Пример #1
void MOAIHarness::ReceiveEvaluate(lua_State *L, json_t* node)
	// Get the evaluation.
	json_t* np_eval = json_object_get(node, "Evaluation");
	if (np_eval == NULL || json_typeof(np_eval) != JSON_STRING)

	// Get the current stack index so we know how many
	// positions to clear afterward.
	int top = lua_gettop(L);

	// Load the string from the message
	MOAIScopedLuaState state ( L );
	int status = luaL_loadstring ( state, json_string_value(np_eval) );
	if ( state.PrintErrors ( ZLLog::CONSOLE, status )) return;

	// Call the string
	state.DebugCall ( 0, 0 );

	// Now unload all of the things we just put on the stack
	// until the stack is the same size.
	std::string indent = "    ";
	json_t* result = MOAIHarness::ConvertStackPartialToJSON(L, top + 1, lua_gettop(L));
	lua_pop(L, lua_gettop(L) - top);

	// Send the message back to the IDE.
Пример #2
u32 MOAIDeserializer::SerializeFromFile ( cc8* filename ) {
	this->Clear ();
	int status;
	MOAIScopedLuaState state = MOAILuaRuntime::Get ().State ();

	// load the lua file
	status = luaL_loadfile ( state, filename );
	if ( state.PrintErrors ( ZLLog::CONSOLE, status )) return LOAD_ERROR;
	// load self as the func param
	this->PushLuaUserdata ( state );
	// call the chunk
	if ( state.DebugCall ( 1, 0 )) return LUA_ERROR;
	// done!
	return SUCCESS;