Пример #1
void randomizeVector(LocationVector& V) {
	int n = V.size();
	int n2 = (int)(n/2);
	int rand_index = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i < n2;) {
		rand_index = rand() % n;
		if(!V[rand_index]) {
			V[rand_index] = true;
Пример #2
   void PSU1Rules::BuildGenericSignal(const GenericTupleVector& genericTupleVec)
      std::cout << "BUILDING Generic Signals " << std::endl;

      for(uint16_t idx=0; idx<genericTupleVec.size(); ++idx)
         // get all port.channel locations
         LocationVector lv = genericTupleVec[idx].get<0>();

         // iterate through all locations and assign signal
         for(uint16_t jdx=0; jdx<lv.size(); ++jdx)
            ports_[ChIndex(lv,jdx)] = genericTupleVec[idx].get<1>();
Пример #3
   void PSU1Rules::BuildCodeSignal(const CodeTupleVector& codeTupleVec,
         const TrTupleVector& trTupleVec, const double bauda)
      std::cout << "BUILDING CODE Signal " << std::endl;

      LocationVector lv = codeTupleVec[0].get<0>();
      const Pattern pattern = codeTupleVec[0].get<1>();
      const uint16_t pre_baud = round(trTupleVec[0].get<1>()/bauda);

      for(uint16_t idx=0; idx<lv.size(); ++idx)
         const uint16_t ch_idx = ChIndex(lv,idx);

         for(uint16_t jdx=0; jdx<pattern.size(); ++jdx) 
            const uint16_t code_offset = pre_baud + jdx;
            ports_[ch_idx][code_offset] = pattern[jdx];
Пример #4
   void PSU1Rules::BuildTxaSignal(const TxaTupleVector& txaTupleVec, 
         const TrTupleVector& trTupleVec, const double txa, const double bauda)
      std::cout << "BUILDING TXA Signal " << std::endl;

      LocationVector lv = txaTupleVec[0].get<0>();
      const uint16_t pre_baud = round(trTupleVec[0].get<1>()/bauda);
      const double txa_baud = round(txa/bauda);

      for(uint16_t idx=0; idx<lv.size(); ++idx)
         const uint16_t ch_idx = ChIndex(lv,idx);
         ports_[ch_idx].resize(pre_baud + txa_baud);

         for(uint16_t jdx=0; jdx<txa_baud; ++jdx)
            const uint16_t txa_offset = jdx + pre_baud;
Пример #5
   void PSU1Rules::BuildTrSignal(const TrTupleVector& trTupleVec, const double txa, const double bauda)
      std::cout << "BUILDING TR Signal " << std::endl;
      const uint16_t pre_baud = round(trTupleVec[0].get<1>()/bauda);
      const uint16_t post_baud = round(trTupleVec[0].get<2>()/bauda);
      const uint16_t txa_baud = round(txa/bauda);
      const uint16_t tr_baud = pre_baud + txa_baud + post_baud;

      LocationVector lv = trTupleVec[0].get<0>();

      for(uint16_t idx=0; idx<lv.size(); ++idx)
         const uint16_t ch_idx = ChIndex(lv,idx);

         for(uint16_t jdx=0; jdx<tr_baud; ++jdx)

Пример #6
   void PSU1Rules::BuildSaSignal(const SaTupleVector& saTupleVec,
         const TrTupleVector& trTupleVec, const double bauda)

      std::cout << "BUILDING SA (Receive Window) Signal " << std::endl;

      for(uint16_t idx =0; idx<saTupleVec.size(); ++idx)
         // get all port.channel locations
         LocationVector lv = saTupleVec[idx].get<0>();
         bool isNeg = saTupleVec[idx].get<1>(); 

         // convert to baud
         const uint16_t h0_baud  = round(saTupleVec[idx].get<2>()/bauda);
         const uint16_t hf_baud  = round(saTupleVec[idx].get<3>()/bauda);
         const uint16_t pre_baud = round(trTupleVec[0].get<1>()/bauda);

         //window's point of reference is TXA and not t=0 since we
         //are using a TR window to protect the receivers (i.e. add pre offset)
         const uint16_t h0_offset = h0_baud + pre_baud;
         const uint16_t hf_offset = hf_baud + pre_baud;

         for(uint16_t jdx=0; jdx<lv.size(); ++jdx)
            const uint16_t ch_jdx = ChIndex(lv,jdx);

            // enable signal for defined receive window 
            for(uint16_t kdx=h0_offset; kdx<hf_offset; ++kdx)

            // invert signal if negate set
            if(isNeg) { ports_[ch_jdx].flip(); }
Пример #7
   bool PSU1Rules::Verify()
      //store all locations and compare to 
      //ensure unique assignments
      LocationVector globalLocations;

      //contains tuple<LocationVector, Pattern, double>
      //single entry
      const CodeTupleVector& codeTupleVec = codeKey.GetTupleRef();

      //contains tuple<LocationVector, double, double>
      //single entry
      const TrTupleVector& trTupleVec = trKey.GetTupleRef();

      //contains tuple<LocationVector, double>
      //single entry
      const TxaTupleVector& txaTupleVec = txaKey.GetTupleRef();

      //contains tuple<LocationVector, bool, double, double>
      //multiple entries
      const SaTupleVector& saTupleVec = saKey.GetTupleRef();

      //contains simple Parameter
      //multiple entries
      const ParameterVector& t1Tuple = t1Key.GetTupleRef();

      //contains tuple<LocationVector, dynamic_bitset<> >
      //optional with multiple entries
      GenericTupleVector genericTupleVec; 

         genericTupleVec = gKey.GetTupleRef();

      //contains simple Parameter
      //single entry
      //const ParameterVector& t2Tuple   = t2Key.GetTupleRef();

      const double txa = txaTupleVec[0].get<1>();
      const double rfclk    = any_cast<double>(param::FindParameter(t1Tuple, "refclock").value);
      const double baudb    = any_cast<double>(param::FindParameter(t1Tuple, "baudb").value);
      const double ippa     = any_cast<double>(param::FindParameter(t1Tuple, "ippa").value);
      const double bauda    = any_cast<double>(param::FindParameter(t1Tuple, "bauda").value);
      const uint32_t txa_baud = round(txa/bauda);

      iif_.clkDivA = round(rfclk*bauda/2.0);
      iif_.clkDivB = round(rfclk*baudb/2.0);

      std::cout << "txa      = " << txa << std::endl;
      std::cout << "txa_baud = " << txa_baud << std::endl;
      std::cout << "rfclk    = " << rfclk << std::endl;
      std::cout << "baudb    = " << baudb << std::endl;
      std::cout << "bauda    = " << bauda << std::endl;
      std::cout << "ippa     = " << ippa << std::endl;
      std::cout << "diva     = " << iif_.clkDivA << std::endl;
      std::cout << "divb     = " << iif_.clkDivB << std::endl;

      //const double ipp_b   = rfclk/ipp;
      const double duty_cycle = txa/ippa;
      const uint32_t code_l  = codeTupleVec[0].get<2>();

      std::cout << "code length = " << code_l << std::endl;
      std::cout << "txa  length = " << txa_baud << std::endl;

      //verify that code width matches the transmitted pulse width
      if(txa_baud != code_l)
         cerr << "TXA Pulse Width != CODE Pulse Width => " << txa_baud << " != " << code_l << endl;
         throw std::runtime_error("PSU1Rules: TXA length != CODE length");

      //verify that code width matches the transmitted pulse width
      if( duty_cycle > MAX_DUTY_CYCLE ) 
         throw std::runtime_error("PSU1Rules - DUTY CYCLE " + 
               lexical_cast<string>(duty_cycle) + " > " + 

      //push sa locations 
      for(uint16_t idx=0; idx<saTupleVec.size(); ++idx)
         LocationVector lv = saTupleVec[idx].get<0>();
         globalLocations.insert(globalLocations.end(), lv.begin(), lv.end());

      //push generic location
      for(uint16_t idx=0; idx<genericTupleVec.size(); ++idx)
         LocationVector lv = genericTupleVec[idx].get<0>();
         globalLocations.insert(globalLocations.end(), lv.begin(), lv.end());

      //push all other locations
      LocationVector t = txaTupleVec[0].get<0>();
      globalLocations.insert(globalLocations.end(), t.begin(), t.end() );
      t = trTupleVec[0].get<0>();
      globalLocations.insert(globalLocations.end(), t.begin(), t.end() );
      t = codeTupleVec[0].get<0>();
      globalLocations.insert(globalLocations.end(), t.begin(), t.end() );

      //lazy way to check for duplicate signal assignments
      for(uint16_t idx=0; idx<globalLocations.size(); ++idx)
         for(uint16_t jdx=idx+1; jdx<globalLocations.size(); ++jdx)
            if(globalLocations[idx].channel == globalLocations[jdx].channel)
               if(globalLocations[idx].port == globalLocations[jdx].port)
                  cout << globalLocations[idx].port << "." << globalLocations[idx].channel << " ";
                  throw std::runtime_error("SIGNALS are assigned to the same port.channel");

      return true;
Пример #8
bool AsmCallBack(MessageEnum MessageType, const string &sMessage, const LocationVector &LocationStack)
	unsigned int i, j, Length, PreLength, OrigPreLength, CutOff, Temp, StackLength = 0, StackNumber = LocationStack.size()-1;
	ostrstream sMsg;
	const char *Buffer;
	char DBuffer[MAX_CONSOLE_WIDTH+1];
	char Space[MAX_CONSOLE_WIDTH/2+1];
	memset(Space, ' ', ConsoleWidth/2);
	//store the last locationstack so that we don't reprint a possibly long "From included file" list
	//when the current error happens in the same file as the one we just printed.
	static LocationVector LastLocation;

		for(i = 0; i < StackNumber; i++)
			if(LastLocation.size() > i+1 && LocationStack[i] == LastLocation[i])
			sMsg << InputList[LocationStack[i].first].c_str() << "(" << LocationStack[i].second <<"):    Info:   From included file:\n";
		LastLocation = LocationStack;
		StackLength = sMsg.pcount();

	case Info:
			sMsg << InputList[LocationStack[StackNumber].first].c_str() << "(" << LocationStack[StackNumber].second << "):    Info:   ";
	case Warning:
			throw "Empty location stack for Warning!";
		sMsg << InputList[LocationStack[StackNumber].first].c_str() << "(" << LocationStack[StackNumber].second << "): Warning:   ";
	case Error:
			throw "Empty location stack for Error!";
		sMsg << InputList[LocationStack[StackNumber].first].c_str() << "(" << LocationStack[StackNumber].second << "):   Error:   ";
	case Fatal:
			sMsg << InputList[LocationStack[StackNumber].first].c_str() << "(" << LocationStack[StackNumber].second << "):   ";
		sMsg << "Fatal:   ";

	//Print the pre-message
		OrigPreLength = PreLength = 0;
		OrigPreLength = PreLength = sMsg.pcount() - StackLength;

	//If the pre-message is longer than half the width of the console,
	//add a newline and spaces so that it looks like the pre-message
	//ended at half-width.
	if(PreLength > ConsoleWidth/2)
		sMsg << "\n";
		Space[ConsoleWidth/2] = 0;
		PreLength = ConsoleWidth/2;
		sMsg << Space;
		Space[PreLength] = 0;

	Length = sMessage.size();
	Buffer = sMessage.c_str();

	//Check for tabs, which increases the effective length of the string
	for(i = 0; Buffer[i]; i++)
		if(Buffer[i] == '\t')
			PreLength += CONSOLE_TAB_SIZE - 1;

	//Print lines of the message
		//Determine where to partition this message so that it fits in the console
		//The -1 is there so that there is room for the newline character.
		Temp = CutOff = MIN(Length, ConsoleWidth-PreLength-1);
		if(Temp != Length)
		{	//Adjust the cutoff so that it doesn't break words
			while(Buffer[Temp] != ' ' && Buffer[Temp] != '\n' && Buffer[Temp] != '\t' && Buffer[Temp] != '\r' && Temp > 0)
			if(Temp > 0)
				CutOff = Temp;
		for(i = 0, j = 0; i < CutOff; i++)
			if(Buffer[i] != '\n')
				if(Buffer[i] == '\t')
					PreLength -= CONSOLE_TAB_SIZE - 1;
				DBuffer[j++] = Buffer[i];
		DBuffer[j] = 0;
		while(CutOff != Length && (Buffer[CutOff] == ' ' || Buffer[CutOff] == '\n' || Buffer[CutOff] == '\t' || Buffer[CutOff] == '\r'))
		Buffer = &Buffer[CutOff];
		Length -= CutOff;
		sMsg << DBuffer << '\n';

		//While there is still message left, print spaces to line it up
		if(Length > 0)
			if(OrigPreLength == 0)
				OrigPreLength = PreLength = MIN(8, ConsoleWidth/2) + PreLength;
				Space[0] = ' ';
				Space[MIN(8, ConsoleWidth/2)] = 0;
			sMsg << Space;

	sMsg << ends;
	cout << sMsg.str();


	return true;