Пример #1
int main()
    cout<<"Welcome to matrix operation program"<<endl;
    cout<<"This program is developed for matrix operation, first matrix is read by a file"<<endl;
    cout<<"You must give dimensions of second matrice and program will generate a matrix with random values, then you can go to matrix operations."<<endl;
    // File handling part
    Matrice FileMatrice ;
    FileMatrice.readLinesFromFile() ;
    cout<< "Here is a matrix with size: "<<FileMatrice.rowSize<<"x"<<FileMatrice.columnSize<<endl;

    // create a random matrice struct called RandomMatrice
    Matrice RandomMatrice ;
    // we should get the dimension from the user in this scheme: row x column
    // so I am creating a string with 3 bytes to get it
    char getMatriceSize[3] ;
    cout << "Please enter the dimensions of the matrice (e.g. 2x3):" ;
    cin  >> getMatriceSize ;
    cout << "Here is a matrice with size of "<< getMatriceSize << "\n" ;
    //  we can add exception here in case of user enters invalid size
    // In order to get the size, I subtsracted ascii value '0' from the char value
    RandomMatrice.rowSize = getMatriceSize[0]-'0';
    //cout << "Row size "<< rowSize << "\n" ;
    // Same operation for column size of the matrice
    RandomMatrice.columnSize = getMatriceSize[2]-'0';
    //cout << "Column size "<< columnSize << "\n" ;
    // allocate memory for given dimension in random matrice
    RandomMatrice.allocateMemoryForMatriceElements() ;

    // get random values for the matrice
    //for random values
    RandomMatrice.getRandomValuesForMatriceElements() ;
    // print the matrice with new elements
    RandomMatrice.printMatrice() ;

    RandomMatrice.bindMatriceElements() ;
    // Menu
    bool menuChoice = true;            //  boolean value for menu choice (continue ? (Y or N))
    char operationChoice ;             // char value for menu operations 
    char askIfTheUserWantsToContinueOperations ;
    while (menuChoice){
        cout << "\t\t\tMatrice Operation Menu\n" ;
        cout << "Select one of the matrice operations: \n" ;
        cout<< "1. Multiply the matrices and print the result to the screen.(M)\n"<<
            "2. Find transpose of the matrices (both) and print them to the screen.(T)\n"<<
            "3. Check if the matrices are symmetric.(S)\n"<<
            "4. Check if the matrices are zero matrix.(Z)\n"<<
            "5. Calculate the determinant of the matrices.(D)\n";
        cin>> operationChoice ;
        switch (operationChoice) {
            case 'M' | 'm':
                matrixMultiplication(FileMatrice, RandomMatrice);
            case 'T' | 't':
                transpozeOperation(FileMatrice, RandomMatrice);
            case 'S' | 's':
                checkIfSymmetric(FileMatrice, RandomMatrice);
            case 'Z' | 'z':
                checkIfZeroMatrix(FileMatrice, RandomMatrice);
            case 'D' | 'd':
                determinantOperation(FileMatrice, RandomMatrice);
        cout<<"Would you like to continue ?(Y or N)\n";
        cin>>askIfTheUserWantsToContinueOperations ;
        if(askIfTheUserWantsToContinueOperations == 'Y' || askIfTheUserWantsToContinueOperations == 'y')
            menuChoice = true ;
        else if(askIfTheUserWantsToContinueOperations == 'N' || askIfTheUserWantsToContinueOperations == 'n')
            menuChoice = false ;
            cout<< "Wrong Choice, but operation menu is not terminated by default.\n";
    // Give up the elements allocated from memory
    delete [] RandomMatrice.elements ;

    delete [] FileMatrice.elements ;
    return 0;