Пример #1
int LayoutTextControl::textBlockLogicalWidth() const {
    Element* innerEditor = innerEditorElement();

    LayoutUnit unitWidth = logicalWidth() - borderAndPaddingLogicalWidth();
    if (innerEditor->layoutObject())
        unitWidth -= innerEditor->layoutBox()->paddingStart() +

    return unitWidth.toInt();
Пример #2
void MediaControls::notifyPanelWidthChanged(const LayoutUnit& newWidth) {
  // Don't bother to do any work if this matches the most recent panel
  // width, since we're called after layout.
  // Note that this code permits a bad frame on resize, since it is
  // run after the relayout / paint happens.  It would be great to improve
  // this, but it would be even greater to move this code entirely to
  // JS and fix it there.
  m_panelWidth = newWidth.toInt();

  // Adjust for effective zoom.
  if (!m_panel->layoutObject() || !m_panel->layoutObject()->style())
  m_panelWidth =
      ceil(m_panelWidth / m_panel->layoutObject()->style()->effectiveZoom());

  m_panelWidthChangedTimer.startOneShot(0, BLINK_FROM_HERE);
Пример #3
LayoutRect InlineTextBox::localSelectionRect(int startPos, int endPos) const {
  int sPos = std::max(startPos - m_start, 0);
  int ePos = std::min(endPos - m_start, (int)m_len);

  if (sPos > ePos)
    return LayoutRect();

  FontCachePurgePreventer fontCachePurgePreventer;

  LayoutUnit selTop = root().selectionTop();
  LayoutUnit selHeight = root().selectionHeight();
  const ComputedStyle& styleToUse =
  const Font& font = styleToUse.font();

  StringBuilder charactersWithHyphen;
  bool respectHyphen = ePos == m_len && hasHyphen();
  TextRun textRun =
      constructTextRun(styleToUse, respectHyphen ? &charactersWithHyphen : 0);

  LayoutPoint startingPoint = LayoutPoint(logicalLeft(), selTop);
  LayoutRect r;
  if (sPos || ePos != static_cast<int>(m_len)) {
    r = LayoutRect(enclosingIntRect(font.selectionRectForText(
        textRun, FloatPoint(startingPoint), selHeight.toInt(), sPos, ePos)));
  } else {
    // Avoid computing the font width when the entire line box is selected as an
    // optimization.
    r = LayoutRect(enclosingIntRect(
        LayoutRect(startingPoint, LayoutSize(m_logicalWidth, selHeight))));

  LayoutUnit logicalWidth = r.width();
  if (r.x() > logicalRight())
    logicalWidth = LayoutUnit();
  else if (r.maxX() > logicalRight())
    logicalWidth = logicalRight() - r.x();

  LayoutPoint topPoint;
  LayoutUnit width;
  LayoutUnit height;
  if (isHorizontal()) {
    topPoint = LayoutPoint(r.x(), selTop);
    width = logicalWidth;
    height = selHeight;
    if (hasWrappedSelectionNewline()) {
      if (!isLeftToRightDirection())
        topPoint.setX(LayoutUnit(topPoint.x() - newlineSpaceWidth()));
      width += newlineSpaceWidth();
  } else {
    topPoint = LayoutPoint(selTop, r.x());
    width = selHeight;
    height = logicalWidth;
    // TODO(wkorman): RTL text embedded in top-to-bottom text can create
    // bottom-to-top situations. Add tests and ensure we handle correctly.
    if (hasWrappedSelectionNewline())
      height += newlineSpaceWidth();

  return LayoutRect(topPoint, LayoutSize(width, height));