main() { LongString str; LongString str2; int cou,i; int len; LongStringInit(&str,1); for (i = 0, cou = str.split(&str,"1 2",-1,0,' ',0); i < cou; i++) { printf("<%*.*s>\n", str.field_size[i],str.field_size[i],str.field_value[i]); }; for (i = 0, cou = str.split(&str,"1 2 3def 4 5bcdef",-1,0,' ',0); i < cou; i++) { printf("<%*.*s>\n", str.field_size[i],str.field_size[i],str.field_value[i]); }; for (i = 0, cou = str.split(&str,"AA\001BB",4,0,'\001',0); i < cou; i++) { printf("<%*.*s>\n", str.field_size[i],str.field_size[i],str.field_value[i]); }; str.dup(&str2,&str); for (i = 0; i < cou; i++) { printf("<%*.*s>\n", str2.field_size[i],str2.field_size[i],str2.field_value[i]); printf("len: %d\n",str2.field_size[i]); }; #if 1 str.appendstrings(&str,"1skfbjrhvbfr"," " "44442d,mn9"," " "3**",NULL); printf("<%s>\n",str.buf); str.copy(&str,"BAC",-1); str.append(&str,"Zsolt",-1); str.append(&str,"Hello",3); printf("<%s>\n",str.buf);; str.dup(&str2,&str); str2.min(&str2); printf("<%s>\n",str2.buf); str.copy(&str,"zk",-1); printf("<%s>\n",str.buf);;; /* printf("%s",str.readfile(&str,"longstr.h")); printf("%s",str.readfile(&str,"longstr.c")); */ #endif; exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *data; char *key; char *bufp; char save_c; long type; int linenum; char *cache = NULL; char *cross_cache = NULL; FILE *logfp = NULL; FILE *infp = stdin; char *file = NULL; int first_xref = TRUE; char *db_prefix = NULL; char *sn_host = NULL; char *sn_pid = NULL; char *omode = NULL; char lock_file[MAXPATHLEN]; int set_sgns = FALSE; LongString buf; char *macro_file[MAX_MACRO_FILES]; int macro_file_num = 0; LongStringInit(&buf,0); Tcl_FindExecutable(argv[0]); #if !WIN32 && TTY_TRACE tty = fopen("/dev/tty","w"); #endif /* !WIN32 && TTY_TRACE */ while((type = getopt(argc,argv,"c:C:lf:H:O:P:M:sFm:")) != EOF) { switch (type) { case 'c': cache = optarg; break; case 'C': cross_cache = optarg; break; case 'l': report_local_vars = TRUE; break; case 'f': file = optarg; break; case 'H': sn_host = optarg; break; case 'P': sn_pid = optarg; break; case 'M': omode = optarg; break; case 's': set_sgns = FALSE; break; case 'F': break; case 'm': if (macro_file_num < MAX_MACRO_FILES - 1) { macro_file[macro_file_num++] = optarg; } MacroReadFile(optarg); break; } } if (optind < argc) { db_prefix = argv[optind]; } if (!db_prefix) { printf("Usage: %s ?-c cache_size? ?-C cross_cache_size? ?-l? ?-f file? ?-m macrofile? db_prefix\n", argv[0]); exit(2); } if (set_sgns) set_signals(); killed = FALSE; if (sn_host && sn_pid) { sprintf(lock_file,"%s.lck",db_prefix); switch (create_lock_file(lock_file,sn_host,sn_pid)) { case -1: fprintf(stderr,"Could not create lock,%s\n",strerror(errno)); exit(2); break; case FALSE: fprintf(stderr,"The database is in an inconsistent state.\n"); exit(2); break; } } else lock_file[0] = '\0'; if (file) { FILE *in; in = fopen(file,"r"); if (in) infp = in; } /*SN_DBIMP is set interactive in the tcl init procedure!*/ if (getenv("SN_DBIMP")) { char tmp[MAXPATHLEN]; char *e; e = getenv("TMPDIR"); sprintf(tmp,"%s/dbimp_%lu.tmp", e ? e : "/tmp", (unsigned long)getpid()); logfp = fopen(tmp,"w+"); if (logfp) { chmod(tmp,0666); fprintf(logfp,"#dbimp (pid: %lu) started database\n#prefix: <%s> cache: %s ", (unsigned long)getpid(), db_prefix, cache ? cache : "#"); fprintf(logfp,"cross_cache: %s local_vars: %d file: <%s>\n", cross_cache ? cross_cache : "#", report_local_vars, file ? file : "stdin"); if (macro_file_num) { int cou; for (cou = 0; cou < macro_file_num; cou++) { fprintf(logfp,"macro file %d: <%s>\n", cou + 1, macro_file[cou]); } } fflush(logfp); } } Paf_dbimp_running = TRUE; Paf_db_init_tables(db_prefix,cache,cross_cache); linenum = 0; type = -999; switch (setjmp(BAD_IMPL_jmp_buf)) { case PAF_PANIC_SOFT: killed = TRUE; fprintf(stderr,"dbimp (soft) panic"); if (filename_g) { fprintf(stderr,", in file: %s, at line: %d column: %d\n", filename_g,yylineno,yycharno); } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fflush(stderr); break; case PAF_PANIC_SIMPLE: killed = TRUE; break; case PAF_PANIC_EMERGENCY: killed = -1; fprintf(stderr,"Run time error: %s\n",strerror(errno)); fflush(stderr); break; } while (!killed && (bufp = buf.fgets(&buf,infp))) { if (logfp) { fputs(bufp,logfp); fputs("\n",logfp); fflush(logfp); } if (bufp[0] == '#' || bufp[0] == '\0') continue; linenum++; key = strchr(bufp,';'); if (key) data = strchr(key + 1,';'); else data = NULL; if (!key || !data) { fprintf(stderr,"dbimp Error: %s\n",bufp); fflush(stderr); continue; } save_c = *key; *key = '\0'; type = strtol(bufp,NULL,0); *key = save_c; if (type < -3) { fprintf(stderr,"dbimp invalid type: %ld, %s\n",type,bufp); fflush(stderr); continue; } else if (type == -1) { db_remove_file_def(0,data + 1); } else if (type == -3) { db_remove_file_xfer_using_keys(0,data + 1); } else if (type == PAF_CROSS_REF_CPP) { if (first_xref) { first_xref = FALSE; open_tables_for_cross_ref(); } Paf_insert_cross_ref_qry(bufp); } else { *data = '\0'; db_insert_entry(type,key + 1,data + 1); } } #if TTY_TRACE if (tty) { fprintf(tty,"END (pid: %d) killed: %d eof: %d\n", (int)getpid(),killed,feof(infp)); } #endif /* TTY_TRACE */; if (!first_xref) { Paf_Cpp_Cross_Ref_Clean(); } if (Paf_db_close_tables() == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"Database closing error: %s\n",strerror(errno)); fflush(stderr); killed = -1; } if (logfp) { fprintf(logfp,"#dbimp (pid: %lu) exited\n",(unsigned long)getpid()); fclose(logfp); } if (yyfd >= 0) { close(yyfd); yyfd = -1; } if (lock_file[0]) { if (killed == -1) { /* * Mark the project as unusable. We must not open the * file with O_TRUNC, because if the disk is already full, * we will get a zero size file that we cannot write. */ int fd = open(lock_file,O_WRONLY,0666); if (fd != -1) { char status_buf[500]; /* Now, we just overwrite the file. The 0000000 pid indicates * that the project is unusable. */ sprintf(status_buf,"%s %s %7d\n", sn_pid, sn_host, 0); write(fd,status_buf,strlen(status_buf)); close(fd); } } else { /* Delete the lock file to indicate, that we did not crash! */ if (unlink(lock_file) == -1 && access(lock_file,F_OK) != -1) { /* Under Windows, somebody might have open the file. */ sleep(1); #if TTY_TRACE if (tty) { fprintf(tty,"Removing lock file %d\n",(int)getpid()); } #endif /* TTY_TRACE */ unlink(lock_file); } } } fclose(infp); /* It is important to synchronize. */ exit(killed == -1 ? 2 : 0); return 0; }