Пример #1
 * Map the paths generated by the MCF solver into flows associated with nodes.
 * @param component the link graph component to be used.
void FlowMapper::Run(LinkGraphJob &job) const
	for (NodeID node_id = 0; node_id < job.Size(); ++node_id) {
		Node prev_node = job[node_id];
		StationID prev = prev_node.Station();
		PathList &paths = prev_node.Paths();
		for (PathList::iterator i = paths.begin(); i != paths.end(); ++i) {
			Path *path = *i;
			uint flow = path->GetFlow();
			if (flow == 0) break;
			Node node = job[path->GetNode()];
			StationID via = node.Station();
			StationID origin = job[path->GetOrigin()].Station();
			assert(prev != via && via != origin);
			/* Mark all of the flow for local consumption at "first". */
			node.Flows().AddFlow(origin, via, flow);
			if (prev != origin) {
				/* Pass some of the flow marked for local consumption at "prev" on
				 * to this node. */
				prev_node.Flows().PassOnFlow(origin, via, flow);
			} else {
				/* Prev node is origin. Simply add flow. */
				prev_node.Flows().AddFlow(origin, via, flow);

	for (NodeID node_id = 0; node_id < job.Size(); ++node_id) {
		/* Remove local consumption shares marked as invalid. */
		Node node = job[node_id];
		FlowStatMap &flows = node.Flows();
		if (this->scale) {
			/* Scale by time the graph has been running without being compressed. */
			uint runtime = job.JoinDate() - job.Settings().recalc_time - job.LastCompression();
			for (FlowStatMap::iterator i = flows.begin(); i != flows.end(); ++i) {
		/* Clear paths. */
		PathList &paths = node.Paths();
		for (PathList::iterator i = paths.begin(); i != paths.end(); ++i) {
			delete *i;
Пример #2
	 * Constructor.
	 * @param job Link graph job to work with.
	FlowEdgeIterator(LinkGraphJob &job) : job(job)
		for (NodeID i = 0; i < job.Size(); ++i) {
			StationID st = job[i].Station();
			if (st >= this->station_to_node.size()) {
				this->station_to_node.resize(st + 1);
			this->station_to_node[st] = i;
Пример #3
 * Run the second pass of the MCF calculation which assigns all remaining
 * demands to existing paths.
 * @param job Link graph job to calculate.
MCF2ndPass::MCF2ndPass(LinkGraphJob &job) : MultiCommodityFlow(job)
	this->max_saturation = UINT_MAX; // disable artificial cap on saturation
	PathVector paths;
	uint size = job.Size();
	uint accuracy = job.Settings().accuracy;
	bool demand_left = true;
	while (demand_left) {
		demand_left = false;
		for (NodeID source = 0; source < size; ++source) {
			this->Dijkstra<CapacityAnnotation, FlowEdgeIterator>(source, paths);
			for (NodeID dest = 0; dest < size; ++dest) {
				Edge edge = this->job[source][dest];
				Path *path = paths[dest];
				if (edge.UnsatisfiedDemand() > 0 && path->GetFreeCapacity() > INT_MIN) {
					this->PushFlow(edge, path, accuracy, UINT_MAX);
					if (edge.UnsatisfiedDemand() > 0) demand_left = true;
			this->CleanupPaths(source, paths);
Пример #4
 * Run the first pass of the MCF calculation.
 * @param job Link graph job to calculate.
MCF1stPass::MCF1stPass(LinkGraphJob &job) : MultiCommodityFlow(job)
	PathVector paths;
	uint size = job.Size();
	uint accuracy = job.Settings().accuracy;
	bool more_loops;

	do {
		more_loops = false;
		for (NodeID source = 0; source < size; ++source) {
			/* First saturate the shortest paths. */
			this->Dijkstra<DistanceAnnotation, GraphEdgeIterator>(source, paths);

			for (NodeID dest = 0; dest < size; ++dest) {
				Edge edge = job[source][dest];
				if (edge.UnsatisfiedDemand() > 0) {
					Path *path = paths[dest];
					assert(path != NULL);
					/* Generally only allow paths that don't exceed the
					 * available capacity. But if no demand has been assigned
					 * yet, make an exception and allow any valid path *once*. */
					if (path->GetFreeCapacity() > 0 && this->PushFlow(edge, path,
							accuracy, this->max_saturation) > 0) {
						/* If a path has been found there is a chance we can
						 * find more. */
						more_loops = more_loops || (edge.UnsatisfiedDemand() > 0);
					} else if (edge.UnsatisfiedDemand() == edge.Demand() &&
							path->GetFreeCapacity() > INT_MIN) {
						this->PushFlow(edge, path, accuracy, UINT_MAX);
			this->CleanupPaths(source, paths);
	} while (more_loops || this->EliminateCycles());
Пример #5
	 * Constructor.
	 * @param job Link graph job to work with.
	FlowEdgeIterator(LinkGraphJob &job) : job(job)
		for (NodeID i = 0; i < job.Size(); ++i) {
			this->station_to_node[job[i].Station()] = i;
Пример #6
void DemandCalculator::CalcDemand(LinkGraphJob &job, Tscaler scaler)
	NodeList supplies;
	NodeList demands;
	uint num_supplies = 0;
	uint num_demands = 0;

	for (NodeID node = 0; node < job.Size(); node++) {
		if (job[node].Supply() > 0) {
		if (job[node].Demand() > 0) {

	if (num_supplies == 0 || num_demands == 0) return;

	/* Mean acceptance attributed to each node. If the distribution is
	 * symmetric this is relative to remote supply, otherwise it is
	 * relative to remote demand. */
	uint chance = 0;

	while (!supplies.empty() && !demands.empty()) {
		NodeID from_id = supplies.front();

		for (uint i = 0; i < num_demands; ++i) {
			NodeID to_id = demands.front();
			if (from_id == to_id) {
				/* Only one node with supply and demand left */
				if (demands.empty() && supplies.empty()) return;


			int32 supply = scaler.EffectiveSupply(job[from_id], job[to_id]);
			assert(supply > 0);

			/* Scale the distance by mod_dist around max_distance */
			int32 distance = this->max_distance - (this->max_distance -
					(int32)job[from_id][to_id].Distance()) * this->mod_dist / 100;

			/* Scale the accuracy by distance around accuracy / 2 */
			int32 divisor = this->accuracy * (this->mod_dist - 50) / 100 +
					this->accuracy * distance / this->max_distance + 1;

			assert(divisor > 0);

			uint demand_forw = 0;
			if (divisor <= supply) {
				/* At first only distribute demand if
				 * effective supply / accuracy divisor >= 1
				 * Others are too small or too far away to be considered. */
				demand_forw = supply / divisor;
			} else if (++chance > this->accuracy * num_demands * num_supplies) {
				/* After some trying, if there is still supply left, distribute
				 * demand also to other nodes. */
				demand_forw = 1;

			demand_forw = min(demand_forw, job[from_id].UndeliveredSupply());

			scaler.SetDemands(job, from_id, to_id, demand_forw);

			if (scaler.HasDemandLeft(job[to_id])) {
			} else {

			if (job[from_id].UndeliveredSupply() == 0) break;

		if (job[from_id].UndeliveredSupply() != 0) {
		} else {