void getXsecExtended(const TString mc_input, int debugMode=0, bool useFEWZ=true, int fineGrid=0) { // check whether it is a calculation if (mc_input.Contains("_DebugRun_")) { std::cout << "getXsec: _DebugRun_ detected. Terminating the script\n"; return; } if (debugMode==1) std::cout << "\n\n\tDEBUG MODE is ON\n\n"; if (debugMode==-1) std::cout << "\n\n\tPLOT ONLY MODE is ON\n\n"; std::cout << "DYTools::analysisTag=" << DYTools::analysisTag << "\n"; if (DYTools::study2D && fineGrid) { std::cout << "fineGrid=1 is allowed only for study2D=0\n"; return; } // normal calculation gBenchmark->Start("getXsec"); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Settings //============================================================================================================== //Bool_t doSave = false; // save plots? TString format = "png"; // output file format MCInputFileMgr_t inpMgr; TString fineGridStr; if (fineGrid==1) fineGridStr="fineGrid_"; else if (fineGrid==2) fineGridStr="summer2011Grid_"; else if (fineGrid==3) fineGridStr="summer2011specGrid_"; Double_t massLow = DYTools::massBinLimits[0]; Double_t massHigh = DYTools::massBinLimits[DYTools::nMassBins]; // fine grid: 0, 1, 2, ..., (fineGrid_1GeVstop-1), fineGrid_1GeVstop, fineGrid_1GeVstop+fineGridLargerStep, fineGrid_1GeVstop+2*fineGridLargerStep, ..., 1500 // double fineGrid_1GeVstop=200.; double fineGrid_LargerStep=20.; int locMassBinCount=DYTools::nMassBins; double *massRangeEdges=NULL; if (!fineGrid) { massRangeEdges=new double[locMassBinCount+1]; for (int i=0; i<=DYTools::nMassBins; ++i) { massRangeEdges[i]=DYTools::massBinLimits[i]; } } else if (fineGrid==1) { // 1GeV grid locMassBinCount=int(fineGrid_1GeVstop-massLow+1e-3); std::cout << "1GeV grid size=" << locMassBinCount << "\n"; // fineGrid_LargerStep double upperRange= (massHigh-fineGrid_1GeVstop); double upperCount= upperRange/fineGrid_LargerStep + 1e-3; if (upperCount - trunc(upperCount) > 1e-3) { std::cout << "(upperCount -1e-3)=" << (upperCount -1e-3) << "\n"; std::cout << "should be integer value\n"; return; } locMassBinCount += int(upperCount); std::cout << "mass grid[" << locMassBinCount << "]\n"; massRangeEdges=new double[locMassBinCount+1]; double m=massLow, dm=1; int count=0; while (m<=massHigh) { massRangeEdges[count]=m; if (1) { if (m<massHigh) std::cout << "count=" << count << ", massRange=" << m << " .. " << (m+dm) << "\n"; else std::cout << "last edge=" << m << "\n"; } count++; m+=dm; if (m==fineGrid_1GeVstop) dm=fineGrid_LargerStep; } } else if (fineGrid==2) { const int nMassBinTh=518; Double_t mxl = 14.0; locMassBinCount=nMassBinTh; massRangeEdges=new double[nMassBinTh+1]; for(int iTh=0; iTh<=nMassBinTh; iTh++){ // mass limits if ( iTh >= 0 && iTh < 11 ) {mxl += 1.0;} else if( iTh >= 11 && iTh < 18 ) {mxl += 5.0;} else if( iTh >= 18 && iTh < 118 ) {mxl += 1.0;} else if( iTh >= 118 && iTh < 340 ) {mxl += 2.0;} else if( iTh >= 340 && iTh < nMassBinTh) {mxl += 5.0; } else if( iTh == nMassBinTh) {mxl = 1500; } massRangeEdges[iTh]=mxl; } } else if (fineGrid==3) { const int nMassBinTh=518; Double_t mxl = 14.0; locMassBinCount=nMassBinTh; massRangeEdges=new double[nMassBinTh+1]; int iTh_new=0, tmpCounter=0; for(int iTh=0; iTh<=nMassBinTh; iTh++, iTh_new++){ // mass limits if ( iTh >= 0 && iTh < 11 ) {mxl += 1.0;} else if( iTh >= 11 && iTh < 18 ) {mxl += 5.0;} else if( iTh >= 18 && iTh < 118 ) {mxl += 1.0;} else if( iTh >= 118 && iTh < 340 ) { if (iTh>=139) { std::cout << "iTh=" << iTh << ", current mxl=" << mxl << " +2\n"; if (iTh==139) tmpCounter=10; tmpCounter--; if (tmpCounter>0) iTh_new--; else if (tmpCounter==0) { tmpCounter=10; std::cout << "iTh=" << iTh << ", iTh_new=" << iTh_new << ", current mxl=" << mxl << " +10\n"; } } mxl += 2.0; } else if( iTh >= 340 && iTh < nMassBinTh) { std::cout << "iTh=" << iTh << ", current mxl=" << mxl << " +5\n"; if (iTh<342) iTh_new--; else { if ((iTh-342)%4>0) iTh_new--; else std::cout << "iTh=" << iTh << ", iTh_new=" << iTh_new << ", current mxl=" << mxl << " +10\n"; } mxl += 5.0; } else if( iTh == nMassBinTh) {mxl = 1500; } massRangeEdges[iTh_new]=mxl; } massRangeEdges[iTh_new-2]=1500.; std::cout << "iTh_new=" << iTh_new << "\n"; locMassBinCount=iTh_new-2; } TVectorD massGrid(locMassBinCount+1); for (int i=0; i<=locMassBinCount; ++i) massGrid[i]=massRangeEdges[i]; TH1F hMassIdx("h_massIdx","h_massIdx",locMassBinCount-1,massRangeEdges); //delete massRangeEdges; if (0) { printHisto(&hMassIdx); if (0) { for (int i=0; i<int(massHigh); ++i) { double m=i+0.5; std::cout << "i=" << i << ", m=" << m << ", idx=" << (hMassIdx.FindBin(m)-1) << "\n"; } } return; } //std::cout << "massHigh=" << massHigh << "\n"; //std::cout << "locMassBinCount=" << locMassBinCount << "\n"; if (!inpMgr.Load(mc_input)) { return; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main code //============================================================================================================== // // Set up histograms // //vector<TH1D*> hZMassv; Double_t nZv = 0; TMatrixD nEvents (locMassBinCount,DYTools::nYBinsMax); // number of weigthed events TMatrixD nEventsDET (locMassBinCount,DYTools::nYBinsMax); // number of weighted events in the detector acceptance TMatrixD nEventsDETrecoPostIdx (locMassBinCount,DYTools::nYBinsMax); // number of weigthed events TMatrixD w2Events (locMassBinCount,DYTools::nYBinsMax); TMatrixD w2EventsDET (locMassBinCount,DYTools::nYBinsMax); TMatrixD w2EventsDETrecoPostIdx (locMassBinCount,DYTools::nYBinsMax); Double_t nZpeak=0, w2Zpeak=0; double nZpeakDET=0, w2ZpeakDET=0; double nZpeakDETrecoPostIdx=0, w2ZpeakDETrecoPostIdx=0; nEvents = 0; w2Events = 0; nEventsDET = 0; w2EventsDET = 0; nEventsDETrecoPostIdx = 0; w2EventsDETrecoPostIdx = 0; //char hname[100]; //for(UInt_t ifile = 0; ifile<fnamev.size(); ifile++) { // sprintf(hname,"hZMass_%i",ifile); hZMassv.push_back(new TH1F(hname,"",500,0,500)); hZMassv[ifile]->Sumw2(); //} // // Read weights from a file // const bool useFewzWeights = useFEWZ; const bool cutZPT100 = true; FEWZ_t fewz(useFewzWeights,cutZPT100); if (useFewzWeights && !fewz.isInitialized()) { std::cout << "failed to prepare FEWZ correction\n"; throw 2; } // // Access samples and fill histograms // TFile *infile=0; TTree *eventTree=0; // Data structures to store info from TTrees mithep::TGenInfo *gen = new mithep::TGenInfo(); // loop over samples double lumi0=0; if (debugMode!=-1) { for(UInt_t ifile=0; ifile<inpMgr.fileNames().size(); ifile++) { // Read input file cout << "Processing " << inpMgr.fileName(ifile) << "..." << endl; infile = new TFile(inpMgr.fileName(ifile)); assert(infile); // Get the TTrees eventTree = (TTree*)infile->Get("Events"); assert(eventTree); // Find weight for events for this file // The first file in the list comes with weight 1, // all subsequent ones are normalized to xsection and luminosity double lumi = eventTree->GetEntries()/inpMgr.xsec(ifile); if (ifile==0) lumi0=lumi; double scale = lumi0/lumi; std::cout << " -> sample weight is " << scale << endl; // Set branch address to structures that will store the info eventTree->SetBranchAddress("Gen",&gen); TBranch *genBr = eventTree->GetBranch("Gen"); // loop over events nZv += scale * eventTree->GetEntries(); for(UInt_t ientry=0; ientry<eventTree->GetEntries(); ientry++) { if (debugMode && (ientry>100000)) break; genBr->GetEntry(ientry); if (ientry%1000000==0) printProgress("ientry=",ientry,eventTree->GetEntriesFast()); double massPreFsr = gen->vmass; // pre-FSR double yPreFsr = gen->vy; // pre-FSR double massPostFsr = gen->mass; // post-FSR double yPostFsr = gen->y; // post-FSR if ((massPreFsr < massLow) || (massPreFsr > massHigh)) continue; if ((fabs(yPreFsr) < DYTools::yRangeMin) || (fabs(yPreFsr) > DYTools::yRangeMax)) continue; int ibinMassPreFsr=-1, ibinYPreFsr=-1; int ibinMassPostFsr=-1, ibinYPostFsr=-1; if (!fineGrid) { ibinMassPreFsr = DYTools::findMassBin(massPreFsr); ibinMassPostFsr= DYTools::findMassBin(massPostFsr); ibinYPreFsr = DYTools::findAbsYBin(ibinMassPreFsr, yPreFsr); ibinYPostFsr= DYTools::findAbsYBin(ibinMassPostFsr, yPostFsr); } else { ibinMassPreFsr=hMassIdx.FindBin(massPreFsr)-1; ibinMassPostFsr=hMassIdx.FindBin(massPostFsr)-1; ibinYPreFsr=0; ibinYPostFsr=0; //printf("massPreFsr=%8.4lf, idx=%3d; massPostFsr=%8.4lf, idx=%3d\n", massPreFsr,ibinMassPreFsr, massPostFsr,ibinMassPostFsr); } // We are only interested in the events, reconstructed with // good mass and rapidity if (ibinMassPreFsr==-1 || ibinMassPreFsr>=locMassBinCount || ibinYPreFsr==-1) { printf(".. skipping mass=%6.4lf, y=%6.4lf. ibinMass=%d, ibinY=%d\n",massPreFsr,yPreFsr,ibinMassPreFsr,ibinYPreFsr); continue; } // Find FEWZ-powheg reweighting factor // that depends on pre-FSR Z/gamma* rapidity, pt, and mass double fewz_weight = 1.0; if(useFewzWeights) { fewz_weight=fewz.getWeight(gen->vmass,gen->vpt,gen->vy); } //std::cout << "weight=scale*gen->weight*fewz: " << scale << " * " << gen->weight << " * " << fewz_weight << "\n"; double fullWeight = scale * gen->weight * fewz_weight; nEvents(ibinMassPreFsr,ibinYPreFsr) += fullWeight; w2Events(ibinMassPreFsr,ibinYPreFsr) += fullWeight*fullWeight; // Pre-FSR cross section if( DYTools::goodEtPair(gen->vpt_1, gen->vpt_2) && DYTools::goodEtaPair(gen->veta_1, gen->veta_2) ) { nEventsDET(ibinMassPreFsr,ibinYPreFsr) += fullWeight; w2EventsDET(ibinMassPreFsr,ibinYPreFsr) += fullWeight*fullWeight; } // Post-FSR cross section if( (ibinMassPostFsr!=-1) && (ibinYPostFsr!=-1) && DYTools::goodEtPair(gen->pt_1, gen->pt_2) && DYTools::goodEtaPair(gen->eta_1, gen->eta_2) ) { nEventsDETrecoPostIdx(ibinMassPostFsr,ibinYPostFsr) += fullWeight; w2EventsDETrecoPostIdx(ibinMassPostFsr,ibinYPostFsr) += fullWeight*fullWeight; } } delete infile; infile=0, eventTree=0; } delete gen; // Determine Z-peak event count for (int i=0; i<locMassBinCount; i++) { int isZpeak=0; // bin idx is (i+1) if ((hMassIdx.GetBinLowEdge(i+1)>=60-1e-3) && (hMassIdx.GetBinLowEdge(i+1+1)<=120+1e-3)) isZpeak=1; if (isZpeak) { int yiMax=(fineGrid) ? 1:DYTools::nYBins[i]; for (int yi=0; yi<yiMax; ++yi) { nZpeak += nEvents(i,yi); w2Zpeak += w2Events(i,yi); nZpeakDET += nEventsDET(i,yi); w2ZpeakDET += w2EventsDET(i,yi); nZpeakDETrecoPostIdx += nEventsDETrecoPostIdx(i,yi); w2ZpeakDETrecoPostIdx += w2EventsDETrecoPostIdx(i,yi); } } } std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "nZpeak=" << nZpeak << ", w2Zpeak=" << w2Zpeak << "\n"; std::cout << "nZpeakDET=" << nZpeakDET << ", w2ZpeakDET=" << w2ZpeakDET << "\n"; std::cout << "nZpeakDETrecoPostIdx=" << nZpeakDETrecoPostIdx << ", w2ZpeakDETrecoPostIdx=" << w2ZpeakDETrecoPostIdx << "\n"; std::cout << "\n"; if (nZpeak==0) { std::cout << "no events in the Z-peak region\n"; return ; } } // if (debugMode!=-1) // Containers of the normalized event counts TMatrixD nEventsNorm (locMassBinCount,DYTools::nYBinsMax); // number of weigthed events, normalized to Z-peak TMatrixD nEventsDETNorm (locMassBinCount,DYTools::nYBinsMax); // number of weighted events in the detector acceptance, normalized to Z-peak TMatrixD nEventsDETrecoPostIdxNorm (locMassBinCount,DYTools::nYBinsMax); // number of weighted events in the detector acceptance, normalized to Z-peak TMatrixD nEventsNormErr (locMassBinCount,DYTools::nYBinsMax); TMatrixD nEventsDETNormErr (locMassBinCount,DYTools::nYBinsMax); TMatrixD nEventsDETrecoPostIdxNormErr (locMassBinCount,DYTools::nYBinsMax); TMatrixD nEventsErr (locMassBinCount,DYTools::nYBinsMax); TMatrixD nEventsDETErr (locMassBinCount,DYTools::nYBinsMax); TMatrixD nEventsDETrecoPostIdxErr (locMassBinCount,DYTools::nYBinsMax); nEventsNorm=0; nEventsDETNorm=0; nEventsDETrecoPostIdxNorm=0; nEventsNormErr=0; nEventsDETNormErr=0; nEventsDETrecoPostIdxNormErr=0; nEventsErr=0; nEventsDETErr=0; if (debugMode!=-1) { for(int i=0; i<locMassBinCount; i++) { int yiMax=(fineGrid) ? 1:DYTools::nYBins[i]; for (int j=0; j<yiMax; j++) { nEventsErr(i,j)=sqrt(w2Events(i,j)); nEventsDETErr(i,j)=sqrt(w2EventsDET(i,j)); nEventsDETrecoPostIdxErr(i,j)=sqrt(w2EventsDETrecoPostIdx(i,j)); nEventsNorm(i,j) = nEvents(i,j)/nZpeak; nEventsNormErr(i,j) = getErrorOnRatio(nEvents(i,j),nEventsErr(i,j), nZpeak, sqrt(w2Zpeak)); nEventsDETNorm(i,j) = nEventsDET(i,j)/nZpeakDET; nEventsDETNormErr(i,j) = getErrorOnRatio(nEventsDET(i,j),nEventsDETErr(i,j), nZpeakDET, sqrt(w2ZpeakDET)); nEventsDETrecoPostIdxNorm(i,j) = nEventsDETrecoPostIdx(i,j)/nZpeakDETrecoPostIdx; nEventsDETrecoPostIdxNormErr(i,j) = getErrorOnRatio(nEventsDETrecoPostIdx(i,j),nEventsDETrecoPostIdxErr(i,j), nZpeakDETrecoPostIdx, sqrt(w2ZpeakDETrecoPostIdx)); } } } TString outFile= TString("../root_files/xSecThExt_"); //outFile.Append("2MCfiles_"); if (!useFewzWeights) outFile.Append("noFEWZ_"); if (fineGridStr.Length()) outFile.Append(fineGridStr); if (debugMode==1) outFile.Append("debug_"); outFile.Append( DYTools::analysisTag + TString("_tmp.root") ); TVectorD rapidityGrid(massGrid.GetNoElements()-1); rapidityGrid=1; if (debugMode!=-1) { TFile thFile(outFile,"recreate"); massGrid.Write("massBinEdges"); if (fineGrid) rapidityGrid.Write("rapidityBinCount"); nEvents.Write("nGenEvents"); nEventsErr.Write("nGenEventsErr"); nEventsDET.Write("nGenEventsDET"); nEventsDETErr.Write("nGenEventsDETErr"); nEventsDETrecoPostIdx.Write("nGenEventsDETrecoPostIdx"); nEventsDETrecoPostIdxErr.Write("nGenEventsDETRecoPostIdxErr"); nEventsNorm.Write("nGenEventsNorm"); nEventsNormErr.Write("nGenEventsNormErr"); nEventsDETNorm.Write("nGenEventsDETNorm"); nEventsDETNormErr.Write("nGenEventsDETNormErr"); nEventsDETrecoPostIdxNorm.Write("nGenEventsDETrecoPostIdxNorm"); nEventsDETrecoPostIdxNormErr.Write("nGenEventsDETrecoPostIdxNormErr"); TVectorD zPeakInfo(6); zPeakInfo(0)=nZpeak; zPeakInfo(1)=sqrt(w2Zpeak); zPeakInfo(2)=nZpeakDET; zPeakInfo(3)=sqrt(w2ZpeakDET); zPeakInfo(4)=nZpeakDETrecoPostIdx; zPeakInfo(5)=sqrt(w2ZpeakDETrecoPostIdx); zPeakInfo.Write("zPeakCountAndErr"); thFile.Close(); std::cout << "file <" << outFile << "> created\n"; } else { TFile thFile(outFile); nEvents.Read("nGenEvents"); nEventsErr.Read("nGenEventsErr"); nEventsDET.Read("nGenEventsDET"); nEventsDETErr.Read("nGenEventsDETErr"); nEventsDETrecoPostIdx.Read("nGenEventsDETrecoPostIdx"); nEventsDETrecoPostIdxErr.Read("nGenEventsDETRecoPostIdxErr"); nEventsNorm.Read("nGenEventsNorm"); nEventsNormErr.Read("nGenEventsNormErr"); nEventsDETNorm.Read("nGenEventsDETNorm"); nEventsDETNormErr.Read("nGenEventsDETNormErr"); nEventsDETrecoPostIdxNorm.Read("nGenEventsDETrecoPostIdxNorm"); nEventsDETrecoPostIdxNormErr.Read("nGenEventsDETrecoPostIdxNormErr"); TVectorD zPeakInfo(6); zPeakInfo.Read("zPeakCountAndErr"); thFile.Close(); nZpeak=zPeakInfo[0]; w2Zpeak=SQR(zPeakInfo[1]); nZpeakDET=zPeakInfo[2]; w2ZpeakDET=SQR(zPeakInfo[3]); nZpeakDETrecoPostIdx=zPeakInfo[4]; w2ZpeakDETrecoPostIdx=SQR(zPeakInfo[5]); std::cout << "file <" << outFile << "> loaded\n"; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Make plots //============================================================================================================== CPlot::sOutDir="plots" + DYTools::analysisTag; TString fileNamePlots=outFile; fileNamePlots.ReplaceAll("_tmp.root","_plots_tmp.root"); TFile *filePlots=new TFile(fileNamePlots,"recreate"); if (!filePlots) { std::cout << "failed to create file <" << fileNamePlots << ">\n"; throw 2; } // string buffers //char ylabel[50]; // y-axis label if (DYTools::study2D) { TString c2Dname="canvXsectTh_2D"; if (useFewzWeights) c2Dname.Append("_FEWZ"); TCanvas *c2D = MakeCanvas(c2Dname,c2Dname,600,600+300*DYTools::study2D); std::vector<TH1F*> hXsecV; std::vector<CPlot*> cpV; hXsecV.reserve(DYTools::nMassBins); cpV.reserve(DYTools::nMassBins); for (int iM=0; iM<DYTools::nMassBins; ++iM) { double massMin=DYTools::massBinLimits[iM]; double massMax=DYTools::massBinLimits[iM+1]; CPlot *cp=new CPlot(Form("cpMass%2.0lf_%2.0lf",massMin,massMax), "","|Y|","counts"); cpV.push_back(cp); hXsecV.push_back( plotXsec2D("xsec",iM,nEvents,nEventsErr,cp,kBlack,1) ); } c2D->Divide(2,3); for (int ipad=1; ipad<=6; ++ipad) { cpV[ipad]->Draw(c2D,false,"png",ipad); } c2D->Update(); SaveCanvas(c2D,c2Dname); } { TString canvName=TString("canvXsectTh_") + fineGridStr + TString("1D"); if (useFewzWeights) canvName.Append("_FEWZ"); TCanvas *c1D = MakeCanvas(canvName,canvName,600,600); CPlot *cp=new CPlot("cplot_1D","","M_{ee} (GeV)","counts"); TH1F *hXsec= plotXsec1D("xsec1D",nEvents,nEventsErr,cp,kBlue, fineGrid); hXsec->SetDirectory(0); cp->SetLogx(); cp->Draw(c1D,false,"png"); c1D->Update(); SaveCanvas(c1D,canvName); } { TString canvName=TString("canvXsectThNorm_") + fineGridStr + TString("1D"); if (useFewzWeights) canvName.Append("_FEWZ"); TCanvas *c1D = MakeCanvas(canvName,canvName,600,600); CPlot *cp=new CPlot("cplotNorm_1D","","M_{ee} (GeV)","normalized counts"); TH1F *hXsec= plotXsec1D("xsec1D",nEventsNorm,nEventsNormErr,cp,kBlue, fineGrid); hXsec->SetDirectory(0); cp->SetLogx(); cp->Draw(c1D,false,"png"); c1D->Update(); SaveCanvas(c1D,canvName); } /* // Z mass sprintf(ylabel,"a.u. / %.1f GeV/c^{2}",hZMassv[0]->GetBinWidth(1)); CPlot plotZMass1("zmass1","","m(Z) [GeV/c^{2}]",ylabel); for(UInt_t i=0; i<fnamev.size(); i++) { plotZMass1.AddHist1D(hZMassv[i],labelv[i],"hist",colorv[i],linev[i]); } plotZMass1.SetLogy(); plotZMass1.Draw(c); SaveCanvas(c, "zmass1"); PlotMatrixVariousBinning(accv, "acceptance", "LEGO2",filePlots); filePlots->Close(); if (DYTools::study2D==0) Plot1D(accv,accErrv,"acceptance1D","acceptance"); //delete filePlots; */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary print out //============================================================================================================== if (!fineGrid) { const int printSystErr=0; TMatrixD zeroErr=nEventsErr; zeroErr=0; printYields("nGenEvents", nEvents,nEventsErr,zeroErr, printSystErr); printYields("nGenEventsDET", nEventsDET,nEventsDETErr,zeroErr, printSystErr); printYields("nGenEventsDETrecoPostIdx",nEventsDETrecoPostIdx,nEventsDETrecoPostIdxErr, zeroErr,printSystErr); } gBenchmark->Show("getXsec"); }
void makeUnfoldingMatrix(const TString input, const TString triggerSetString="Full2011DatasetTriggers", int systematicsMode = DYTools::NORMAL, int randomSeed = 1, double reweightFsr = 1.0, double massLimit = -1.0, int debugMode=0) { // check whether it is a calculation if (input.Contains("_DebugRun_")) { std::cout << "plotDYUnfoldingMatrix: _DebugRun_ detected. Terminating the script\n"; return; } // normal calculation gBenchmark->Start("makeUnfoldingMatrix"); if (systematicsMode==DYTools::NORMAL) std::cout<<"Running script in the NORMAL mode"<<std::endl; else if (systematicsMode==DYTools::RESOLUTION_STUDY) std::cout<<"Running script in the RESOLUTION_STUDY mode"<<std::endl; else if (systematicsMode==DYTools::FSR_STUDY) std::cout<<"Running script in the FSR_STUDY mode"<<std::endl; else if (systematicsMode==DYTools::ESCALE_RESIDUAL) std::cout << "Running script in the ESCALE_RESIDUAL mode\n"; else { std::cout<<"requested mode not recognized"<<std::endl; assert(0); } if (debugMode) std::cout << "\n\n\tDEBUG MODE is ON\n\n"; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Settings //============================================================================================================== // Bool_t doSave = false; // save plots? TString format = "png"; // output file format vector<TString> fnamev; // file names vector<TString> labelv; // legend label vector<Int_t> colorv; // color in plots vector<Int_t> linev; // line style vector<Double_t> xsecv; vector<Double_t> lumiv; TString dirTag; TString escaleTag; // Energy scale calibrations tag if (1) { MCInputFileMgr_t mcInp; // avoid errors from empty lines if (!mcInp.Load(input)) { std::cout << "Failed to load mc input file <" << input << ">\n"; return; } fnamev=mcInp.fileNames(); labelv=mcInp.labels(); colorv=mcInp.colors(); linev=mcInp.lineStyles(); xsecv=mcInp.xsecs(); lumiv=mcInp.lumis(); dirTag=mcInp.dirTag(); escaleTag=mcInp.escaleTag(); } else { ifstream ifs; ifs.open(input.Data()); assert(ifs.is_open()); string line; Int_t state=0; while(getline(ifs,line)) { if(line[0]=='#') continue; if(state == 0){ dirTag = TString(line); getline(ifs,line); stringstream ss3(line); ss3 >> escaleTag; state++; continue; }else{ string fname; Int_t color, linesty; stringstream ss(line); Double_t xsec; ss >> fname >> xsec >> color >> linesty; string label = line.substr(line.find('@')+1); fnamev.push_back(fname); labelv.push_back(label); colorv.push_back(color); linev.push_back(linesty); xsecv.push_back(xsec); lumiv.push_back(0); } }