Пример #1
bool ObjModel::loadMTLFile(const char* fileName)	{
	cout << "Loading material file: " << fileName << endl;

	FILE* fp;
	string* modelPath = getCvarAddress_S("r_modelPath");

	string canonicalPath = *modelPath + "obj/" + fileName;

	cout << "From file path: " << canonicalPath << endl;

	if( !(fp=fopen(canonicalPath.c_str(), "r")) )	{
		error = "OBJ Materials file not found";
		Con_print("Obj: File not found - %s", canonicalPath.c_str());
		return false;

	MaterialManager* tm = getMaterialManager();

	material_t* mat;

	while( !feof(fp) )	{
		char in[MAX_OBJ_LINE_LEN];
		fgets(in, MAX_OBJ_LINE_LEN, fp);
		char incpy[MAX_OBJ_LINE_LEN];
		cout << "MAT Line: " << in << endl;
		strcpy(incpy, in);

		// if its a comment or whitespace skip it
		if( in[0] == '#' || in[0] == ' ' || in[0] == '\n' ||
				in[0] == '\r'  || in[0] == '\t')
		else	{	// otherwise we need to process some data
			char* token = strtok(in, WHITESPACE);

			if( token == NULL )

			if( !strcmp(token, "newmtl") )	{
				material_t* newmat = new material_t;

				token = strtok(NULL, WHITESPACE);
				if( !tm->hasMaterial(token) )	{
					tm->addMaterial(token, newmat);
					mat = newmat;
					cout << "New material created: " << token << endl;
				else	{
					cout << "MTL Error: Material redefinition: " << token << endl;
			else if( !strcmp(token, "Ns") )	{
				sscanf(incpy, "Ns %f", &mat->Ns);
			else if( !strcmp(token, "Ka") )	{
				sscanf(incpy, "Ka %f %f %f", &mat->Ka[0], &mat->Ka[1], &mat->Ka[2]);
			else if( !strcmp(token, "Kd") )	{
				sscanf(incpy, "Kd %f %f %f", &mat->Kd[0], &mat->Kd[1], &mat->Kd[2]);
			else if( !strcmp(token, "Ks") )	{
				sscanf(incpy, "Ks %f %f %f", &mat->Ks[0], &mat->Ks[1],& mat->Ks[2]);
			else if( !strcmp(token, "Ni") )	{
				sscanf(incpy, "Ni %f", &mat->Ni);
			else if( !strcmp(token, "d") )	{
				sscanf(incpy, "d %f", &mat->d);
			else if( !strcmp(token, "illum") )	{
				sscanf(incpy, "illum %d", &mat->illum);
			else if( !strcmp(token, "map_Kd") )	{
				token = strtok(NULL, WHITESPACE);
				strcpy(mat->map_Kd, token);
				cout << "Loading texture: " << mat->map_Kd << endl;


	return true;
Пример #2
//Loads the MD2 model
MD2Model* MD2Model::load(const char* filename) {
	Vec3f xyzMin;
	Vec3f xyzMax;

	ifstream input;
	input.open(filename, istream::binary);

	char buffer[64];
	input.read(buffer, 4); //Should be "IPD2", if this is an MD2 file
	if (buffer[0] != 'I' || buffer[1] != 'D' ||
		buffer[2] != 'P' || buffer[3] != '2') {
		Con_print("MD2 Error: Wrong MD2 Version Found!");
		return NULL;
	if (readInt(input) != 8) { //The version number
		Con_print("MD2 Error: Wrong MD2 Version Number Found!");
		return NULL;
	int textureWidth = readInt(input);   //The width of the textures
	int textureHeight = readInt(input);  //The height of the textures
	readInt(input);                      //The number of bytes per frame
	int numTextures = readInt(input);    //The number of textures
	if (numTextures != 1) {
		Con_print("MD2 Error: No Textures Found!");
		return NULL;
	int numVertices = readInt(input);    //The number of vertices
	int numTexCoords = readInt(input);   //The number of texture coordinates
	int numTriangles = readInt(input);   //The number of triangles
	readInt(input);                      //The number of OpenGL commands
	int numFrames = readInt(input);      //The number of frames
	//Offsets (number of bytes after the beginning of the file to the beginning
	//of where certain data appear)
	int textureOffset = readInt(input);  //The offset to the textures
	int texCoordOffset = readInt(input); //The offset to the texture coordinates
	int triangleOffset = readInt(input); //The offset to the triangles
	int frameOffset = readInt(input);    //The offset to the frames
	readInt(input);                      //The offset to the OpenGL commands
	readInt(input);                      //The offset to the end of the file
	MD2Model* model = new MD2Model();
	MaterialManager* matsMgr = getMaterialManager();

	//Load the texture
	input.seekg(textureOffset, ios_base::beg);
	input.read(buffer, 64);

	// Hack to get the md2 models with pcx textures to load bmp version instead
	string s = buffer;
	s = s.substr(0, s.find_last_of("."));
	s = s + ".bmp";
	strcpy(buffer, s.c_str());

	if (strlen(buffer) < 5 || strcmp(buffer + strlen(buffer) - 4, ".bmp") != 0 ) {
		Con_print("MD2 Error: Couldn't parse texture name: %s", buffer);

		// Set texture not found because we can't load the texture that was set
		model->textureId = matsMgr->getGLTexID("not-found.bmp");
	else	{
		if( !matsMgr->hasMaterial(buffer) )

		model->textureId = matsMgr->getGLTexID(buffer);
	//Load the texture coordinates
	input.seekg(texCoordOffset, ios_base::beg);
	model->texCoords = new MD2TexCoord[numTexCoords];
	for(int i = 0; i < numTexCoords; i++) {
		MD2TexCoord* texCoord = model->texCoords + i;
		texCoord->texCoordX = (float)readShort(input) / textureWidth;
		texCoord->texCoordY = 1 - (float)readShort(input) / textureHeight;
	//Load the triangles
	input.seekg(triangleOffset, ios_base::beg);
	model->triangles = new MD2Triangle[numTriangles];
	model->numTriangles = numTriangles;
	for(int i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++) {
		MD2Triangle* triangle = model->triangles + i;
		for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
			triangle->vertices[j] = readUShort(input);
		for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
			triangle->texCoords[j] = readUShort(input);
	//Load the frames
	input.seekg(frameOffset, ios_base::beg);
	model->frames = new MD2Frame[numFrames];
	model->numFrames = numFrames;
	for(int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) {
		MD2Frame* frame = model->frames + i;
		frame->vertices = new MD2Vertex[numVertices];
		Vec3f scale = readVec3f(input);
		Vec3f translation = readVec3f(input);
		input.read(frame->name, 16);
		for(int j = 0; j < numVertices; j++) {
			MD2Vertex* vertex = frame->vertices + j;
			input.read(buffer, 3);
			Vec3f v((unsigned char)buffer[0],
					(unsigned char)buffer[1],
					(unsigned char)buffer[2]);
			vertex->pos = translation + Vec3f(scale[0] * v[0],
											  scale[1] * v[1],
											  scale[2] * v[2]);

			// added to get dimensions of model at load time
			// end dimension add

			input.read(buffer, 1);
			int normalIndex = (int)((unsigned char)buffer[0]);
			vertex->normal = Vec3f(NORMALS[3 * normalIndex],
								   NORMALS[3 * normalIndex + 1],
								   NORMALS[3 * normalIndex + 2]);
	model->startFrame = 0;
	model->endFrame = numFrames - 1;

	Con_print("numFrames: %d", numFrames );

	Con_print("MD2 Dimensions: %.3f x %.3f x %.3f", model->xRadius*2, model->yRadius*2, model->zRadius*2);

	return model;