Пример #1
LineIndex* make_index(istream& input, vector<string> const& entries) {
		LineIndex* index = new LineIndex;

		for(EntryIt p = entries.begin(); p != entries.end(); ++p)
				(*index)[*p];	// causes insertion ?

		string line, word;
		int line_number = 0;

		// read a line from input at a time into a string
		while(getline(input, line)){
				// make an istream from the string
				istrstream words(static_cast<const char*>(line.c_str()));
				// read a word at a time from string
				while(words >> word) {

						// use find() on map<string, vector<int>> to see
						// if it contains the word already, if it does,
						// save the line number in the map's vector
						LineIndex::iterator p = index->find(word);
						if(p != index->end())