Пример #1
void TestShell::dumpImage(skia::PlatformCanvas* canvas) const
    skia::BitmapPlatformDevice& device =
    const SkBitmap& sourceBitmap = device.accessBitmap(false);

    SkAutoLockPixels sourceBitmapLock(sourceBitmap);

    // Fix the alpha. The expected PNGs on Mac have an alpha channel, so we want
    // to keep it. On Windows, the alpha channel is wrong since text/form control
    // drawing may have erased it in a few places. So on Windows we force it to
    // opaque and also don't write the alpha channel for the reference. Linux
    // doesn't have the wrong alpha like Windows, but we match Windows.
#if OS(MAC_OS_X)
    bool discardTransparency = false;
    bool discardTransparency = true;
    device.makeOpaque(0, 0, sourceBitmap.width(), sourceBitmap.height());

    // Compute MD5 sum.
    MD5 digester;
    Vector<uint8_t, 16> digestValue;
    digester.addBytes(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(sourceBitmap.getPixels()), sourceBitmap.getSize());
    string md5hash;
    md5hash.reserve(16 * 2);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
        char hex[3];
        // Use "x", not "X". The string must be lowercased.
        sprintf(hex, "%02x", digestValue[i]);

    // Only encode and dump the png if the hashes don't match. Encoding the image
    // is really expensive.
    if (md5hash.compare(m_params.pixelHash)) {
        std::vector<unsigned char> png;
            reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(sourceBitmap.getPixels()),
            sourceBitmap.width(), sourceBitmap.height(),
            static_cast<int>(sourceBitmap.rowBytes()), discardTransparency, &png);

        m_printer->handleImage(md5hash.c_str(), m_params.pixelHash.c_str(), &png[0], png.size(), m_params.pixelFileName.c_str());
    } else
        m_printer->handleImage(md5hash.c_str(), m_params.pixelHash.c_str(), 0, 0, m_params.pixelFileName.c_str());
Пример #2
void TestShell::dumpImage(SkCanvas* canvas) const
    // Fix the alpha. The expected PNGs on Mac have an alpha channel, so we want
    // to keep it. On Windows, the alpha channel is wrong since text/form control
    // drawing may have erased it in a few places. So on Windows we force it to
    // opaque and also don't write the alpha channel for the reference. Linux
    // doesn't have the wrong alpha like Windows, but we match Windows.
#if OS(MAC_OS_X)
    bool discardTransparency = false;
    bool discardTransparency = true;

    const SkBitmap& sourceBitmap = canvas->getTopDevice()->accessBitmap(false);
    SkAutoLockPixels sourceBitmapLock(sourceBitmap);

    // Compute MD5 sum.
    MD5 digester;
    Vector<uint8_t, 16> digestValue;
    // On Android, pixel layout is RGBA (see third_party/skia/include/core/SkColorPriv.h);
    // however, other Chrome platforms use BGRA (see skia/config/SkUserConfig.h).
    // To match the checksum of other Chrome platforms, we need to reorder the layout of pixels.
    // NOTE: The following code assumes we use SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config,
    // which has been checked in device.makeOpaque() (see above).
    const uint8_t* rawPixels = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(sourceBitmap.getPixels());
    size_t bitmapSize = sourceBitmap.getSize();
    OwnArrayPtr<uint8_t> reorderedPixels = adoptArrayPtr(new uint8_t[bitmapSize]);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < bitmapSize; i += 4) {
        reorderedPixels[i] = rawPixels[i + 2]; // R
        reorderedPixels[i + 1] = rawPixels[i + 1]; // G
        reorderedPixels[i + 2] = rawPixels[i]; // B
        reorderedPixels[i + 3] = rawPixels[i + 3]; // A
    digester.addBytes(reorderedPixels.get(), bitmapSize);
    digester.addBytes(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(sourceBitmap.getPixels()), sourceBitmap.getSize());
    string md5hash;
    md5hash.reserve(16 * 2);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
        char hex[3];
        // Use "x", not "X". The string must be lowercased.
        sprintf(hex, "%02x", digestValue[i]);

    // Only encode and dump the png if the hashes don't match. Encoding the
    // image is really expensive.
    if (md5hash.compare(m_params.pixelHash)) {
        std::vector<unsigned char> png;
        webkit_support::EncodeRGBAPNGWithChecksum(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(sourceBitmap.getPixels()), sourceBitmap.width(),
            sourceBitmap.height(), static_cast<int>(sourceBitmap.rowBytes()), discardTransparency, md5hash, &png);
        webkit_support::EncodeBGRAPNGWithChecksum(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(sourceBitmap.getPixels()), sourceBitmap.width(),
            sourceBitmap.height(), static_cast<int>(sourceBitmap.rowBytes()), discardTransparency, md5hash, &png);

        m_printer->handleImage(md5hash.c_str(), m_params.pixelHash.c_str(), &png[0], png.size(), m_params.pixelFileName.c_str());
    } else
        m_printer->handleImage(md5hash.c_str(), m_params.pixelHash.c_str(), 0, 0, m_params.pixelFileName.c_str());