Пример #1
MBasicBlock::inherit(MBasicBlock *pred, uint32_t popped)
    if (pred) {
        stackPosition_ = pred->stackPosition_;
        JS_ASSERT(stackPosition_ >= popped);
        stackPosition_ -= popped;
        if (kind_ != PENDING_LOOP_HEADER)
    } else if (pc()) {
        uint32_t stackDepth = info().script()->analysis()->getCode(pc()).stackDepth;
        stackPosition_ = info().firstStackSlot() + stackDepth;
        JS_ASSERT(stackPosition_ >= popped);
        stackPosition_ -= popped;
    } else {
        stackPosition_ = info().firstStackSlot();

    JS_ASSERT(info_.nslots() >= stackPosition_);

    if (pc()) {
        // Propagate the caller resume point from the inherited block.
        MResumePoint *callerResumePoint = pred ? pred->callerResumePoint() : NULL;

        // Create a resume point using our initial stack state.
        entryResumePoint_ = new MResumePoint(this, pc(), callerResumePoint, MResumePoint::ResumeAt);
        if (!entryResumePoint_->init())
            return false;

    if (pred) {
        if (!predecessors_.append(pred))
            return false;

        if (kind_ == PENDING_LOOP_HEADER) {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < stackDepth(); i++) {
                MPhi *phi = MPhi::New(i);
                if (!phi->addInputSlow(pred->getSlot(i)))
                    return false;
                setSlot(i, phi);
                if (entryResumePoint())
                    entryResumePoint()->setOperand(i, phi);
        } else if (entryResumePoint()) {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < stackDepth(); i++)
                entryResumePoint()->setOperand(i, getSlot(i));
    } else if (entryResumePoint()) {
         * Don't leave the operands uninitialized for the caller, as it may not
         * initialize them later on.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < stackDepth(); i++)

    return true;
Пример #2
MBasicBlock::setBackedge(MBasicBlock *pred)
    // Predecessors must be finished, and at the correct stack depth.
    JS_ASSERT(pred->stackDepth() == entryResumePoint()->stackDepth());

    // We must be a pending loop header

    bool hadTypeChange = false;

    // Add exit definitions to each corresponding phi at the entry.
    for (MPhiIterator phi = phisBegin(); phi != phisEnd(); phi++) {
        MPhi *entryDef = *phi;
        MDefinition *exitDef = pred->slots_[entryDef->slot()];

        // Assert that we already placed phis for each slot.
        JS_ASSERT(entryDef->block() == this);

        if (entryDef == exitDef) {
            // If the exit def is the same as the entry def, make a redundant
            // phi. Since loop headers have exactly two incoming edges, we
            // know that that's just the first input.
            // Note that we eliminate later rather than now, to avoid any
            // weirdness around pending continue edges which might still hold
            // onto phis.
            exitDef = entryDef->getOperand(0);

        bool typeChange = false;

        if (!entryDef->addInputSlow(exitDef, &typeChange))
            return AbortReason_Alloc;

        hadTypeChange |= typeChange;

        JS_ASSERT(entryDef->slot() < pred->stackDepth());
        setSlot(entryDef->slot(), entryDef);

    if (hadTypeChange) {
        for (MPhiIterator phi = phisBegin(); phi != phisEnd(); phi++)
            phi->removeOperand(phi->numOperands() - 1);
        return AbortReason_Disable;

    // We are now a loop header proper
    kind_ = LOOP_HEADER;

    if (!predecessors_.append(pred))
        return AbortReason_Alloc;

    return AbortReason_NoAbort;
Пример #3
MBasicBlock::inheritPhisFromBackedge(MBasicBlock* backedge, bool* hadTypeChange)
    // We must be a pending loop header

    size_t stackDepth = entryResumePoint()->stackDepth();
    for (size_t slot = 0; slot < stackDepth; slot++) {
        // Get the value stack-slot of the back edge.
        MDefinition* exitDef = backedge->getSlot(slot);

        // Get the value of the loop header.
        MDefinition* loopDef = entryResumePoint()->getOperand(slot);
        if (loopDef->block() != this) {
            // If we are finishing a pending loop header, then we need to ensure
            // that all operands are phis. This is usualy the case, except for
            // object/arrays build with generators, in which case we share the
            // same allocations across all blocks.
            MOZ_ASSERT(loopDef->block()->id() < id());
            MOZ_ASSERT(loopDef == exitDef);

        // Phis are allocated by NewPendingLoopHeader.
        MPhi* entryDef = loopDef->toPhi();
        MOZ_ASSERT(entryDef->block() == this);

        if (entryDef == exitDef) {
            // If the exit def is the same as the entry def, make a redundant
            // phi. Since loop headers have exactly two incoming edges, we
            // know that that's just the first input.
            // Note that we eliminate later rather than now, to avoid any
            // weirdness around pending continue edges which might still hold
            // onto phis.
            exitDef = entryDef->getOperand(0);

        bool typeChange = false;

        if (!entryDef->addInputSlow(exitDef))
            return false;
        if (!entryDef->checkForTypeChange(exitDef, &typeChange))
            return false;
        *hadTypeChange |= typeChange;
        setSlot(slot, entryDef);

    return true;
Пример #4
// A loop is about to be made reachable only through an OSR entry into one of
// its nested loops. Fix everything up.
ValueNumberer::fixupOSROnlyLoop(MBasicBlock* block, MBasicBlock* backedge)
    // Create an empty and unreachable(!) block which jumps to |block|. This
    // allows |block| to remain marked as a loop header, so we don't have to
    // worry about moving a different block into place as the new loop header,
    // which is hard, especially if the OSR is into a nested loop. Doing all
    // that would produce slightly more optimal code, but this is so
    // extraordinarily rare that it isn't worth the complexity.
    MBasicBlock* fake = MBasicBlock::New(graph_, block->info(), nullptr, MBasicBlock::NORMAL);
    if (fake == nullptr)
        return false;

    graph_.insertBlockBefore(block, fake);

    // Create zero-input phis to use as inputs for any phis in |block|.
    // Again, this is a little odd, but it's the least-odd thing we can do
    // without significant complexity.
    for (MPhiIterator iter(block->phisBegin()), end(block->phisEnd()); iter != end; ++iter) {
        MPhi* phi = *iter;
        MPhi* fakePhi = MPhi::New(graph_.alloc(), phi->type());
        if (!phi->addInputSlow(fakePhi))
            return false;

    fake->end(MGoto::New(graph_.alloc(), block));

    if (!block->addPredecessorWithoutPhis(fake))
        return false;

    // Restore |backedge| as |block|'s loop backedge.

    JitSpew(JitSpew_GVN, "        Created fake block%u", fake->id());
    hasOSRFixups_ = true;
    return true;
Пример #5
MBasicBlock::inherit(TempAllocator &alloc, BytecodeAnalysis *analysis, MBasicBlock *pred,
                     uint32_t popped, unsigned stackPhiCount)
    if (pred) {
        stackPosition_ = pred->stackPosition_;
        JS_ASSERT(stackPosition_ >= popped);
        stackPosition_ -= popped;
        if (kind_ != PENDING_LOOP_HEADER)
    } else {
        uint32_t stackDepth = analysis->info(pc()).stackDepth;
        stackPosition_ = info().firstStackSlot() + stackDepth;
        JS_ASSERT(stackPosition_ >= popped);
        stackPosition_ -= popped;

    JS_ASSERT(info_.nslots() >= stackPosition_);

    // Propagate the caller resume point from the inherited block.
    MResumePoint *callerResumePoint = pred ? pred->callerResumePoint() : nullptr;

    // Create a resume point using our initial stack state.
    entryResumePoint_ = new(alloc) MResumePoint(this, pc(), callerResumePoint, MResumePoint::ResumeAt);
    if (!entryResumePoint_->init(alloc))
        return false;

    if (pred) {
        if (!predecessors_.append(pred))
            return false;

        if (kind_ == PENDING_LOOP_HEADER) {
            size_t i = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < info().firstStackSlot(); i++) {
                MPhi *phi = MPhi::New(alloc, i);
                if (!phi->addInputSlow(pred->getSlot(i)))
                    return false;
                setSlot(i, phi);
                entryResumePoint()->setOperand(i, phi);

            JS_ASSERT(stackPhiCount <= stackDepth());
            JS_ASSERT(info().firstStackSlot() <= stackDepth() - stackPhiCount);

            // Avoid creating new phis for stack values that aren't part of the
            // loop.  Note that for loop headers that can OSR, all values on the
            // stack are part of the loop.
            for (; i < stackDepth() - stackPhiCount; i++) {
                MDefinition *val = pred->getSlot(i);
                setSlot(i, val);
                entryResumePoint()->setOperand(i, val);

            for (; i < stackDepth(); i++) {
                MPhi *phi = MPhi::New(alloc, i);
                if (!phi->addInputSlow(pred->getSlot(i)))
                    return false;
                setSlot(i, phi);
                entryResumePoint()->setOperand(i, phi);
        } else {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < stackDepth(); i++)
                entryResumePoint()->setOperand(i, getSlot(i));
    } else {
         * Don't leave the operands uninitialized for the caller, as it may not
         * initialize them later on.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < stackDepth(); i++)

    return true;