// Load the textures, update the necessary variable values, initialize register combiners,
// save and load the matrices with the proper values
MStatus	hwRefractReflectShader_NV20::preDraw(const MDrawRequest& request, M3dView& view)
	MStatus stat = loadTextures( request, view);

	if( MS::kSuccess != stat )		return stat;

	// get the reflectivity value
	MPlug	tPlug(thisMObject(), reflectivity);
	if( tPlug.getValue( fReflectivity ) )
		if( fReflectivity < 0.01f )	fReflectivity = 0.01f;
		if( fReflectivity > 1.0f )	fReflectivity = 1.0f;
	else	fReflectivity = 0.5f;
	// get the refraction index value
	MPlug	rPlug(thisMObject(), refractionIndex);
	if( rPlug.getValue( fRefractionIndex ) )
		if ( fRefractionIndex < 1.0f )	fRefractionIndex = 1.0f;
		if ( fRefractionIndex > 2.0f )	fRefractionIndex = 2.0f;
	else	fRefractionIndex = 1.0f;
	initCombiners( request, view );
	// Compute the camera rotation angle and axis
	MDagPath	cameraPath;
	MStatus		status = view.getCamera( cameraPath );
	MMatrix		mmatrix = cameraPath.inclusiveMatrix( &status );
	MTransformationMatrix tmatrix( mmatrix );
	MQuaternion camRotation = tmatrix.rotation();
	MVector		camAxis;
	double		camTheta;
	camRotation.getAxisAngle(  camAxis, camTheta );
	// Convert to degrees from radians
	camTheta *= 57.295779513082320876798154814105;	// == (180 / M_PI)
		glMatrixMode( GL_TEXTURE );
		glScalef(1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
		glRotated( camTheta, camAxis[0], camAxis[1], camAxis[2]);
		glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );

	return stat;
Пример #2
void MannequinMoveManipulator::glDrawCone(GLUquadricObj* quadric,
  MPoint pos,
  MVector dir,
  float height,
  float radius) const {
  MQuaternion zToDir = MVector::zAxis.rotateTo(dir);

  MVector axis;
  double rotateRad;
  zToDir.getAxisAngle(axis, rotateRad);

  double rotateDeg = MAngle(rotateRad).as(MAngle::kDegrees);

    glTranslated(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
    glRotated(rotateDeg, axis.x, axis.y, axis.z);
    gluCylinder(quadric, radius, 0.0, height, 8, 1);