Пример #1
MStatus dynExprField::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& block)
//	Descriptions:
//		compute output force.
	MStatus status;

	if( !(plug == mOutputForce) )
        return( MS::kUnknownParameter );

	// get the logical index of the element this plug refers to.
	int multiIndex = plug.logicalIndex( &status );
	McheckErr(status, "ERROR in plug.logicalIndex.\n");

	// Get input data handle, use outputArrayValue since we do not
	// want to evaluate both inputs, only the one related to the
	// requested multiIndex. Evaluating both inputs at once would cause
	// a dependency graph loop.
	MArrayDataHandle hInputArray = block.outputArrayValue( mInputData, &status );
	McheckErr(status,"ERROR in hInputArray = block.outputArrayValue().\n");
	status = hInputArray.jumpToElement( multiIndex );
	McheckErr(status, "ERROR: hInputArray.jumpToElement failed.\n");
	// get children of aInputData.
	MDataHandle hCompond = hInputArray.inputValue( &status );
	McheckErr(status, "ERROR in hCompond=hInputArray.inputValue\n");
	MDataHandle hPosition = hCompond.child( mInputPositions );
	MObject dPosition = hPosition.data();
	MFnVectorArrayData fnPosition( dPosition );
	MVectorArray points = fnPosition.array( &status );
	McheckErr(status, "ERROR in fnPosition.array(), not find points.\n");
	// Comment out the following since velocity, and mass are 
	// not needed in this field.
	// MDataHandle hVelocity = hCompond.child( mInputVelocities );
	// MObject dVelocity = hVelocity.data();
	// MFnVectorArrayData fnVelocity( dVelocity );
	// MVectorArray velocities = fnVelocity.array( &status );
	// McheckErr(status, "ERROR in fnVelocity.array(), not find velocities.\n");
	// MDataHandle hMass = hCompond.child( mInputMass );
	// MObject dMass = hMass.data();
	// MFnDoubleArrayData fnMass( dMass );
	// MDoubleArray masses = fnMass.array( &status );
	// McheckErr(status, "ERROR in fnMass.array(), not find masses.\n");

	// The attribute mInputPPData contains the attribute in an array form 
	// parpared by the particleShape if the particleShape has per particle 
	// attribute fieldName_attrName.  
	// Suppose a field with the name dynExprField1 is connecting to 
	// particleShape1, and the particleShape1 has per particle float attribute
	// dynExprField1_magnitude and vector attribute dynExprField1_direction,
	// then hInputPPArray will contains a MdoubleArray with the corresponding
	// name "magnitude" and a MvectorArray with the name "direction".  This 
	// is a mechanism to allow the field attributes being driven by dynamic 
	// expression.
	MArrayDataHandle mhInputPPData = block.inputArrayValue( mInputPPData, &status );
	McheckErr(status,"ERROR in mhInputPPData = block.inputArrayValue().\n");

	status = mhInputPPData.jumpToElement( multiIndex );
	McheckErr(status, "ERROR: mhInputPPArray.jumpToElement failed.\n");

	MDataHandle hInputPPData = mhInputPPData.inputValue( &status );
	McheckErr(status, "ERROR in hInputPPData = mhInputPPData.inputValue\n");

	MObject dInputPPData = hInputPPData.data();
	MFnArrayAttrsData inputPPArray( dInputPPData );

	MDataHandle hOwnerPPData = block.inputValue( mOwnerPPData, &status );
	McheckErr(status, "ERROR in hOwnerPPData = block.inputValue\n");

	MObject dOwnerPPData = hOwnerPPData.data();
	MFnArrayAttrsData ownerPPArray( dOwnerPPData );

	const MString magString("magnitude");
	MFnArrayAttrsData::Type doubleType(MFnArrayAttrsData::kDoubleArray);

	bool arrayExist;
	MDoubleArray magnitudeArray;
	arrayExist = inputPPArray.checkArrayExist(magString, doubleType, &status);
	// McheckErr(status, "ERROR in checkArrayExist(magnitude)\n");
	if(arrayExist) {
	    magnitudeArray = inputPPArray.getDoubleData(magString, &status);
	    // McheckErr(status, "ERROR in inputPPArray.doubleArray(magnitude)\n");

	MDoubleArray magnitudeOwnerArray;
	arrayExist = ownerPPArray.checkArrayExist(magString, doubleType, &status);
	// McheckErr(status, "ERROR in checkArrayExist(magnitude)\n");
	if(arrayExist) {
	    magnitudeOwnerArray = ownerPPArray.getDoubleData(magString, &status);
	    // McheckErr(status, "ERROR in ownerPPArray.doubleArray(magnitude)\n");

	const MString dirString("direction");
	MFnArrayAttrsData::Type vectorType(MFnArrayAttrsData::kVectorArray);

	arrayExist = inputPPArray.checkArrayExist(dirString, vectorType, &status);
        MVectorArray directionArray;
	// McheckErr(status, "ERROR in checkArrayExist(direction)\n");
	if(arrayExist) {
	    directionArray = inputPPArray.getVectorData(dirString, &status);
	    // McheckErr(status, "ERROR in inputPPArray.vectorArray(direction)\n");

	arrayExist = ownerPPArray.checkArrayExist(dirString, vectorType, &status);
        MVectorArray directionOwnerArray;
	// McheckErr(status, "ERROR in checkArrayExist(direction)\n");
	if(arrayExist) {
	    directionOwnerArray = ownerPPArray.getVectorData(dirString, &status);
	    // McheckErr(status, "ERROR in ownerPPArray.vectorArray(direction)\n");

	// Compute the output force.
	MVectorArray forceArray;

	apply( block, points.length(), magnitudeArray, magnitudeOwnerArray, 
	       directionArray, directionOwnerArray, forceArray );

	// get output data handle
	MArrayDataHandle hOutArray = block.outputArrayValue( mOutputForce, &status);
	McheckErr(status, "ERROR in hOutArray = block.outputArrayValue.\n");
	MArrayDataBuilder bOutArray = hOutArray.builder( &status );
	McheckErr(status, "ERROR in bOutArray = hOutArray.builder.\n");

	// get output force array from block.
	MDataHandle hOut = bOutArray.addElement(multiIndex, &status);
	McheckErr(status, "ERROR in hOut = bOutArray.addElement.\n");

	MFnVectorArrayData fnOutputForce;
	MObject dOutputForce = fnOutputForce.create( forceArray, &status );
	McheckErr(status, "ERROR in dOutputForce = fnOutputForce.create\n");

	// update data block with new output force data.
	hOut.set( dOutputForce );
	block.setClean( plug );

	return( MS::kSuccess );
Пример #2
MStatus CVstWeldNode::compute(
	const MPlug &mPlug,
	MDataBlock &mDataBlock )
	if ( mPlug == m_oaWeldOutput || mPlug == m_oaTranslate || mPlug == m_oaRotate ||
			mPlug == m_oaTranslateX || mPlug == m_oaTranslateY || mPlug == m_oaTranslateZ ||
			mPlug == m_oaRotateX || mPlug == m_oaRotateY || mPlug == m_oaRotateZ )
		const MObject geoObj = mDataBlock.inputValue( m_iaWorldGeometry ).data();
		if ( geoObj.apiType() == MFn::kMeshData )
			MStatus mStatus;

			MObject meshObj = mDataBlock.inputValue( m_iaWorldGeometry ).asMeshTransformed();
			MFnMesh meshFn( meshObj );
			MItMeshPolygon pIt( meshObj );
			MPointArray facePoints;

			MArrayDataHandle wiAH = mDataBlock.inputArrayValue( m_iaWeldInput );
			MArrayDataHandle woAH = mDataBlock.outputArrayValue( m_oaWeldOutput, &mStatus );
			MArrayDataBuilder woADB = woAH.builder( &mStatus );

			const int nWeldCount = wiAH.elementCount();
			for ( int i = 0; i < nWeldCount; ++i, wiAH.next() )
				MDataHandle wiDH = wiAH.inputValue();

				const MMatrix &offsetMatrix = wiDH.child( m_iaOffsetMatrix ).asMatrix();
				const MMatrix &inverseParentSpace = wiDH.child( m_iaInverseParentSpace ).asMatrix();
				const MEulerRotation::RotationOrder rotationOrder = static_cast< MEulerRotation::RotationOrder >( wiDH.child( m_iaRotateOrder ).asShort() );
				MMatrix geoMatrix;

				switch ( wiDH.child( m_iaType ).asShort() )
				case kMeshFace:
						const int nMeshFaceIndex = wiDH.child( m_iaInt ).asInt();
						GetMeshMatrix( pIt, nMeshFaceIndex, geoMatrix );
					merr << "Unknown Weld Type " << wiDH.child( m_iaType ).asShort() << std::endl;

				const int nWeldIndex = wiAH.elementIndex();
				MDataHandle woDH = woADB.addElement( nWeldIndex );

				MTransformationMatrix L( inverseParentSpace * offsetMatrix * geoMatrix );

				woDH.child( m_oaTranslate ).set( L.getTranslation( MSpace::kWorld ) );
				MEulerRotation e = L.rotation().asEulerRotation();
				e.reorder( rotationOrder );
				woDH.child( m_oaRotate ).set( e.asVector() );
			merr << "Invalid .inputGeometry data of type: " << geoObj.apiTypeStr() << " found while computing " << mPlug.info() << std::endl;
			return MS::kFailure;

		return MS::kSuccess;

	return MS::kUnknownParameter;
Пример #3
MStatus AlembicCurvesNode::compute(const MPlug &plug, MDataBlock &dataBlock)
  MStatus status;

  // update the frame number to be imported
  const double inputTime =
  MString &fileName = dataBlock.inputValue(mFileNameAttr).asString();
  MString &identifier = dataBlock.inputValue(mIdentifierAttr).asString();

  // check if we have the file
  if (fileName != mFileName || identifier != mIdentifier) {
    if (fileName != mFileName) {
      mFileName = fileName;
    mIdentifier = identifier;

    // get the object from the archive
    Abc::IObject iObj = getObjectFromArchive(mFileName, identifier);
    if (!iObj.valid()) {
      MGlobal::displayWarning("[ExocortexAlembic] Identifier '" + identifier +
                              "' not found in archive '" + mFileName + "'.");
      return MStatus::kFailure;
    AbcG::ICurves obj(iObj, Abc::kWrapExisting);
    if (!obj.valid()) {
      MGlobal::displayWarning("[ExocortexAlembic] Identifier '" + identifier +
                              "' in archive '" + mFileName +
                              "' is not a Curves.");
      return MStatus::kFailure;
    mObj = obj;
    mSchema = obj.getSchema();
    mCurvesData = MObject::kNullObj;

  if (!mSchema.valid()) {
    return MStatus::kFailure;

    ESS_PROFILE_SCOPE("AlembicCurvesNode::compute readProps");
    Alembic::Abc::ICompoundProperty arbProp = mSchema.getArbGeomParams();
    Alembic::Abc::ICompoundProperty userProp = mSchema.getUserProperties();
    readProps(inputTime, arbProp, dataBlock, thisMObject());
    readProps(inputTime, userProp, dataBlock, thisMObject());

    // Set all plugs as clean
    // Even if one of them failed to get set,
    // trying again in this frame isn't going to help
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mGeomParamPlugs.length(); i++) {

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mUserAttrPlugs.length(); i++) {

  // get the sample
  SampleInfo sampleInfo = getSampleInfo(inputTime, mSchema.getTimeSampling(),

  // check if we have to do this at all
  if (!mCurvesData.isNull() &&
      mLastSampleInfo.floorIndex == sampleInfo.floorIndex &&
      mLastSampleInfo.ceilIndex == sampleInfo.ceilIndex) {
    return MStatus::kSuccess;

  mLastSampleInfo = sampleInfo;
  const float blend = (float)sampleInfo.alpha;

  // access the camera values
  AbcG::ICurvesSchema::Sample sample;
  AbcG::ICurvesSchema::Sample sample2;
  mSchema.get(sample, sampleInfo.floorIndex);
  if (blend != 0.0f) {
    mSchema.get(sample2, sampleInfo.ceilIndex);

  Abc::P3fArraySamplePtr samplePos = sample.getPositions();
  Abc::P3fArraySamplePtr samplePos2 = sample2.getPositions();
  Abc::Int32ArraySamplePtr nbVertices = sample.getCurvesNumVertices();
  const bool applyBlending =
      (blend == 0.0f) ? false : (samplePos->size() == samplePos2->size());

  Abc::FloatArraySamplePtr pKnotVec = getKnotVector(mObj);
  Abc::UInt16ArraySamplePtr pOrders = getCurveOrders(mObj);

  MArrayDataHandle arrh = dataBlock.outputArrayValue(mOutGeometryAttr);
  MArrayDataBuilder builder = arrh.builder();

  // reference:
  // http://download.autodesk.com/us/maya/2010help/API/multi_curve_node_8cpp-example.html

  const int degree = (sample.getType() == AbcG::kCubic) ? 3 : 1;
  const bool closed = (sample.getWrap() == AbcG::kPeriodic);
  unsigned int pointOffset = 0;
  unsigned int knotOffset = 0;
  for (int ii = 0; ii < nbVertices->size(); ++ii) {
    const unsigned int nbCVs = (unsigned int)nbVertices->get()[ii];
    const int ldegree = (pOrders) ? pOrders->get()[ii] : degree;
    const int nbSpans = (int)nbCVs - ldegree;

    MDoubleArray knots;
    if (pKnotVec) {
      const unsigned int nb_knot = nbCVs + ldegree - 1;
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_knot; ++i) {
        knots.append(pKnotVec->get()[knotOffset + i]);
      knotOffset += nb_knot;
    else {
      for (int span = 0; span <= nbSpans; ++span) {
        if (span == 0 || span == nbSpans) {
          for (int m = 1; m < degree; ++m) {

    MPointArray points;
    if (samplePos->size() > 0) {
      points.setLength((unsigned int)nbCVs);
      if (applyBlending) {
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbCVs; ++i) {
          const Abc::P3fArraySample::value_type &vals1 =
              samplePos->get()[pointOffset + i];
          const Abc::P3fArraySample::value_type &vals2 =
              samplePos2->get()[pointOffset + i];
          MPoint &pt = points[i];

          pt.x = vals1.x + (vals2.x - vals1.x) * blend;
          pt.y = vals1.y + (vals2.y - vals1.y) * blend;
          pt.z = vals1.z + (vals2.z - vals1.z) * blend;
      else {
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbCVs; ++i) {
          const Abc::P3fArraySample::value_type &vals =
              samplePos->get()[pointOffset + i];
          MPoint &pt = points[i];
          pt.x = vals.x;
          pt.y = vals.y;
          pt.z = vals.z;
      pointOffset += nbCVs;

    // create a subd either with or without uvs
    MObject mmCurvesData = MFnNurbsCurveData().create();
    if (ldegree == 1 || ldegree == 3)
      mCurves.create(points, knots, ldegree,
                     closed ? MFnNurbsCurve::kClosed : MFnNurbsCurve::kOpen,
                     false, false, mmCurvesData);
  return MStatus::kSuccess;
Пример #4
MStatus sweptEmitter::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& block)
//	Descriptions:
//		Call emit emit method to generate new particles.
	MStatus status;

	// Determine if we are requesting the output plug for this emitter node.
	if( !(plug == mOutput) )
        return( MS::kUnknownParameter );

	// Get the logical index of the element this plug refers to,
	// because the node can be emitting particles into more 
    // than one particle shape.
	int multiIndex = plug.logicalIndex( &status );
	McheckErr(status, "ERROR in plug.logicalIndex.\n");

	// Get output data arrays (position, velocity, or parentId)
	// that the particle shape is holding from the previous frame.
	MArrayDataHandle hOutArray = block.outputArrayValue(mOutput, &status);
	McheckErr(status, "ERROR in hOutArray = block.outputArrayValue.\n");

	// Create a builder to aid in the array construction efficiently.
	MArrayDataBuilder bOutArray = hOutArray.builder( &status );
	McheckErr(status, "ERROR in bOutArray = hOutArray.builder.\n");

	// Get the appropriate data array that is being currently evaluated.
	MDataHandle hOut = bOutArray.addElement(multiIndex, &status);
	McheckErr(status, "ERROR in hOut = bOutArray.addElement.\n");

    // Get the data and apply the function set.
    MFnArrayAttrsData fnOutput;
    MObject dOutput = fnOutput.create ( &status );
    McheckErr(status, "ERROR in fnOutput.create.\n");

	// Check if the particle object has reached it's maximum,
	// hence is full. If it is full then just return with zero particles.
	bool beenFull = isFullValue( multiIndex, block );
	if( beenFull )
		return( MS::kSuccess );

	// Get deltaTime, currentTime and startTime.
	// If deltaTime <= 0.0, or currentTime <= startTime,
	// do not emit new pariticles and return.
	MTime cT = currentTimeValue( block );
	MTime sT = startTimeValue( multiIndex, block );
	MTime dT = deltaTimeValue( multiIndex, block );
	if( (cT <= sT) || (dT <= 0.0) )
		// We do not emit particles before the start time, 
		// and do not emit particles when moving backwards in time.

		// This code is necessary primarily the first time to 
		// establish the new data arrays allocated, and since we have 
		// already set the data array to length zero it does 
		// not generate any new particles.
		hOut.set( dOutput );
		block.setClean( plug );

		return( MS::kSuccess );

	// Get speed, direction vector, and inheritFactor attributes.
	double speed = speedValue( block );
	MVector dirV = directionVector( block );
	double inheritFactor = inheritFactorValue( multiIndex, block );

	// Get the position and velocity arrays to append new particle data.
	MVectorArray fnOutPos = fnOutput.vectorArray("position", &status);
	MVectorArray fnOutVel = fnOutput.vectorArray("velocity", &status);

	// Convert deltaTime into seconds.
	double dt = dT.as( MTime::kSeconds );
	// Apply rotation to the direction vector
	MVector rotatedV = useRotation ( dirV );

	// position,
	MVectorArray inPosAry;
	// velocity
	MVectorArray inVelAry;
	// emission rate
	MIntArray emitCountPP;

	// Get the swept geometry data
	MObject thisObj = this->thisMObject();
	MPlug sweptPlug( thisObj, mSweptGeometry );

	if ( sweptPlug.isConnected() ) 
		MDataHandle sweptHandle = block.inputValue( mSweptGeometry );
		// MObject sweptData = sweptHandle.asSweptGeometry();
		MObject sweptData = sweptHandle.data();
		MFnDynSweptGeometryData fnSweptData( sweptData );

		// Curve emission
		if (fnSweptData.lineCount() > 0) {
			int numLines = fnSweptData.lineCount();
			for ( int i=0; i<numLines; i++ )

				MDynSweptLine line = fnSweptData.sweptLine( i );

				// ... process current line ...
				MVector p1 = line.vertex( 0 );
				MVector p2 = line.vertex( 1 );

				inPosAry.append( p1 );
				inPosAry.append( p2 );

				inVelAry.append( MVector( 0,0,0 ) );
				inVelAry.append( MVector( 0,0,0 ) );

				// emit Rate for two points on line
				status = emitCountPerPoint( plug, block, 2, emitCountPP );

				emit( inPosAry, inVelAry, emitCountPP,
					dt, speed, inheritFactor, rotatedV, fnOutPos, fnOutVel );


		// Surface emission (nurb or polygon)
		if (fnSweptData.triangleCount() > 0) {
			int numTriangles = fnSweptData.triangleCount();
			for ( int i=0; i<numTriangles; i++ )

				MDynSweptTriangle tri = fnSweptData.sweptTriangle( i );

				// ... process current triangle ...
				MVector p1 = tri.vertex( 0 );
				MVector p2 = tri.vertex( 1 );
				MVector p3 = tri.vertex( 2 );

				MVector center = p1 + p2 + p3;
				center /= 3.0;

				inPosAry.append( center );

				inVelAry.append( MVector( 0,0,0 ) );

				// emit Rate for two points on line
				status = emitCountPerPoint( plug, block, 1, emitCountPP );

				emit( inPosAry, inVelAry, emitCountPP,
					dt, speed, inheritFactor, rotatedV, fnOutPos, fnOutVel );


	// Update the data block with new dOutput and set plug clean.
	hOut.set( dOutput );
	block.setClean( plug );

	return( MS::kSuccess );