ScriptValuePtr V8Engine::runScript(std::string script, std::string identifier) { HandleScope handleScope; TryCatch tc; Local<String> source = String::New(script.c_str()); // Build data ScriptOrigin origin(String::New(identifier.c_str())); // Compile the source code. Local<Script> code = Script::Compile(source, &origin); if (code.IsEmpty()) handleException(tc); // Run the script to get the result. Local<Value> result = code->Run(); if (result.IsEmpty()) handleException(tc); return ScriptValuePtr( new V8Value(this, result) ); }
void test_BasicCall() { HandleScope handle_scope; Handle<ObjectTemplate> templ = ObjectTemplate::New(); Handle<FunctionTemplate> fnT = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(AddOne); templ->Set("AddOne", fnT); Persistent<Context> context = Context::New(NULL, templ); Context::Scope context_scope(context); Local<Value> addone = context->Global()->Get(String::New("AddOne")); do_check_true(!addone.IsEmpty()); do_check_true(!addone->IsUndefined()); do_check_true(addone->IsObject()); do_check_true(addone->IsFunction()); Local<Function> fn = addone.As<Function>(); do_check_eq(fn, fnT->GetFunction()); Local<Number> n = Number::New(0.5); Handle<Value> args[] = { n }; Local<Value> v = fn->Call(context->Global(), 1, args); do_check_true(!v.IsEmpty()); do_check_true(v->IsNumber()); Local<Number> n2 = v->ToNumber(); do_check_eq(n2->Value(), 1.5); context.Dispose(); }
jsvalue JsContext::InvokeProperty(Persistent<Object>* obj, const uint16_t* name, jsvalue args) { jsvalue v; Locker locker(isolate_); Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(isolate_); (*context_)->Enter(); HandleScope scope; TryCatch trycatch; Local<Value> prop = (*obj)->Get(String::New(name)); if (prop.IsEmpty() || !prop->IsFunction()) { v = engine_->StringFromV8(String::New("property not found or isn't a function")); v.type = JSVALUE_TYPE_STRING_ERROR; } else { std::vector<Local<Value> > argv(args.length); engine_->ArrayToV8Args(args, id_, &argv[0]); // TODO: Check ArrayToV8Args return value (but right now can't fail, right?) Local<Function> func = Local<Function>::Cast(prop); Local<Value> value = func->Call(*obj, args.length, &argv[0]); if (!value.IsEmpty()) { v = engine_->AnyFromV8(value); } else { v = engine_->ErrorFromV8(trycatch); } } (*context_)->Exit(); return v; }
char *JSMain::GetStackInfo(Isolate *isolate, int *lineNumber) { HandleScope handle_scope(isolate); const char *file = __FILE__; /* Use current filename if we can't find the correct from JS stack */ int line = __LINE__; /* Use current line number if we can't find the correct from JS stack */ char *ret = NULL; /* Try to get the current stack trace (script file) */ Local<StackTrace> stFile = StackTrace::CurrentStackTrace(isolate, 1, StackTrace::kScriptName); if (!stFile.IsEmpty()) { Local<StackFrame> sf = stFile->GetFrame(0); if (!sf.IsEmpty()) { Local<String> fn = sf->GetScriptName(); if (!fn.IsEmpty()) { String::Utf8Value str(fn); if (*str) { js_strdup(ret, *str); // We must dup here } } } } /* dup current filename if we got nothing from stack */ if (ret == NULL) { js_strdup(ret, file); } /* Try to get the current stack trace (line number) */ if (lineNumber) { *lineNumber = 0; Local<StackTrace> stLine = StackTrace::CurrentStackTrace(isolate, 1, StackTrace::kLineNumber); if (!stLine.IsEmpty()) { Local<StackFrame> sf = stLine->GetFrame(0); if (!sf.IsEmpty()) { *lineNumber = sf->GetLineNumber(); } } /* Use current file number if we got nothing from stack */ if (*lineNumber == 0) { *lineNumber = line; } } /* Return dup'ed value - this must be freed by the calling function */ return ret; }
void Module::Init(Isolate *isolate) { JEnv env; MODULE_CLASS = env.FindClass("com/tns/Module"); assert(MODULE_CLASS != nullptr); RESOLVE_PATH_METHOD_ID = env.GetStaticMethodID(MODULE_CLASS, "resolvePath", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;"); assert(RESOLVE_PATH_METHOD_ID != nullptr); string requireFactoryScript = "(function () { " " function require_factory(requireInternal, dirName) { " " return function require(modulePath) { " " if(global.__requireOverride) { " " var result = global.__requireOverride(modulePath, dirName); " " if(result) { " " return result; " " } " " } " " return requireInternal(modulePath, dirName); " " } " " } " " return require_factory; " "})()"; auto source = ConvertToV8String(requireFactoryScript); auto context = isolate->GetCurrentContext(); Local<Script> script; auto maybeScript = Script::Compile(context, source).ToLocal(&script); assert(!script.IsEmpty()); Local<Value> result; auto maybeResult = script->Run(context).ToLocal(&result); assert(!result.IsEmpty() && result->IsFunction()); auto requireFactoryFunction = result.As<Function>(); auto cache = GetCache(isolate); cache->RequireFactoryFunction = new Persistent<Function>(isolate, requireFactoryFunction); auto requireFuncTemplate = FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, RequireCallback); auto requireFunc = requireFuncTemplate->GetFunction(); cache->RequireFunction = new Persistent<Function>(isolate, requireFunc); auto global = isolate->GetCurrentContext()->Global(); auto globalRequire = GetRequireFunction(isolate, Constants::APP_ROOT_FOLDER_PATH); global->Set(ConvertToV8String("require"), globalRequire); }
void test_HandleScope() { HandleScope outer; Local<Value> v; { HandleScope inner; v = inner.Close(String::New("hey")); } do_check_true(!v.IsEmpty()); Local<String> s = v->ToString(); do_check_true(!s.IsEmpty()); do_check_true(s->Equals(v)); }
jobject NativePlatform::RunScript(JNIEnv *_env, jobject obj, jstring scriptFile) { JEnv env(_env); jobject res = nullptr; auto isolate = g_isolate; Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(isolate); HandleScope handleScope(isolate); auto context = isolate->GetCurrentContext(); auto filename = ArgConverter::jstringToString(scriptFile); auto src = File::ReadText(filename); auto source = ConvertToV8String(src); TryCatch tc; Local<Script> script; ScriptOrigin origin(ConvertToV8String(filename)); auto maybeScript = Script::Compile(context, source, &origin).ToLocal(&script); if(tc.HasCaught()) { throw NativeScriptException(tc, "Script " + filename + " contains compilation errors!"); } if (!script.IsEmpty()) { Local<Value> result; auto maybeResult = script->Run(context).ToLocal(&result); if(tc.HasCaught()) { throw NativeScriptException(tc, "Error running script " + filename); } if (!result.IsEmpty()) { res = ConvertJsValueToJavaObject(env, result, static_cast<int>(Type::Null)); } else { DEBUG_WRITE(">>runScript maybeResult is empty"); } } else { DEBUG_WRITE(">>runScript maybeScript is empty"); } return res; }
/* called by the Java environment for objects that have been finalized */ void Conv::releaseV8Handle(JNIEnv *jniEnv, Persistent<Object> val, int type) { HandleScope scope; Handle<String> sHiddenKey; Interface *interface = 0; ArrayType *arr = 0; if(type == -1) { sHiddenKey = sObjectHiddenKey; } else if(isArray(type)) { arrayConv->GetRefsForComponentType(jniEnv, getComponentType(type), &arr); sHiddenKey = arr->getHiddenKey(); } else if(isInterface(type)) { interface = env->getInterface(getClassId(type)); sHiddenKey = interface->getHiddenKey(); } //LOGV("releaseV8Handle; interface = %p; getting hidden value; sHiddenKey = %p\n", interface, sHiddenKey); if(!sHiddenKey.IsEmpty()) { Local<Value> hiddenVal = val->GetHiddenValue(sHiddenKey); if(!hiddenVal.IsEmpty() && !hiddenVal->IsUndefined()) { jobject extRef = (jobject)External::Unwrap(hiddenVal); Conv::deleteGlobalRef(jniEnv, extRef); val->DeleteHiddenValue(sHiddenKey); if(interface) { while((interface = interface->getParent())) { val->DeleteHiddenValue(interface->getHiddenKey()); } } } } val.Dispose(); }
int Conv::UnwrapObject(JNIEnv *jniEnv, Handle<Object> val, Handle<String> key, jobject *jVal) { int result = ErrorNotfound; //LOGV("UnwrapObject; getting hidden value; key = %p\n", key); Local<Value> hiddenVal = val->GetHiddenValue(key); if(!hiddenVal.IsEmpty() && !hiddenVal->IsUndefined()) { jobject extRef = (jobject)External::Unwrap(hiddenVal); if(jniEnv->GetObjectRefType(extRef) == JNIWeakGlobalRefType) { jobject localRef = jniEnv->NewLocalRef(extRef); if(localRef == 0) { /* the Java object died */ jniEnv->DeleteWeakGlobalRef(extRef); val->DeleteHiddenValue(key); } else { /* the java object is alive */ *jVal = localRef; result = OK; } } else { /* the object is strongly referenced */ *jVal = extRef; result = OK; } } return result; }
void *ScriptObject::extractHolder(const Arguments &args) { HandleScope handleScope; // Extract first internal field from Argument's holder object Local<Object> holderObject = args.Holder(); if (holderObject->InternalFieldCount() < 1) throw bit::Exception("No internal fields found in holder object"); Local<Value> holderValue = holderObject->GetInternalField(0); if (holderValue.IsEmpty()) throw bit::Exception("Internal field could not be extracted from object"); if (!holderValue->IsExternal()) throw bit::Exception("The first field of holder object is not an ExternalObject"); // Extract void pointer void *holderPointer = External::Unwrap(holderValue); if (holderPointer == NULL) throw bit::Exception("Extracted pointer is null"); return holderPointer; }
bool ArgConverter::TryConvertToJavaLong(const Local<Value>& value, jlong& javaLong) { bool success = false; if (!value.IsEmpty()) { if (value->IsNumber() || value->IsNumberObject()) { javaLong = (jlong)value->IntegerValue(); success = true; } else if (value->IsObject()) { auto obj = Local<Object>::Cast(value); auto isJavaLongValue = obj->GetHiddenValue(V8StringConstants::GetJavaLong()); if (!isJavaLongValue.IsEmpty() && isJavaLongValue->BooleanValue()) { javaLong = (jlong)ConvertToJavaLong(value); success = true; } } } return success; }
// プロパティ取得共通処理 tjs_error TJSInstance::getProp(Isolate *isolate, Local<Object> &obj, const tjs_char *membername, tTJSVariant *result) { if (!membername) { return TJS_E_NOTIMPL; } HandleScope handle_scope(isolate); Context::Scope context_scope(getContext()); TryCatch try_catch; Local<Value> ret = obj->Get(String::NewFromTwoByte(isolate, membername)); if (ret.IsEmpty()) { return TJS_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; } else { if (result) { if (ret->IsFunction()) { *result = toVariant(isolate, ret->ToObject(), obj); } else { *result = toVariant(isolate, ret); } } } return TJS_S_OK; }
// メソッド呼び出し共通処理 tjs_error TJSInstance::callMethod(Isolate *isolate, Local<Object> &obj, const tjs_char *membername, tTJSVariant *result, tjs_int numparams, tTJSVariant **param, iTJSDispatch2 *objthis) { HandleScope handle_scope(isolate); Context::Scope context_scope(getContext()); TryCatch try_catch; Local<Object> context = membername ? obj : objthis ? toJSValue(isolate, tTJSVariant(objthis))->ToObject() : getContext()->Global(); Local<Object> method = membername ? obj->Get(String::NewFromTwoByte(isolate, membername))->ToObject() : obj; if (!method->IsFunction()) { return TJS_E_NOTIMPL; } // 関数抽出 Local<Function> func = Local<Function>::Cast(method); // 引数 Handle<Value> *argv = new Handle<Value>[numparams]; for (int i=0;i<numparams;i++) { argv[i] = toJSValue(isolate, *param[i]); } Local<Value> ret = func->Call(context, numparams, argv); delete argv; if (ret.IsEmpty()) { JSEXCEPTION(isolate, &try_catch); } else { if (result) { *result = toVariant(isolate, ret); } } return TJS_S_OK; }
static void Set_DialogState_height(Local<String> property, Local<Value> value, const AccessorInfo& info) { HandleScope scope; Local<Object> self = info.Holder(); Local<External> wrap = Local<External>::Cast(self->GetInternalField(0)); if (wrap.IsEmpty()) return; DialogState *tmp = (DialogState *) wrap->Value(); if (tmp == NULL) return; if (!value.IsEmpty() && value->IsNumber()) tmp->setHeight(value->Int32Value()); }
static gboolean gum_script_process_thread_match (const GumThreadDetails * details, gpointer user_data) { GumScriptMatchContext * ctx = static_cast<GumScriptMatchContext *> (user_data); GumScriptCore * core = ctx->self->core; Isolate * isolate = ctx->isolate; if (gum_script_is_ignoring (details->id)) return TRUE; Local<Object> thread (Object::New (isolate)); _gum_script_set (thread, "id", Number::New (isolate, details->id), core); _gum_script_set (thread, "state", String::NewFromOneByte (isolate, reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *> (gum_script_thread_state_to_string ( details->state))), core); _gum_script_set (thread, "context", _gum_script_cpu_context_new ( &details->cpu_context, ctx->self->core), core); Handle<Value> argv[] = { thread }; Local<Value> result = ctx->on_match->Call (ctx->receiver, 1, argv); gboolean proceed = TRUE; if (!result.IsEmpty () && result->IsString ()) { String::Utf8Value str (result); proceed = (strcmp (*str, "stop") != 0); } return proceed; }
stdext::ustring JavaScriptContext::ExecuteReturnString(const stdext::ustring & source, const stdext::ustring & name, stdext::ustring & error) { stdext::ustring resultString; error = wstringToUstring(L""); Locker locker(m_isolate); Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(m_isolate); { Context::Scope contextScope(*m_ctx); HandleScope scope; Local<String> scriptSource = String::New(reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t *>(source.c_str())); Local<String> scriptName = String::New(reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t *>(name.c_str())); Local<Script> script = Script::New(scriptSource, scriptName); Local<Value> result; { TryCatch tryCatch; result = script->Run(); if (!result.IsEmpty()) { String::Value value(result); resultString.append(reinterpret_cast<const char16_t *>(*value)); } if (tryCatch.HasCaught()) { error.append(wstringToUstring(L"Error running script: ")); error.append(name); error.append(wstringToUstring(L" - ")); String::Value stackTrace(tryCatch.StackTrace()); error.append(reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(*stackTrace)); } } } return resultString; }
int V8Scope::invoke( ScriptingFunction func , const BSONObj& argsObject, int timeoutMs , bool ignoreReturn ){ Handle<Value> funcValue = _funcs[func-1]; TryCatch try_catch; int nargs = argsObject.nFields(); auto_ptr< Handle<Value> > args; if ( nargs ){ args.reset( new Handle<Value>[nargs] ); BSONObjIterator it( argsObject ); for ( int i=0; i<nargs; i++ ){ BSONElement next =; args.get()[i] = mongoToV8Element( next ); } } Local<Value> result = ((v8::Function*)(*funcValue))->Call( _this , nargs , args.get() ); if ( result.IsEmpty() ){ stringstream ss; ss << "error in invoke: " << toSTLString( &try_catch ); _error = ss.str(); log() << _error << endl; return 1; } if ( ! ignoreReturn ){ _global->Set( v8::String::New( "return" ) , result ); } return 0; }
void Server::New(std::string filename, AMX *amx){ if (Server::_scripts.find(filename) != Server::_scripts.end()){ sjs::logger::error("load: Script already loaded (%s)", filename.c_str()); return; } auto jsfile = std::make_shared<Server>(); jsfile->SetAMX(amx); jsfile->SetScriptName(filename); jsfile->Init(); jsfile->AddModule("utils", Utils(jsfile)); jsfile->AddModule("$fs", FileSystem(jsfile)); jsfile->AddModule("players", Players(jsfile)); jsfile->AddModule("$sockets", Sockets(jsfile)); JS_SCOPE(jsfile->GetIsolate()) JS_CONTEXT(jsfile->GetIsolate(), jsfile->_context) Local<Value> ret = jsfile->LoadScript("js/" + filename); if (ret.IsEmpty()){ sjs::logger::error("Could not create new script (%s)", filename.c_str()); return; } String::Utf8Value jsStr(ret); char* str = *jsStr; Server::_scripts[filename] = jsfile; Server::_scripts[filename]->EventManager()->FireEvent("ScriptInit"); }
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_org_appcelerator_kroll_runtime_v8_V8Runtime_nativeEvalString (JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jstring source, jstring filename) { HandleScope scope(V8Runtime::v8_isolate); titanium::JNIScope jniScope(env); Local<Value> jsSource = TypeConverter::javaStringToJsString(V8Runtime::v8_isolate, env, source); if (jsSource.IsEmpty() || !jsSource->IsString()) { LOGE(TAG, "Error converting Javascript string, aborting evalString"); return NULL; } Local<Value> jsFilename = TypeConverter::javaStringToJsString(V8Runtime::v8_isolate, env, filename); TryCatch tryCatch(V8Runtime::v8_isolate); Local<Script> script = Script::Compile(jsSource.As<String>(), jsFilename.As<String>()); Local<Value> result = script->Run(); if (tryCatch.HasCaught()) { V8Util::openJSErrorDialog(V8Runtime::v8_isolate, tryCatch); V8Util::reportException(V8Runtime::v8_isolate, tryCatch, true); return NULL; } return TypeConverter::jsValueToJavaObject(V8Runtime::v8_isolate, env, result); }
int __stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,LPTSTR lpCmdLine,int nCmdShow){ int rt = -1; initContext(); HandleScope store; runJSRes(IDR_JS_STRUCT,L"app.lib"); Handle<Value> result = runJSFile(L"main.js",L"utf-8"); if(!result.IsEmpty()){//只有出错的时候才会返回Empty, 否则即使没有返回值, result仍然是Undefined. Local<Object> gObj = getGlobal(); Local<Function> main = GetJSVariant<Function>(gObj,L"main"); if(main.IsEmpty()){ //InnerMsg(L"没有发现 main 函数",MT_ERROR); }else if(!main->IsFunction()){ //InnerMsg(L"main 不是函数",MT_ERROR); }else{ TryCatch err; Handle<Value> args[1]; args[0] = String::New((uint16_t*)lpCmdLine); Local<Value> r = main->Call(gObj,1,args); if(!err.Exception().IsEmpty()){ ReportError(err); }else rt = r->Int32Value(); } } releaseContext(); return rt; }
static gboolean gum_script_process_handle_module_match (const GumModuleDetails * details, gpointer user_data) { GumScriptMatchContext * ctx = static_cast<GumScriptMatchContext *> (user_data); GumScriptCore * core = ctx->self->core; Isolate * isolate = ctx->isolate; Local<Object> module (Object::New (isolate)); _gum_script_set_ascii (module, "name", details->name, core); _gum_script_set_pointer (module, "base", details->range->base_address, core); _gum_script_set_uint (module, "size", details->range->size, core); _gum_script_set_utf8 (module, "path", details->path, core); Handle<Value> argv[] = { module }; Local<Value> result = ctx->on_match->Call (ctx->receiver, 1, argv); gboolean proceed = TRUE; if (!result.IsEmpty () && result->IsString ()) { String::Utf8Value str (result); proceed = (strcmp (*str, "stop") != 0); } return proceed; }
static gboolean gum_v8_process_handle_malloc_range_match (const GumMallocRangeDetails * details, gpointer user_data) { GumV8MatchContext * ctx = static_cast<GumV8MatchContext *> (user_data); GumV8Core * core = ctx->self->core; Isolate * isolate = ctx->isolate; Local<Object> range (Object::New (isolate)); _gum_v8_object_set_pointer (range, "base", details->range->base_address, core); _gum_v8_object_set_uint (range, "size", details->range->size, core); Handle<Value> argv[] = { range }; Local<Value> result = ctx->on_match->Call (ctx->receiver, 1, argv); gboolean proceed = TRUE; if (!result.IsEmpty () && result->IsString ()) { String::Utf8Value str (result); proceed = (strcmp (*str, "stop") != 0); } return proceed; }
JSONValue JSONValue::operator[](int index) { Locker locker(isolate); Isolate::Scope isolateScope(isolate); HandleScope handleScope; // Check if value is an array if (!value->IsArray()) throw bit::Exception("JSONValue is not an array"); Local<Value> valueLocal = Local<Value>::New(value); Local<Array> valueArray = Local<Array>::Cast(valueLocal); if (valueArray.IsEmpty()) throw bit::Exception("V8 array could not be created"); // Check if index exists if (!valueArray->Has(index)) throw bit::Exception("Index does not exist"); // Return JSONValue Local<Value> newValue = valueArray->Get(index); JSONValue jsonValue(newValue, isolate); return jsonValue; }
static gboolean gum_v8_exception_handler_on_exception (GumExceptionDetails * details, gpointer user_data) { GumV8ExceptionHandler * handler = (GumV8ExceptionHandler *) user_data; GumV8Core * core = handler->core; ScriptScope scope (core->script); Isolate * isolate = core->isolate; Local<Function> callback (Local<Function>::New (isolate, *handler->callback)); Local<Object> ex, context; _gum_v8_parse_exception_details (details, ex, context, core); Handle<Value> argv[] = { ex }; Local<Value> result = callback->Call (Null (isolate), 1, argv); _gum_v8_cpu_context_free_later ( new GumPersistent<Object>::type (isolate, context), core); if (!result.IsEmpty () && result->IsBoolean ()) { bool handled = result.As<Boolean> ()->Value (); return handled ? TRUE : FALSE; } return FALSE; }
// コンストラクタ呼び出し共通処理 tjs_error TJSInstance::createMethod(Isolate *isolate, Local<Object> &obj, const tjs_char *membername, iTJSDispatch2 **result, tjs_int numparams, tTJSVariant **param) { if (membername) { return TJS_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; } HandleScope handle_scope(isolate); Context::Scope context_scope(getContext()); TryCatch try_catch; if (!obj->IsFunction()) { return TJS_E_NOTIMPL; } // 関数抽出 Local<Function> func = Local<Function>::Cast(obj->ToObject()); // 引数 Handle<Value> *argv = new Handle<Value>[numparams]; for (int i=0;i<numparams;i++) { argv[i] = toJSValue(isolate, *param[i]); } Local<Object> ret = func->NewInstance(numparams, argv); delete argv; if (ret.IsEmpty()) { JSEXCEPTION(isolate, &try_catch); } else { if (result) { *result = toVariant(isolate, ret); } } return TJS_S_OK; }
extern "C" void init(Handle<Object> target) { HandleScope scope; Local<FunctionTemplate> logFunction = FunctionTemplate::New(LogWrapper); target->Set(String::NewSymbol("_logString"), logFunction->GetFunction()); Local<FunctionTemplate> logKeyValueFunction = FunctionTemplate::New(LogKeyValueWrapper); target->Set(String::NewSymbol("_logKeyValueString"), logKeyValueFunction->GetFunction()); target->Set(String::NewSymbol("LOG_CRITICAL"), Integer::New(kPmLogLevel_Critical)); target->Set(String::NewSymbol("LOG_ERR"), Integer::New(kPmLogLevel_Error)); target->Set(String::NewSymbol("LOG_WARNING"), Integer::New(kPmLogLevel_Warning)); target->Set(String::NewSymbol("LOG_INFO"), Integer::New(kPmLogLevel_Info)); target->Set(String::NewSymbol("LOG_DEBUG"), Integer::New(kPmLogLevel_Debug)); Local<String> scriptText = String::New((const char*)pmloglib_js, pmloglib_js_len); Local<Script> script = Script::New(scriptText, String::New("pmloglib.js")); if (!script.IsEmpty()) { Local<Value> v = script->Run(); Local<Function> f = Local<Function>::Cast(v); Local<Context> current = Context::GetCurrent(); Handle<Value> argv[1]; argv[0] = target; f->Call(current->Global(), 1, &argv[0]); } else { cerr << "Script was empty." << endl; } }
jsvalue JsContext::GetPropertyValue(Persistent<Object>* obj, const uint16_t* name) { jsvalue v; Locker locker(isolate_); Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(isolate_); (*context_)->Enter(); HandleScope scope; TryCatch trycatch; Local<Value> value = (*obj)->Get(String::New(name)); if (!value.IsEmpty()) { Handle<v8::Object> obj_handle = Handle<v8::Object>(*obj); v = engine_->AnyFromV8(value,obj_handle); } else { v = engine_->ErrorFromV8(trycatch); } (*context_)->Exit(); return v; }
Ti::TiValue Ti::TiViewProxy::remove(Ti::TiValue value) { Ti::TiValue val; val.setUndefined(); Ti::TiViewProxy *childProxy = static_cast<Ti::TiViewProxy*>(value.toProxy()); if(!_childViewsProxies.contains(childProxy)) return val; Ti::TiView* childView = childProxy->getView(); Ti::TiView* thisView = getView(); childProxy->makeWeak(); thisView->remove(childView); _childViewsProxies.removeOne(childProxy); childProxy->_parentProxy = NULL; Local<Value> children = _jsObject->Get(String::New("children")); if(!children.IsEmpty() && !children->IsUndefined()) { Local<Array> array = Local<Array>::Cast(children); for(int i = 0, len = array->Length(); i < len; i++) { if(array->Get(i) == value.toJSValue()) { array->Delete(i); break; } } } return val; }
jsvalue JsContext::Execute(JsScript *jsscript) { jsvalue v; Locker locker(isolate_); Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(isolate_); (*context_)->Enter(); HandleScope scope; TryCatch trycatch; Handle<Script> script = (*jsscript->GetScript()); if (!script.IsEmpty()) { Local<Value> result = script->Run(); if (result.IsEmpty()) v = engine_->ErrorFromV8(trycatch); else v = engine_->AnyFromV8(result); } (*context_)->Exit(); return v; }
bool WeechatJsV8::execScript() { v8::TryCatch trycatch; this->context = Context::New(NULL, this->global); Context::Scope context_scope(this->context); Handle<Script> script = Script::Compile(this->source); if (script.IsEmpty()) { PRINT_EXCEPTION; return false; } else { Local<Value> value = script->Run(); if (value.IsEmpty()) { PRINT_EXCEPTION; return false; } } return true; }