Пример #1
// Called when applying an area style on a feature geometry.  Area styles can
// can only be applied to polygon feature geometry types.
void SE_Renderer::ProcessArea(SE_ApplyContext* ctx, SE_RenderAreaStyle* style)
    // the feature geometry we're applying the style on...
    LineBuffer* featGeom = ctx->geometry;

    // can't apply an area style to point and linestring geometry types
    switch (featGeom->geom_type())
        case GeometryType_Point:
        case GeometryType_MultiPoint:
        case GeometryType_LineString:
        case GeometryType_MultiLineString:
        case GeometryType_CurveString:
        case GeometryType_MultiCurveString:

    SE_Matrix w2s;

    // special code to handle simple solid fill styles

    if (style->solidFill)
        // just draw it and bail out of the layout function
        SE_RenderPolygon* rp = (SE_RenderPolygon*)style->symbol[0];

        if (m_bSelectionMode)
            DrawScreenPolygon(featGeom, &w2s, m_selFillColor);
            DrawScreenPolygon(featGeom, &w2s, rp->fill);

    // transform the feature geometry to rendering space
    LineBuffer* xfgeom = LineBufferPool::NewLineBuffer(m_pPool, featGeom->point_count());
    std::auto_ptr<LineBuffer> spLB(xfgeom);
    *xfgeom = *featGeom;

    int size = featGeom->point_count();
    for (int i=0; i<size; ++i)
        w2s.transform(xfgeom->x_coord(i), xfgeom->y_coord(i));

    // recompute the bounds
    RS_Bounds& bounds = const_cast<RS_Bounds&>(xfgeom->bounds());
    bounds.minx = bounds.miny = bounds.minz = +DBL_MAX;
    bounds.maxx = bounds.maxy = bounds.maxz = -DBL_MAX;

    // account for any viewport rotation
    SE_AreaPositioning ap(xfgeom, style, GetWorldToScreenRotation());
    double baserot = ap.PatternRotation();

    SE_Matrix xform;
    SE_Matrix xformbase = *ctx->xform;

    for (const Point2D* pos = ap.NextLocation(); pos != NULL; pos = ap.NextLocation())
        xform = xformbase;
        xform.translate(pos->x, pos->y);
        DrawSymbol(style->symbol, xform, baserot, style->addToExclusionRegion);

    LineBufferPool::FreeLineBuffer(m_pPool, spLB.release());
Пример #2
// Called when applying a point style on a feature geometry.  Point styles can
// be applied to all feature geometry types.
void SE_Renderer::ProcessPoint(SE_ApplyContext* ctx, SE_RenderPointStyle* style, RS_Bounds* bounds)
    // the feature geometry we're applying the style on...
    LineBuffer* featGeom = ctx->geometry;

    double angleRad = 0.0;
    if (style->angleControl == SE_AngleControl_FromGeometry)
        switch (featGeom->geom_type())
            case GeometryType_LineString:
            case GeometryType_MultiLineString:
            case GeometryType_Polygon:
            case GeometryType_MultiPolygon:
                double x0, y0;
                featGeom->Centroid(LineBuffer::ctLine, &x0, &y0, &angleRad);

    angleRad += style->angleRad;

    // also account for any viewport rotation
    angleRad += GetWorldToScreenRotation();

    SE_Matrix xform;
    bool yUp = YPointsUp();

    // see StylizationEngine::Stylize for a detailed explanation of these transforms
    SE_Matrix xformbase;
    xformbase.translate(style->offset[0], style->offset[1]);
    xformbase.rotate(yUp? angleRad : -angleRad);

    // render the points
    for (int i=0; i<featGeom->point_count(); ++i)
        double x, y;
        featGeom->get_point(i, x, y);

        // transform to screen space - feature geometry is in [the original] mapping space
        WorldToScreenPoint(x, y, x, y);

        xform = xformbase;
        xform.translate(x, y);

        if (style->drawLast)
            AddLabel(featGeom, style, xform, angleRad);
            DrawSymbol(style->symbol, xform, angleRad, style->addToExclusionRegion);

    if (bounds)
        // get the symbol bounds after applying the transforms
        bounds->minx = bounds->miny = +DBL_MAX;
        bounds->maxx = bounds->maxy = -DBL_MAX;
        for (int i=0; i<4; ++i)
            RS_F_Point xfpt;
            xformbase.transform(style->bounds[i].x, style->bounds[i].y, xfpt.x, xfpt.y);