Пример #1
double SpinAdapted::rowdoubleproduct(Matrix& a, int rowa, Matrix& b, int rowb)
  assert(a.Ncols() == b.Ncols());
  double* aptr = a.Store() + a.Ncols() * rowa;
  double* bptr = b.Store() + b.Ncols() * rowb;
  return DDOT(a.Ncols(), aptr, 1, bptr, 1);
Пример #2
void QRZ(const Matrix& X, Matrix& Y, Matrix& M)
   Tracer et("QRZ(2)");
   int n = X.Nrows(); int s = X.Ncols(); int t = Y.Ncols();
   if (Y.Nrows() != n)
      { Throw(ProgramException("Unequal column lengths",X,Y)); }
   M.resize(s,t); M = 0;Real* m0 = M.Store(); Real* m;
   Real* xi0 = X.Store();
   int j, k; int i = s;
   while (i--)
      Real* xj0 = Y.Store(); Real* xi = xi0; k = n;
      if (k) for (;;)
         m = m0; Real Xi = *xi; Real* xj = xj0;
         j = t; while(j--) *m++ += Xi * *xj++;
         if (!(--k)) break;
         xi += s; xj0 += t;

      xj0 = Y.Store(); xi = xi0++; k = n;
      if (k) for (;;)
         m = m0; Real Xi = *xi; Real* xj = xj0;
         j = t; while(j--) *xj++ -= *m++ * Xi;
         if (!(--k)) break;
         xi += s; xj0 += t;
      m0 += t;
Пример #3
double SpectClust::calcNormalizedCut(const Matrix &D, 
                                     const std::vector<std::pair<double,int> > &indices, 
                                     int cut) {
  double assocA = 0, assocB = 0, cutAB = 0;
  // count up weight of A nodes connected to B nodes. 
  for(int aIx = 0; aIx < cut; aIx++) {
    int Aindex = indices[aIx].second;
    for(int colIx = cut; colIx < indices.size(); colIx++) {
      int Bindex = indices[colIx].second;
      if(Aindex == Bindex) {
        Err::errAbort("How can " +ToStr(Aindex) + " be in both the a and b index?");
      cutAB += D.element(Aindex,Bindex);
  // Count up connectivity of A to entire graph.
  for(int aIx = 0; aIx < cut; aIx++) {
    int Aindex = indices[aIx].second;
    for(int colIx = 0; colIx < D.Ncols(); colIx++) {
      assocA += D.element(Aindex, colIx);
  // Count up connectivity of B to entire graph.
  for(int bIx = cut; bIx < D.Nrows(); bIx++) {
    int Bindex = indices[bIx].second;
    for(int colIx = 0; colIx < D.Ncols(); colIx++) {
      assocB += D.element(Bindex, colIx);
  double nCut = DBL_MAX;
  if(assocA != 0 && cutAB != 0 && assocB != 0)
    nCut = (cutAB/assocA + cutAB/assocB);
  return nCut;
Пример #4
int Rank(Matrix A)
	// The SVD routine in NEWMAT assume #rows >= #cols in A
	// if #rows < #cols, then we compute the SVD of the transpose of A
	if (A.Nrows() >= A.Ncols())
		DiagonalMatrix D(A.Ncols());
		SVD(A, D);
		int rank = 0;
		for (int i = 1; i <= A.Ncols(); i++)
			if (abs(D(i)) > EPSILON)
		return (rank);
	else {
		DiagonalMatrix D(A.Nrows());
		SVD(A.t(), D);
		int rank = 0;
		for (int i = 1; i <= A.Nrows(); i++)
			if (abs(D(i)) > EPSILON)
		return (rank);

Пример #5
double SpectClust::rowMedian(const Matrix &M, int rowIx) {
  std::vector<double> r(M.Ncols(),0);
  for(int i = 0; i < M.Ncols(); i++) {
    r[i] = M.element(rowIx,i);
  double med = median_in_place(r.begin(), r.end());
  return med;
Пример #6
double SpinAdapted::MatrixDotProduct(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b)
  assert((a.Nrows() == b.Nrows()) && (a.Ncols() == b.Ncols()));
#ifdef BLAS
  return DDOT(a.Storage(), a.Store(), 1, b.Store(), 1);
Пример #7
//Predict on a chunk of data.
ReturnMatrix SOGP::predictM(const Matrix& in, ColumnVector &sigconf,bool conf){
  //printf("SOGP::Predicting on %d points\n",in.Ncols());
  Matrix out(alpha.Ncols(),in.Ncols());
  for(int c=1;c<=in.Ncols();c++)
    out.Column(c) = predict(in.Column(c),sigconf(c),conf);
  return out;
Пример #8
Matrix argpermute(const Matrix& m, const int* indices)
  Matrix newm(m.Nrows(),m.Ncols());
  for (int i=0;i<m.Nrows();++i)
    for (int j=0;j<m.Ncols();++j)
  return newm;
Пример #9
void SpectClust::fillInDistance(SymmetricMatrix &A, const Matrix &M, const DistanceMetric &dMetric, bool expon) {
  for(int i = 1; i <= M.Ncols(); i++) {
    for(int j = i; j <= M.Ncols(); j++) {
        A(j,i) = A(i,j) = exp(-1 * dMetric.dist(M,i,j));
        A(j,i) = A(i,j) = dMetric.dist(M,i,j);
Пример #10
void copy(const Matrix& a, Matrix& b)
  if ((b.Nrows() != a.Nrows()) || (b.Ncols() != a.Ncols()))
    b.ReSize(a.Nrows(), a.Ncols());

#ifdef BLAS
  DCOPY((FORTINT) a.Storage(), a.Store(), (FORTINT) 1, b.Store(), (FORTINT) 1);
  b = a;
Пример #11
void SpinAdapted::MatrixMultiply (double d, const Matrix& a, Matrix& b)
  //  b += d * a;
#ifdef BLAS 
  assert ((a.Nrows () == b.Nrows ()) && (a.Ncols () == b.Ncols ()));
  int n = a.Nrows () * a.Ncols ();
  GAXPY (n, d, a.Store (), 1, b.Store (), 1);
  b += d * a;
Пример #12
void SpinAdapted::MatrixScaleAdd (double d, const Matrix& a, Matrix& b)
  assert (a.Nrows () == b.Nrows () && a.Ncols () == b.Ncols ());
#ifdef BLAS
  int n = a.Nrows () * a.Ncols ();
  assert (n == (b.Nrows () * b.Ncols ()));
  DAXPY (n, d, a.Store (), 1, b.Store (), 1);
  b += d * a;
Пример #13
/** Mutilply each element individually and return matrix. */
Matrix elementMultiplication(Matrix &x, Matrix &y) {
  assert(x.Nrows() == y.Nrows());
  assert(x.Ncols() == y.Ncols());
  Matrix m(x.Nrows(), x.Ncols());
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < x.Nrows(); i++) {
    for(unsigned int j = 0; j < x.Ncols(); j++) {
      m.element(i,j) = x.element(i,j) * y.element(i,j);
  return m;
Пример #14
void SpectClust::multByMatrix(ColumnVector &N, ColumnVector &O, const Matrix &M) {
  int nRow = M.Nrows(), nCol = M.Ncols();
  if(!(N.Nrows() == O.Nrows() && M.Nrows() == M.Ncols() && M.Nrows() == N.Nrows())) {
    Err::errAbort("wrong dimensions: " + ToStr(O.Nrows()) + " " + ToStr(N.Nrows()) + " " + ToStr(M.Nrows()));
  for(int rowIx = 0; rowIx < nRow; rowIx++) {
    N[rowIx] = 0;
    for(int colIx = 0; colIx < nCol; colIx++) {
      N[rowIx] += O[colIx] * M[rowIx][colIx];
Пример #15
void SpinAdapted::CatenateProduct (const ObjectMatrix<Matrix*>& a, Matrix& b, bool allocate)
      std::vector<int> indexRows (a.Nrows ());
      std::vector<int> indexCols (a.Ncols ());
      int rowLength = 0;
      int colLength = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < indexRows.size (); ++i)
	  indexRows [i] = (i > 0) ? a (i - 1,0)->Nrows () + indexRows [i - 1] : 1;
	  rowLength += a (i,0)->Nrows ();
      for (int i = 0; i < indexCols.size (); ++i)
	  indexCols [i] = (i > 0) ? a (0,i - 1)->Ncols () + indexCols [i - 1] : 1;
	  colLength += a (0,i)->Ncols ();
      if (!allocate) 
	assert (b.Nrows () == rowLength && b.Ncols () == colLength); // precondition
	b.ReSize (rowLength, colLength);

      for (int i = 0; i < a.Nrows (); ++i)
	for (int j = 0; j < a.Ncols (); ++j)
#ifdef BLAS
	    int bcols = b.Ncols();
	    double* bptr = b.Store() + bcols * (indexRows[i] - 1) + (indexCols[j] - 1);
	    Matrix* aij = a(i, j);
	    double* aptr = aij->Store();
	    int nrows = aij->Nrows();
	    int ncols = aij->Ncols();
	    for (int r = 0; r < nrows; ++r)
		DCOPY(ncols, aptr, 1, bptr, 1);
		aptr += ncols;
		bptr += bcols;
	    b.SubMatrix (indexRows [i], indexRows [i] + a (i,j)->Nrows () - 1, indexCols [j], indexCols [j] + a (i,j)->Ncols () - 1) = *(a (i,j));
  catch (Exception)
      pout << Exception::what () << endl;
      abort ();
Пример #16
void SpectClust::partitionClusters(const Matrix &D, const Matrix &E, std::vector<Numeric> &eVals, int numClusters,
                                   std::vector<int> &clusters, int hardMin, double cutVal, double margin) {
  clusters.resize(D.Ncols(), -1);
  std::vector<std::pair<double,int> > indices;
  /* Load up all the values and their indexes. */
  for(int i = 0; i < D.Ncols(); i++) {
    std::pair<double,int> p;
    p.first = E.element(i,1);
    p.second = i;
  std::sort(indices.begin(), indices.end(), PairLess());
  vector<double> indexNVals;
  calcNormalizedCutValues(D, indices, indexNVals);
  double minNormCut = DBL_MAX;
  int minNCutIx = 0;
  if(cutVal == DBL_MAX) {
    for(int i = 0; i < indexNVals.size(); i++) {
      double nCutI = indexNVals[i];
      if(nCutI < minNormCut) {
        minNCutIx = i;
        minNormCut = nCutI;
    cutVal = minNormCut;
  else {
    for(int i = 0; i < indices.size() - 1; i++) {
      if(indices[i].first <= cutVal && indices[i+1].first >= cutVal) {
        minNCutIx = i;
  fill(clusters.begin(), clusters.end(), -1);
  int maxNCutIx = minNCutIx;
  int diff = indices.size() - minNCutIx;
  diff = (int) (margin*diff);
  maxNCutIx = Max((int)indices.size() - diff, maxNCutIx); 
  if(minNCutIx >= hardMin)
    minNCutIx = Max((int)(margin*minNCutIx), hardMin);
  for(int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
    if(i <= minNCutIx) {
      clusters[indices[i].second] = 0;
    else if(i > maxNCutIx) {
      clusters[indices[i].second] = 1;
Пример #17
void Print(const Matrix& X)
   cout << "\nMatrix type: " << X.Type().Value() << " (";
   cout << X.Nrows() << ", ";
   cout << X.Ncols() << ")\n\n";
   if (X.IsZero()) { cout << "All elements are zero\n" << flush; return; }
   int nr=X.Nrows(); int nc=X.Ncols();
   for (int i=1; i<=nr; i++)
      for (int j=1; j<=nc; j++)  cout << X(i,j) << "\t";
      cout << "\n";
   cout << flush; ++PCZ;
bool LinearConstraint::dimMatch(Matrix& A)
    bool match = true;
    if (numOfCons_ != A.Nrows() || numOfVars_ !=  A.Ncols() )
		   match = false;
    return match;
Пример #19
void SpectClust::calcNormalizedCutValues(const Matrix &D, const std::vector<std::pair<double,int> > &indices, 
                                         std::vector<double> &cutVals) {
  std::fill(cutVals.begin(), cutVals.end(), DBL_MAX);
  double assocA = 0;
  double assocB = D.Sum();
  double currentNCut = 0;
  double lastNCut = 0;
  int nCol = D.Ncols();
  for(int cut = 0; cut < indices.size() -1; cut++) {
    double rowSum = 0;
    for(int colIx = 0; colIx < nCol; colIx++) {
      rowSum += D.element(indices[cut].second, colIx);
    assocA += rowSum;
    assocB -= rowSum;
    double cutChange = 0;
    for(int colIx = 0; colIx < cut; colIx++) {
      cutChange -= D.element(indices[colIx].second, indices[cut].second);
    for(int colIx = cut+1; colIx < nCol; colIx++) {
      cutChange += D.element(indices[cut].second, indices[colIx].second);
    currentNCut = lastNCut + cutChange;
    if(assocA == 0 || assocB == 0 || currentNCut == 0) {
      cutVals[cut] = DBL_MAX;
    else {
      double nVal = (currentNCut / assocA) + (currentNCut / assocB);
      cutVals[cut+1] = nVal; // +1 is to be compatible with existing calcNormalizedCut() conventions
    lastNCut = currentNCut;
Пример #20
Matrix Find_T_BFS(queue<vector<bool>> q, Matrix S_BFS)
	int rank_S = Rank(S_BFS);
	int nrow_S = S_BFS.Nrows();
	int ncol_S = S_BFS.Ncols();
	int size = q.size();
	Matrix T(nrow_S, rank_S);
	T = 0;
	while (size > 0)
		int r = 1;
		for (int i = 1; i < ncol_S; i++)
			if (q.front().at(i) == true)
				T.Column(r) = S_BFS.Column(i);

		if (Rank(T) == rank_S)
	return T;
Пример #21
queue<vector<bool>> Filter_Indep_Col(queue<vector<bool>> q, Matrix A)
	queue<vector<bool>> indep_q;
	int nrow_A = A.Nrows();
	int ncol_A = A.Ncols();
	int rank_A = Rank(A);
	int size = q.size();

	while (size > 0)
		Matrix B(nrow_A, rank_A);
		int k = 1;
		for (int j = 0; j < ncol_A; j++)
			if (q.front().at(j) == true)
				B.Column(k) = A.Column(j+1);

		// see if columns of B are indepenent
		if (Rank(B) == min(B.Ncols(), B.Nrows()))
	return indep_q;
Пример #22
void accumulate_onepdm(Matrix& onepdm)

#ifndef SERIAL
  Matrix tmp_recv;
  mpi::communicator world;
  if (world.size() == 1)
  if (!mpigetrank())
      for(int i=1;i<world.size();++i)
	  world.recv(i, i, tmp_recv);
	  for(int k=0;k<onepdm.Nrows();++k)
	    for(int l=0;l<onepdm.Ncols();++l)
	      if(tmp_recv(k+1,l+1) != 0.) {
		onepdm(k+1,l+1) = tmp_recv(k+1,l+1);
      world.send(0, mpigetrank(), onepdm);
Пример #23
void save_onepdm_text(const Matrix& onepdm, const int &i, const int &j)
  //the spatial has a factor of 1/2 in front of it 
    std::vector<int> reorder;
    for (int k=0; k<onepdm.Nrows()/2; k++) {
      reorder.at(dmrginp.reorder_vector()[k]) = k;

    char file[5000];
    sprintf (file, "%s%s%d.%d", dmrginp.save_prefix().c_str(),"/onepdm.", i, j);
    ofstream ofs(file);
    ofs << onepdm.Nrows() << endl;
    for(int k=0;k<onepdm.Nrows()/2;++k)
      for(int l=0;l<onepdm.Ncols()/2;++l) {
        int K = reorder.at(k), L = reorder.at(l);

        double opdm = onepdm(2*K+1, 2*L+1) ;
        ofs << boost::format("%d %d %20.14e\n") % (2*k) % (2*l) % opdm;

        opdm = onepdm(2*K+2, 2*L+2);
        ofs << boost::format("%d %d %20.14e\n") % (2*k+1) % (2*l+1) % opdm;

Пример #24
void SpinAdapted::diagonalise(Matrix& sym, DiagonalMatrix& d, Matrix& vec)
  int nrows = sym.Nrows();
  int ncols = sym.Ncols();
  assert(nrows == ncols);
  vec.ReSize(nrows, nrows);

  Matrix workmat;
  workmat = sym;
  vector<double> workquery(1);
  int info = 0;
  double* dptr = d.Store();

  int query = -1;
  DSYEV('V', 'L', nrows, workmat.Store(), nrows, dptr, &(workquery[0]), query, info); // do query to find best size
  int optlength = static_cast<int>(workquery[0]);
  vector<double> workspace(optlength);

  DSYEV('V', 'U', nrows, workmat.Store(), nrows, dptr, &(workspace[0]), optlength, info); // do query to find best size

  if (info > 0) 
      pout << "failed to converge " << endl;
  for (int i = 0; i < nrows; ++i)
    for (int j = 0; j < ncols; ++j)
      vec(j+1,i+1) = workmat(i+1,j+1);
Пример #25
void SpinAdapted::svd(Matrix& M, DiagonalMatrix& d, Matrix& U, Matrix& V)
  int nrows = M.Nrows();
  int ncols = M.Ncols();

  assert(nrows >= ncols);

  int minmn = min(nrows, ncols);
  int maxmn = max(nrows, ncols);
  int eigenrows = min(minmn, minmn);
  Matrix Ut;
  Ut.ReSize(nrows, nrows);
  V.ReSize(ncols, ncols);

  int lwork = maxmn * maxmn + 100;
  double* workspace = new double[lwork];

  // first transpose matrix
  Matrix Mt;
  Mt = M.t();
  int info = 0;
  DGESVD('A', 'A', nrows, ncols, Mt.Store(), nrows, d.Store(), 
	 Ut.Store(), nrows, V.Store(), ncols, workspace, lwork, info);

  U.ReSize(nrows, ncols);
  for (int i = 0; i < nrows; ++i)
    for (int j = 0; j < ncols; ++j)
      U(i+1,j+1) = Ut(j+1,i+1);
  delete[] workspace;
void SpectClustTest::testNCutDynamicProgram() {
  Matrix Dist;
  RFileToMatrix(Dist, "data/spike-in.norm.angleDist.b12.txt");
  bool converged;
  vector<double> eVals;
  Matrix EVec;
  converged = SpectClust::findNLargestEvals(Dist, 2, eVals, EVec, 200);
  vector<double> cutVals;
  std::vector<std::pair<double,int> > indices;
  for(int i = 0; i < Dist.Ncols(); i++) {
    std::pair<double,int> p;
    p.first = EVec.element(i,1);// / E.element(i,0) ;
    p.second = i;
  std::sort(indices.begin(), indices.end(), SpectClust::PairLess());
  SpectClust::calcNormalizedCutValues(Dist, indices, cutVals);
  for(int i = 0; i < cutVals.size(); i++) {
    double nCut = SpectClust::calcNormalizedCut(Dist, indices, i);
    double diff = nCut - cutVals[i];
    //    cout << "\t" << nCut << "\t" << cutVals[i] << "\t" << diff << endl;
    if(fabs(diff) > .000001) {
LinearConstraint::LinearConstraint(const Matrix& A, const ColumnVector& b,
                                   const bool rowFlag):
    numOfCons_( A.Nrows() ), numOfVars_( A.Ncols() ), nnzl_(0), nnzu_(0),
    A_(A), Ax_( A.Nrows() ), lower_( A.Nrows() ), upper_( A.Nrows() ), 
    cvalue_( A.Nrows()), cviolation_( A.Nrows() ),
    constraintMappingIndices_(0), stdForm_(rowFlag)
      int i;

      cvalue_  = 1.0e30; cviolation_ = 0.0;
      if( stdForm_ ){
        lower_ = b;
        upper_ = MAX_BND;
        for(i = 1; i <= numOfCons_; i++){
            if (lower_(i) > -BIG_BND){
        upper_ = b;
	lower_ = MIN_BND; 
        for(i = 1; i <= numOfCons_; i++){
            if (upper_(i) < BIG_BND){

      numOfCons_ = nnzl_ + nnzu_;
Пример #28
void QRZT(Matrix& X, LowerTriangularMatrix& L)
	 Tracer et("QRZT(1)");
   int n = X.Ncols(); int s = X.Nrows(); L.resize(s);
   if (n == 0 || s == 0) { L = 0.0; return; }
   Real* xi = X.Store(); int k;
   for (int i=0; i<s; i++)
      Real sum = 0.0;
      Real* xi0=xi; k=n; while(k--) { sum += square(*xi++); }
      sum = sqrt(sum);
      if (sum == 0.0)
         k=n; while(k--) { *xi0++ = 0.0; }
         for (int j=i; j<s; j++) L.element(j,i) = 0.0;
         L.element(i,i) = sum;
         Real* xj0=xi0; k=n; while(k--) { *xj0++ /= sum; }
         for (int j=i+1; j<s; j++)
            xi=xi0; Real* xj=xj0; k=n; while(k--) { sum += *xi++ * *xj++; }
            xi=xi0; k=n; while(k--) { *xj0++ -= sum * *xi++; }
            L.element(j,i) = sum;
Пример #29
void QRZ(Matrix& X, UpperTriangularMatrix& U)
   Tracer et("QRZ(1)");
   int n = X.Nrows(); int s = X.Ncols(); U.ReSize(s); U = 0.0;
   Real* xi0 = X.Store(); Real* u0 = U.Store(); Real* u;
   int j, k; int J = s; int i = s;
   while (i--)
      Real* xj0 = xi0; Real* xi = xi0; k = n;
      if (k) for (;;)
         u = u0; Real Xi = *xi; Real* xj = xj0;
         j = J; while(j--) *u++ += Xi * *xj++;
         if (!(--k)) break;
         xi += s; xj0 += s;

      Real sum = sqrt(*u0); *u0 = sum; u = u0+1;
      if (sum == 0.0) Throw(SingularException(U));
      int J1 = J-1; j = J1; while(j--) *u++ /= sum;

      xj0 = xi0; xi = xi0++; k = n;
      if (k) for (;;)
         u = u0+1; Real Xi = *xi; Real* xj = xj0;
         Xi /= sum; *xj++ = Xi;
         j = J1; while(j--) *xj++ -= *u++ * Xi;
         if (!(--k)) break;
          xi += s; xj0 += s;
      u0 += J--;
Пример #30
double SpinAdapted::CheckSum (Matrix& a)
  double val = 0.;
  for (int i = 0; i < a.Nrows (); ++i)
    for (int j = 0; j < a.Ncols (); ++j)
      val += a.element (i, j);
  return val;