// Rolls an item from the group (if any takes its chance) and adds the item to the loot void LootTemplate::LootGroup::Process(Loot& loot, uint16 lootMode) const { if (LootStoreItem const* item = Roll(loot, lootMode)) loot.AddItem(*item); }
void WorldSession::HandleLootMasterGiveOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data ) { uint8 slotid; uint64 lootguid, target_playerguid; recv_data >> lootguid >> slotid >> target_playerguid; if(!_player->GetGroup() || _player->GetGroup()->GetLooterGuid() != _player->GetGUID()) { _player->SendLootRelease(GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID()); return; } Player *target = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(MAKE_NEW_GUID(target_playerguid, 0, HIGHGUID_PLAYER)); if(!target) return; sLog.outDebug("WorldSession::HandleLootMasterGiveOpcode (CMSG_LOOT_MASTER_GIVE, 0x02A3) Target = [%s].", target->GetName()); if(_player->GetLootGUID() != lootguid) return; Loot *pLoot = NULL; if(IS_CREATURE_GUID(GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID())) { Creature *pCreature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(lootguid); if(!pCreature) return; pLoot = &pCreature->loot; } else if(IS_GAMEOBJECT_GUID(GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID())) { GameObject *pGO = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(lootguid); if(!pGO) return; pLoot = &pGO->loot; } if(!pLoot) return; if (slotid > pLoot->items.size()) { sLog.outDebug("AutoLootItem: Player %s might be using a hack! (slot %d, size %lu)",GetPlayer()->GetName(), slotid, (unsigned long)pLoot->items.size()); return; } LootItem& item = pLoot->items[slotid]; ItemPosCountVec dest; uint8 msg = target->CanStoreNewItem( NULL_BAG, NULL_SLOT, dest, item.itemid, item.count ); if ( msg != EQUIP_ERR_OK ) { target->SendEquipError( msg, NULL, NULL ); _player->SendEquipError( msg, NULL, NULL ); // send duplicate of error massage to master looter return; } // not move item from loot to target inventory Item * newitem = target->StoreNewItem( dest, item.itemid, true, item.randomPropertyId ); target->SendNewItem(newitem, uint32(item.count), false, false, true ); // mark as looted item.count=0; item.is_looted=true; pLoot->NotifyItemRemoved(slotid); --pLoot->unlootedCount; }
void WorldSession::HandleLootMasterGiveOpcode(WorldPacket & recv_data) { uint8 slotid; uint64 lootguid, target_playerguid; recv_data >> lootguid >> slotid >> target_playerguid; if (!_player->GetGroup() || _player->GetGroup()->GetLooterGuid() != _player->GetGUID()) { _player->SendLootRelease(GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID()); return; } Player *target = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(MAKE_NEW_GUID(target_playerguid, 0, HIGHGUID_PLAYER)); if (!target) return; sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "WorldSession::HandleLootMasterGiveOpcode (CMSG_LOOT_MASTER_GIVE, 0x02A3) Target = [%s].", target->GetName()); if (_player->GetLootGUID() != lootguid) return; Loot *pLoot = NULL; if (IS_CRE_OR_VEH_GUID(GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID())) { Creature *pCreature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(lootguid); if (!pCreature) return; pLoot = &pCreature->loot; } else if (IS_GAMEOBJECT_GUID(GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID())) { GameObject *pGO = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(lootguid); if (!pGO) return; pLoot = &pGO->loot; } if (!pLoot) return; if (slotid > pLoot->items.size()) { sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_LOOT, "MasterLootItem: Player %s might be using a hack! (slot %d, size %lu)", GetPlayer()->GetName(), slotid, (unsigned long)pLoot->items.size()); return; } LootItem& item = pLoot->items[slotid]; ItemPosCountVec dest; uint8 msg = target->CanStoreNewItem(NULL_BAG, NULL_SLOT, dest, item.itemid, item.count); if (msg != EQUIP_ERR_OK) { target->SendEquipError(msg, NULL, NULL, item.itemid); // send duplicate of error massage to master looter _player->SendEquipError(msg, NULL, NULL, item.itemid); return; } // list of players allowed to receive this item in trade AllowedLooterSet* looters = item.GetAllowedLooters(); // not move item from loot to target inventory Item * newitem = target->StoreNewItem(dest, item.itemid, true, item.randomPropertyId, (looters->size() > 1) ? looters : NULL); target->SendNewItem(newitem, uint32(item.count), false, false, true); target->GetAchievementMgr().UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_ITEM, item.itemid, item.count); target->GetAchievementMgr().UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_TYPE, pLoot->loot_type, item.count); target->GetAchievementMgr().UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_EPIC_ITEM, item.itemid, item.count); // mark as looted item.count=0; item.is_looted=true; pLoot->NotifyItemRemoved(slotid); --pLoot->unlootedCount; }
void WorldSession::DoLootRelease(uint64 lguid) { Player *player = GetPlayer(); Loot *loot; player->SetLootGUID(0); player->SendLootRelease(lguid); player->RemoveFlag(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_LOOTING); if (!player->IsInWorld()) return; if (IS_GAMEOBJECT_GUID(lguid)) { GameObject* go = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(lguid); // not check distance for GO in case owned GO (fishing bobber case, for example) or Fishing hole GO if (!go || ((go->GetOwnerGUID() != _player->GetGUID() && go->GetGoType() != GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE) && !go->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE))) return; loot = &go->loot; if (go->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_DOOR) { // locked doors are opened with spelleffect openlock, prevent remove its as looted go->UseDoorOrButton(); } else if (loot->isLooted() || go->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGNODE) { if (go->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE) { // The fishing hole used once more go->AddUse(); // if the max usage is reached, will be despawned in next tick if (go->GetUseCount() >= urand(go->GetGOInfo()->fishinghole.minSuccessOpens, go->GetGOInfo()->fishinghole.maxSuccessOpens)) go->SetLootState(GO_JUST_DEACTIVATED); else go->SetLootState(GO_READY); } else go->SetLootState(GO_JUST_DEACTIVATED); loot->clear(); } else { // not fully looted object go->SetLootState(GO_ACTIVATED, player); // if the round robin player release, reset it. if (player->GetGUID() == loot->roundRobinPlayer) { if (Group* group = player->GetGroup()) { if (group->GetLootMethod() != MASTER_LOOT) loot->roundRobinPlayer = 0; } else loot->roundRobinPlayer = 0; } } } else if (IS_CORPSE_GUID(lguid)) // ONLY remove insignia at BG { Corpse* corpse = ObjectAccessor::GetCorpse(*player, lguid); if (!corpse || !corpse->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) return; loot = &corpse->loot; if (loot->isLooted()) { loot->clear(); corpse->RemoveFlag(CORPSE_FIELD_DYNAMIC_FLAGS, CORPSE_DYNFLAG_LOOTABLE); } } else if (IS_ITEM_GUID(lguid)) { Item* pItem = player->GetItemByGuid(lguid); if (!pItem) return; ItemTemplate const* proto = pItem->GetTemplate(); // destroy only 5 items from stack in case prospecting and milling if (proto->Flags & (ITEM_PROTO_FLAG_PROSPECTABLE | ITEM_PROTO_FLAG_MILLABLE)) { pItem->m_lootGenerated = false; pItem->loot.clear(); uint32 count = pItem->GetCount(); // >=5 checked in spell code, but will work for cheating cases also with removing from another stacks. if (count > 5) count = 5; player->DestroyItemCount(pItem, count, true); } else // FIXME: item must not be deleted in case not fully looted state. But this pre-request implement loot saving in DB at item save. Or cheating possible. player->DestroyItem(pItem->GetBagSlot(), pItem->GetSlot(), true); return; // item can be looted only single player } else { Creature* creature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(lguid); bool lootAllowed = creature && creature->isAlive() == (player->getClass() == CLASS_ROGUE && creature->lootForPickPocketed); if (!lootAllowed || !creature->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) return; loot = &creature->loot; if (loot->isLooted()) { // skip pickpocketing loot for speed, skinning timer reduction is no-op in fact if (!creature->isAlive()) creature->AllLootRemovedFromCorpse(); creature->RemoveFlag(OBJECT_FIELD_DYNAMIC_FLAGS, UNIT_DYNFLAG_LOOTABLE); loot->clear(); } else { // if the round robin player release, reset it. if (player->GetGUID() == loot->roundRobinPlayer) { if (Group* group = player->GetGroup()) { if (group->GetLootMethod() != MASTER_LOOT) { loot->roundRobinPlayer = 0; group->SendLooter(creature, NULL); // force update of dynamic flags, otherwise other group's players still not able to loot. creature->ForceValuesUpdateAtIndex(OBJECT_FIELD_DYNAMIC_FLAGS); } } else loot->roundRobinPlayer = 0; } } } //Player is not looking at loot list, he doesn't need to see updates on the loot list loot->RemoveLooter(player->GetGUID()); }
void WorldSession::HandleLootMasterGiveOpcode(WorldPacket& recvData) { ObjectGuid target_playerguid = 0; target_playerguid[6] = recvData.ReadBit(); target_playerguid[2] = recvData.ReadBit(); target_playerguid[1] = recvData.ReadBit(); target_playerguid[3] = recvData.ReadBit(); target_playerguid[7] = recvData.ReadBit(); target_playerguid[5] = recvData.ReadBit(); uint32 count = recvData.ReadBits(25); if (count > 40) return; std::vector<ObjectGuid> guids(count); std::vector<uint8> types(count); uint8 bitOrder[8] = {4, 6, 7, 5, 0, 1, 3, 2}; for (uint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) recvData.ReadBitInOrder(guids[i], bitOrder); target_playerguid[4] = recvData.ReadBit(); target_playerguid[0] = recvData.ReadBit(); recvData.FlushBits(); uint8 byteOrder[8] = {6, 7, 3, 1, 0, 5, 4, 2}; for (uint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { recvData.ReadBytesSeq(guids[i], byteOrder); recvData >> types[i]; } uint8 byteOrder2[8] = {7, 0, 5, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1}; recvData.ReadBytesSeq(target_playerguid, byteOrder2); //recvData >> lootguid >> slotid >> target_playerguid; if (!_player->GetGroup() || _player->GetGroup()->GetLooterGuid() != _player->GetGUID()) { _player->SendLootRelease(GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID()); return; } Player* target = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(MAKE_NEW_GUID(target_playerguid, 0, HIGHGUID_PLAYER)); if (!target) return; sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "WorldSession::HandleLootMasterGiveOpcode (CMSG_LOOT_MASTER_GIVE, 0x02A3) Target = [%s].", target->GetName()); for (uint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ObjectGuid lootguid = guids[i]; uint8 slotid = types[i]; Loot* loot = NULL; if (IS_CRE_OR_VEH_GUID(GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID())) { Creature* creature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(lootguid); if (!creature) return; loot = &creature->loot; } else if (IS_GAMEOBJECT_GUID(GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID())) { GameObject* pGO = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(lootguid); if (!pGO) return; loot = &pGO->loot; } if (!loot) return; if (slotid >= loot->items.size() + loot->quest_items.size()) { sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_LOOT, "MasterLootItem: Player %s might be using a hack! (slot %d, size %lu)", GetPlayer()->GetName(), slotid, (unsigned long)loot->items.size()); return; } LootItem& item = slotid >= loot->items.size() ? loot->quest_items[slotid - loot->items.size()] : loot->items[slotid]; ItemPosCountVec dest; InventoryResult msg = target->CanStoreNewItem(NULL_BAG, NULL_SLOT, dest, item.itemid, item.count); if (item.follow_loot_rules && !item.AllowedForPlayer(target)) msg = EQUIP_ERR_CANT_EQUIP_EVER; if (msg != EQUIP_ERR_OK) { target->SendEquipError(msg, NULL, NULL, item.itemid); // send duplicate of error massage to master looter _player->SendEquipError(msg, NULL, NULL, item.itemid); return; } // list of players allowed to receive this item in trade AllowedLooterSet looters = item.GetAllowedLooters(); // not move item from loot to target inventory Item* newitem = target->StoreNewItem(dest, item.itemid, true, item.randomPropertyId, looters); target->SendNewItem(newitem, uint32(item.count), false, false, true); target->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_ITEM, item.itemid, item.count); target->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_TYPE, loot->loot_type, item.count); target->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_EPIC_ITEM, item.itemid, item.count); // mark as looted item.count=0; item.is_looted=true; loot->NotifyItemRemoved(slotid, _player->GetLootGUID()); --loot->unlootedCount; } }
void WorldSession::HandleLootMoneyOpcode(WorldPacket & /*recv_data*/) { DEBUG_LOG("WORLD: CMSG_LOOT_MONEY"); Player* player = GetPlayer(); ObjectGuid guid = player->GetLootGuid(); if (!guid) return; Loot* pLoot = NULL; Item* pItem = NULL; switch (guid.GetHigh()) { case HIGHGUID_GAMEOBJECT: { GameObject* pGameObject = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(guid); // not check distance for GO in case owned GO (fishing bobber case, for example) if (pGameObject && (pGameObject->GetOwnerGuid() == _player->GetObjectGuid() || pGameObject->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE))) pLoot = &pGameObject->loot; break; } case HIGHGUID_CORPSE: // remove insignia ONLY in BG { Corpse* bones = _player->GetMap()->GetCorpse(guid); if (bones && bones->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) pLoot = &bones->loot; break; } case HIGHGUID_ITEM: { pItem = GetPlayer()->GetItemByGuid(guid); if (!pItem || !pItem->HasGeneratedLoot()) return; pLoot = &pItem->loot; break; } case HIGHGUID_UNIT: { Creature* pCreature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(guid); bool ok_loot = pCreature && pCreature->isAlive() == (player->getClass() == CLASS_ROGUE && pCreature->lootForPickPocketed); if (ok_loot && pCreature->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) pLoot = &pCreature->loot ; break; } default: return; // unlootable type } if (pLoot) { pLoot->NotifyMoneyRemoved(); if (!guid.IsItem() && player->GetGroup()) // item can be looted only single player { Group* group = player->GetGroup(); std::vector<Player*> playersNear; for (GroupReference* itr = group->GetFirstMember(); itr != NULL; itr = itr->next()) { Player* playerGroup = itr->getSource(); if (!playerGroup) continue; if (player->IsWithinDistInMap(playerGroup, sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_FLOAT_GROUP_XP_DISTANCE), false)) playersNear.push_back(playerGroup); } uint32 money_per_player = uint32((pLoot->gold) / (playersNear.size())); for (std::vector<Player*>::const_iterator i = playersNear.begin(); i != playersNear.end(); ++i) { (*i)->ModifyMoney(money_per_player); WorldPacket data(SMSG_LOOT_MONEY_NOTIFY, 4); data << uint32(money_per_player); (*i)->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } } else player->ModifyMoney(pLoot->gold); pLoot->gold = 0; if (pItem) pItem->SetLootState(ITEM_LOOT_CHANGED); } }
void WorldSession::HandleLootMasterGiveOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data ) { uint8 slotid; ObjectGuid lootguid; ObjectGuid target_playerguid; recv_data >> lootguid >> slotid >> target_playerguid; if(!_player->GetGroup() || _player->GetGroup()->GetLooterGuid() != _player->GetGUID()) { _player->SendLootRelease(GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID()); return; } Player *target = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(target_playerguid); if(!target) return; sLog.outDebug("WorldSession::HandleLootMasterGiveOpcode (CMSG_LOOT_MASTER_GIVE, 0x02A3) Target = %s [%s].", target_playerguid.GetString().c_str(), target->GetName()); if(_player->GetLootGUID() != lootguid.GetRawValue()) return; Loot *pLoot = NULL; if(lootguid.IsCreature()) { Creature *pCreature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(lootguid); if(!pCreature) return; pLoot = &pCreature->loot; } else if(lootguid.IsGameobject()) { GameObject *pGO = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(lootguid); if(!pGO) return; pLoot = &pGO->loot; } else return; if (slotid > pLoot->items.size()) { sLog.outDebug("AutoLootItem: Player %s might be using a hack! (slot %d, size %lu)",GetPlayer()->GetName(), slotid, (unsigned long)pLoot->items.size()); return; } LootItem& item = pLoot->items[slotid]; ItemPosCountVec dest; uint8 msg = target->CanStoreNewItem( NULL_BAG, NULL_SLOT, dest, item.itemid, item.count ); if ( msg != EQUIP_ERR_OK ) { target->SendEquipError( msg, NULL, NULL, item.itemid ); // send duplicate of error massage to master looter _player->SendEquipError( msg, NULL, NULL, item.itemid ); return; } // now move item from loot to target inventory Item * newitem = target->StoreNewItem( dest, item.itemid, true, item.randomPropertyId ); target->SendNewItem(newitem, uint32(item.count), false, false, true ); target->GetAchievementMgr().UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_ITEM, item.itemid, item.count); target->GetAchievementMgr().UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_TYPE, pLoot->loot_type, item.count); target->GetAchievementMgr().UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_EPIC_ITEM, item.itemid, item.count); // mark as looted item.count=0; item.is_looted=true; pLoot->NotifyItemRemoved(slotid); --pLoot->unlootedCount; }
void WorldSession::DoLootRelease(ObjectGuid lguid) { Player* player = GetPlayer(); Loot* loot; player->SetLootGuid(ObjectGuid()); player->SendLootRelease(lguid); player->RemoveFlag(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_LOOTING); if (!player->IsInWorld()) { return; } switch (lguid.GetHigh()) { case HIGHGUID_GAMEOBJECT: { GameObject* go = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(lguid); // not check distance for GO in case owned GO (fishing bobber case, for example) or Fishing hole GO if (!go || ((go->GetOwnerGuid() != _player->GetObjectGuid() && go->GetGoType() != GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE) && !go->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE))) { return; } loot = &go->loot; if (go->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_DOOR) { // locked doors are opened with spelleffect openlock, prevent remove its as looted go->UseDoorOrButton(); } else if (loot->isLooted() || go->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGNODE) { // GO is mineral vein? so it is not removed after its looted if (go->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CHEST) { uint32 go_min = go->GetGOInfo()->chest.minSuccessOpens; uint32 go_max = go->GetGOInfo()->chest.maxSuccessOpens; // only vein pass this check if (go_min != 0 && go_max > go_min) { float amount_rate = sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_FLOAT_RATE_MINING_AMOUNT); float min_amount = go_min * amount_rate; float max_amount = go_max * amount_rate; go->AddUse(); float uses = float(go->GetUseCount()); if (uses < max_amount) { if (uses >= min_amount) { float chance_rate = sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_FLOAT_RATE_MINING_NEXT); int32 ReqValue = 175; LockEntry const* lockInfo = sLockStore.LookupEntry(go->GetGOInfo()->chest.lockId); if (lockInfo) { ReqValue = lockInfo->Skill[0]; } float skill = float(player->GetSkillValue(SKILL_MINING)) / (ReqValue + 25); double chance = pow(0.8 * chance_rate, 4 * (1 / double(max_amount)) * double(uses)); if (roll_chance_f(float(100.0f * chance + skill))) { go->SetLootState(GO_READY); } else // not have more uses { go->SetLootState(GO_JUST_DEACTIVATED); } } else // 100% chance until min uses { go->SetLootState(GO_READY); } } else // max uses already { go->SetLootState(GO_JUST_DEACTIVATED); } } else // not vein { go->SetLootState(GO_JUST_DEACTIVATED); } } else if (go->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE) { // The fishing hole used once more go->AddUse(); // if the max usage is reached, will be despawned at next tick if (go->GetUseCount() >= urand(go->GetGOInfo()->fishinghole.minSuccessOpens, go->GetGOInfo()->fishinghole.maxSuccessOpens)) { go->SetLootState(GO_JUST_DEACTIVATED); } else { go->SetLootState(GO_READY); } } else // not chest (or vein/herb/etc) { go->SetLootState(GO_JUST_DEACTIVATED); } loot->clear(); } else // not fully looted object { go->SetLootState(GO_ACTIVATED); } break; } /* Only used for removing insignia in battlegrounds */ case HIGHGUID_CORPSE: { /* Get pointer to corpse */ Corpse* corpse = _player->GetMap()->GetCorpse(lguid); /* If corpse is invalid or not in a valid position, dont allow looting */ if (!corpse || !corpse->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) { return; } loot = &corpse->loot; if (loot->isLooted()) { loot->clear(); corpse->RemoveFlag(CORPSE_FIELD_DYNAMIC_FLAGS, CORPSE_DYNFLAG_LOOTABLE); } break; } case HIGHGUID_ITEM: { Item* pItem = player->GetItemByGuid(lguid); if (!pItem) { return; } switch (pItem->loot.loot_type) { // temporary loot, auto loot move case LOOT_DISENCHANTING: { if (!pItem->loot.isLooted()) { player->AutoStoreLoot(pItem->loot); // can be lost if no space } pItem->loot.clear(); pItem->SetLootState(ITEM_LOOT_REMOVED); player->DestroyItem(pItem->GetBagSlot(), pItem->GetSlot(), true); break; } // normal persistence loot default: { // must be destroyed only if no loot if (pItem->loot.isLooted()) { pItem->SetLootState(ITEM_LOOT_REMOVED); player->DestroyItem(pItem->GetBagSlot(), pItem->GetSlot(), true); } break; } } return; // item can be looted only single player } case HIGHGUID_UNIT: { /* Get creature pointer */ Creature* pCreature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(lguid); bool ok_loot = (pCreature && // The creature exists (we dont have a null pointer) pCreature->IsAlive() == // Creature is alive and we're a rogue and creature can be pickpocketed (player->getClass() == CLASS_ROGUE && pCreature->lootForPickPocketed)); if (!ok_loot || !pCreature->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) { return; } /* Copy creature loot to loot variable */ loot = &pCreature->loot; // update next looter if (Group* group = pCreature->GetGroupLootRecipient()) if (group->GetLooterGuid() == player->GetObjectGuid()) group->UpdateLooterGuid(pCreature); /* We've completely looted the creature, mark it as available for skinning */ if (loot->isLooted() && !pCreature->IsAlive()) { /* Update Creature: for example skinning after normal loot */ pCreature->PrepareBodyLootState(); pCreature->AllLootRemovedFromCorpse(); } break; } default: { sLog.outError("%s is unsupported for looting.", lguid.GetString().c_str()); return; } } // Player is not looking at loot list, he doesn't need to see updates on the loot list loot->RemoveLooter(player->GetObjectGuid()); }
void WorldSession::HandleAutostoreLootItemOpcode(WorldPacket& recv_data) { DEBUG_LOG("WORLD: CMSG_AUTOSTORE_LOOT_ITEM"); Player* player = GetPlayer(); ObjectGuid lguid = player->GetLootGuid(); Loot* loot; uint8 lootSlot; Item* pItem = NULL; recv_data >> lootSlot; switch (lguid.GetHigh()) { case HIGHGUID_GAMEOBJECT: { GameObject* go = player->GetMap()->GetGameObject(lguid); // not check distance for GO in case owned GO (fishing bobber case, for example) or Fishing hole GO if (!go || ((go->GetOwnerGuid() != _player->GetObjectGuid() && go->GetGoType() != GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE) && !go->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE))) { player->SendLootRelease(lguid); return; } loot = &go->loot; break; } case HIGHGUID_ITEM: { pItem = player->GetItemByGuid(lguid); if (!pItem || !pItem->HasGeneratedLoot()) { player->SendLootRelease(lguid); return; } loot = &pItem->loot; break; } case HIGHGUID_CORPSE: { Corpse* bones = player->GetMap()->GetCorpse(lguid); if (!bones) { player->SendLootRelease(lguid); return; } loot = &bones->loot; break; } case HIGHGUID_UNIT: { Creature* pCreature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(lguid); bool ok_loot = pCreature && pCreature->IsAlive() == (player->getClass() == CLASS_ROGUE && pCreature->lootForPickPocketed); if (!ok_loot || !pCreature->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) { player->SendLootRelease(lguid); return; } loot = &pCreature->loot; break; } default: { sLog.outError("%s is unsupported for looting.", lguid.GetString().c_str()); return; } } QuestItem* qitem = NULL; QuestItem* ffaitem = NULL; QuestItem* conditem = NULL; LootItem* item = loot->LootItemInSlot(lootSlot, player, &qitem, &ffaitem, &conditem); if (!item) { player->SendEquipError(EQUIP_ERR_ALREADY_LOOTED, NULL, NULL); return; } // questitems use the blocked field for other purposes if (!qitem && item->is_blocked) { player->SendLootRelease(lguid); return; } if (pItem) { pItem->SetLootState(ITEM_LOOT_CHANGED); } ItemPosCountVec dest; InventoryResult msg = player->CanStoreNewItem(NULL_BAG, NULL_SLOT, dest, item->itemid, item->count); if (msg == EQUIP_ERR_OK) { Item* newitem = player->StoreNewItem(dest, item->itemid, true, item->randomPropertyId); if (qitem) { qitem->is_looted = true; // freeforall is 1 if everyone's supposed to get the quest item. if (item->freeforall || loot->GetPlayerQuestItems().size() == 1) { player->SendNotifyLootItemRemoved(lootSlot); } else { loot->NotifyQuestItemRemoved(qitem->index); } } else { if (ffaitem) { // freeforall case, notify only one player of the removal ffaitem->is_looted = true; player->SendNotifyLootItemRemoved(lootSlot); } else { // not freeforall, notify everyone if (conditem) { conditem->is_looted = true; } loot->NotifyItemRemoved(lootSlot); } } // if only one person is supposed to loot the item, then set it to looted if (!item->freeforall) { item->is_looted = true; } --loot->unlootedCount; player->SendNewItem(newitem, uint32(item->count), false, false, true); } else { player->SendEquipError(msg, NULL, NULL, item->itemid); } }
void WorldSession::HandleLootMoneyOpcode(WorldPacket& /*recv_data*/) { sLog.outDebug("WORLD: CMSG_LOOT_MONEY"); Player* player = GetPlayer(); uint64 guid = player->GetLootGUID(); if (!guid) return; Loot* pLoot = NULL; bool shareMoney = true; switch (GUID_HIPART(guid)) { case HIGHGUID_GAMEOBJECT: { GameObject* pGameObject = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(guid); // not check distance for GO in case owned GO (fishing bobber case, for example) if (pGameObject && ((pGameObject->GetOwnerGUID() == _player->GetGUID() || pGameObject->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)))) pLoot = &pGameObject->loot; break; } case HIGHGUID_CORPSE: // remove insignia ONLY in BG { Corpse* bones = ObjectAccessor::GetCorpse(*GetPlayer(), guid); if (bones && bones->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) { pLoot = &bones->loot; shareMoney = false; } break; } case HIGHGUID_ITEM: { if (Item* item = GetPlayer()->GetItemByGuid(guid)) { pLoot = &item->loot; shareMoney = false; } break; } case HIGHGUID_UNIT: { Creature* creature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(guid); bool ok_loot = creature && creature->IsAlive() == (player->getClass() == CLASS_ROGUE && creature->loot.loot_type == LOOT_SKINNING); if (ok_loot && creature->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) { pLoot = &creature->loot; if (creature->IsAlive()) shareMoney = false; } else player->SendLootError(guid, ok_loot ? LOOT_ERROR_TOO_FAR : LOOT_ERROR_DIDNT_KILL); break; } default: return; // unlootable type } if (pLoot) { pLoot->NotifyMoneyRemoved(); if (shareMoney && player->GetGroup()) //item, pickpocket and players can be looted only single player { Group* group = player->GetGroup(); std::vector<Player*> playersNear; for (GroupReference* itr = group->GetFirstMember(); itr != NULL; itr = itr->next()) { Player* playerGroup = itr->GetSource(); if (!playerGroup) continue; if (player->GetDistance2d(playerGroup) < sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_GROUP_XP_DISTANCE)) playersNear.push_back(playerGroup); } uint32 money_per_player = uint32((pLoot->gold) / (playersNear.size())); for (std::vector<Player*>::const_iterator i = playersNear.begin(); i != playersNear.end(); ++i) { (*i)->ModifyMoney(money_per_player); WorldPacket data(SMSG_LOOT_MONEY_NOTIFY, 4); data << uint32(money_per_player); (*i)->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } } else player->ModifyMoney(pLoot->gold); pLoot->gold = 0; } }
void WorldSession::HandleLootMasterGiveOpcode(WorldPacket& recv_data) { uint8 slotid; uint64 lootguid, target_playerguid; recv_data >> lootguid >> slotid >> target_playerguid; if (!_player->GetGroup() || _player->GetGroup()->GetMasterLooterGuid() != _player->GetGUID() || _player->GetGroup()->GetLootMethod() != MASTER_LOOT) { _player->SendLootError(lootguid, LOOT_ERROR_DIDNT_KILL); return; } Player* target = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(MAKE_NEW_GUID(target_playerguid, 0, HIGHGUID_PLAYER)); if (!target) { _player->SendLootError(lootguid, LOOT_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND); return; } // TODO : add some error message? if (_player->GetMapId() != target->GetMapId() || _player->GetDistance(target) > sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_GROUP_XP_DISTANCE)) return; sLog.outDebug("WorldSession::HandleLootMasterGiveOpcode (CMSG_LOOT_MASTER_GIVE, 0x02A3) Target = [%s].", target->GetName()); if (_player->GetLootGUID() != lootguid) { _player->SendLootError(lootguid, LOOT_ERROR_DIDNT_KILL); return; } Loot* pLoot = NULL; if (IS_CREATURE_GUID(GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID())) { Creature* pCreature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(lootguid); if (!pCreature) return; pLoot = &pCreature->loot; } else if (IS_GAMEOBJECT_GUID(GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID())) { GameObject* pGO = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(lootguid); if (!pGO) return; pLoot = &pGO->loot; } if (!pLoot) return; if (slotid > pLoot->items.size()) { sLog.outDebug("AutoLootItem: Player %s might be using a hack! (slot %d, size %lu)", GetPlayer()->GetName(), slotid, (unsigned long)pLoot->items.size()); return; } LootItem& item = pLoot->items[slotid]; ItemPosCountVec dest; uint8 msg = target->CanStoreNewItem(NULL_BAG, NULL_SLOT, dest, item.itemid, item.count); if (msg != EQUIP_ERR_OK) { if (msg == EQUIP_ERR_CANT_CARRY_MORE_OF_THIS) _player->SendLootError(lootguid, LOOT_ERROR_MASTER_UNIQUE_ITEM); else if (msg == EQUIP_ERR_INVENTORY_FULL) _player->SendLootError(lootguid, LOOT_ERROR_MASTER_INV_FULL); else _player->SendLootError(lootguid, LOOT_ERROR_MASTER_OTHER); target->SendEquipError(msg, NULL, NULL); return; } // now move item from loot to target inventory Item* newitem = target->StoreNewItem(dest, item.itemid, true, item.randomPropertyId); target->SendNewItem(newitem, uint32(item.count), false, false, true); // mark as looted item.count = 0; item.is_looted = true; pLoot->NotifyItemRemoved(slotid); --pLoot->unlootedCount; }
void WorldSession::HandleLootMasterGiveOpcode(WorldPacket& recvData) { uint8 slotid; uint64 lootguid, target_playerguid; recvData >> lootguid >> slotid >> target_playerguid; if (!_player->GetGroup() || _player->GetGroup()->GetLooterGuid() != _player->GetGUID()) { _player->SendLootRelease(GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID()); return; } Player* target = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(MAKE_NEW_GUID(target_playerguid, 0, HIGHGUID_PLAYER)); if (!target) return; TC_LOG_DEBUG("network", "WorldSession::HandleLootMasterGiveOpcode (CMSG_LOOT_MASTER_GIVE, 0x02A3) Target = [%s].", target->GetName().c_str()); if (_player->GetLootGUID() != lootguid) return; Loot* loot = NULL; if (IS_CRE_OR_VEH_GUID(GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID())) { Creature* creature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(lootguid); if (!creature) return; loot = &creature->loot; } else if (IS_GAMEOBJECT_GUID(GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID())) { GameObject* pGO = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(lootguid); if (!pGO) return; loot = &pGO->loot; } if (!loot) return; if (slotid >= loot->items.size() + loot->quest_items.size()) { TC_LOG_DEBUG("loot", "MasterLootItem: Player %s might be using a hack! (slot %d, size %lu)", GetPlayer()->GetName().c_str(), slotid, (unsigned long)loot->items.size()); return; } LootItem& item = slotid >= loot->items.size() ? loot->quest_items[slotid - loot->items.size()] : loot->items[slotid]; ItemPosCountVec dest; InventoryResult msg = target->CanStoreNewItem(NULL_BAG, NULL_SLOT, dest, item.itemid, item.count); if (item.follow_loot_rules && !item.AllowedForPlayer(target)) msg = EQUIP_ERR_CANT_EQUIP_EVER; if (msg != EQUIP_ERR_OK) { target->SendEquipError(msg, NULL, NULL, item.itemid); // send duplicate of error massage to master looter _player->SendEquipError(msg, NULL, NULL, item.itemid); return; } // list of players allowed to receive this item in trade AllowedLooterSet looters = item.GetAllowedLooters(); // not move item from loot to target inventory Item* newitem = target->StoreNewItem(dest, item.itemid, true, item.randomPropertyId, looters); target->SendNewItem(newitem, uint32(item.count), false, false, true); target->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_ITEM, item.itemid, item.count); target->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_TYPE, item.itemid, item.count, loot->loot_type); target->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_EPIC_ITEM, item.itemid, item.count); // mark as looted item.count=0; item.is_looted=true; loot->NotifyItemRemoved(slotid); --loot->unlootedCount; }
void WorldSession::HandleLootMoneyOpcode(WorldPacket& /*recvData*/) { TC_LOG_DEBUG("network", "WORLD: CMSG_LOOT_MONEY"); Player* player = GetPlayer(); uint64 guid = player->GetLootGUID(); if (!guid) return; Loot* loot = NULL; bool shareMoney = true; switch (GUID_HIPART(guid)) { case HIGHGUID_GAMEOBJECT: { GameObject* go = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(guid); // do not check distance for GO if player is the owner of it (ex. fishing bobber) if (go && ((go->GetOwnerGUID() == player->GetGUID() || go->IsWithinDistInMap(player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)))) loot = &go->loot; break; } case HIGHGUID_CORPSE: // remove insignia ONLY in BG { Corpse* bones = ObjectAccessor::GetCorpse(*player, guid); if (bones && bones->IsWithinDistInMap(player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) { loot = &bones->loot; shareMoney = false; } break; } case HIGHGUID_ITEM: { if (Item* item = player->GetItemByGuid(guid)) { loot = &item->loot; shareMoney = false; } break; } case HIGHGUID_UNIT: case HIGHGUID_VEHICLE: { Creature* creature = player->GetMap()->GetCreature(guid); bool lootAllowed = creature && creature->IsAlive() == (player->getClass() == CLASS_ROGUE && creature->lootForPickPocketed); if (lootAllowed && creature->IsWithinDistInMap(player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) { loot = &creature->loot; if (creature->IsAlive()) shareMoney = false; } break; } default: return; // unlootable type } if (loot) { loot->NotifyMoneyRemoved(); if (shareMoney && player->GetGroup()) //item, pickpocket and players can be looted only single player { Group* group = player->GetGroup(); std::vector<Player*> playersNear; for (GroupReference* itr = group->GetFirstMember(); itr != NULL; itr = itr->next()) { Player* member = itr->GetSource(); if (!member) continue; if (player->IsWithinDistInMap(member, sWorld->getFloatConfig(CONFIG_GROUP_XP_DISTANCE), false)) playersNear.push_back(member); } uint32 goldPerPlayer = uint32((loot->gold) / (playersNear.size())); for (std::vector<Player*>::const_iterator i = playersNear.begin(); i != playersNear.end(); ++i) { (*i)->ModifyMoney(goldPerPlayer); (*i)->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_MONEY, goldPerPlayer); WorldPacket data(SMSG_LOOT_MONEY_NOTIFY, 4 + 1); data << uint32(goldPerPlayer); data << uint8(playersNear.size() <= 1); // Controls the text displayed in chat. 0 is "Your share is..." and 1 is "You loot..." (*i)->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } } else { player->ModifyMoney(loot->gold); player->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_MONEY, loot->gold); WorldPacket data(SMSG_LOOT_MONEY_NOTIFY, 4 + 1); data << uint32(loot->gold); data << uint8(1); // "You loot..." SendPacket(&data); } loot->gold = 0; // Delete the money loot record from the DB if (loot->containerID > 0) loot->DeleteLootMoneyFromContainerItemDB(); // Delete container if empty if (loot->isLooted() && IS_ITEM_GUID(guid)) player->GetSession()->DoLootRelease(guid); } }
void PlayerbotMgr::HandleMasterIncomingPacket(const WorldPacket& packet) { switch (packet.GetOpcode()) { case CMSG_ACTIVATETAXI: { WorldPacket p(packet); p.rpos(0); // reset reader ObjectGuid guid; std::vector<uint32> nodes; nodes.resize(2); uint8 delay = 9; p >> guid >> nodes[0] >> nodes[1]; DEBUG_LOG("[PlayerbotMgr]: HandleMasterIncomingPacket - Received CMSG_ACTIVATETAXI from %d to %d", nodes[0], nodes[1]); for (PlayerBotMap::const_iterator it = GetPlayerBotsBegin(); it != GetPlayerBotsEnd(); ++it) { delay = delay + 3; Player* const bot = it->second; if (!bot) return; Group* group = bot->GetGroup(); if (!group) continue; Unit* target = ObjectAccessor::GetUnit(*bot, guid); bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->SetIgnoreUpdateTime(delay); bot->GetMotionMaster()->Clear(true); bot->GetMotionMaster()->MoveFollow(target, INTERACTION_DISTANCE, bot->GetOrientation()); bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->GetTaxi(guid, nodes); } return; } case CMSG_ACTIVATETAXIEXPRESS: { WorldPacket p(packet); p.rpos(0); // reset reader ObjectGuid guid; uint32 node_count; uint8 delay = 9; p >> guid; p.read_skip<uint32>(); p >> node_count; std::vector<uint32> nodes; for (uint32 i = 0; i < node_count; ++i) { uint32 node; p >> node; nodes.push_back(node); } if (nodes.empty()) return; DEBUG_LOG("[PlayerbotMgr]: HandleMasterIncomingPacket - Received CMSG_ACTIVATETAXIEXPRESS from %d to %d", nodes.front(), nodes.back()); for (PlayerBotMap::const_iterator it = GetPlayerBotsBegin(); it != GetPlayerBotsEnd(); ++it) { delay = delay + 3; Player* const bot = it->second; if (!bot) return; Group* group = bot->GetGroup(); if (!group) continue; Unit* target = ObjectAccessor::GetUnit(*bot, guid); bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->SetIgnoreUpdateTime(delay); bot->GetMotionMaster()->Clear(true); bot->GetMotionMaster()->MoveFollow(target, INTERACTION_DISTANCE, bot->GetOrientation()); bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->GetTaxi(guid, nodes); } return; } // if master is logging out, log out all bots case CMSG_LOGOUT_REQUEST: { LogoutAllBots(); return; } // If master inspects one of his bots, give the master useful info in chat window // such as inventory that can be equipped case CMSG_INSPECT: { WorldPacket p(packet); p.rpos(0); // reset reader ObjectGuid guid; p >> guid; Player* const bot = GetPlayerBot(guid); if (bot) bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->SendNotEquipList(*bot); return; } // handle emotes from the master //case CMSG_EMOTE: case CMSG_TEXT_EMOTE: { WorldPacket p(packet); p.rpos(0); // reset reader uint32 emoteNum; p >> emoteNum; /* std::ostringstream out; out << "emote is: " << emoteNum; ChatHandler ch(m_master); ch.SendSysMessage(out.str().c_str()); */ switch (emoteNum) { case TEXTEMOTE_BOW: { // Buff anyone who bows before me. Useful for players not in bot's group // How do I get correct target??? //Player* const pPlayer = GetPlayerBot(m_master->GetSelection()); //if (pPlayer->GetPlayerbotAI()->GetClassAI()) // pPlayer->GetPlayerbotAI()->GetClassAI()->BuffPlayer(pPlayer); return; } /* case TEXTEMOTE_BONK: { Player* const pPlayer = GetPlayerBot(m_master->GetSelection()); if (!pPlayer || !pPlayer->GetPlayerbotAI()) return; PlayerbotAI* const pBot = pPlayer->GetPlayerbotAI(); ChatHandler ch(m_master); { std::ostringstream out; out << "CurrentTime: " << CurrentTime() << " m_ignoreAIUpdatesUntilTime: " << pBot->m_ignoreAIUpdatesUntilTime; ch.SendSysMessage(out.str().c_str()); } { std::ostringstream out; out << "m_TimeDoneEating: " << pBot->m_TimeDoneEating << " m_TimeDoneDrinking: " << pBot->m_TimeDoneDrinking; ch.SendSysMessage(out.str().c_str()); } { std::ostringstream out; out << "m_CurrentlyCastingSpellId: " << pBot->m_CurrentlyCastingSpellId; ch.SendSysMessage(out.str().c_str()); } { std::ostringstream out; out << "IsBeingTeleported() " << pBot->GetPlayer()->IsBeingTeleported(); ch.SendSysMessage(out.str().c_str()); } { std::ostringstream out; bool tradeActive = (pBot->GetPlayer()->GetTrader()) ? true : false; out << "tradeActive: " << tradeActive; ch.SendSysMessage(out.str().c_str()); } { std::ostringstream out; out << "IsCharmed() " << pBot->getPlayer()->isCharmed(); ch.SendSysMessage(out.str().c_str()); } return; } */ case TEXTEMOTE_EAT: case TEXTEMOTE_DRINK: return; // emote to attack selected target case TEXTEMOTE_POINT: { ObjectGuid attackOnGuid = m_master->GetSelectionGuid(); if (!attackOnGuid) return; Unit* thingToAttack = ObjectAccessor::GetUnit(*m_master, attackOnGuid); if (!thingToAttack) return; Player* bot = 0; for (PlayerBotMap::iterator itr = m_playerBots.begin(); itr != m_playerBots.end(); ++itr) { bot = itr->second; if (!bot->IsFriendlyTo(thingToAttack)) { if (!bot->IsWithinLOSInMap(thingToAttack)) bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->DoTeleport(*m_master); if (bot->IsWithinLOSInMap(thingToAttack)) bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->Attack(thingToAttack); } } return; } // emote to stay case TEXTEMOTE_STAND: { Player* const bot = GetPlayerBot(m_master->GetSelectionGuid()); if (bot) bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->SetMovementOrder(PlayerbotAI::MOVEMENT_STAY); else for (PlayerBotMap::const_iterator it = GetPlayerBotsBegin(); it != GetPlayerBotsEnd(); ++it) { Player* const bot = it->second; bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->SetMovementOrder(PlayerbotAI::MOVEMENT_STAY); } return; } // 324 is the followme emote (not defined in enum) // if master has bot selected then only bot follows, else all bots follow case 324: case TEXTEMOTE_WAVE: { Player* const bot = GetPlayerBot(m_master->GetSelectionGuid()); if (bot) bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->SetMovementOrder(PlayerbotAI::MOVEMENT_FOLLOW, m_master); else for (PlayerBotMap::const_iterator it = GetPlayerBotsBegin(); it != GetPlayerBotsEnd(); ++it) { Player* const bot = it->second; bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->SetMovementOrder(PlayerbotAI::MOVEMENT_FOLLOW, m_master); } return; } } return; } /* EMOTE ends here */ case CMSG_GAMEOBJ_USE: // Used by bots to turn in quest to GameObjects when also used by master { DEBUG_LOG("PlayerbotMgr: CMSG_GAMEOBJ_USE"); WorldPacket p(packet); p.rpos(0); // reset reader ObjectGuid objGUID; p >> objGUID; for (PlayerBotMap::const_iterator it = GetPlayerBotsBegin(); it != GetPlayerBotsEnd(); ++it) { Player* const bot = it->second; // If player and bot are on different maps: then player was teleported by GameObject // let's return and let playerbot summon do its job by teleporting bots if (bot->GetMap() != m_master->GetMap()) return; GameObject* obj = m_master->GetMap()->GetGameObject(objGUID); if (!obj) return; // add other go types here, i.e.: // GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CHEST - loot quest items of chest if (obj->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_QUESTGIVER) { bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->TurnInQuests(obj); // auto accept every available quest this NPC has bot->PrepareQuestMenu(objGUID); QuestMenu& questMenu = bot->PlayerTalkClass->GetQuestMenu(); for (uint32 iI = 0; iI < questMenu.MenuItemCount(); ++iI) { QuestMenuItem const& qItem = questMenu.GetItem(iI); uint32 questID = qItem.m_qId; if (!bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->AddQuest(questID, obj)) DEBUG_LOG("Couldn't take quest"); } } } } break; case CMSG_QUESTGIVER_HELLO: { DEBUG_LOG("PlayerbotMgr: CMSG_QUESTGIVER_HELLO"); WorldPacket p(packet); p.rpos(0); // reset reader ObjectGuid npcGUID; p >> npcGUID; WorldObject* pNpc = m_master->GetMap()->GetWorldObject(npcGUID); if (!pNpc) return; // for all master's bots for (PlayerBotMap::const_iterator it = GetPlayerBotsBegin(); it != GetPlayerBotsEnd(); ++it) { Player* const bot = it->second; bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->TurnInQuests(pNpc); } return; } // if master accepts a quest, bots should also try to accept quest case CMSG_QUESTGIVER_ACCEPT_QUEST: { WorldPacket p(packet); p.rpos(0); // reset reader ObjectGuid guid; uint32 quest; p >> guid >> quest; DEBUG_LOG("[PlayerbotMgr]: HandleMasterIncomingPacket - Received CMSG_QUESTGIVER_ACCEPT_QUEST npc = %s, quest = %u", guid.GetString().c_str(), quest); Quest const* qInfo = sObjectMgr.GetQuestTemplate(quest); if (qInfo) for (PlayerBotMap::const_iterator it = GetPlayerBotsBegin(); it != GetPlayerBotsEnd(); ++it) { Player* const bot = it->second; if (bot->GetQuestStatus(quest) == QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE) bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->TellMaster("I already completed that quest."); else if (!bot->CanTakeQuest(qInfo, false)) { if (!bot->SatisfyQuestStatus(qInfo, false)) bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->TellMaster("I already have that quest."); else bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->TellMaster("I can't take that quest."); } else if (!bot->SatisfyQuestLog(false)) bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->TellMaster("My quest log is full."); else if (!bot->CanAddQuest(qInfo, false)) bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->TellMaster("I can't take that quest because it requires that I take items, but my bags are full!"); else { p.rpos(0); // reset reader bot->GetSession()->HandleQuestgiverAcceptQuestOpcode(p); bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->TellMaster("Got the quest."); // build needed items if quest contains any for (int i = 0; i < QUEST_ITEM_OBJECTIVES_COUNT; i++) if (qInfo->ReqItemCount[i] > 0) { bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->SetQuestNeedItems(); break; } // build needed creatures if quest contains any for (int i = 0; i < QUEST_OBJECTIVES_COUNT; i++) if (qInfo->ReqCreatureOrGOCount[i] > 0) { bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->SetQuestNeedCreatures(); break; } } } return; } case CMSG_AREATRIGGER: { WorldPacket p(packet); for (PlayerBotMap::const_iterator it = GetPlayerBotsBegin(); it != GetPlayerBotsEnd(); ++it) { Player* const bot = it->second; p.rpos(0); // reset reader bot->GetSession()->HandleAreaTriggerOpcode(p); } return; } case CMSG_QUESTGIVER_COMPLETE_QUEST: { WorldPacket p(packet); p.rpos(0); // reset reader uint32 quest; ObjectGuid npcGUID; p >> npcGUID >> quest; DEBUG_LOG("[PlayerbotMgr]: HandleMasterIncomingPacket - Received CMSG_QUESTGIVER_COMPLETE_QUEST npc = %s, quest = %u", npcGUID.GetString().c_str(), quest); WorldObject* pNpc = m_master->GetMap()->GetWorldObject(npcGUID); if (!pNpc) return; // for all master's bots for (PlayerBotMap::const_iterator it = GetPlayerBotsBegin(); it != GetPlayerBotsEnd(); ++it) { Player* const bot = it->second; bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->TurnInQuests(pNpc); } return; } case CMSG_LOOT_ROLL: { WorldPacket p(packet); //WorldPacket packet for CMSG_LOOT_ROLL, (8+4+1) ObjectGuid Guid; uint32 itemSlot; uint8 rollType; p.rpos(0); //reset packet pointer p >> Guid; //guid of the lootable target p >> itemSlot; //loot index p >> rollType; //need,greed or pass on roll for (PlayerBotMap::const_iterator it = GetPlayerBotsBegin(); it != GetPlayerBotsEnd(); ++it) { uint32 choice = 0; Player* const bot = it->second; if (!bot) return; Group* group = bot->GetGroup(); if (!group) return; // check that the bot did not already vote if (rollType >= ROLL_NOT_EMITED_YET) return; Loot* loot = sLootMgr.GetLoot(bot, Guid); if (!loot) { sLog.outError("LootMgr::PlayerVote> Error cannot get loot object info!"); return; } LootItem* lootItem = loot->GetLootItemInSlot(itemSlot); ItemPrototype const* pProto = lootItem->itemProto; if (!pProto) return; if (bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->CanStore()) { if (bot->CanUseItem(pProto) == EQUIP_ERR_OK && bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->IsItemUseful(lootItem->itemId)) choice = 1; // Need else choice = 2; // Greed } else choice = 0; // Pass sLootMgr.PlayerVote(bot, Guid, itemSlot, RollVote(choice)); } return; } // Handle GOSSIP activate actions, prior to GOSSIP select menu actions case CMSG_GOSSIP_HELLO: { DEBUG_LOG("[PlayerbotMgr]: HandleMasterIncomingPacket - Received CMSG_GOSSIP_HELLO"); WorldPacket p(packet); //WorldPacket packet for CMSG_GOSSIP_HELLO, (8) ObjectGuid guid; p.rpos(0); //reset packet pointer p >> guid; for (PlayerBotMap::const_iterator it = GetPlayerBotsBegin(); it != GetPlayerBotsEnd(); ++it) { Player* const bot = it->second; if (!bot) return; Creature* pCreature = bot->GetNPCIfCanInteractWith(guid, UNIT_NPC_FLAG_NONE); if (!pCreature) { DEBUG_LOG("[PlayerbotMgr]: HandleMasterIncomingPacket - Received CMSG_GOSSIP_HELLO %s not found or you can't interact with him.", guid.GetString().c_str()); return; } GossipMenuItemsMapBounds pMenuItemBounds = sObjectMgr.GetGossipMenuItemsMapBounds(pCreature->GetCreatureInfo()->GossipMenuId); for (GossipMenuItemsMap::const_iterator itr = pMenuItemBounds.first; itr != pMenuItemBounds.second; ++itr) { uint32 npcflags = pCreature->GetUInt32Value(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS); if (!(itr->second.npc_option_npcflag & npcflags)) continue; switch (itr->second.option_id) { case GOSSIP_OPTION_TAXIVENDOR: { // bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->TellMaster("PlayerbotMgr:GOSSIP_OPTION_TAXIVENDOR"); bot->GetSession()->SendLearnNewTaxiNode(pCreature); break; } case GOSSIP_OPTION_QUESTGIVER: { // bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->TellMaster("PlayerbotMgr:GOSSIP_OPTION_QUESTGIVER"); bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->TurnInQuests(pCreature); break; } case GOSSIP_OPTION_VENDOR: { // bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->TellMaster("PlayerbotMgr:GOSSIP_OPTION_VENDOR"); if (!botConfig.GetBoolDefault("PlayerbotAI.SellGarbage", true)) return; bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->SellGarbage(); break; } case GOSSIP_OPTION_STABLEPET: { // bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->TellMaster("PlayerbotMgr:GOSSIP_OPTION_STABLEPET"); break; } case GOSSIP_OPTION_AUCTIONEER: { // bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->TellMaster("PlayerbotMgr:GOSSIP_OPTION_AUCTIONEER"); break; } case GOSSIP_OPTION_BANKER: { // bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->TellMaster("PlayerbotMgr:GOSSIP_OPTION_BANKER"); break; } case GOSSIP_OPTION_INNKEEPER: { // bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->TellMaster("PlayerbotMgr:GOSSIP_OPTION_INNKEEPER"); break; } } } } return; } case CMSG_SPIRIT_HEALER_ACTIVATE: { // DEBUG_LOG ("[PlayerbotMgr]: HandleMasterIncomingPacket - Received CMSG_SPIRIT_HEALER_ACTIVATE SpiritHealer is resurrecting the Player %s",m_master->GetName()); for (PlayerBotMap::iterator itr = m_playerBots.begin(); itr != m_playerBots.end(); ++itr) { Player* const bot = itr->second; Group* grp = bot->GetGroup(); if (grp) grp->RemoveMember(bot->GetObjectGuid(), 1); } return; } case CMSG_LIST_INVENTORY: { if (!botConfig.GetBoolDefault("PlayerbotAI.SellGarbage", true)) return; WorldPacket p(packet); p.rpos(0); // reset reader ObjectGuid npcGUID; p >> npcGUID; Object* const pNpc = (WorldObject*) m_master->GetObjectByTypeMask(npcGUID, TYPEMASK_CREATURE_OR_GAMEOBJECT); if (!pNpc) return; // for all master's bots for (PlayerBotMap::const_iterator it = GetPlayerBotsBegin(); it != GetPlayerBotsEnd(); ++it) { Player* const bot = it->second; if (!bot->IsInMap(static_cast<WorldObject*>(pNpc))) { bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->TellMaster("I'm too far away to sell items!"); continue; } else bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->SellGarbage(); } return; } /* case CMSG_NAME_QUERY: case MSG_MOVE_START_FORWARD: case MSG_MOVE_STOP: case MSG_MOVE_SET_FACING: case MSG_MOVE_START_STRAFE_LEFT: case MSG_MOVE_START_STRAFE_RIGHT: case MSG_MOVE_STOP_STRAFE: case MSG_MOVE_START_BACKWARD: case MSG_MOVE_HEARTBEAT: case CMSG_STANDSTATECHANGE: case CMSG_QUERY_TIME: case CMSG_CREATURE_QUERY: case CMSG_GAMEOBJECT_QUERY: case MSG_MOVE_JUMP: case MSG_MOVE_FALL_LAND: return;*/ default: { /*const char* oc = LookupOpcodeName(packet.GetOpcode()); // ChatHandler ch(m_master); // ch.SendSysMessage(oc); std::ostringstream out; out << "masterin: " << oc; sLog.outError(out.str().c_str()); */ } } }
void WorldSession::HandleAutostoreLootItemOpcode(WorldPacket& recvData) { TC_LOG_DEBUG("network", "WORLD: CMSG_AUTOSTORE_LOOT_ITEM"); Player* player = GetPlayer(); ObjectGuid lguid = player->GetLootGUID(); Loot* loot = NULL; uint8 lootSlot = 0; recvData >> lootSlot; if (lguid.IsGameObject()) { GameObject* go = player->GetMap()->GetGameObject(lguid); // not check distance for GO in case owned GO (fishing bobber case, for example) or Fishing hole GO if (!go || ((go->GetOwnerGUID() != _player->GetGUID() && go->GetGoType() != GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE) && !go->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE))) { player->SendLootRelease(lguid); return; } loot = &go->loot; } else if (lguid.IsItem()) { Item* pItem = player->GetItemByGuid(lguid); if (!pItem) { player->SendLootRelease(lguid); return; } loot = &pItem->loot; } else if (lguid.IsCorpse()) { Corpse* bones = ObjectAccessor::GetCorpse(*player, lguid); if (!bones) { player->SendLootRelease(lguid); return; } loot = &bones->loot; } else { Creature* creature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(lguid); bool lootAllowed = creature && creature->IsAlive() == (player->getClass() == CLASS_ROGUE && creature->loot.loot_type == LOOT_PICKPOCKETING); if (!lootAllowed || !creature->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) { player->SendLootError(lguid, lootAllowed ? LOOT_ERROR_TOO_FAR : LOOT_ERROR_DIDNT_KILL); return; } loot = &creature->loot; } player->StoreLootItem(lootSlot, loot); // If player is removing the last LootItem, delete the empty container. if (loot->isLooted() && lguid.IsItem()) player->GetSession()->DoLootRelease(lguid); }
void WorldSession::HandleLootMasterGiveOpcode(WorldPacket& recv_data) { uint8 slotid; ObjectGuid lootguid; ObjectGuid target_playerguid; recv_data >> lootguid >> slotid >> target_playerguid; if (!_player->GetGroup() || _player->GetGroup()->GetLooterGuid() != _player->GetObjectGuid()) { _player->SendLootRelease(GetPlayer()->GetLootGuid()); return; } Player* target = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(target_playerguid); if (!target) { return; } DEBUG_LOG("WorldSession::HandleLootMasterGiveOpcode (CMSG_LOOT_MASTER_GIVE, 0x02A3) Target = %s [%s].", target_playerguid.GetString().c_str(), target->GetName()); if (_player->GetLootGuid() != lootguid) { return; } Loot* pLoot = NULL; if (lootguid.IsCreature()) { Creature* pCreature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(lootguid); if (!pCreature) { return; } pLoot = &pCreature->loot; } else if (lootguid.IsGameObject()) { GameObject* pGO = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(lootguid); if (!pGO) { return; } pLoot = &pGO->loot; } else { return; } if (slotid > pLoot->items.size()) { DEBUG_LOG("AutoLootItem: Player %s might be using a hack! (slot %d, size " SIZEFMTD ")", GetPlayer()->GetName(), slotid, pLoot->items.size()); return; } LootItem& item = pLoot->items[slotid]; ItemPosCountVec dest; InventoryResult msg = target->CanStoreNewItem(NULL_BAG, NULL_SLOT, dest, item.itemid, item.count); if (msg != EQUIP_ERR_OK) { target->SendEquipError(msg, NULL, NULL, item.itemid); // send duplicate of error massage to master looter _player->SendEquipError(msg, NULL, NULL, item.itemid); return; } // now move item from loot to target inventory Item* newitem = target->StoreNewItem(dest, item.itemid, true, item.randomPropertyId); target->SendNewItem(newitem, uint32(item.count), false, false, true); // Used by Eluna sEluna->OnLootItem(target, newitem, item.count, lootguid); // mark as looted item.count = 0; item.is_looted = true; pLoot->NotifyItemRemoved(slotid); --pLoot->unlootedCount; }
void WorldSession::HandleLootMasterGiveOpcode(WorldPacket& recvData) { uint8 slotid; ObjectGuid lootguid, target_playerguid; recvData >> lootguid >> slotid >> target_playerguid; if (!_player->GetGroup() || _player->GetGroup()->GetMasterLooterGuid() != _player->GetGUID() || _player->GetGroup()->GetLootMethod() != MASTER_LOOT) { _player->SendLootError(lootguid, LOOT_ERROR_DIDNT_KILL); return; } Player* target = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(target_playerguid); if (!target) { _player->SendLootError(lootguid, LOOT_ERROR_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND); return; } TC_LOG_DEBUG("network", "WorldSession::HandleLootMasterGiveOpcode (CMSG_LOOT_MASTER_GIVE, 0x02A3) Target = [%s].", target->GetName().c_str()); if (_player->GetLootGUID() != lootguid) { _player->SendLootError(lootguid, LOOT_ERROR_DIDNT_KILL); return; } if (!_player->IsInRaidWith(target) || !_player->IsInMap(target)) { _player->SendLootError(lootguid, LOOT_ERROR_MASTER_OTHER); TC_LOG_INFO("entities.player.cheat", "MasterLootItem: Player %s tried to give an item to ineligible player %s !", GetPlayer()->GetName().c_str(), target->GetName().c_str()); return; } Loot* loot = NULL; if (GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID().IsCreatureOrVehicle()) { Creature* creature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(lootguid); if (!creature) return; loot = &creature->loot; } else if (GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID().IsGameObject()) { GameObject* pGO = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(lootguid); if (!pGO) return; loot = &pGO->loot; } if (!loot) return; if (slotid >= loot->items.size() + loot->quest_items.size()) { TC_LOG_DEBUG("loot", "MasterLootItem: Player %s might be using a hack! (slot %d, size %lu)", GetPlayer()->GetName().c_str(), slotid, (unsigned long)loot->items.size()); return; } LootItem& item = slotid >= loot->items.size() ? loot->quest_items[slotid - loot->items.size()] : loot->items[slotid]; ItemPosCountVec dest; InventoryResult msg = target->CanStoreNewItem(NULL_BAG, NULL_SLOT, dest, item.itemid, item.count); if (item.follow_loot_rules && !item.AllowedForPlayer(target)) msg = EQUIP_ERR_YOU_CAN_NEVER_USE_THAT_ITEM; if (msg != EQUIP_ERR_OK) { if (msg == EQUIP_ERR_CANT_CARRY_MORE_OF_THIS) _player->SendLootError(lootguid, LOOT_ERROR_MASTER_UNIQUE_ITEM); else if (msg == EQUIP_ERR_INVENTORY_FULL) _player->SendLootError(lootguid, LOOT_ERROR_MASTER_INV_FULL); else _player->SendLootError(lootguid, LOOT_ERROR_MASTER_OTHER); target->SendEquipError(msg, NULL, NULL, item.itemid); return; } // list of players allowed to receive this item in trade AllowedLooterSet looters = item.GetAllowedLooters(); // now move item from loot to target inventory Item* newitem = target->StoreNewItem(dest, item.itemid, true, item.randomPropertyId, looters); target->SendNewItem(newitem, uint32(item.count), false, false, true); target->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_ITEM, item.itemid, item.count); target->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_TYPE, loot->loot_type, item.count); target->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_EPIC_ITEM, item.itemid, item.count); #ifdef ELUNA sEluna->OnLootItem(target, newitem, item.count, lootguid); #endif // mark as looted item.count = 0; item.is_looted = true; loot->NotifyItemRemoved(slotid); --loot->unlootedCount; }
void WorldSession::HandleLootMoneyOpcode(WorldPackets::Loot::LootMoney& /*packet*/) { Player* player = GetPlayer(); for (std::pair<ObjectGuid, ObjectGuid> const& lootView : player->GetAELootView()) { ObjectGuid guid = lootView.second; Loot* loot = nullptr; bool shareMoney = true; switch (guid.GetHigh()) { case HighGuid::GameObject: { GameObject* go = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(guid); // do not check distance for GO if player is the owner of it (ex. fishing bobber) if (go && ((go->GetOwnerGUID() == player->GetGUID() || go->IsWithinDistInMap(player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)))) loot = &go->loot; break; } case HighGuid::Corpse: // remove insignia ONLY in BG { Corpse* bones = ObjectAccessor::GetCorpse(*player, guid); if (bones && bones->IsWithinDistInMap(player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) { loot = &bones->loot; shareMoney = false; } break; } case HighGuid::Item: { if (Item* item = player->GetItemByGuid(guid)) { loot = &item->loot; shareMoney = false; } break; } case HighGuid::Creature: case HighGuid::Vehicle: { Creature* creature = player->GetMap()->GetCreature(guid); bool lootAllowed = creature && creature->IsAlive() == (player->getClass() == CLASS_ROGUE && creature->loot.loot_type == LOOT_PICKPOCKETING); if (lootAllowed && creature->IsWithinDistInMap(player, AELootCreatureCheck::LootDistance)) { loot = &creature->loot; if (creature->IsAlive()) shareMoney = false; } else player->SendLootError(lootView.first, lootView.second, lootAllowed ? LOOT_ERROR_TOO_FAR : LOOT_ERROR_DIDNT_KILL); break; } default: continue; // unlootable type } if (!loot) continue; loot->NotifyMoneyRemoved(); if (shareMoney && player->GetGroup()) //item, pickpocket and players can be looted only single player { Group* group = player->GetGroup(); std::vector<Player*> playersNear; for (GroupReference* itr = group->GetFirstMember(); itr != NULL; itr = itr->next()) { Player* member = itr->GetSource(); if (!member) continue; if (player->IsAtGroupRewardDistance(member)) playersNear.push_back(member); } uint32 goldPerPlayer = uint32((loot->gold) / (playersNear.size())); for (std::vector<Player*>::const_iterator i = playersNear.begin(); i != playersNear.end(); ++i) { (*i)->ModifyMoney(goldPerPlayer); (*i)->UpdateCriteria(CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_MONEY, goldPerPlayer); if (Guild* guild = sGuildMgr->GetGuildById((*i)->GetGuildId())) if (uint32 guildGold = CalculatePct(goldPerPlayer, (*i)->GetTotalAuraModifier(SPELL_AURA_DEPOSIT_BONUS_MONEY_IN_GUILD_BANK_ON_LOOT))) guild->HandleMemberDepositMoney(this, guildGold, true); WorldPackets::Loot::LootMoneyNotify packet; packet.Money = goldPerPlayer; packet.SoleLooter = playersNear.size() <= 1 ? true : false; (*i)->SendDirectMessage(packet.Write()); } } else { player->ModifyMoney(loot->gold); player->UpdateCriteria(CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_MONEY, loot->gold); if (Guild* guild = sGuildMgr->GetGuildById(player->GetGuildId())) if (uint32 guildGold = CalculatePct(loot->gold, player->GetTotalAuraModifier(SPELL_AURA_DEPOSIT_BONUS_MONEY_IN_GUILD_BANK_ON_LOOT))) guild->HandleMemberDepositMoney(this, guildGold, true); WorldPackets::Loot::LootMoneyNotify packet; packet.Money = loot->gold; packet.SoleLooter = true; // "You loot..." SendPacket(packet.Write()); } loot->gold = 0; // Delete the money loot record from the DB if (!loot->containerID.IsEmpty()) loot->DeleteLootMoneyFromContainerItemDB(); // Delete container if empty if (loot->isLooted() && guid.IsItem()) player->GetSession()->DoLootRelease(guid); } }
void WorldSession::DoLootRelease(ObjectGuid lguid) { Player *player = GetPlayer(); Loot *loot; player->SetLootGUID(0); player->SendLootRelease(lguid); player->RemoveFlag(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_LOOTING); if(!player->IsInWorld()) return; switch(lguid.GetHigh()) { case HIGHGUID_GAMEOBJECT: { GameObject *go = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(lguid); // not check distance for GO in case owned GO (fishing bobber case, for example) or Fishing hole GO if (!go || ((go->GetOwnerGUID() != _player->GetGUID() && go->GetGoType() != GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE) && !go->IsWithinDistInMap(_player,INTERACTION_DISTANCE))) return; loot = &go->loot; if (go->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_DOOR) { // locked doors are opened with spelleffect openlock, prevent remove its as looted go->UseDoorOrButton(); } else if (loot->isLooted() || go->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGNODE) { // GO is mineral vein? so it is not removed after its looted if(go->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CHEST) { uint32 go_min = go->GetGOInfo()->chest.minSuccessOpens; uint32 go_max = go->GetGOInfo()->chest.maxSuccessOpens; // only vein pass this check if(go_min != 0 && go_max > go_min) { float amount_rate = sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_FLOAT_RATE_MINING_AMOUNT); float min_amount = go_min*amount_rate; float max_amount = go_max*amount_rate; go->AddUse(); float uses = float(go->GetUseCount()); if(uses < max_amount) { if(uses >= min_amount) { float chance_rate = sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_FLOAT_RATE_MINING_NEXT); int32 ReqValue = 175; LockEntry const *lockInfo = sLockStore.LookupEntry(go->GetGOInfo()->chest.lockId); if(lockInfo) ReqValue = lockInfo->Skill[0]; float skill = float(player->GetSkillValue(SKILL_MINING))/(ReqValue+25); double chance = pow(0.8*chance_rate,4*(1/double(max_amount))*double(uses)); if(roll_chance_f(float(100.0f*chance+skill))) { go->SetLootState(GO_READY); } else // not have more uses go->SetLootState(GO_JUST_DEACTIVATED); } else // 100% chance until min uses go->SetLootState(GO_READY); } else // max uses already go->SetLootState(GO_JUST_DEACTIVATED); } else // not vein go->SetLootState(GO_JUST_DEACTIVATED); } else if (go->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE) { // The fishing hole used once more go->AddUse(); // if the max usage is reached, will be despawned in next tick if (go->GetUseCount() >= urand(go->GetGOInfo()->fishinghole.minSuccessOpens,go->GetGOInfo()->fishinghole.maxSuccessOpens)) { go->SetLootState(GO_JUST_DEACTIVATED); } else go->SetLootState(GO_READY); } else // not chest (or vein/herb/etc) go->SetLootState(GO_JUST_DEACTIVATED); loot->clear(); } else // not fully looted object go->SetLootState(GO_ACTIVATED); break; } case HIGHGUID_CORPSE: // ONLY remove insignia at BG { Corpse *corpse = _player->GetMap()->GetCorpse(lguid); if (!corpse || !corpse->IsWithinDistInMap(_player,INTERACTION_DISTANCE) ) return; loot = &corpse->loot; if (loot->isLooted()) { loot->clear(); corpse->RemoveFlag(CORPSE_FIELD_DYNAMIC_FLAGS, CORPSE_DYNFLAG_LOOTABLE); } break; } case HIGHGUID_ITEM: { Item *pItem = player->GetItemByGuid(lguid ); if(!pItem) return; ItemPrototype const* proto = pItem->GetProto(); // destroy only 5 items from stack in case prospecting and milling if( (proto->BagFamily & (BAG_FAMILY_MASK_MINING_SUPP|BAG_FAMILY_MASK_HERBS)) && proto->Class == ITEM_CLASS_TRADE_GOODS) { pItem->m_lootGenerated = false; pItem->loot.clear(); uint32 count = pItem->GetCount(); // >=5 checked in spell code, but will work for cheating cases also with removing from another stacks. if(count > 5) count = 5; player->DestroyItemCount(pItem, count, true); } else // FIXME: item don't must be deleted in case not fully looted state. But this pre-request implement loot saving in DB at item save. Or checting possible. player->DestroyItem( pItem->GetBagSlot(),pItem->GetSlot(), true); return; // item can be looted only single player } case HIGHGUID_UNIT: { Creature* pCreature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(lguid); bool ok_loot = pCreature && pCreature->isAlive() == (player->getClass()==CLASS_ROGUE && pCreature->lootForPickPocketed); if ( !ok_loot || !pCreature->IsWithinDistInMap(_player,INTERACTION_DISTANCE) ) return; loot = &pCreature->loot; // update next looter if(Group* group = pCreature->GetGroupLootRecipient()) if (group->GetLooterGuid() == player->GetGUID()) group->UpdateLooterGuid(pCreature); if (loot->isLooted()) { // for example skinning after normal loot pCreature->PrepareBodyLootState(); if(!pCreature->isAlive()) pCreature->AllLootRemovedFromCorpse(); } break; } default: { sLog.outError("%s is unsupported for looting.", lguid.GetString().c_str()); return; } } //Player is not looking at loot list, he doesn't need to see updates on the loot list loot->RemoveLooter(player->GetGUID()); }
void WorldSession::HandleAutostoreLootItemOpcode(WorldPackets::Loot::LootItem& packet) { Player* player = GetPlayer(); AELootResult aeResult; AELootResult* aeResultPtr = player->GetAELootView().size() > 1 ? &aeResult : nullptr; /// @todo Implement looting by LootObject guid for (WorldPackets::Loot::LootRequest const& req : packet.Loot) { Loot* loot = nullptr; ObjectGuid lguid = player->GetLootWorldObjectGUID(req.Object); if (lguid.IsGameObject()) { GameObject* go = player->GetMap()->GetGameObject(lguid); // not check distance for GO in case owned GO (fishing bobber case, for example) or Fishing hole GO if (!go || ((go->GetOwnerGUID() != _player->GetGUID() && go->GetGoType() != GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE) && !go->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE))) { player->SendLootRelease(lguid); continue; } loot = &go->loot; } else if (lguid.IsItem()) { Item* pItem = player->GetItemByGuid(lguid); if (!pItem) { player->SendLootRelease(lguid); continue; } loot = &pItem->loot; } else if (lguid.IsCorpse()) { Corpse* bones = ObjectAccessor::GetCorpse(*player, lguid); if (!bones) { player->SendLootRelease(lguid); continue; } loot = &bones->loot; } else { Creature* creature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(lguid); bool lootAllowed = creature && creature->IsAlive() == (player->getClass() == CLASS_ROGUE && creature->loot.loot_type == LOOT_PICKPOCKETING); if (!lootAllowed || !creature->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, AELootCreatureCheck::LootDistance)) { player->SendLootError(req.Object, lguid, lootAllowed ? LOOT_ERROR_TOO_FAR : LOOT_ERROR_DIDNT_KILL); continue; } loot = &creature->loot; } player->StoreLootItem(req.LootListID - 1, loot, aeResultPtr); // If player is removing the last LootItem, delete the empty container. if (loot->isLooted() && lguid.IsItem()) player->GetSession()->DoLootRelease(lguid); } if (aeResultPtr) { for (AELootResult::ResultValue const& resultValue : aeResult) { player->SendNewItem(resultValue.item, resultValue.count, false, false, true); player->UpdateCriteria(CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_ITEM, resultValue.item->GetEntry(), resultValue.count); player->UpdateCriteria(CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_TYPE, resultValue.item->GetEntry(), resultValue.count, resultValue.lootType); player->UpdateCriteria(CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_EPIC_ITEM, resultValue.item->GetEntry(), resultValue.count); } } }
void WorldSession::HandleLootMoneyOpcode(WorldPacket& /*recvData*/) { sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "WORLD: CMSG_LOOT_MONEY"); Player* player = GetPlayer(); uint64 guid = player->GetLootGUID(); if (!guid) return; Loot* loot = NULL; bool shareMoney = true; switch (GUID_HIPART(guid)) { case HIGHGUID_GAMEOBJECT: { GameObject* go = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(guid); // do not check distance for GO if player is the owner of it (ex. fishing bobber) if (go && ((go->GetOwnerGUID() == player->GetGUID() || go->IsWithinDistInMap(player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)))) loot = &go->loot; break; } case HIGHGUID_CORPSE: // remove insignia ONLY in BG { Corpse* bones = ObjectAccessor::GetCorpse(*player, guid); if (bones && bones->IsWithinDistInMap(player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) { loot = &bones->loot; shareMoney = false; } break; } case HIGHGUID_ITEM: { if (Item* item = player->GetItemByGuid(guid)) { loot = &item->loot; shareMoney = false; } break; } case HIGHGUID_UNIT: case HIGHGUID_VEHICLE: { Creature* creature = player->GetMap()->GetCreature(guid); bool lootAllowed = creature && creature->isAlive() == (player->getClass() == CLASS_ROGUE && creature->lootForPickPocketed); if (lootAllowed && creature->IsWithinDistInMap(player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) { loot = &creature->loot; if (creature->isAlive()) shareMoney = false; } break; } default: return; // unlootable type } if (loot) { if (shareMoney && player->GetGroup()) //item, pickpocket and players can be looted only single player { Group* group = player->GetGroup(); std::vector<Player*> playersNear; for (GroupReference* itr = group->GetFirstMember(); itr != NULL; itr = itr->next()) { Player* member = itr->getSource(); if (!member) continue; if (player->IsWithinDistInMap(member, sWorld->getFloatConfig(CONFIG_GROUP_XP_DISTANCE), false)) playersNear.push_back(member); } /*@todo: check me for 5.0.5*/ uint32 goldPerPlayer = uint32((loot->gold) / (playersNear.size())); loot->NotifyMoneyRemoved(); for (std::vector<Player*>::const_iterator i = playersNear.begin(); i != playersNear.end(); ++i) { (*i)->ModifyMoney(goldPerPlayer); (*i)->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_MONEY, goldPerPlayer); if (Guild* guild = sGuildMgr->GetGuildById((*i)->GetGuildId())) if (uint32 guildGold = CalculatePct(goldPerPlayer, (*i)->GetTotalAuraModifier(SPELL_AURA_DEPOSIT_BONUS_MONEY_IN_GUILD_BANK_ON_LOOT))) guild->HandleMemberDepositMoney(this, guildGold, true); WorldPacket data(SMSG_LOOT_MONEY_NOTIFY, 4 + 1); data.WriteBit(playersNear.size() <= 1); // Controls the text displayed in chat. 0 is "Your share is..." and 1 is "You loot..." data.FlushBits(); data << uint32(goldPerPlayer); (*i)->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } } else { player->ModifyMoney(loot->gold); player->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_MONEY, loot->gold); if (Guild* guild = sGuildMgr->GetGuildById(player->GetGuildId())) if (uint32 guildGold = CalculatePct(loot->gold, player->GetTotalAuraModifier(SPELL_AURA_DEPOSIT_BONUS_MONEY_IN_GUILD_BANK_ON_LOOT))) guild->HandleMemberDepositMoney(this, guildGold, true); loot->NotifyMoneyRemoved(); WorldPacket data(SMSG_LOOT_MONEY_NOTIFY, 4 + 1); data.WriteBit(1); // "You loot..." data.FlushBits(); data << uint32(loot->gold); SendPacket(&data); } loot->gold = 0; } }
void WorldSession::HandleAutostoreLootItemOpcode(WorldPacket & recvData) { sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "WORLD: CMSG_AUTOSTORE_LOOT_ITEM"); Player* player = GetPlayer(); uint64 lguid = player->GetLootGUID(); Loot* loot = NULL; uint8 lootSlot = 0; uint8 linkedLootSlot = 255; uint32 count = recvData.ReadBits(23); std::vector<ObjectGuid> guids; guids.resize(count); uint8 bitOrder[8] = { 2, 1, 5, 7, 4, 3, 0, 6 }; for (uint32 i = 0; i < count; i++) recvData.ReadBitInOrder(guids[i], bitOrder); recvData.FlushBits(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { recvData.ReadByteSeq(guids[i][0]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(guids[i][3]); recvData >> lootSlot; recvData.ReadByteSeq(guids[i][7]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(guids[i][2]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(guids[i][4]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(guids[i][1]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(guids[i][6]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(guids[i][5]); linkedLootSlot = 0xFF; if (IS_GAMEOBJECT_GUID(lguid)) { GameObject* go = player->GetMap()->GetGameObject(lguid); // not check distance for GO in case owned GO (fishing bobber case, for example) or Fishing hole GO if (!go || ((go->GetOwnerGUID() != _player->GetGUID() && go->GetGoType() != GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE) && !go->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE))) { player->SendLootRelease(lguid); return; } loot = &go->loot; } else if (IS_ITEM_GUID(lguid)) { Item* pItem = player->GetItemByGuid(lguid); if (!pItem) { player->SendLootRelease(lguid); return; } loot = &pItem->loot; } else if (IS_CORPSE_GUID(lguid)) { Corpse* bones = ObjectAccessor::GetCorpse(*player, lguid); if (!bones) { player->SendLootRelease(lguid); return; } loot = &bones->loot; } else { Creature* creature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(lguid); bool lootAllowed = creature && creature->isAlive() == (player->getClass() == CLASS_ROGUE && creature->lootForPickPocketed); if (!lootAllowed || (!creature->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE) && !_player->HasSpell(125048))) { player->SendLootRelease(lguid); return; } loot = &creature->loot; if (loot->isLinkedLoot(lootSlot)) { LinkedLootInfo linkedLootInfo = loot->getLinkedLoot(lootSlot); creature = player->GetCreature(*player, linkedLootInfo.creatureGUID); if (!creature) { player->SendLootRelease(lguid); return; } loot = &creature->loot; linkedLootSlot = lootSlot; lootSlot = linkedLootInfo.slot; } } player->StoreLootItem(lootSlot, loot, linkedLootSlot); } }
void WorldSession::HandleAutostoreLootItemOpcode(WorldPacket& recvData) { sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "WORLD: CMSG_AUTOSTORE_LOOT_ITEM"); Player* player = GetPlayer(); uint64 guid = player->GetLootGUID(); Loot* loot = NULL; uint8 count = 0; if (IS_GAMEOBJECT_GUID(guid)) { GameObject* go = player->GetMap()->GetGameObject(guid); // not check distance for GO in case owned GO (fishing bobber case, for example) or Fishing hole GO if (!go || ((go->GetOwnerGUID() != _player->GetGUID() && go->GetGoType() != GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE) && !go->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE))) { player->SendLootRelease(guid); return; } loot = &go->loot; } else if (IS_ITEM_GUID(guid)) { Item* pItem = player->GetItemByGuid(guid); if (!pItem) { player->SendLootRelease(guid); return; } loot = &pItem->loot; } else if (IS_CORPSE_GUID(guid)) { Corpse* bones = ObjectAccessor::GetCorpse(*player, guid); if (!bones) { player->SendLootRelease(guid); return; } loot = &bones->loot; } else { Creature* creature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(guid); bool lootAllowed = creature && creature->isAlive() == (player->getClass() == CLASS_ROGUE && creature->lootForPickPocketed); if (!lootAllowed || !creature->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) { player->SendLootRelease(guid); return; } loot = &creature->loot; } uint32 Count = recvData.ReadBits(23); std::map<uint32, ObjectGuid> Guids; for (uint32 i = 0 ; i < Count ; ++i) { (Guids[i])[2] = recvData.ReadBit(); (Guids[i])[7] = recvData.ReadBit(); (Guids[i])[0] = recvData.ReadBit(); (Guids[i])[6] = recvData.ReadBit(); (Guids[i])[5] = recvData.ReadBit(); (Guids[i])[3] = recvData.ReadBit(); (Guids[i])[1] = recvData.ReadBit(); (Guids[i])[4] = recvData.ReadBit(); } for (uint32 i = 0 ; i < Count ; ++i) { recvData.ReadByteSeq((Guids[i])[0]); recvData.ReadByteSeq((Guids[i])[4]); recvData.ReadByteSeq((Guids[i])[1]); recvData.ReadByteSeq((Guids[i])[7]); recvData.ReadByteSeq((Guids[i])[6]); recvData.ReadByteSeq((Guids[i])[5]); recvData.ReadByteSeq((Guids[i])[3]); recvData.ReadByteSeq((Guids[i])[2]); uint8 lootSlot; recvData >> lootSlot; player->StoreLootItem(lootSlot, loot, guid); } // If player is removing the last LootItem, delete the empty container. if (loot->isLooted() && IS_ITEM_GUID(guid)) player->GetSession()->DoLootRelease(guid); }
void WorldSession::HandleLootMasterAskForRoll(WorldPacket& recvData) { ObjectGuid guid = 0; uint8 slot = 0; recvData >> slot; uint8 bitOrder[8] = {6, 0, 4, 3, 2, 7, 1, 5}; recvData.ReadBitInOrder(guid, bitOrder); uint8 byteOrder[8] = {2, 0, 7, 5, 3, 6, 1, 4}; recvData.ReadBytesSeq(guid, byteOrder); if (!_player->GetGroup() || _player->GetGroup()->GetLooterGuid() != _player->GetGUID()) { _player->SendLootRelease(GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID()); return; } Loot* loot = NULL; if (IS_CRE_OR_VEH_GUID(GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID())) { Creature* creature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(guid); if (!creature) return; loot = &creature->loot; if (loot->isLinkedLoot(slot)) { LinkedLootInfo linkedLootInfo = loot->getLinkedLoot(slot); creature = GetPlayer()->GetCreature(*GetPlayer(), linkedLootInfo.creatureGUID); if (!creature) return; loot = &creature->loot; slot = linkedLootInfo.slot; } } else if (IS_GAMEOBJECT_GUID(GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID())) { GameObject* pGO = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(guid); if (!pGO) return; loot = &pGO->loot; } if (!loot || loot->alreadyAskedForRoll) return; if (slot >= loot->items.size() + loot->quest_items.size()) { sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_LOOT, "MasterLootItem: Player %s might be using a hack! (slot %d, size %lu)", GetPlayer()->GetName(), slot, (unsigned long)loot->items.size()); return; } LootItem& item = slot >= loot->items.size() ? loot->quest_items[slot - loot->items.size()] : loot->items[slot]; loot->alreadyAskedForRoll = true; _player->GetGroup()->DoRollForAllMembers(guid, slot, _player->GetMapId(), loot, item, _player); }
void WorldSession::HandleAutostoreLootItemOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data ) { sLog.outDebug("WORLD: CMSG_AUTOSTORE_LOOT_ITEM"); Player *player = GetPlayer(); uint64 lguid = player->GetLootGUID(); Loot *loot; uint8 lootSlot; recv_data >> lootSlot; if (IS_GAMEOBJECT_GUID(lguid)) { GameObject *go = player->GetMap()->GetGameObject(lguid); // not check distance for GO in case owned GO (fishing bobber case, for example) or Fishing hole GO if (!go || ((go->GetOwnerGUID() != _player->GetGUID() && go->GetGoType() != GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE) && !go->IsWithinDistInMap(_player,INTERACTION_DISTANCE))) { player->SendLootRelease(lguid); return; } loot = &go->loot; } else if (IS_ITEM_GUID(lguid)) { Item *pItem = player->GetItemByGuid( lguid ); if (!pItem) { player->SendLootRelease(lguid); return; } loot = &pItem->loot; } else if (IS_CORPSE_GUID(lguid)) { Corpse *bones = ObjectAccessor::GetCorpse(*player, lguid); if (!bones) { player->SendLootRelease(lguid); return; } loot = &bones->loot; } else { Creature* pCreature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(lguid); bool ok_loot = pCreature && pCreature->isAlive() == (player->getClass()==CLASS_ROGUE && pCreature->lootForPickPocketed); if( !ok_loot || !pCreature->IsWithinDistInMap(_player,INTERACTION_DISTANCE) ) { player->SendLootRelease(lguid); return; } loot = &pCreature->loot; } QuestItem *qitem = NULL; QuestItem *ffaitem = NULL; QuestItem *conditem = NULL; LootItem *item = loot->LootItemInSlot(lootSlot,player,&qitem,&ffaitem,&conditem); if(!item) { player->SendEquipError( EQUIP_ERR_ALREADY_LOOTED, NULL, NULL ); return; } // questitems use the blocked field for other purposes if (!qitem && item->is_blocked) { player->SendLootRelease(lguid); return; } ItemPosCountVec dest; uint8 msg = player->CanStoreNewItem( NULL_BAG, NULL_SLOT, dest, item->itemid, item->count ); if ( msg == EQUIP_ERR_OK ) { Item * newitem = player->StoreNewItem( dest, item->itemid, true, item->randomPropertyId); if (qitem) { qitem->is_looted = true; //freeforall is 1 if everyone's supposed to get the quest item. if (item->freeforall || loot->GetPlayerQuestItems().size() == 1) player->SendNotifyLootItemRemoved(lootSlot); else loot->NotifyQuestItemRemoved(qitem->index); } else { if (ffaitem) { //freeforall case, notify only one player of the removal ffaitem->is_looted=true; player->SendNotifyLootItemRemoved(lootSlot); } else { //not freeforall, notify everyone if(conditem) conditem->is_looted=true; loot->NotifyItemRemoved(lootSlot); } } //if only one person is supposed to loot the item, then set it to looted if (!item->freeforall) item->is_looted = true; --loot->unlootedCount; player->SendNewItem(newitem, uint32(item->count), false, false, true); } else player->SendEquipError( msg, NULL, NULL ); }
void WorldSession::HandleLootMoneyOpcode(WorldPacket& /*recvData*/) { TC_LOG_DEBUG("network", "WORLD: CMSG_LOOT_MONEY"); Player* player = GetPlayer(); ObjectGuid guid = player->GetLootGUID(); if (!guid) return; Loot* loot = NULL; bool shareMoney = true; switch (guid.GetHigh()) { case HighGuid::GameObject: { GameObject* go = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(guid); // do not check distance for GO if player is the owner of it (ex. fishing bobber) if (go && ((go->GetOwnerGUID() == player->GetGUID() || go->IsWithinDistInMap(player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)))) loot = &go->loot; break; } case HighGuid::Corpse: // remove insignia ONLY in BG { Corpse* bones = ObjectAccessor::GetCorpse(*player, guid); if (bones && bones->IsWithinDistInMap(player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) { loot = &bones->loot; shareMoney = false; } break; } case HighGuid::Item: { if (Item* item = player->GetItemByGuid(guid)) { loot = &item->loot; shareMoney = false; } break; } case HighGuid::Unit: case HighGuid::Vehicle: { Creature* creature = player->GetMap()->GetCreature(guid); bool lootAllowed = creature && creature->IsAlive() == (player->getClass() == CLASS_ROGUE && creature->loot.loot_type == LOOT_PICKPOCKETING); if (lootAllowed && creature->IsWithinDistInMap(player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) { loot = &creature->loot; if (creature->IsAlive()) shareMoney = false; } else player->SendLootError(guid, lootAllowed ? LOOT_ERROR_TOO_FAR : LOOT_ERROR_DIDNT_KILL); break; } default: return; // unlootable type } if (loot) { loot->NotifyMoneyRemoved(); if (shareMoney && player->GetGroup()) //item, pickpocket and players can be looted only single player { Group* group = player->GetGroup(); std::vector<Player*> playersNear; for (GroupReference* itr = group->GetFirstMember(); itr != NULL; itr = itr->next()) { Player* member = itr->GetSource(); if (!member) continue; if (player->IsAtGroupRewardDistance(member)) playersNear.push_back(member); } uint32 goldPerPlayer = uint32((loot->gold) / (playersNear.size())); for (std::vector<Player*>::const_iterator i = playersNear.begin(); i != playersNear.end(); ++i) { (*i)->ModifyMoney(goldPerPlayer); (*i)->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_MONEY, goldPerPlayer); WorldPacket data(SMSG_LOOT_MONEY_NOTIFY, 4 + 1); data << uint32(goldPerPlayer); data << uint8(playersNear.size() <= 1); // Controls the text displayed in chat. 0 is "Your share is..." and 1 is "You loot..." (*i)->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } } else { player->ModifyMoney(loot->gold); player->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_MONEY, loot->gold); WorldPacket data(SMSG_LOOT_MONEY_NOTIFY, 4 + 1); data << uint32(loot->gold); data << uint8(1); // "You loot..." SendPacket(&data); } #ifdef ELUNA sEluna->OnLootMoney(player, loot->gold); #endif loot->gold = 0; // Delete the money loot record from the DB if (loot->containerID > 0) loot->DeleteLootMoneyFromContainerItemDB(); // Delete container if empty if (loot->isLooted() && guid.IsItem()) player->GetSession()->DoLootRelease(guid); } }
void WorldSession::DoLootRelease(uint64 lguid) { Player *player = GetPlayer(); Loot *loot; player->SetLootGUID(0); player->SendLootRelease(lguid); player->RemoveFlag(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_LOOTING); if (!player->IsInWorld()) return; if (IS_GAMEOBJECT_GUID(lguid)) { GameObject *go = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(lguid); // not check distance for GO in case owned GO (fishing bobber case, for example) or Fishing hole GO if (!go || ((go->GetOwnerGUID() != _player->GetGUID() && go->GetGoType() != GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE) && !go->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE))) return; loot = &go->loot; if (go->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_DOOR) { // locked doors are opened with spelleffect openlock, prevent remove its as looted go->UseDoorOrButton(); } else if (loot->isLooted() || go->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGNODE) { // GO is mineral vein? so it is not removed after its looted if (go->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CHEST) { uint32 go_min = go->GetGOInfo()->chest.minSuccessOpens; uint32 go_max = go->GetGOInfo()->chest.maxSuccessOpens; // only vein pass this check if (go_min != 0 && go_max > go_min) { float amount_rate = sWorld->getRate(RATE_MINING_AMOUNT); float min_amount = go_min*amount_rate; float max_amount = go_max*amount_rate; go->AddUse(); float uses = float(go->GetUseCount()); if (uses < max_amount) { if (uses >= min_amount) { float chance_rate = sWorld->getRate(RATE_MINING_NEXT); int32 ReqValue = 175; LockEntry const *lockInfo = sLockStore.LookupEntry(go->GetGOInfo()->chest.lockId); if (lockInfo) ReqValue = lockInfo->Skill[0]; float skill = float(player->GetSkillValue(SKILL_MINING))/(ReqValue+25); double chance = pow(0.8*chance_rate, 4*(1/double(max_amount))*double(uses)); if (roll_chance_f((float)(100*chance+skill))) { go->SetLootState(GO_READY); } else // not have more uses go->SetLootState(GO_JUST_DEACTIVATED); } else // 100% chance until min uses go->SetLootState(GO_READY); } else // max uses already go->SetLootState(GO_JUST_DEACTIVATED); } else // not vein go->SetLootState(GO_JUST_DEACTIVATED); } else if (go->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE) { // The fishing hole used once more go->AddUse(); // if the max usage is reached, will be despawned in next tick if (go->GetUseCount() >= urand(go->GetGOInfo()->fishinghole.minSuccessOpens, go->GetGOInfo()->fishinghole.maxSuccessOpens)) { go->SetLootState(GO_JUST_DEACTIVATED); } else go->SetLootState(GO_READY); } else // not chest (or vein/herb/etc) go->SetLootState(GO_JUST_DEACTIVATED); loot->clear(); } else { // not fully looted object go->SetLootState(GO_ACTIVATED); // if the round robin player release, reset it. if (player->GetGUID() == loot->roundRobinPlayer) { if (Group* pGroup = player->GetGroup()) { if (pGroup->GetLootMethod() != MASTER_LOOT) { loot->roundRobinPlayer = 0; } } else loot->roundRobinPlayer = 0; } } } else if (IS_CORPSE_GUID(lguid)) // ONLY remove insignia at BG { Corpse *corpse = ObjectAccessor::GetCorpse(*player, lguid); if (!corpse || !corpse->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) return; loot = &corpse->loot; if (loot->isLooted()) { loot->clear(); corpse->RemoveFlag(CORPSE_FIELD_DYNAMIC_FLAGS, CORPSE_DYNFLAG_LOOTABLE); } } else if (IS_ITEM_GUID(lguid)) { Item *pItem = player->GetItemByGuid(lguid); if (!pItem) return; ItemPrototype const* proto = pItem->GetProto(); // destroy only 5 items from stack in case prospecting and milling if (proto->Flags & (ITEM_PROTO_FLAG_PROSPECTABLE | ITEM_PROTO_FLAG_MILLABLE)) { pItem->m_lootGenerated = false; pItem->loot.clear(); uint32 count = pItem->GetCount(); // >=5 checked in spell code, but will work for cheating cases also with removing from another stacks. if (count > 5) count = 5; player->DestroyItemCount(pItem, count, true); } else // FIXME: item must not be deleted in case not fully looted state. But this pre-request implement loot saving in DB at item save. Or cheating possible. player->DestroyItem(pItem->GetBagSlot(), pItem->GetSlot(), true); return; // item can be looted only single player } else { Creature* pCreature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(lguid); bool ok_loot = pCreature && pCreature->isAlive() == (player->getClass() == CLASS_ROGUE && pCreature->lootForPickPocketed); if (!ok_loot || !pCreature->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) return; loot = &pCreature->loot; if (loot->isLooted()) { // skip pickpocketing loot for speed, skinning timer redunction is no-op in fact if (!pCreature->isAlive()) pCreature->AllLootRemovedFromCorpse(); pCreature->RemoveFlag(UNIT_DYNAMIC_FLAGS, UNIT_DYNFLAG_LOOTABLE); loot->clear(); } else { // if the round robin player release, reset it. if (player->GetGUID() == loot->roundRobinPlayer) { if (Group* pGroup = player->GetGroup()) { if (pGroup->GetLootMethod() != MASTER_LOOT) { loot->roundRobinPlayer = 0; pGroup->SendLooter(pCreature, NULL); // force update of dynamic flags, otherwise other group's players still not able to loot. pCreature->ForceValuesUpdateAtIndex(UNIT_DYNAMIC_FLAGS); } } else loot->roundRobinPlayer = 0; } } } //Player is not looking at loot list, he doesn't need to see updates on the loot list loot->RemoveLooter(player->GetGUID()); }
void WorldSession::DoLootRelease(ObjectGuid lguid) { Player *player = GetPlayer(); Loot *loot; player->SetLootGUID(ObjectGuid::Empty); player->SendLootRelease(lguid); player->RemoveFlag(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_LOOTING); if (!player->IsInWorld()) return; if (lguid.IsGameObject()) { GameObject* go = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(lguid); // not check distance for GO in case owned GO (fishing bobber case, for example) or Fishing hole GO if (!go || ((go->GetOwnerGUID() != _player->GetGUID() && go->GetGoType() != GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE) && !go->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE))) return; loot = &go->loot; if (go->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_DOOR) { // locked doors are opened with spelleffect openlock, prevent remove its as looted go->UseDoorOrButton(); } else if (loot->isLooted() || go->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGNODE) { if (go->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE) { // The fishing hole used once more go->AddUse(); // if the max usage is reached, will be despawned in next tick if (go->GetUseCount() >= go->GetGOValue()->FishingHole.MaxOpens) go->SetLootState(GO_JUST_DEACTIVATED); else go->SetLootState(GO_READY); } else go->SetLootState(GO_JUST_DEACTIVATED); loot->clear(); } else { // not fully looted object go->SetLootState(GO_ACTIVATED, player); // if the round robin player release, reset it. if (player->GetGUID() == loot->roundRobinPlayer) loot->roundRobinPlayer.Clear(); } } else if (lguid.IsCorpse()) // ONLY remove insignia at BG { Corpse* corpse = ObjectAccessor::GetCorpse(*player, lguid); if (!corpse || !corpse->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) return; loot = &corpse->loot; if (loot->isLooted()) { loot->clear(); corpse->RemoveFlag(CORPSE_FIELD_DYNAMIC_FLAGS, CORPSE_DYNFLAG_LOOTABLE); } } else if (lguid.IsItem()) { Item* pItem = player->GetItemByGuid(lguid); if (!pItem) return; ItemTemplate const* proto = pItem->GetTemplate(); // destroy only 5 items from stack in case prospecting and milling if (proto->Flags & (ITEM_PROTO_FLAG_PROSPECTABLE | ITEM_PROTO_FLAG_MILLABLE)) { pItem->m_lootGenerated = false; pItem->loot.clear(); uint32 count = pItem->GetCount(); // >=5 checked in spell code, but will work for cheating cases also with removing from another stacks. if (count > 5) count = 5; player->DestroyItemCount(pItem, count, true); } else { // Only delete item if no loot or money (unlooted loot is saved to db) or if it isn't an openable item if (pItem->loot.isLooted() || !(proto->Flags & ITEM_PROTO_FLAG_HAS_LOOT)) player->DestroyItem(pItem->GetBagSlot(), pItem->GetSlot(), true); } return; // item can be looted only single player } else { Creature* creature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(lguid); bool lootAllowed = creature && creature->IsAlive() == (player->getClass() == CLASS_ROGUE && creature->loot.loot_type == LOOT_PICKPOCKETING); if (!lootAllowed || !creature->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) return; loot = &creature->loot; if (loot->isLooted()) { creature->RemoveFlag(UNIT_DYNAMIC_FLAGS, UNIT_DYNFLAG_LOOTABLE); // skip pickpocketing loot for speed, skinning timer reduction is no-op in fact if (!creature->IsAlive()) creature->AllLootRemovedFromCorpse(); loot->clear(); } else { // if the round robin player release, reset it. if (player->GetGUID() == loot->roundRobinPlayer) { loot->roundRobinPlayer.Clear(); if (Group* group = player->GetGroup()) group->SendLooter(creature, NULL); } // force dynflag update to update looter and lootable info creature->ForceValuesUpdateAtIndex(UNIT_DYNAMIC_FLAGS); } } //Player is not looking at loot list, he doesn't need to see updates on the loot list loot->RemoveLooter(player->GetGUID()); }
void WorldSession::HandleLootMoneyOpcode(WorldPacket & /*recv_data*/) { sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "WORLD: CMSG_LOOT_MONEY"); Player *player = GetPlayer(); uint64 guid = player->GetLootGUID(); if (!guid) return; Loot *pLoot = NULL; switch(GUID_HIPART(guid)) { case HIGHGUID_GAMEOBJECT: { GameObject *pGameObject = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(guid); // not check distance for GO in case owned GO (fishing bobber case, for example) if (pGameObject && ((pGameObject->GetOwnerGUID() == _player->GetGUID() || pGameObject->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)))) pLoot = &pGameObject->loot; break; } case HIGHGUID_CORPSE: // remove insignia ONLY in BG { Corpse *bones = ObjectAccessor::GetCorpse(*GetPlayer(), guid); if (bones && bones->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) pLoot = &bones->loot; break; } case HIGHGUID_ITEM: { if (Item *item = GetPlayer()->GetItemByGuid(guid)) pLoot = &item->loot; break; } case HIGHGUID_UNIT: { Creature* pCreature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(guid); bool ok_loot = pCreature && pCreature->isAlive() == (player->getClass() == CLASS_ROGUE && pCreature->lootForPickPocketed); if (ok_loot && pCreature->IsWithinDistInMap(_player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) pLoot = &pCreature->loot ; break; } default: return; // unlootable type } if (pLoot) { if (!IS_ITEM_GUID(guid) && player->GetGroup()) //item can be looted only single player { Group *group = player->GetGroup(); std::vector<Player*> playersNear; for (GroupReference *itr = group->GetFirstMember(); itr != NULL; itr = itr->next()) { Player* playerGroup = itr->getSource(); if (!playerGroup) continue; if (player->IsWithinDistInMap(playerGroup, sWorld->getFloatConfig(CONFIG_GROUP_XP_DISTANCE), false)) playersNear.push_back(playerGroup); } uint32 money_per_player = uint32((pLoot->gold)/(playersNear.size())); for (std::vector<Player*>::const_iterator i = playersNear.begin(); i != playersNear.end(); ++i) { (*i)->ModifyMoney(money_per_player); (*i)->GetAchievementMgr().UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_MONEY, money_per_player); //Offset surely incorrect, but works WorldPacket data(SMSG_LOOT_MONEY_NOTIFY, 9); data << uint32(money_per_player); data << uint32(((pLoot->gold)* (*i)->GetGuildMoneyModifier())); data << uint8(0); (*i)->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } } else { player->ModifyMoney(pLoot->gold); player->GetAchievementMgr().UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_MONEY, pLoot->gold); } pLoot->gold = 0; pLoot->NotifyMoneyRemoved(); } }
void WorldSession::HandleLootMasterGiveOpcode(WorldPacket& recv_data) { uint8 slotid; ObjectGuid lootguid; ObjectGuid target_playerguid; recv_data >> lootguid >> slotid >> target_playerguid; if (!_player->GetGroup() || _player->GetGroup()->GetLooterGuid() != _player->GetObjectGuid()) { _player->SendLootRelease(GetPlayer()->GetLootGuid()); return; } Player* target = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(target_playerguid); if (!target) return; DEBUG_LOG("WorldSession::HandleLootMasterGiveOpcode (CMSG_LOOT_MASTER_GIVE, 0x02A3) Target = %s.", target->GetGuidStr().c_str()); if (_player->GetLootGuid() != lootguid) return; if (!_player->IsInSameRaidWith(target) || !_player->IsInMap(target)) { sLog.outString("WorldSession::HandleLootMasterGiveOpcode: %s tried to give an item to ineligible %s!", _player->GetGuidStr().c_str(), target->GetGuidStr().c_str()); return; } Loot* pLoot = NULL; if (lootguid.IsCreatureOrVehicle()) { Creature* pCreature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(lootguid); if (!pCreature) return; pLoot = &pCreature->loot; } else if (lootguid.IsGameObject()) { GameObject* pGO = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(lootguid); if (!pGO) return; pLoot = &pGO->loot; } else return; if (slotid > pLoot->items.size()) { DEBUG_LOG("AutoLootItem: %s might be using a hack! (slot %d, size " SIZEFMTD ")", GetPlayer()->GetGuidStr().c_str(), slotid, pLoot->items.size()); return; } LootItem& item = pLoot->items[slotid]; if (item.currency) { sLog.outError("WorldSession::HandleLootMasterGiveOpcode: player %s tried to give currency via master loot! Hack alert! Slot %u, currency id %u", GetPlayer()->GetName(), slotid, item.itemid); return; } ItemPosCountVec dest; InventoryResult msg = target->CanStoreNewItem(NULL_BAG, NULL_SLOT, dest, item.itemid, item.count); if (msg != EQUIP_ERR_OK) { target->SendEquipError(msg, NULL, NULL, item.itemid); // send duplicate of error massage to master looter _player->SendEquipError(msg, NULL, NULL, item.itemid); return; } // now move item from loot to target inventory Item* newitem = target->StoreNewItem(dest, item.itemid, true, item.randomPropertyId, item.GetAllowedLooters()); target->SendNewItem(newitem, uint32(item.count), false, false, true); target->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_ITEM, item.itemid, item.count); target->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_TYPE, pLoot->loot_type, item.count); target->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_EPIC_ITEM, item.itemid, item.count); // mark as looted item.count = 0; item.is_looted = true; pLoot->NotifyItemRemoved(slotid); --pLoot->unlootedCount; }