MStatus XmlCacheFormat::readDoubleVectorArray( MVectorArray& array, unsigned arraySize ) { MStringArray value; if( !readXmlTagValue(doubleVectorArrayTag, value) ) { return MS::kFailure; } assert( value.length() == arraySize * 3 ); array.setLength( arraySize ); for (unsigned i = 0; i < arraySize; i++ ) { double v[3]; v[0] = strtod( value[i*3].asChar(), NULL ); v[1] = strtod( value[i*3+1].asChar(), NULL ); v[2] = strtod( value[i*3+2].asChar(), NULL ); array.set( v, i ); } return MS::kSuccess; }
MStatus liqAttachPrefAttribute::redoIt() { MFnTypedAttribute tAttr; MStatus status; for ( unsigned i( 0 ); i < objectNames.length(); i++ ) { MSelectionList nodeList; nodeList.add( objectNames[i] ); MObject depNodeObj; nodeList.getDependNode( 0, depNodeObj ); MDagPath dagNode; nodeList.getDagPath( 0, dagNode ); MFnDependencyNode depNode( depNodeObj ); MObject prefAttr; MString attrName, varName; // make sure the renderer description is up to date liqglo.liquidRenderer.setRenderer(); // build the name of the attribute varName = ( ( exportN && depNodeObj.hasFn( MFn::kMesh ) )? "N":"P" ); attrName = "rman"; attrName += varName; attrName += ( ( liqglo.liquidRenderer.requires__PREF )? "__":"" ); attrName += varName + "ref"; // create the attribute prefAttr = tAttr.create( attrName, attrName, MFnData::kPointArray ); if ( depNodeObj.hasFn( MFn::kNurbsSurface ) ) { MFnNurbsSurface nodeFn( depNodeObj ); MPointArray nodePArray; MItSurfaceCV cvs( dagNode, MObject::kNullObj, liqglo.liquidRenderer.requires_SWAPPED_UVS == false, &status ); while( !cvs.isDone() ) { while( !cvs.isRowDone() ) { MPoint pt = (worldSpace)? cvs.position( MSpace::kWorld ) : cvs.position( MSpace::kObject ); nodePArray.append( pt );; } cvs.nextRow(); } nodeFn.addAttribute( prefAttr ); MFnPointArrayData pArrayData; MObject prefDefault = pArrayData.create( nodePArray ); MPlug nodePlug( depNodeObj, prefAttr ); nodePlug.setValue( prefDefault ); } else if ( depNodeObj.hasFn( MFn::kNurbsCurve ) ) { // Carsten: added support for PREF on nurbs curves // MFnNurbsCurve nodeFn( depNodeObj ); MPointArray nodePArray; nodeFn.getCVs( nodePArray ); nodeFn.addAttribute( prefAttr ); MFnPointArrayData pArrayData; MObject prefDefault = pArrayData.create( nodePArray ); MPlug nodePlug( depNodeObj, prefAttr ); nodePlug.setValue( prefDefault ); } else if ( depNodeObj.hasFn( MFn::kMesh ) ) { MFnMesh nodeFn( depNodeObj ); // Moritz: modified this line to dim nodePArray -- otherwise // nodePArray.set() in the wile loop below throws an exception // which was why __Pref didn't work MPointArray nodePArray( MFnMesh( depNodeObj ).numVertices() ); unsigned count; nodeFn.addAttribute( prefAttr ); if ( exportN ) { // export Nref unsigned vertex; unsigned normal; unsigned face = 0; unsigned faceVertex = 0; unsigned int numNormals = nodeFn.numNormals(); unsigned int numPoints = nodeFn.numVertices(); MFloatVectorArray normals; MVectorArray normalAttArray; nodeFn.getNormals( normals ); if ( numNormals > numPoints ) { // if we get more than 1 normal per vertex, // force the arraysize to the full facevarying size unsigned faceVaryingCount( 0 ); for ( unsigned pOn( 0 ); pOn < nodeFn.numPolygons(); pOn++ ) faceVaryingCount += nodeFn.polygonVertexCount( pOn ); normalAttArray.setLength( faceVaryingCount ); } else normalAttArray.setLength(normals.length()); for ( MItMeshPolygon polyIt ( depNodeObj ); polyIt.isDone() == false; ) { count = polyIt.polygonVertexCount(); while ( count > 0 ) { --count; normal = polyIt.normalIndex( count ); vertex = polyIt.vertexIndex( count ); if( numNormals == numPoints ) normalAttArray.set(normals[normal], vertex); else normalAttArray.set(normals[normal], faceVertex); ++faceVertex; } ++face; } MFnVectorArrayData pArrayData; MObject prefDefault = pArrayData.create( normalAttArray ); MPlug nodePlug( depNodeObj, prefAttr ); nodePlug.setValue( prefDefault ); } else { // TODO: do we need to account for the altMeshExport algo that's // used in liquidRibMeshData? // Moritz: no, it's basically the same as the algo below for ( MItMeshPolygon polyIt( dagNode, MObject::kNullObj ); !polyIt.isDone(); { count = polyIt.polygonVertexCount(); while ( count > 0 ) { --count; unsigned vertexIndex = polyIt.vertexIndex( count ); MPoint nodePoint = (worldSpace)? polyIt.point( count, MSpace::kWorld ) : polyIt.point( count, MSpace::kObject ); // Moritz: this returns MS::kFailure but seems to work?! nodePArray.set( nodePoint, vertexIndex ); } } MFnPointArrayData pArrayData; MObject prefDefault = pArrayData.create( nodePArray ); MPlug nodePlug( depNodeObj, prefAttr ); nodePlug.setValue( prefDefault ); } } else cerr << "Neither a Nurbs nor a Mesh !!" << endl; } return MS::kSuccess; }