Пример #1
// Currently, Maya leaves lights in GL when you reduce the number of active lights in 
// your scene. It fills the GL light space from 0 with the visible lights, so, we simply 
// need to reset the potentially 'old' state of lights after the last one we know to be 
// visible. We'll put it all back as we found it though. For the moment, this assumes 
// Maya is filling GL consecutively, if they stop doing that, we'll need to get the 
// actual light indexes from the view. Its just a bit quicker to assume this, whilst we can.
bool ProceduralHolderUI::cleanupLights( const MDrawRequest &request, M3dView &view, LightingState *s ) const
	if( !(request.displayStyle()==M3dView::kFlatShaded || request.displayStyle()==M3dView::kGouraudShaded) )
		return false;
	M3dView::LightingMode mode;
	if (mode == M3dView::kLightDefault)
		s->numMayaLights = 1;
		view.getLightCount( s->numMayaLights );
	int sGlMaxLights = 0;
	glGetIntegerv( GL_MAX_LIGHTS, &sGlMaxLights );
	s->numGlLights = sGlMaxLights;	

	if( s->numMayaLights >= s->numGlLights || s->numGlLights == 0 )
		return false;
	unsigned int vectorSize = s->numGlLights - s->numMayaLights;
	s->diffuses.resize( vectorSize );
	s->specs.resize( vectorSize );
	s->ambients.resize( vectorSize );

	static float s_defaultColor[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
	GLenum light;
	unsigned int j = 0;
	for( unsigned int i = s->numMayaLights; i < s->numGlLights; i++ )
		light = GL_LIGHT0 + i;
		glGetLightfv( light, GL_DIFFUSE, s->diffuses[j].getValue() );
		glLightfv( light, GL_DIFFUSE, s_defaultColor );
		glGetLightfv( light, GL_SPECULAR, s->specs[j].getValue() );
		glLightfv( light, GL_SPECULAR, s_defaultColor );
		glGetLightfv( light, GL_AMBIENT, s->ambients[j].getValue() );
		glLightfv( light, GL_AMBIENT, s_defaultColor );
	return true;