virtual ActionStatus SetDefaultEntry(const ConstManagedPointer<AIBootConfigurationEntry> &pEntry) { if (!pEntry) return MAKE_STATUS(InvalidParameter); ManagedPointer<BootEntry> pBootEntry = pEntry; if (!pBootEntry || !pBootEntry->Valid()) return MAKE_STATUS(InvalidParameter); BCDObject globalSettings = m_Store.GetFirstObjectOfType(BCDObject::GlobalSettings); if (!globalSettings.Valid()) return MAKE_STATUS(UnknownError); return globalSettings.SetElement(BcdBootMgrObject_DefaultObject, pBootEntry->m_Object); }
virtual ManagedPointer<AIBootConfigurationEntry> CopyEntry(const ConstManagedPointer<AIBootConfigurationEntry> &pEntry, bool AddToSelectionList = true, ActionStatus *pStatus = NULL) { if (!pEntry) { ASSIGN_STATUS(pStatus, InvalidParameter); return NULL; } ManagedPointer<BootEntry> pBootEntry = pEntry; if (!pBootEntry->Valid()) { ASSIGN_STATUS(pStatus, InvalidParameter); return NULL; } BCDObject newObj = m_Store.CopyObject(pBootEntry->m_Object, pStatus); if (!newObj.Valid()) { ASSIGN_SUBSTATUS(pStatus, *pStatus, UnknownError); return NULL; } if (AddToSelectionList) { BCDObject globalSettings = m_Store.GetFirstObjectOfType(BCDObject::GlobalSettings); if (!globalSettings.Valid()) { ASSIGN_STATUS(pStatus, UnknownError); return NULL; } BCDObjectList selectionList = globalSettings.GetElement(BcdBootMgrObjectList_DisplayOrder).GetObjectList(); if (!selectionList.Valid()) { ASSIGN_STATUS(pStatus, UnknownError); return NULL; } ActionStatus st = selectionList.InsertObject(newObj); if (!st.Successful()) { ASSIGN_SUBSTATUS(pStatus, st, UnknownError); return NULL; } } ASSIGN_STATUS(pStatus, Success); return new BootEntry(newObj); }
bool LocalizableStringManager::ParseSourceFile( const BazisLib::String &fp ) { ManagedPointer<TextANSIFileReader> pRdr = new TextANSIFileReader(new ACFile(fp, FileModes::OpenReadOnly)); if (!pRdr->Valid()) { _tprintf(_T("ERROR: cannot open %s\n"), fp.c_str()); return false; } _tprintf(_T(" %s\n"), Path::GetFileName(fp).c_str()); bool insideCCommentBlock = false; bool insideStringConstant = false; unsigned lineNum = 0; DynamicString currentDialogID; while (!pRdr->IsEOF()) { size_t LocalizationTokenStart = -1; enum { ltUnknown = 0, ltTR, ltDIALOG, ltDLGITEM, } localizationTokenType; lineNum++; DynamicStringA line = pRdr->ReadLine(); if (line[0] == '#') break; unsigned backslashCount = 0; char prevChar = 0, ch = 0; size_t lastStringStart = -1, lastStringLen = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < line.length(); i++, prevChar = ch) { //Even amount of backslashes followed by quotation mark toggles string constant flag (outside comment block) //The "/*" and "*/" sequences outside string block change the comment flag. //The "//" sequence skips everything till the end of the string //At the end of each line inside the string block there should be a backslash ch = line[i]; bool isLastChar = (i == (line.length() - 1)); if (insideCCommentBlock) { if ((ch == '/') && (prevChar == '*')) insideCCommentBlock = false; } else //Outside comment block - detect string literals { if (ch == '\\') backslashCount++; else { if (((ch == '\"') || (ch == '\'')) && !(backslashCount % 2)) { if (!insideStringConstant) lastStringStart = i + 1, lastStringLen = 0; else lastStringLen = i - lastStringStart; insideStringConstant = !insideStringConstant; } backslashCount = 0; } if (!insideStringConstant) //Outside comment and string blocks - check for comment start { if ((ch == '*') && (prevChar == '/')) insideCCommentBlock = true; if ((ch == '/') && (prevChar == '/')) break; } else //Inside string block { if (isLastChar && (ch != '\\')) { _tprintf(_T("%s(%d) : error: Unterminated string"), GetFullPath(fp).c_str(), lineNum); return false; } } } //Here, both insideCCommentBlock and insideStringConstant reflect the real file context. So, let's find "_TR()" and LOCALIZE_DIALOG()/LOCALIZE_DLGITEM() if (!insideCCommentBlock && !insideStringConstant) { if (!IsValidCTokenChar(prevChar)) { size_t newTokenStart = -1; size_t remaining = line.length() - i; if ((remaining > 4) && (line.substr(i, 3) == "_TR") && !IsValidCTokenChar(line[i + 3])) newTokenStart = i + 3, localizationTokenType = ltTR; else if ((remaining > 16) && (line.substr(i, 15) == "LOCALIZE_DIALOG") && !IsValidCTokenChar(line[i + 15])) newTokenStart = i + 15, localizationTokenType = ltDIALOG; else if ((remaining > 17) && (line.substr(i, 16) == "LOCALIZE_DLGITEM") && !IsValidCTokenChar(line[i + 16])) newTokenStart = i + 16, localizationTokenType = ltDLGITEM; if (newTokenStart != -1) { if (LocalizationTokenStart != -1) { _tprintf(_T("%s(%d) : error: Localization token used recursively"), GetFullPath(fp).c_str(), lineNum); return false; } LocalizationTokenStart = newTokenStart; lastStringStart = -1; lastStringLen = 0; } } if (ch == '}') currentDialogID.clear(); if ((ch == ')') && (LocalizationTokenStart != -1)) { size_t tokenParamsStart = line.find_first_not_of(" \t()", LocalizationTokenStart); TempStringA tokenParams = line.substr(tokenParamsStart, i - LocalizationTokenStart); if (tokenParams.empty()) { _tprintf(_T("%s(%d) : error: Empty localization macro"), GetFullPath(fp).c_str(), lineNum); return false; } if (localizationTokenType == ltTR) { if ((lastStringStart == -1) || !lastStringLen) { _tprintf(_T("%s(%d) : error: Invalid _TR() statement - default string not found"), GetFullPath(fp).c_str(), lineNum); return false; } DynamicString lastString = ANSIStringToString(line.substr(lastStringStart, lastStringLen)); size_t idEnd = tokenParams.find_first_of(" ,"); DynamicString id = ANSIStringToString(tokenParams.substr(0, (idEnd == -1) ? 0 : idEnd)); if (id.empty()) { _tprintf(_T("%s(%d) : error: Invalid _TR() statement - cannot determine string ID"), GetFullPath(fp).c_str(), lineNum); return false; } const DynamicString &existingValue = m_Strings[id].Value; if (!existingValue.empty() && (existingValue != lastString)) _tprintf(_T("%s(%d) : warning: %s redefined with different value\n"), GetFullPath(fp).c_str(), lineNum, id.c_str()); m_Strings[id].Value = lastString; } else { _FixedSetOfCharsSplitString<2, TempStringA> params(tokenParams, ", \t"); if (params.count() < 2) { _tprintf(_T("%s(%d) : error: Invalid LOCALIZE_xxx() statement - less than 2 arguments\n"), GetFullPath(fp).c_str(), lineNum); return false; } DynamicString stringId = ANSIStringToString(params[0]); if (stringId.empty()) { _tprintf(_T("%s(%d) : error: Invalid LOCALIZE_xxx() statement - empty string ID\n"), GetFullPath(fp).c_str(), lineNum); return false; } if (localizationTokenType == ltDIALOG) { DynamicString dlgID = ANSIStringToString(params[1]); if (m_Dialogs.find(dlgID) == m_Dialogs.end()) { _tprintf(_T("%s(%d) : error: Cannot find dialog %s\n"), GetFullPath(fp).c_str(), lineNum, dlgID.c_str()); return false; } m_Dialogs[dlgID].Localized = true; m_Dialogs[dlgID].LocalizationFileAndLine.Format(_T("%s(%d)"), GetFullPath(fp).c_str(), lineNum); m_Strings[stringId].Value = m_Dialogs[dlgID].Caption; currentDialogID = dlgID; } else if (localizationTokenType == ltDLGITEM) { if (currentDialogID.empty()) { _tprintf(_T("%s(%d) : error: LOCALIZE_DLGITEM() used outside LOCALIZE_DIALOG() block\n"), GetFullPath(fp).c_str(), lineNum); return false; } DynamicString itemID = ANSIStringToString(params[1]); std::map<BazisLib::String, DialogMember>::iterator it = m_Dialogs[currentDialogID].DialogMembers.find(itemID); if ((stringId == _T("0")) || !stringId.icompare(_T("NULL"))) { it->second.Skipped = true; continue; } if (it == m_Dialogs[currentDialogID].DialogMembers.end()) { _tprintf(_T("%s(%d) : error: %s is not defined in %s\n"), GetFullPath(fp).c_str(), lineNum, itemID.c_str(), currentDialogID.c_str()); return false; } m_Strings[stringId].Value = it->second.Name; it->second.Localized = true; } } LocalizationTokenStart = -1; } } } } return true; }
bool LocalizableStringManager::ParseResourceFile( const BazisLib::String &fp ) { ManagedPointer<TextANSIFileReader> pRdr = new TextANSIFileReader(new ACFile(fp, FileModes::OpenReadOnly)); if (!pRdr->Valid()) { _tprintf(_T("ERROR: cannot open %s\n"), fp.c_str()); return false; } _tprintf(_T(" %s\n"), DynamicString(Path::GetFileName((fp))).c_str()); DynamicString dialogName; bool insideDialogDescription = false; size_t spacingBeforeDlgitem = -1; unsigned lineNum = 0; while (!pRdr->IsEOF()) { lineNum++; DynamicStringA line = pRdr->ReadLine(); _FixedCharacterSplitString<2, TempStringA> tokens(line, ' '); if (!tokens.count()) continue; if (!tokens[0].icompare("BEGIN")) insideDialogDescription = true; else if (!tokens[0].icompare("END")) dialogName.clear(), insideDialogDescription = false; else if (!tokens[1].icompare("DIALOGEX")) { dialogName = ANSIStringToString(tokens[0]), insideDialogDescription = false; m_Dialogs[dialogName].FileAndLine.Format(_T("%s(%d)"), GetFullPath(fp).c_str(), lineNum); } else if (!line.substr(0, 8).icompare("CAPTION ") && !dialogName.empty() && !insideDialogDescription) { TempStringA dlgCaption = line.substr(9); size_t lastQuote = dlgCaption.find_last_of('\"'); if (lastQuote != -1) dlgCaption = dlgCaption.substr(0, lastQuote); DynamicString translatedCaption = ANSIStringToString(dlgCaption); for (size_t idx = 0; idx < (translatedCaption.length() - 1); idx++) { if ((translatedCaption[idx] == '\"') && (translatedCaption[idx + 1] == '\"')) translatedCaption.erase(idx, 1); } m_Dialogs[dialogName].Caption = FormatStringASCString(translatedCaption); } else if (insideDialogDescription && !dialogName.empty()) { if (spacingBeforeDlgitem == -1) spacingBeforeDlgitem = line.find_first_not_of(" \t"); if (spacingBeforeDlgitem == -1) continue; if ((line.length() <= spacingBeforeDlgitem) || (line[spacingBeforeDlgitem] == ' ') || (line[spacingBeforeDlgitem] == '\t')) continue; _FixedSetOfCharsSplitString<1, TempStringA> tokens2(line.substr(spacingBeforeDlgitem), " \t"); if (tokens2.count() < 1) continue; if (!tokens2[0].length()) continue; size_t nameStart = tokens2.GetRemainderOffset(); if (nameStart == -1) continue; nameStart = line.find_first_not_of(" \t", nameStart + spacingBeforeDlgitem); if ((nameStart == -1) || (line[nameStart] != '\"')) continue; nameStart++; char prevChar = 0; size_t nameEnd; for (nameEnd = nameStart; nameEnd < line.length(); nameEnd++) { if (line[nameEnd] == '\"') { if (((nameEnd + 1) < line.length()) && (line[nameEnd + 1] == '\"')) { nameEnd++; continue; } else break; } } DynamicStringA itemText = line.substr(nameStart, nameEnd - nameStart); for (size_t idx = 0; (idx + 1) < itemText.length(); idx++) { if ((itemText[idx] == '\"') && (itemText[idx + 1] == '\"')) itemText.erase(idx, 1); } size_t IDOffset = line.find_first_not_of(" \t,", nameEnd + 1); if (IDOffset == -1) continue; size_t IDEnd = line.find_first_of(" \t,", IDOffset); TempStringA itemID = line.substr(IDOffset, (IDEnd == -1) ? -1 : IDEnd - IDOffset); m_Dialogs[dialogName].DialogMembers[ANSIStringToString(itemID)].Name = FormatStringASCString(ANSIStringToString(itemText)); } } return true; }
LRESULT CMainDlg::OnInitDialog(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) { // center the dialog on the screen CenterWindow(); m_ComboBox.m_hWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO1); TCHAR tsz[MAX_PATH] = {0,}; GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(NULL), tsz, __countof(tsz)); String samplesDir = Path::GetDirectoryName(TempStrPointerWrapper(tsz)); for (BazisLib::Directory::enumerator itPlatform = Directory(samplesDir).FindFirstFile(L"*"); itPlatform.Valid(); itPlatform.Next()) { if (!itPlatform.IsDirectory()) continue; if (itPlatform.GetRelativePath().c_str()[0] == '.') continue; for (BazisLib::Directory::enumerator itSample = Directory(itPlatform.GetFullPath()).FindFirstFile(L"*"); itSample.Valid(); itSample.Next()) { if (!itSample.IsDirectory()) continue; if (itSample.GetRelativePath().c_str()[0] == '.') continue; for (BazisLib::Directory::enumerator it = Directory(itSample.GetFullPath()).FindFirstFile(L"*.inf"); it.Valid(); it.Next()) { ManagedPointer<AIFile> pFile = new ACFile(it.GetFullPath(), FileModes::OpenReadOnly); ManagedPointer<BazisLib::TextANSIUNIXFileReader> pReader = new BazisLib::TextANSIUNIXFileReader(pFile); if (!pReader->Valid()) continue; String description; while (!pReader->IsEOF()) { DynamicStringA str = pReader->ReadLine(); if (str.length() && str[0] != ';') break; description += ANSIStringToString(str.substr(1)); description += L"\r\n"; } ProjectDescription desc; desc.SampleName = Path::GetFileNameWithoutExtension(it.GetFullPath()); desc.SampleDescription = description; desc.INFFile = it.GetFullPath(); m_Projects.push_back(desc); m_ComboBox.InsertString(-1, String::sFormat(L"%s - %s", desc.SampleName.c_str(), itPlatform.GetRelativePath().c_str()).c_str()); } } } // set icons HICON hIcon = (HICON)::LoadImage(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MAINFRAME), IMAGE_ICON, ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON), ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON), LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); SetIcon(hIcon, TRUE); HICON hIconSmall = (HICON)::LoadImage(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MAINFRAME), IMAGE_ICON, ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON), LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); SetIcon(hIconSmall, FALSE); ::EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON1), FALSE); ::EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON2), FALSE); // register object for message filtering and idle updates // CMessageLoop* pLoop = _Module.GetMessageLoop(); // ATLASSERT(pLoop != NULL); // pLoop->AddMessageFilter(this); // pLoop->AddIdleHandler(this); UIAddChildWindowContainer(m_hWnd); return TRUE; }