bool ProxyViz::loadInternal(MDataBlock& block) { MDataHandle tmH = block.inputValue(aplantTransformCache); MFnPointArrayData tmFn(; MPointArray plantTms = tmFn.array(); if(plantTms.length() < 1) return false; MDataHandle idH = block.inputValue(aplantIdCache); MFnIntArrayData idFn(; MIntArray plantIds = idFn.array(); if(plantIds.length() < 1) return false; MDataHandle triH = block.inputValue(aplantTriangleIdCache); MFnIntArrayData triFn(; MIntArray plantTris = triFn.array(); if(plantTris.length() < 1) return false; MDataHandle crdH = block.inputValue(aplantTriangleCoordCache); MFnVectorArrayData crdFn(; MVectorArray plantCoords = crdFn.array(); if(plantCoords.length() < 1) return false; MDataHandle cotH = block.inputValue(aplantOffsetCache); MFnVectorArrayData cotFn(; MVectorArray plantOffsets = cotFn.array(); return loadPlants(plantTms, plantIds, plantTris, plantCoords, plantOffsets); }
// // Intersect the current face list with the one provided, keep only the common elements // void meshMapUtils::intersectArrays( MIntArray& selection, MIntArray& moreFaces ) { int j = selection.length() - 1; while ( j >= 0 ) { bool found = false;; // For each item in moreFaces, try find it in fSelectedFaces for( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < moreFaces.length(); i++ ) { if( selection[j] == moreFaces[i] ) { found = true; break; } } if( !found ) { selection.remove(j); } j--; } }
void CXRayObjectExport:: CreateSMGEdgeAttrs ( MFnMesh& fnMesh ) { int numPolygons = fnMesh.numPolygons(); for ( int pid=0; pid<numPolygons; pid++ ) { MIntArray vertexList; fnMesh.getPolygonVertices( pid, vertexList ); int vcount = vertexList.length(); if(vcount!=3) Msg( "poly vertex count not equel 3(is not a tri) vertex count = %d", vcount ); for ( int vid=0; vid<vcount;vid++ ) { int a = vertexList[vid]; int b = vertexList[ vid==(vcount-1) ? 0 : vid+1 ]; SXREdgeInfoPtr elem = findEdgeInfo( a, b ); if ( NULL != elem ) { set_edge_smooth_flag( polySmoothingGroups[pid], vid, elem->smooth ); } } } }
MObject MG_poseReader::makePlane(const MVector& p1,const MVector& p2,const MVector& p3){ MFnMesh meshFn; MPoint p1p (p1); MPoint p2p (p2); MPoint p3p (p3); MPointArray pArray; pArray.append(p1p); pArray.append(p2p); pArray.append(p3p); MIntArray polyCount; polyCount.append(3); MIntArray polyConnect; polyConnect.append(0); polyConnect.append(1); polyConnect.append(2); MFnMeshData data; MObject polyData = data.create(); MStatus stat; meshFn.create(3,1,pArray,polyCount,polyConnect,polyData,&stat); return polyData; }
void exportShadingInputs() { MObject proceduralNode = m_dagPath.node(); MPlug nullPlug; MIteratorType filter; MIntArray filterTypes; filterTypes.append( MFn::kShadingEngine ); filterTypes.append( MFn::kDisplacementShader ); filter.setFilterList( filterTypes ); MItDependencyGraph itDG( proceduralNode, nullPlug, filter, MItDependencyGraph::kUpstream ); while( !itDG.isDone() ) { MObject node = itDG.currentItem(); MFnDependencyNode fnNode( node ); MPlug plug; if( fnNode.typeName() == "displacementShader" ) { plug = fnNode.findPlug( "displacement" ); } else { plug = fnNode.findPlug( "dsm" ); } ExportNode( plug );; } }
void EndChunck() // fonction pour écrire une longueur par rapport à position actuelle dans le fichier { int temp = posfichier.length()-1; info = "end position : "; info += temp; info += " address : "; info += posfichier[temp]; //EndChunck(posfichier[temp-1]); int pos_new = ::output.tellp();//retient la position actuelle int size = pos_new - posfichier[temp];// détermine la longueur size -= 4 ; // pour les 4 premiers octets ::output.seekp(posfichier[temp]);// se place à la position indiqué write_int(size);// écrit la longueur ::output.seekp(pos_new);// se repositionne à la position transmise info += " taille : "; info += size; //MGlobal::displayInfo(info); posfichier.remove(temp); }
bool PxrUsdMayaWriteUtil::ReadMayaAttribute( const MFnDependencyNode& depNode, const MString& name, VtIntArray* val) { MStatus status; depNode.attribute(name, &status); if (status == MS::kSuccess) { MPlug plug = depNode.findPlug(name); MObject dataObj; if ( (plug.getValue(dataObj) == MS::kSuccess) && (dataObj.hasFn(MFn::kIntArrayData)) ) { MFnIntArrayData dData(dataObj, &status); if (status == MS::kSuccess) { MIntArray arrayValues = dData.array(); size_t numValues = arrayValues.length(); val->resize(numValues); for (size_t i = 0; i < numValues; ++i) { (*val)[i] = arrayValues[i]; } return true; } } } return false; }
static bool _GetLightingParam( const MIntArray& intValues, const MFloatArray& floatValues, GfVec4f& paramValue) { bool gotParamValue = false; if (intValues.length() >= 3) { paramValue[0] = intValues[0]; paramValue[1] = intValues[1]; paramValue[2] = intValues[2]; if (intValues.length() > 3) { paramValue[3] = intValues[3]; } gotParamValue = true; } else if (floatValues.length() >= 3) { paramValue[0] = floatValues[0]; paramValue[1] = floatValues[1]; paramValue[2] = floatValues[2]; if (floatValues.length() > 3) { paramValue[3] = floatValues[3]; } gotParamValue = true; } return gotParamValue; }
MStatus GetAdjacency(MDagPath& pathMesh, std::vector<std::set<int> >& adjacency) { MStatus status; // Get mesh adjacency. The adjacency will be all vertex ids on the connected faces. MItMeshVertex itVert(pathMesh, MObject::kNullObj, &status); CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN_IT(status); MFnMesh fnMesh(pathMesh, &status); CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN_IT(status); adjacency.resize(itVert.count()); for (; !itVert.isDone(); { MIntArray faces; status = itVert.getConnectedFaces(faces); CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN_IT(status); adjacency[itVert.index()].clear(); // Put the vertex ids in a set to avoid duplicates for (unsigned int j = 0; j < faces.length(); ++j) { MIntArray vertices; fnMesh.getPolygonVertices(faces[j], vertices); for (unsigned int k = 0; k < vertices.length(); ++k) { if (vertices[k] != itVert.index()) { adjacency[itVert.index()].insert(vertices[k]); } } } } return MS::kSuccess; }
void SoftBodyNode::createHelperMesh(MFnMesh &mayaMesh, std::vector<int> &triIndices, std::vector<float> &triVertices, MSpace::Space space) { MFloatPointArray ptArray; mayaMesh.getPoints(ptArray, space); // append vertex locations (x, y, z) into "flattened array" for(int i = 0; i < ptArray.length(); i++) { MFloatPoint pt; pt = ptArray[i]; pt.cartesianize(); triVertices.push_back(pt.x); triVertices.push_back(pt.y); triVertices.push_back(pt.z); } std::cout << std::endl; // create vector of triangle indices MIntArray tCounts; MIntArray tVerts; mayaMesh.getTriangles(tCounts, tVerts); triIndices.resize(tVerts.length()); for(int i = 0; i < tVerts.length(); i ++) { triIndices[i] = tVerts[i]; } }
MPointArray* retargetLocator::getPolygonPoints( MFnMesh& inputMesh ) { polygonNum = inputMesh.numPolygons(); MPointArray inputMeshPoints; inputMesh.getPoints( inputMeshPoints ); MPointArray* polygonPoints = new MPointArray[ polygonNum ]; MIntArray polyVertexIndies; for( int polygonId =0; polygonId < polygonNum; polygonId++ ) { inputMesh.getPolygonVertices( polygonId, polyVertexIndies ); int length = polyVertexIndies.length(); polygonPoints[polygonId].setLength( length ); for( int i=0; i < length; i++ ) { polygonPoints[polygonId].set( inputMeshPoints[ polyVertexIndies[i] ], i ); } } return polygonPoints; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void componentConverter::getConnectedFaces(MIntArray& edgeIDs, MIntArray& result ) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- { MItMeshEdge edgeIter(mesh); MIntArray connectedFaces; result.clear(); unsigned int l = edgeIDs.length(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < l; i++) { edgeIter.setIndex(edgeIDs[i],tmp); edgeIter.getConnectedFaces(connectedFaces); for(unsigned int x = 0; x < connectedFaces.length();x++) { result.append(connectedFaces[x]); } } }
MStatus compute_halfedge_indices(MIntArray &nFV, MIntArray &F, MIntArray &selV, MIntArray &selF, MIntArray &selHE) { MIntArray F2H(nFV.length(), 0); size_t cumsum = 0; for (size_t k=0; k<nFV.length(); k++) { F2H[k] = cumsum; cumsum += nFV[k]; } selHE.setLength(selF.length()); for (size_t k=0; k<selF.length(); k++) { size_t cV = selV[k]; size_t cF = selF[k]; size_t cnFV = nFV[cF]; size_t cF2H = F2H[cF]; for (size_t kFV=0; kFV<cnFV; kFV++) { if (F[cF2H+kFV]==cV) { selHE[k] = cF2H + kFV; break; } } } return MS::kSuccess; }
MStatus MVGMesh::unsetAllBlindData() const { MStatus status; // Get all vertices MItMeshVertex vIt(_dagpath, MObject::kNullObj, &status); vIt.updateSurface(); vIt.geomChanged(); MIntArray componentId; while(!vIt.isDone()) { const int index = vIt.index(&status); componentId.append(index);; } MVGEditCmd* cmd = new MVGEditCmd(); if(cmd) { cmd->clearBD(_dagpath, componentId); MArgList args; if(cmd->doIt(args)) cmd->finalize(); } delete cmd; return status; }
int SelectRingToolCmd2::navigateFace( const MDagPath &dagPath, const int faceIndex, const int edgeIndex, const Location loc ) { int prevIndex; MItMeshPolygon polyIter( dagPath ); polyIter.setIndex( faceIndex, prevIndex ); // Get the face's edges MIntArray edges; polyIter.getEdges( edges ); // Find the edge in the current face unsigned int i; for( i=0; i < edges.length(); i++ ) { if( edgeIndex == edges[i] ) { int offset; if( loc == OPPOSITE ) offset = edges.length() / 2; else offset = (loc == NEXT) ? 1 : -1; return edges[ (i + offset) % edges.length() ]; } } return -1; // Should never reach here }
IECoreScene::PrimitiveVariable FromMayaMeshConverter::normals() const { MFnMesh fnMesh; const MDagPath *d = dagPath( true ); if( d ) { fnMesh.setObject( *d ); } else { fnMesh.setObject( object() ); } V3fVectorDataPtr normalsData = new V3fVectorData; normalsData->setInterpretation( GeometricData::Normal ); vector<V3f> &normals = normalsData->writable(); normals.reserve( fnMesh.numFaceVertices() ); int numPolygons = fnMesh.numPolygons(); V3f blankVector; if( space() == MSpace::kObject ) { const float* rawNormals = fnMesh.getRawNormals(0); MIntArray normalIds; for( int i=0; i<numPolygons; i++ ) { fnMesh.getFaceNormalIds( i, normalIds ); for( unsigned j=0; j < normalIds.length(); ++j ) { const float* normalIt = rawNormals + 3 * normalIds[j]; normals.push_back( blankVector ); V3f& nn = normals.back(); nn.x = *normalIt++; nn.y = *normalIt++; nn.z = *normalIt; } } } else { MFloatVectorArray faceNormals; for( int i=0; i<numPolygons; i++ ) { fnMesh.getFaceVertexNormals( i, faceNormals, space() ); for( unsigned j=0; j<faceNormals.length(); j++ ) { MFloatVector& n = faceNormals[j]; normals.push_back( blankVector ); V3f& nn = normals.back(); nn.x = n.x; nn.y = n.y; nn.z = n.z; } } } return PrimitiveVariable( PrimitiveVariable::FaceVarying, normalsData ); }
static void makeCubes(std::vector<cube> &cubes, MString &name, MStatus *stat) { MFnMesh fnMesh; MObject result; MFloatPointArray points; MIntArray faceCounts; MIntArray faceConnects; int index_offset = 0; for (std::vector<cube>::iterator cit = cubes.begin(); cit != cubes.end(); ++cit) { point3 diag = cit->diagonal(); float scale = diag.x; point3 pos = cit->start + (diag * .5f); MFloatVector mpos(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); addCube(scale, mpos, index_offset * (8), points, faceCounts, faceConnects); index_offset += 1; } unsigned int vtx_cnt = points.length(); unsigned int face_cnt = faceCounts.length(); MObject newMesh = fnMesh.create( /* numVertices */ vtx_cnt, /* numFaces */ face_cnt, points, faceCounts, faceConnects, MObject::kNullObj, stat); /* Harden all edges. */ int n_edges = fnMesh.numEdges(stat); for (int i = 0; i < n_edges; ++i) { fnMesh.setEdgeSmoothing(i, false); } fnMesh.cleanupEdgeSmoothing(); /* Must be called after editing edges. */ fnMesh.updateSurface(); /* Assign Shader. */ MSelectionList sel_list; if (!MFAIL(sel_list.add("initialShadingGroup"))) { MObject set_obj; sel_list.getDependNode(0, set_obj); MFnSet set(set_obj); set.addMember(newMesh); } /* Give it a swanky name. */ MFnDagNode parent(fnMesh.parent(0)); name = parent.setName("polyMengerSponge", false, stat); }
MStatus RemapArrayValuesNode::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data) { if (plug != aOutput) return MS::kUnknownParameter; MStatus status; MFnDoubleArrayData input(data.inputValue(aInput).data()); float inputMin = float(data.inputValue(aInputMin).asDouble()); float inputMax = float(data.inputValue(aInputMax).asDouble()); float outputMin = float(data.inputValue(aOutputMin).asDouble()); float outputMax = float(data.inputValue(aOutputMax).asDouble()); int size = input.length(); MDoubleArray outputArray(size); MRampAttribute ramp(thisMObject(), aRamp, &status); CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN_IT(status); MFloatArray positions; MFloatArray values; MIntArray interps; MIntArray indices; ramp.getEntries(indices, positions, values, interps); int numIndices = indices.length(); float inValue = 0.0; float outValue = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { inValue = float(input[i]); inValue = remapValue(inValue, inputMin, inputMax); if (numIndices > 0) { ramp.getValueAtPosition(inValue, outValue, &status); CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN_IT(status); } else { outValue = inValue; } outValue = remapValue(outValue, 0.0, 1.0, outputMin, outputMax); outputArray.set(double(outValue), i); } MDataHandle outputHandle = data.outputValue(aOutput); MFnDoubleArrayData output; MObject outputData = output.create(outputArray); outputHandle.setMObject(outputData); outputHandle.setClean(); return MS::kSuccess; }
void ParameterisedHolderModificationCmd::restoreClassParameterStates( const IECore::CompoundData *classes, IECore::Parameter *parameter, const std::string &parentParameterPath ) { std::string parameterPath = parentParameterPath; if( parentParameterPath.size() ) { parameterPath += "."; } parameterPath += parameter->name(); if( parameter->isInstanceOf( "ClassParameter" ) ) { const CompoundData *c = classes->member<const CompoundData>( parameterPath ); if( c ) { ClassParameterHandler::setClass( parameter, c->member<const IECore::StringData>( "className" )->readable().c_str(), c->member<const IECore::IntData>( "classVersion" )->readable(), c->member<const IECore::StringData>( "searchPathEnvVar" )->readable().c_str() ); } } else if( parameter->isInstanceOf( "ClassVectorParameter" ) ) { const CompoundData *c = classes->member<const CompoundData>( parameterPath ); if( c ) { IECore::ConstStringVectorDataPtr parameterNames = c->member<const IECore::StringVectorData>( "parameterNames" ); IECore::ConstStringVectorDataPtr classNames = c->member<const IECore::StringVectorData>( "classNames" ); IECore::ConstIntVectorDataPtr classVersions = c->member<const IECore::IntVectorData>( "classVersions" ); MStringArray mParameterNames; MStringArray mClassNames; MIntArray mClassVersions; int numClasses = parameterNames->readable().size(); for( int i=0; i<numClasses; i++ ) { mParameterNames.append( parameterNames->readable()[i].c_str() ); mClassNames.append( classNames->readable()[i].c_str() ); mClassVersions.append( classVersions->readable()[i] ); } ClassVectorParameterHandler::setClasses( parameter, mParameterNames, mClassNames, mClassVersions ); } } if( parameter->isInstanceOf( IECore::CompoundParameter::staticTypeId() ) ) { CompoundParameter *compoundParameter = static_cast<CompoundParameter *>( parameter ); const CompoundParameter::ParameterVector &childParameters = compoundParameter->orderedParameters(); for( CompoundParameter::ParameterVector::const_iterator it = childParameters.begin(); it!=childParameters.end(); it++ ) { restoreClassParameterStates( classes, it->get(), parameterPath ); } } }
MStatus LSSolverNode::buildOutputMesh(MFnMesh& inputMesh, float* vertices, MObject &outputMesh) { MStatus stat; MPointArray points; unsigned vIndex = 0; int numVertices = inputMesh.numVertices(); for(int i=0; i<numVertices;i++) { double x = vertices[vIndex++]; double y = vertices[vIndex++]; double z = vertices[vIndex++]; //std::cout<<"("<<x<<","<<y<<","<<z<<")"<<endl; MPoint point(x,y,z); points.append(point); } const int numFaces = inputMesh.numPolygons(); int *face_counts = new int[numFaces]; for(int i = 0 ; i < numFaces ; i++) { face_counts[i] = 3; } MIntArray faceCounts( face_counts, numFaces ); // Set up and array to assign vertices from points to each face int numFaceConnects = numFaces * 3; int *face_connects = new int[numFaceConnects]; int faceConnectsIdx = 0; for ( int i=0; i<numFaces; i++ ) { MIntArray polyVerts; inputMesh.getPolygonVertices( i, polyVerts ); int pvc = polyVerts.length(); face_connects[faceConnectsIdx++] = polyVerts[0]; face_connects[faceConnectsIdx++]= polyVerts[1]; face_connects[faceConnectsIdx++] = polyVerts[2]; } MIntArray faceConnects( face_connects, numFaceConnects ); MFnMesh meshFS; MObject newMesh = meshFS.create(numVertices, numFaces, points, faceCounts, faceConnects, outputMesh, &stat); return stat; }
MStatus MVGMesh::setPoints(const MIntArray& verticesIds, const MPointArray& points) const { MStatus status; assert(verticesIds.length() == points.length()); assert(_dagpath.isValid()); MFnMesh fnMesh(_dagpath, &status); for(int i = 0; i < verticesIds.length(); ++i) { status = fnMesh.setPoint(verticesIds[i], points[i], MSpace::kWorld); CHECK_RETURN_STATUS(status); } fnMesh.syncObject(); return status; }
bool HesperisPolygonalMeshIO::CreateMeshData(APolygonalMesh * data, const MDagPath & path) { MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("todo poly mesh write ")+path.fullPathName()); MStatus stat; MFnMesh fmesh(path.node(), &stat); if(!stat) { MGlobal::displayInfo(MString(" not a mesh ") + path.fullPathName()); return false; } unsigned np = fmesh.numVertices(); unsigned nf = fmesh.numPolygons(); unsigned ni = fmesh.numFaceVertices(); data->create(np, ni, nf); Vector3F * pnts = data->points(); unsigned * inds = data->indices(); unsigned * cnts = data->faceCounts(); MPointArray ps; MPoint wp; MMatrix worldTm; worldTm = GetWorldTransform(path); fmesh.getPoints(ps, MSpace::kObject); unsigned i = 0; for(;i<np;i++) { wp = ps[i] * worldTm; pnts[i].set((float)wp.x, (float)wp.y, (float)wp.z); } unsigned j; unsigned acc = 0; MIntArray vertices; MItMeshPolygon faceIt(path); for(i=0; !faceIt.isDone();, i++) { cnts[i] = faceIt.polygonVertexCount(); faceIt.getVertices(vertices); for(j = 0; j < vertices.length(); j++) { inds[acc] = vertices[j]; acc++; } } data->computeFaceDrift(); return true; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LPCSTR CXRayObjectExport::getMaterialName(MDagPath & mdagPath, int cid, int objectIdx) { MStatus stat; int i, length; MIntArray * currentMaterials = new MIntArray(); MStringArray mArray; for ( i=0; i<numSets; i++ ) { if ( lookup(mdagPath,i,cid) ) { MFnSet fnSet( (*sets)[i] ); if ( MFnSet::kRenderableOnly == fnSet.restriction(&stat) ) { currentMaterials->append( i ); mArray.append( ); } } } // Test for equivalent materials // bool materialsEqual = false; if ((lastMaterials != NULL) && (lastMaterials->length() == currentMaterials->length())){ materialsEqual = true; length = lastMaterials->length(); for (i=0; i<length; i++){ if ((*lastMaterials)[i]!=(*currentMaterials)[i]){ materialsEqual = false; break; } } } if (!materialsEqual){ if (lastMaterials!=NULL) xr_delete(lastMaterials); lastMaterials = currentMaterials; int mLength = mArray.length(); if (mLength==0) xrDebug::Fatal(DEBUG_INFO,"Object '%s' has polygon '%d' without material.",0,cid); if (mLength>1){ xrDebug::Fatal(DEBUG_INFO,"Object '%s' has polygon '%d' with more than one material.",0,cid); } }else{ xr_delete(currentMaterials); } return mArray[0].asChar(); }
// uScale and vScale switched because first edge pointing in v direction void copy_patch_uvs(int &kV, int &kHE, MFloatArray &u_src, MFloatArray &v_src, MIntArray &uvIdx_src, MFloatArray &u_dst, MFloatArray &v_dst, float vScale, float uScale, MFloatArray &sc_u_dst, MFloatArray &sc_v_dst, MIntArray &uvIdx_dst, float lineThickness) { int nHE = uvIdx_src.length(); for (int k=0; k<nHE; k++) { uvIdx_dst[kHE] = kV + uvIdx_src[k]; // offset by beginning of this block of UVs kHE++; } // float offset_u = (uScale - 1) * 0.5*lineThickness; // float offset_v = (vScale - 1) * 0.5*lineThickness; lineThickness = 0.5 * lineThickness; float offset_u = lineThickness * (uScale - 1.0)/(uScale - 2*lineThickness); float offset_v = lineThickness * (vScale - 1.0)/(vScale - 2*lineThickness); int nV = u_src.length(); for (int k=0; k<nV; k++) { u_dst[kV] = u_src[k] * (1.0 - 2.0*offset_u) + offset_u; v_dst[kV] = v_src[k] * (1.0 - 2.0*offset_v) + offset_v; sc_u_dst[kV] = uScale * u_src[k]; sc_v_dst[kV] = vScale * v_src[k]; kV++; } }
MStatus sweptEmitter::emitCountPerPoint ( const MPlug &plug, MDataBlock &block, int length, // length of emitCountPP MIntArray &emitCountPP // output: emitCount for each point ) // // Descriptions: // Compute emitCount for each point where new particles come from. // { MStatus status; int plugIndex = plug.logicalIndex( &status ); McheckErr(status, "ERROR in emitCountPerPoint: when plug.logicalIndex.\n"); // Get rate and delta time. // double rate = rateValue( block ); MTime dt = deltaTimeValue( plugIndex, block ); // Compute emitCount for each point. // double dblCount = rate * MTime::kSeconds ); int intCount = (int)dblCount; for( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { emitCountPP.append( intCount ); } return( MS::kSuccess ); }
int Triangulation( MFnMesh &mfnMesh, MIntArray &triangleCount, MIntArray &triangleList, MIntArray &triangleNList, MIntArray &triangleUVList, MIntArray &vertexCount, MIntArray &vertexList, MIntArray &normalList, MIntArray &uvIds) { int poly_idx_offset = 0; int tri_idx_offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mfnMesh.numPolygons(); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < triangleCount[i]; ++j) { for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) { int v_idx = triangleList[tri_idx_offset + j * 3 + k]; int match = -1; int l = 0; while (match < 0 && l < vertexCount[i]) { if (vertexList[poly_idx_offset + l] == v_idx) match = l; ++l; } triangleNList[tri_idx_offset + j * 3 + k] = normalList[poly_idx_offset + match]; int id = 0; if (uvIds.length() != 0) mfnMesh.getPolygonUVid(i, match, id); triangleUVList[tri_idx_offset + j * 3 + k] = id; } } poly_idx_offset += vertexCount[i]; tri_idx_offset += 3 * triangleCount[i]; } return tri_idx_offset; }
// Load blend shape deformer from Maya MStatus BlendShape::load(MObject &blendShapeObj) { // Create a Fn for relative Maya blend shape deformer m_pBlendShapeFn = new MFnBlendShapeDeformer(blendShapeObj); // Save original envelope value for the deformer m_origEnvelope = m_pBlendShapeFn->envelope(); // Save original target weights m_origWeights.clear(); MIntArray indexList; m_pBlendShapeFn->weightIndexList(indexList); for (int i=0; i<indexList.length(); i++) { m_origWeights.push_back(m_pBlendShapeFn->weight(indexList[i])); } return MS::kSuccess; }
void vixo_hairCacheExport::initBasicStepInfo(int vid,MObject & staticMesh,map<int,inVertexBasicInfo>& inVIDMapInVertexDataBase) { inVertexBasicInfo ele; inVIDMapInVertexDataBase.insert(pair<int,inVertexBasicInfo>(vid,ele)); map<int,inVertexBasicInfo>::iterator iter=inVIDMapInVertexDataBase.find(vid); iter->second.stepVertex.resize(MAXSTEP); forInVertexBasicInfo subele; subele.vertexID=vid; subele.distance=0; iter->second.stepVertex[0].insert(subele); MItMeshVertex iterVertex4Record(staticMesh); MIntArray tempConnectedVertex; int prevIndex; MFnMesh fnMesh(staticMesh); MPointArray allPoints; fnMesh.getPoints(allPoints,MSpace::kObject); set<int> checkedVertex; checkedVertex.insert(vid); set<forInVertexBasicInfo>::iterator lastStepSetIter; for(int step=1;step<MAXSTEP;step++) { for(lastStepSetIter=iter->second.stepVertex[step-1].begin();lastStepSetIter!=iter->second.stepVertex[step-1].end();lastStepSetIter++) { iterVertex4Record.setIndex(lastStepSetIter->vertexID,prevIndex); iterVertex4Record.getConnectedVertices(tempConnectedVertex); for(int j=0;j<tempConnectedVertex.length();j++) { if(checkedVertex.count(tempConnectedVertex[j])<=0) { forInVertexBasicInfo subeleTemp; subeleTemp.vertexID=tempConnectedVertex[j]; subeleTemp.distance=allPoints[vid].distanceTo(allPoints[subeleTemp.vertexID]); iter->second.stepVertex[step].insert(subeleTemp); checkedVertex.insert(tempConnectedVertex[j]); } } } } }
void StartChunck(){ int tempo; int temp = ::output.tellp(); posfichier.append(temp); info = " start position: "; tempo = posfichier.length()-1; info += tempo; info += " rec adress : "; info += temp; //MGlobal::displayInfo(info); write_int(1); // écriture d'une valeur quelconque }
MStatus splitUV::pruneUVs( MIntArray& validUVIndices ) // // Description: // // This method will remove any invalid UVIds from the component list and UVId array. // The benefit of this is to reduce the amount of extra processing that the node would // have to perform. It will result in less iterations through the mesh as there are // less UVs to search for. // { MStatus status; unsigned i; MIntArray validUVIds; for( i = 0; i < validUVIndices.length(); i++ ) { int uvIndex = validUVIndices[i]; validUVIds.append( fSelUVs[uvIndex] ); } // Replace the local int array of UVIds // fSelUVs.clear(); fSelUVs = validUVIds; // Build the list of valid components // MFnSingleIndexedComponent compFn; compFn.create( MFn::kMeshMapComponent, &status ); MCheckStatus( status, "compFn.create( MFn::kMeshMapComponent )" ); status = compFn.addElements( validUVIds ); MCheckStatus( status, "compFn.addElements( validUVIds )" ); MObject component = compFn.object(); // Replace the component list // MFnComponentListData compListFn; compListFn.create(); status = compListFn.add( component ); MCheckStatus( status, "compListFn.add( component )" ); fComponentList = compListFn.object(); return status; }