Пример #1
osg::Node* BuildTextOperator::operator()(const FeatureList&   features, 
                                         const TextSymbol*    symbol,
                                         const FilterContext& context)
    if (!symbol) return 0;

    std::set< std::string > labelNames;

    bool removeDuplicateLabels = symbol->removeDuplicateLabels().isSet() ? symbol->removeDuplicateLabels().get() : false;

    osg::Geode* result = new osg::Geode;
    for (FeatureList::const_iterator itr = features.begin(); itr != features.end(); ++itr)
        Feature* feature = itr->get();
        if (!feature->getGeometry()) continue;

        std::string text;
        //If the feature is a TextAnnotation, just get the value from it
        TextAnnotation* annotation = dynamic_cast<TextAnnotation*>(feature);
        if (annotation)
            text = annotation->text();
        else if (symbol->content().isSet())
             //Get the text from the specified content and referenced attributes
             std::string content = symbol->content().value();
             text = parseAttributes(feature, content, symbol->contentAttributeDelimiter().value());
        else if (symbol->attribute().isSet())
            //Get the text from the specified attribute
            std::string attr = symbol->attribute().value();
            text = feature->getAttr(attr);

        if (text.empty()) continue;

        //See if there is a duplicate name
        if (removeDuplicateLabels && labelNames.find(text) != labelNames.end()) continue;

        bool rotateToScreen = symbol->rotateToScreen().isSet() ? symbol->rotateToScreen().value() : false;

        // find the centroid
        osg::Vec3d position;
        osg::Quat orientation;

        GeometryIterator gi( feature->getGeometry() );
        while( gi.hasMore() )
            Geometry* geom = gi.next();

            TextSymbol::LinePlacement linePlacement = symbol->linePlacement().isSet() ? symbol->linePlacement().get() : TextSymbol::LINEPLACEMENT_ALONG_LINE;
            if (geom->getType() == Symbology::Geometry::TYPE_LINESTRING && linePlacement == TextSymbol::LINEPLACEMENT_ALONG_LINE)
                //Compute the "middle" of the line string
                LineString* lineString = static_cast<LineString*>(geom);
                double length = lineString->getLength();
                double center = length / 2.0;
                osg::Vec3d start, end;
                if (lineString->getSegment(center, start, end))
                    TextSymbol::LineOrientation lineOrientation = symbol->lineOrientation().isSet() ? symbol->lineOrientation().get() : TextSymbol::LINEORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL;

                    position = (end + start) / 2.0;
                    //We don't want to orient the text at all if we are rotating to the screen
                    if (!rotateToScreen && lineOrientation != TextSymbol::LINEORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)
                        osg::Vec3d dir = (end-start);

                        if (lineOrientation == TextSymbol::LINEORIENTATION_PERPENDICULAR)
                            osg::Vec3d up(0,0,1);
                            const SpatialReference* srs = context.profile()->getSRS();
                            if (srs && context.isGeocentric() && srs->getEllipsoid())
                                osg::Vec3d w = context.toWorld( position );
                                up = srs->getEllipsoid()->computeLocalUpVector(w.x(), w.y(), w.z());
                            dir = up ^ dir;
                        orientation.makeRotate(osg::Vec3d(1,0,0), dir);
                    //Fall back on using the center
                    position = lineString->getBounds().center();
              position = geom->getBounds().center();
        osgText::Text* t = new osgText::Text();
        t->setText( text );

        std::string font = "fonts/arial.ttf";
        if (symbol->font().isSet() && !symbol->font().get().empty())
            font = symbol->font().value();

        t->setFont( font );
        t->setAutoRotateToScreen( rotateToScreen );
        TextSymbol::SizeMode sizeMode = symbol->sizeMode().isSet() ? symbol->sizeMode().get() : TextSymbol::SIZEMODE_SCREEN;
        if (sizeMode == TextSymbol::SIZEMODE_SCREEN) {
            t->setCharacterSizeMode( osgText::TextBase::SCREEN_COORDS );
        else if (sizeMode == TextSymbol::SIZEMODE_OBJECT) {
            t->setCharacterSizeMode( osgText::TextBase::OBJECT_COORDS );
        float size = symbol->size().isSet() ? symbol->size().get() : 32.0f;
        t->setCharacterSize( size );
        //t->setCharacterSizeMode( osgText::TextBase::OBJECT_COORDS_WITH_MAXIMUM_SCREEN_SIZE_CAPPED_BY_FONT_HEIGHT );
        //t->setCharacterSize( 300000.0f );
        t->setPosition( position );
        t->setRotation( orientation);
        t->setAlignment( osgText::TextBase::CENTER_CENTER );
        t->getOrCreateStateSet()->setAttributeAndModes( new osg::Depth(osg::Depth::ALWAYS), osg::StateAttribute::ON );
        t->getOrCreateStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails( 99999, "RenderBin" );

        // apply styling as appropriate:
        osg::Vec4f textColor = symbol->fill()->color();
        osg::Vec4f haloColor = symbol->halo()->color();

        t->setColor( textColor );
        t->setBackdropColor( haloColor );
        t->setBackdropType( osgText::Text::OUTLINE );

        if ( context.isGeocentric() )
            // install a cluster culler
            t->setCullCallback( new CullPlaneCallback( position * context.inverseReferenceFrame() ) );

        result->addDrawable( t );

        if (removeDuplicateLabels) labelNames.insert(text);
    return result;
Пример #2
osg::Node* BuildTextOperator::operator()(const FeatureList&   features, 
                                         const TextSymbol*    symbol,
                                         const FilterContext& context)
    if (!symbol) return 0;

    std::set< std::string > labelNames;

    bool removeDuplicateLabels = symbol->removeDuplicateLabels().isSet() ? symbol->removeDuplicateLabels().get() : false;

    StringExpression contentExpr = *symbol->content();

    osg::Geode* result = new osg::Geode;
    for (FeatureList::const_iterator itr = features.begin(); itr != features.end(); ++itr)
        Feature* feature = itr->get();
        if (!feature->getGeometry()) continue;

        std::string text;
        if (symbol->content().isSet())
            //Get the text from the specified content and referenced attributes
            text = feature->eval( contentExpr );

        if (text.empty()) continue;

        //See if there is a duplicate name
        if (removeDuplicateLabels && labelNames.find(text) != labelNames.end()) continue;

        bool rotateToScreen = symbol->rotateToScreen().isSet() ? symbol->rotateToScreen().value() : false;

        // find the centroid
        osg::Vec3d position;
        osg::Quat orientation;

        GeometryIterator gi( feature->getGeometry() );
        while( gi.hasMore() )
            Geometry* geom = gi.next();

            TextSymbol::LinePlacement linePlacement = symbol->linePlacement().isSet() ? symbol->linePlacement().get() : TextSymbol::LINEPLACEMENT_ALONG_LINE;
            if (geom->getType() == Symbology::Geometry::TYPE_LINESTRING && linePlacement == TextSymbol::LINEPLACEMENT_ALONG_LINE)
                //Compute the "middle" of the line string
                LineString* lineString = static_cast<LineString*>(geom);
                double length = lineString->getLength();
                double center = length / 2.0;
                osg::Vec3d start, end;
                if (lineString->getSegment(center, start, end))
                    TextSymbol::LineOrientation lineOrientation = symbol->lineOrientation().isSet() ? symbol->lineOrientation().get() : TextSymbol::LINEORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL;

                    position = (end + start) / 2.0;
                    //We don't want to orient the text at all if we are rotating to the screen
                    if (!rotateToScreen && lineOrientation != TextSymbol::LINEORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)
                        osg::Vec3d dir = (end-start);

                        if (lineOrientation == TextSymbol::LINEORIENTATION_PERPENDICULAR)
                            osg::Vec3d up(0,0,1);
                            const SpatialReference* srs = context.profile()->getSRS();
                            if (srs && context.isGeocentric() && srs->getEllipsoid())
                                osg::Vec3d w = context.toWorld( position );
                                up = srs->getEllipsoid()->computeLocalUpVector(w.x(), w.y(), w.z());
                            dir = up ^ dir;
                        orientation.makeRotate(osg::Vec3d(1,0,0), dir);
                    //Fall back on using the center
                    position = lineString->getBounds().center();
                position = geom->getBounds().center();

        osgText::Text* t = new osgText::Text();
        t->setText( text );

        std::string font = "fonts/arial.ttf";
        if (symbol->font().isSet() && !symbol->font().get().empty())
            font = symbol->font().value();

        t->setFont( font );
        t->setAutoRotateToScreen( rotateToScreen );

        TextSymbol::SizeMode sizeMode = symbol->sizeMode().isSet() ? symbol->sizeMode().get() : TextSymbol::SIZEMODE_SCREEN;
        if (sizeMode == TextSymbol::SIZEMODE_SCREEN) {
            t->setCharacterSizeMode( osgText::TextBase::SCREEN_COORDS );
        else if (sizeMode == TextSymbol::SIZEMODE_OBJECT) {
            t->setCharacterSizeMode( osgText::TextBase::OBJECT_COORDS );
        float size = symbol->size().isSet() ? symbol->size().get() : 32.0f;
        t->setCharacterSize( size );
        //TODO:  We need to do something to account for autotransformed text that is under a LOD.  Setting the initial bound works sometimes but not all the time.
        if (rotateToScreen)
        //Set the initial bound so that OSG will traverse the text even if it's under an LOD.
        osg::BoundingBox bb;
        bb.expandBy( osg::BoundingSphere(position, size));
        t->setInitialBound( bb);
        //t->setCharacterSizeMode( osgText::TextBase::OBJECT_COORDS_WITH_MAXIMUM_SCREEN_SIZE_CAPPED_BY_FONT_HEIGHT );
        //t->setCharacterSize( 300000.0f );
        t->setPosition( position );
        t->setRotation( orientation);
        t->setAlignment( osgText::TextBase::CENTER_CENTER );
        t->getOrCreateStateSet()->setAttributeAndModes( new osg::Depth(osg::Depth::ALWAYS), osg::StateAttribute::ON );
        t->getOrCreateStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails( 99999, "RenderBin", osg::StateSet::OVERRIDE_RENDERBIN_DETAILS );

        // apply styling as appropriate:
        osg::Vec4f textColor = symbol->fill()->color();
        osg::Vec4f haloColor = symbol->halo()->color();

        t->setColor( textColor );
        t->setBackdropColor( haloColor );
        t->setBackdropType( osgText::Text::OUTLINE );

        if ( context.isGeocentric() )
            // install a cluster culler
            t->setCullCallback( new CullDrawableByNormal(position * context.inverseReferenceFrame()) );

        if (_hideClutter)
            osg::BoundingBox tBound = t->getBound();
            osg::ref_ptr<osgUtil::PolytopeIntersector> intersector = new osgUtil::PolytopeIntersector(osgUtil::Intersector::MODEL, tBound.xMin(), tBound.yMin(), tBound.xMax(), tBound.yMax());
            osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor intersectVisitor(intersector.get());

            if (!intersector->containsIntersections())
                result->addDrawable( t );
                if (removeDuplicateLabels) labelNames.insert(text);
            result->addDrawable( t );
            if (removeDuplicateLabels) labelNames.insert(text);
    return result;