void Project2Test::test_MGStationaryObject_setTileXY()
	// Setup
	MGStationaryObject a; // Dummy
	MGStationaryObject b; // Dummy
	MGStationaryObject c; // Dummy
	MGStationaryObject s;
	MGFrameworkStub mgf;
	IMGWindowImpl win;
	mgf.setWindowProperties(1024, 768, 32, false, std::string("test"), &win);
	mgf.init(20, 20, 16, 16);
	ASSERT_EQ(s.getTileX(), 0, "SO created in wrong location");
	ASSERT_EQ(s.getTileY(), 0, "SO created in wrong location");
	ASSERT_EQ(s.getID() != 0, true, "SO ID not generated correctly");
	ASSERT_EQ(mgf.m_Map.occupant(0, 0), 0, "Map tile is already occupied");

	// Trigger
	s.setTileXY(0, 0, &mgf);
	// Verify
	ASSERT_EQ(mgf.m_Map.occupant(0, 0), s.getID(), "SO was not able to occupy a map tile");

	// Trigger
	s.setTileXY(9, 8, &mgf);

	// Verify
	ASSERT_EQ(mgf.m_Map.occupant(9, 8), s.getID(), "SO was not able to occupy a map tile");
	ASSERT_EQ(mgf.m_Map.occupant(0, 0), 0, "Map tile is still occupied");
	ASSERT_EQ(s.getTileX(), 9, "SO location not updated correctly");
	ASSERT_EQ(s.getTileY(), 8, "SO location not updated correctly");
Пример #2
void Project2Test::test_MGMovingObject_setAStarPathStartMoving()
	// Setup
	MGMovingObject m;
	MGFrameworkStub mgf;
	IMGWindowImpl win;
	mgf.setWindowProperties(1024, 768, 32, false, std::string("test"), &win);
	mgf.init(20, 20, 16, 16);
	MGMap map;
	map.init(20, 20, 16, 16, 1024, 768);

	// Initialize the MO
	ASSERT_EQ(m.isCreated(), true, "MO was created in wrong state");
	m.setSpeed(0.5, 16); // Two tiles per second
	ASSERT_EQ(m.isIdle(), true, "MO was created in wrong state");

	// Set MO location
	m.setTileXY(3, 3, &mgf);

	ASSERT_EQ(m.isIdle(), true, "MO was created in wrong state");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.anyMovingMO(), false, "Some MO are moving");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.getTileX(), 3, "MO created in wrong location");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.getTileY(), 3, "MO created in wrong location");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.getNextTileX(), 0, "MO created with wrong destination");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.getNextTileY(), 0, "MO created with wrong destination");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.getXOffset(), 0, "MO created in wrong location");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.getYOffset(), 0, "MO created in wrong location");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.getOwner(), 0, "MO created with wrong owner");

	// Trigger (set an A* path from current location to one tile away)
	m.setPath(map.calculatePath(MGFASTARLIST, 3, 3, 4, 4));

	// Verify
	ASSERT_EQ(m.isIdle(), true, "MO in wrong state");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.anyMovingMO(), false, "Some MO are moving");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.getTileX(), 3, "MO in wrong location");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.getTileY(), 3, "MO in wrong location");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.getNextTileX(), 0, "MO with wrong destination");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.getNextTileY(), 0, "MO with wrong destination");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.getXOffset(), 0, "MO in wrong location");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.getYOffset(), 0, "MO in wrong location");

	// Trigger
	// Now the current location should have been removed from the path. MO still idle.
	// New destination tile set. MO is moving.

	// Verify
	ASSERT_EQ(m.isMoving(), true, "MO in wrong state");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.anyMovingMO(), true, "No MO is moving");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.getTileX(), 3, "MO in wrong location");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.getTileY(), 3, "MO in wrong location");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.getNextTileX(), 4, "MO with wrong destination");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.getNextTileY(), 4, "MO with wrong destination");
Пример #3
void Project2Test::test_MGMovingObject_setAStarPathGetStuck()
	// Setup
	MGMovingObject m;
	MGFrameworkStub mgf;
	IMGWindowImpl win;
	mgf.setWindowProperties(1024, 768, 32, false, std::string("test"), &win);
	mgf.init(20, 20, 16, 16);
	MGMap map;
	map.init(20, 20, 16, 16, 1024, 768);

	// Initialize the MO
	ASSERT_EQ(m.isCreated(), true, "MO was created in wrong state");
	m.setSpeed(0.5, 16); // Two tiles per second
	ASSERT_EQ(m.isIdle(), true, "MO was created in wrong state");

	// Set MO location and path
	m.setTileXY(3, 3, &mgf);
	m.setPath(map.calculatePath(MGFASTARLIST, 3, 3, 4, 4));
	ASSERT_EQ(m.isIdle(), true, "MO in wrong state");
	// Now the current location should have been removed from the path. MO still idle.
	ASSERT_EQ(m.isIdle(), true, "MO in wrong state");

	// Create another MO on the destination tile to make it occupied
	mgf.runConsoleCommand("add mo 1 -x 4 -y 4 -owner 123", &mgf, NULL);

	// Trigger

	// Verify - Wanted destination tile is occupied -> MO is stuck.
	ASSERT_EQ(m.isStuck(), true, "MO in wrong state");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.anyMovingMO(), false, "Some MO are moving");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.getTileX(), 3, "MO in wrong location");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.getTileY(), 3, "MO in wrong location");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.getNextTileX(), 3, "MO with wrong destination");
	ASSERT_EQ(m.getNextTileY(), 3, "MO with wrong destination");
Пример #4
void Project2Test::test_MGFramework_oneMOStartsToTakeAStepLeft()
	// Setup
	MGFrameworkStub mgf;
	IMGWindowImpl win;
	mgf.setWindowProperties(1024, 768, 32, false, std::string("test"), &win);
	mgf.init(16, 16, 32, 32);
	mgf.runConsoleCommand("add mo 1 -x 10 -y 10", &mgf, NULL);
	ASSERT_EQ(mgf._m_MO().size(), 1, "MGF failed to create MO");
	ASSERT_EQ(mgf.nthMO(0)->getTileX(), 10, "MGF failed to create MO at location");
	ASSERT_EQ(mgf.nthMO(0)->getTileY(), 10, "MGF failed to create MO at location");
	ASSERT_EQ(mgf.nthMO(0)->getNextTileX(), 10, "MO already had a destination");
	ASSERT_EQ(mgf.nthMO(0)->getNextTileY(), 10, "MO already had a destination");
//	ASSERT_EQ(mgf.nthMO(0)->getNextTileX(), 10, "MGF failed to initialize MO next tile");
//	ASSERT_EQ(mgf.nthMO(0)->getNextTileY(), 10, "MGF failed to initialize MO next tile");
	ASSERT_EQ(mgf.m_Map.occupant(10, 10), mgf.nthMO(0)->getID(), "MGF failed to occupy tile");
	ASSERT_EQ(mgf.m_Map.occupant(9, 10), 0, "Target tile already occupied");

	// Trigger
	mgf.runConsoleCommand("mo 0 setdestination 9 10", &mgf, NULL);
	mgf.nthMO(0)->update(&mgf); // Current location removed from path
	mgf.nthMO(0)->update(&mgf); // Destination set and MO moving
	mgf.nthMO(0)->update(&mgf); // Moving
	mgf.nthMO(0)->update(&mgf); // Moving

	// Verify
	ASSERT_EQ(mgf.m_Map.occupant(10, 10), 0, "MGF failed to unoccupy tile");
	ASSERT_EQ(mgf.m_Map.occupant(9, 10), mgf.nthMO(0)->getID(), "MGF failed to occupy tile");
	ASSERT_EQ(mgf.nthMO(0)->getTileX(), 10, "MO left location of creation too early");
	ASSERT_EQ(mgf.nthMO(0)->getTileY(), 10, "MO left location of creation too early");
	ASSERT_EQ(mgf.nthMO(0)->getNextTileX(), 9, "MO did not get a destination");
	ASSERT_EQ(mgf.nthMO(0)->getNextTileY(), 10, "MO did not get a destination");
	ASSERT_EQ(mgf.nthMO(0)->getXOffset() < 0, true, "MO did not start moving");
	ASSERT_EQ(mgf.nthMO(0)->getYOffset(), 0, "MO moved in the wrong direction");