells to find if the table matches our criteria // Criteria: // 1) must have at least one valid cell (and) // 2) at least half of cells have borders (or) // 3) at least half of cells have different bg colors than the table, and there is cell spacing unsigned validCellCount = 0; unsigned borderedCellCount = 0; unsigned backgroundDifferenceCellCount = 0; unsigned cellsWithTopBorder = 0; unsigned cellsWithBottomBorder = 0; unsigned cellsWithLeftBorder = 0; unsigned cellsWithRightBorder = 0; Color alternatingRowColors[5]; int alternatingRowColorCount = 0; int headersInFirstColumnCount = 0; for (int row = 0; row < numRows; ++row) { int headersInFirstRowCount = 0; for (int col = 0; col < numCols; ++col) { LayoutTableCell* cell = firstBody->primaryCellAt(row, col); if (!cell) continue; Node* cellNode = cell->node(); if (!cellNode) continue; if (cell->size().width() < 1 || cell->size().height() < 1) continue; validCellCount++; bool isTHCell = cellNode->hasTagName(thTag); // If the first row is comprised of all <th> tags, assume it is a data table. if (!row && isTHCell) headersInFirstRowCount++; // If the first column is comprised of all <th> tags, assume it is a data table. if (!col && isTHCell) headersInFirstColumnCount++; // in this case, the developer explicitly assigned a "data" table attribute if (isHTMLTableCellElement(*cellNode)) { HTMLTableCellElement& cellElement = toHTMLTableCellElement(*cellNode); if (!cellElement.headers().isEmpty() || !cellElement.abbr().isEmpty() || !cellElement.axis().isEmpty() || !cellElement.scope().isEmpty()) return true; } const ComputedStyle* computedStyle = cell->style(); if (!computedStyle) continue; // If the empty-cells style is set, we'll call it a data table. if (computedStyle->emptyCells() == HIDE) return true; // If a cell has matching bordered sides, call it a (fully) bordered cell. if ((cell->borderTop() > 0 && cell->borderBottom() > 0) || (cell->borderLeft() > 0 && cell->borderRight() > 0)) borderedCellCount++; // Also keep track of each individual border, so we can catch tables where most // cells have a bottom border, for example. if (cell->borderTop() > 0) cellsWithTopBorder++; if (cell->borderBottom() > 0) cellsWithBottomBorder++; if (cell->borderLeft() > 0) cellsWithLeftBorder++; if (cell->borderRight() > 0) cellsWithRightBorder++; // If the cell has a different color from the table and there is cell spacing, // then it is probably a data table cell (spacing and colors take the place of borders). Color cellColor = computedStyle->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor); if (table->hBorderSpacing() > 0 && table->vBorderSpacing() > 0 && tableBGColor != cellColor && cellColor.alpha() != 1) backgroundDifferenceCellCount++; // If we've found 10 "good" cells, we don't need to keep searching. if (borderedCellCount >= 10 || backgroundDifferenceCellCount >= 10) return true; // For the first 5 rows, cache the background color so we can check if this table has zebra-striped rows. if (row < 5 && row == alternatingRowColorCount) { LayoutObject* layoutRow = cell->parent(); if (!layoutRow || !layoutRow->isBoxModelObject() || !toLayoutBoxModelObject(layoutRow)->isTableRow()) continue; const ComputedStyle* rowComputedStyle = layoutRow->style(); if (!rowComputedStyle) continue; Color rowColor = rowComputedStyle->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor); alternatingRowColors[alternatingRowColorCount] = rowColor; alternatingRowColorCount++; } } if (!row && headersInFirstRowCount == numCols && numCols > 1) return true; } if (headersInFirstColumnCount == numRows && numRows > 1) return true; // if there is less than two valid cells, it's not a data table if (validCellCount <= 1) return false; // half of the cells had borders, it's a data table unsigned neededCellCount = validCellCount / 2; if (borderedCellCount >= neededCellCount || cellsWithTopBorder >= neededCellCount || cellsWithBottomBorder >= neededCellCount || cellsWithLeftBorder >= neededCellCount || cellsWithRightBorder >= neededCellCount) return true; // half had different background colors, it's a data table if (backgroundDifferenceCellCount >= neededCellCount) return true; // Check if there is an alternating row background color indicating a zebra striped style pattern. if (alternatingRowColorCount > 2) { Color firstColor = alternatingRowColors[0]; for (int k = 1; k < alternatingRowColorCount; k++) { // If an odd row was the same color as the first row, its not alternating. if (k % 2 == 1 && alternatingRowColors[k] == firstColor) return false; // If an even row is not the same as the first row, its not alternating. if (!(k % 2) && alternatingRowColors[k] != firstColor) return false; } return true; } return false; }