Пример #1
// also sets MapParams to values from existing map
bool validateParamsIncremental(const string& inputpath, const string& outputpath, const string& imgpath, MapParams& mp, int threads, const string& chunklist, const string& regionlist, bool expand, const string& htmlpath)
	// -B, -T, -Z are not allowed
	if (mp.B != -1 || mp.T != -1 || mp.baseZoom != -1)
		cerr << "-B, -T, -Z not allowed for incremental updates" << endl;
		return false;

	// the various paths must be non-empty
	if (inputpath.empty() || outputpath.empty())
		cerr << "must provide both input (-i) and output (-o) paths" << endl;
		return false;
	if (imgpath.empty())
		cerr << "must provide non-empty image path, or omit -g to use \".\"" << endl;
		return false;
	if (htmlpath.empty())
		cerr << "must provide non-empty HTML path, or omit -m to use \".\"" << endl;
		return false;

	// can't have both chunklist and regionlist
	if (!chunklist.empty() && !regionlist.empty())
		cerr << "only one of -c, -r may be used" << endl;
		return false;

	// if world is in region format, must use regionlist
	if (detectRegionFormat(inputpath) && regionlist.empty())
		cerr << "world is in region format; must use -r, not -c" << endl;
		return false;

	// pigmap.params must be present in output path; read it now
	if (!mp.readFile(outputpath))
		cerr << "can't find pigmap.params in output path" << endl;
		return false;

	// must have a sensible number of threads (upper limit is arbitrary, but you'd need a truly
	//  insanely large map to see any benefit to having that many...)
	if (threads < 1 || threads > 64)
		cerr << "-h must be in range 1-64" << endl;
		return false;

	return true;
Пример #2
bool expandMap(const string& outputpath)
	// read old params
	MapParams mp;
	if (!mp.readFile(outputpath))
		cerr << "pigmap.params missing or corrupt" << endl;
		return false;
	int32_t tileSize = mp.tileSize();

	// to expand a map, the following must be done:
	//  1. the top-left quadrant of the current zoom level 1 needs to be moved to zoom level 2, where
	//     it will become the bottom-right quadrant of the top-left quadrant of the new zoom level 1,
	//     so the top-level file "0.png" and subdirectory "0" must become "0/3.png" and "0/3",
	//     respectively; and similarly for the other three quadrants
	//  2. new zoom level 1 tiles must be created: "0.png" is 3/4 empty, but has a shrunk version of
	//     the old "0.png" (which is the new "0/3.png") in its bottom-right, etc.
	//  3. a new "base.png" must be created from the new zoom level 1 tiles

	// move everything at zoom 1 or higher one level deeper
	// ...first the subdirectories
	renameFile(outputpath + "/0", outputpath + "/old0");
	renameFile(outputpath + "/1", outputpath + "/old1");
	renameFile(outputpath + "/2", outputpath + "/old2");
	renameFile(outputpath + "/3", outputpath + "/old3");
	makePath(outputpath + "/0");
	makePath(outputpath + "/1");
	makePath(outputpath + "/2");
	makePath(outputpath + "/3");
	renameFile(outputpath + "/old0", outputpath + "/0/3");
	renameFile(outputpath + "/old1", outputpath + "/1/2");
	renameFile(outputpath + "/old2", outputpath + "/2/1");
	renameFile(outputpath + "/old3", outputpath + "/3/0");
	// ...now the zoom 1 files
	const char* formatExtensions[] = {".png", ".jpeg"};
	ImageSettings::Format formats[] = {ImageSettings::Format_PNG, ImageSettings::Format_JPEG};
	for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
		if (ImageSettings::format == formats[i] || ImageSettings::format == ImageSettings::Format_Both)
			const char* format = formatExtensions[i];
			renameFile(outputpath + "/0" + format, outputpath + "/0/3" + format);
			renameFile(outputpath + "/1" + format, outputpath + "/1/2" + format);
			renameFile(outputpath + "/2" + format, outputpath + "/2/1" + format);
			renameFile(outputpath + "/3" + format, outputpath + "/3/0" + format);

	// build the new zoom 1 tiles
	RGBAImage old0img;
	bool used0 = old0img.readPNG(outputpath + "/0/3.png");
	RGBAImage new0img;
	new0img.create(tileSize, tileSize);
	if (used0)
		reduceHalf(new0img, ImageRect(tileSize/2, tileSize/2, tileSize/2, tileSize/2), old0img);
		new0img.writeImage(outputpath + "/0");
	RGBAImage old1img;
	bool used1 = old1img.readPNG(outputpath + "/1/2.png");
	RGBAImage new1img;
	new1img.create(tileSize, tileSize);
	if (used1)
		reduceHalf(new1img, ImageRect(0, tileSize/2, tileSize/2, tileSize/2), old1img);
		new1img.writeImage(outputpath + "/1");
	RGBAImage old2img;
	bool used2 = old2img.readPNG(outputpath + "/2/1.png");
	RGBAImage new2img;
	new2img.create(tileSize, tileSize);
	if (used2)
		reduceHalf(new2img, ImageRect(tileSize/2, 0, tileSize/2, tileSize/2), old2img);
		new2img.writeImage(outputpath + "/2");
	RGBAImage old3img;
	bool used3 = old3img.readPNG(outputpath + "/3/0.png");
	RGBAImage new3img;
	new3img.create(tileSize, tileSize);
	if (used3)
		reduceHalf(new3img, ImageRect(0, 0, tileSize/2, tileSize/2), old3img);
		new3img.writeImage(outputpath + "/3");

	// build the new base tile
	RGBAImage newbase;
	newbase.create(tileSize, tileSize);
	if (used0)
		reduceHalf(newbase, ImageRect(0, 0, tileSize/2, tileSize/2), new0img);
	if (used1)
		reduceHalf(newbase, ImageRect(tileSize/2, 0, tileSize/2, tileSize/2), new1img);
	if (used2)
		reduceHalf(newbase, ImageRect(0, tileSize/2, tileSize/2, tileSize/2), new2img);
	if (used3)
		reduceHalf(newbase, ImageRect(tileSize/2, tileSize/2, tileSize/2, tileSize/2), new3img);
	newbase.writeImage(outputpath + "/base");

	// write new params (with incremented baseZoom)

	// touch all tiles, to prevent browser cache mishaps (since many new tiles will have the same
	//  filename as some old tile, but possibly with an earlier timestamp)
	if (system((string("find ") + outputpath + " -exec touch {} +").c_str()) < 0)
        cerr << "Error changing mtimes. Ignoring..." << endl;

	return true;