ItemStack read_item(lua_State *L, int index)
	if(index < 0)
		index = lua_gettop(L) + 1 + index;

	if(lua_isnil(L, index))
		return ItemStack();
	else if(lua_isuserdata(L, index))
		// Convert from LuaItemStack
		LuaItemStack *o = LuaItemStack::checkobject(L, index);
		return o->getItem();
	else if(lua_isstring(L, index))
		// Convert from itemstring
		std::string itemstring = lua_tostring(L, index);
		IItemDefManager *idef = get_server(L)->idef();
			ItemStack item;
			item.deSerialize(itemstring, idef);
			return item;
		catch(SerializationError &e)
			infostream<<"WARNING: unable to create item from itemstring"
					<<": "<<itemstring<<std::endl;
			return ItemStack();
	else if(lua_istable(L, index))
		// Convert from table
		IItemDefManager *idef = get_server(L)->idef();
		std::string name = getstringfield_default(L, index, "name", "");
		int count = getintfield_default(L, index, "count", 1);
		int wear = getintfield_default(L, index, "wear", 0);
		std::string metadata = getstringfield_default(L, index, "metadata", "");
		return ItemStack(name, count, wear, metadata, idef);
		throw LuaError(L, "Expecting itemstack, itemstring, table or nil");
Пример #2
ItemStack read_item(lua_State* L, int index,Server* srv)
	if(index < 0)
		index = lua_gettop(L) + 1 + index;

	if(lua_isnil(L, index))
		return ItemStack();
	else if(lua_isuserdata(L, index))
		// Convert from LuaItemStack
		LuaItemStack *o = LuaItemStack::checkobject(L, index);
		return o->getItem();
	else if(lua_isstring(L, index))
		// Convert from itemstring
		std::string itemstring = lua_tostring(L, index);
		IItemDefManager *idef = srv->idef();
			ItemStack item;
			item.deSerialize(itemstring, idef);
			return item;
		catch(SerializationError &e)
			warningstream<<"unable to create item from itemstring"
					<<": "<<itemstring<<std::endl;
			return ItemStack();
	else if(lua_istable(L, index))
		// Convert from table
		IItemDefManager *idef = srv->idef();
		std::string name = getstringfield_default(L, index, "name", "");
		int count = getintfield_default(L, index, "count", 1);
		int wear = getintfield_default(L, index, "wear", 0);

		ItemStack istack(name, count, wear, idef);

		lua_getfield(L, index, "metadata");

		// Support old metadata format by checking type
		int fieldstable = lua_gettop(L);
		if (lua_istable(L, fieldstable)) {
			while (lua_next(L, fieldstable) != 0) {
				// key at index -2 and value at index -1
				std::string key = lua_tostring(L, -2);
				size_t value_len;
				const char *value_cs = lua_tolstring(L, -1, &value_len);
				std::string value(value_cs, value_len);
				istack.metadata.setString(name, value);
				lua_pop(L, 1); // removes value, keeps key for next iteration
		} else {
			std::string value = getstringfield_default(L, index, "metadata", "");
			istack.metadata.setString("", value);

		lua_getfield(L, index, "meta");
		fieldstable = lua_gettop(L);
		if (lua_istable(L, fieldstable)) {
			while (lua_next(L, fieldstable) != 0) {
				// key at index -2 and value at index -1
				std::string key = lua_tostring(L, -2);
				size_t value_len;
				const char *value_cs = lua_tolstring(L, -1, &value_len);
				std::string value(value_cs, value_len);
				istack.metadata.setString(name, value);
				lua_pop(L, 1); // removes value, keeps key for next iteration

		return istack;
	} else {
		throw LuaError("Expecting itemstack, itemstring, table or nil");