int main(int argc, char** argv) { CommandArgs arg; int nlandmarks; int nSegments; int simSteps; double worldSize; bool hasOdom; bool hasPoseSensor; bool hasPointSensor; bool hasPointBearingSensor; bool hasSegmentSensor; bool hasCompass; bool hasGPS; int segmentGridSize; double minSegmentLenght, maxSegmentLenght; std::string outputFilename; arg.param("simSteps", simSteps, 100, "number of simulation steps"); arg.param("nLandmarks", nlandmarks, 1000, "number of landmarks"); arg.param("nSegments", nSegments, 1000, "number of segments"); arg.param("segmentGridSize", segmentGridSize, 50, "number of cells of the grid where to align the segments"); arg.param("minSegmentLenght", minSegmentLenght, 0.5, "minimal lenght of a segment in the world"); arg.param("maxSegmentLenght", maxSegmentLenght, 3, "maximal lenght of a segment in the world"); arg.param("worldSize", worldSize, 25.0, "size of the world"); arg.param("hasOdom", hasOdom, false, "the robot has an odometry" ); arg.param("hasPointSensor", hasPointSensor, false, "the robot has a point sensor" ); arg.param("hasPointBearingSensor", hasPointBearingSensor, false, "the robot has a point bearing sensor" ); arg.param("hasPoseSensor", hasPoseSensor, false, "the robot has a pose sensor" ); arg.param("hasCompass", hasCompass, false, "the robot has a compass"); arg.param("hasGPS", hasGPS, false, "the robot has a GPS"); arg.param("hasSegmentSensor", hasSegmentSensor, false, "the robot has a segment sensor" ); arg.paramLeftOver("graph-output", outputFilename, "simulator_out.g2o", "graph file which will be written", true); arg.parseArgs(argc, argv); std::tr1::ranlux_base_01 generator; OptimizableGraph graph; World world(&graph); for (int i=0; i<nlandmarks; i++){ WorldObjectPointXY * landmark = new WorldObjectPointXY; double x = sampleUniform(-.5,.5, &generator)*worldSize; double y = sampleUniform(-.5,.5, &generator)*worldSize; landmark->vertex()->setEstimate(Vector2d(x,y)); world.addWorldObject(landmark); } cerr << "nSegments = " << nSegments << endl; for (int i=0; i<nSegments; i++){ WorldObjectSegment2D * segment = new WorldObjectSegment2D; int ix = sampleUniform(-segmentGridSize,segmentGridSize, &generator); int iy = sampleUniform(-segmentGridSize,segmentGridSize, &generator); int ith = sampleUniform(0,3, &generator); double th= (M_PI/2)*ith; th=atan2(sin(th),cos(th)); double xc = ix*(worldSize/segmentGridSize); double yc = iy*(worldSize/segmentGridSize); double l2 = sampleUniform(minSegmentLenght, maxSegmentLenght, &generator); double x1 = xc + cos(th)*l2; double y1 = yc + sin(th)*l2; double x2 = xc - cos(th)*l2; double y2 = yc - sin(th)*l2; segment->vertex()->setEstimateP1(Vector2d(x1,y1)); segment->vertex()->setEstimateP2(Vector2d(x2,y2)); world.addWorldObject(segment); } Robot2D robot(&world, "myRobot"); world.addRobot(&robot); stringstream ss; ss << "-ws" << worldSize; ss << "-nl" << nlandmarks; ss << "-steps" << simSteps; if (hasOdom) { SensorOdometry2D* odometrySensor=new SensorOdometry2D("odometry"); robot.addSensor(odometrySensor); Matrix3d odomInfo = odometrySensor->information(); odomInfo.setIdentity(); odomInfo*=100; odomInfo(2,2)=1000; odometrySensor->setInformation(odomInfo); ss << "-odom"; } if (hasPoseSensor) { SensorPose2D* poseSensor = new SensorPose2D("poseSensor"); robot.addSensor(poseSensor); Matrix3d poseInfo = poseSensor->information(); poseInfo.setIdentity(); poseInfo*=100; poseInfo(2,2)=1000; poseSensor->setInformation(poseInfo); ss << "-pose"; } if (hasPointSensor) { SensorPointXY* pointSensor = new SensorPointXY("pointSensor"); robot.addSensor(pointSensor); Matrix2d pointInfo = pointSensor->information(); pointInfo.setIdentity(); pointInfo*=100; pointSensor->setInformation(pointInfo); ss << "-pointXY"; } if (hasPointBearingSensor) { SensorPointXYBearing* bearingSensor = new SensorPointXYBearing("bearingSensor"); robot.addSensor(bearingSensor); bearingSensor->setInformation(bearingSensor->information()*1000); ss << "-pointBearing"; } if (hasSegmentSensor) { SensorSegment2D* segmentSensor = new SensorSegment2D("segmentSensorSensor"); segmentSensor->setMaxRange(3); segmentSensor->setMinRange(.1); robot.addSensor(segmentSensor); segmentSensor->setInformation(segmentSensor->information()*1000); SensorSegment2DLine* segmentSensorLine = new SensorSegment2DLine("segmentSensorSensorLine"); segmentSensorLine->setMaxRange(3); segmentSensorLine->setMinRange(.1); robot.addSensor(segmentSensorLine); Matrix2d m=segmentSensorLine->information(); m=m*1000; m(0,0)*=10; segmentSensorLine->setInformation(m); SensorSegment2DPointLine* segmentSensorPointLine = new SensorSegment2DPointLine("segmentSensorSensorPointLine"); segmentSensorPointLine->setMaxRange(3); segmentSensorPointLine->setMinRange(.1); robot.addSensor(segmentSensorPointLine); Matrix3d m3=segmentSensorPointLine->information(); m3=m3*1000; m3(3,3)*=10; segmentSensorPointLine->setInformation(m3); ss << "-segment2d"; } robot.move(SE2()); double pStraight=0.7; SE2 moveStraight; moveStraight.setTranslation(Vector2d(1., 0.)); double pLeft=0.15; SE2 moveLeft; moveLeft.setRotation(Rotation2Dd(M_PI/2)); //double pRight=0.15; SE2 moveRight; moveRight.setRotation(Rotation2Dd(-M_PI/2)); for (int i=0; i<simSteps; i++){ cerr << "m"; SE2 move; SE2 pose=robot.pose(); double dtheta=-100; Vector2d dt; if (pose.translation().x() < -.5*worldSize){ dtheta = 0; } if (pose.translation().x() > .5*worldSize){ dtheta = -M_PI; } if (pose.translation().y() < -.5*worldSize){ dtheta = M_PI/2; } if (pose.translation().y() > .5*worldSize){ dtheta = -M_PI/2; } if (dtheta< -M_PI) { // select a random move of the robot double sampled=sampleUniform(0.,1.,&generator); if (sampled<pStraight) move=moveStraight; else if (sampled<pStraight+pLeft) move=moveLeft; else move=moveRight; } else { double mTheta=dtheta-pose.rotation().angle(); move.setRotation(Rotation2Dd(mTheta)); if (move.rotation().angle()<std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()){ move.setTranslation(Vector2d(1., 0.)); } } robot.relativeMove(move); // do a sense cerr << "s"; robot.sense(); } //string fname=outputFilename + ss.str() + ".g2o"; ofstream testStream(outputFilename.c_str());; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { CommandArgs arg; int nlandmarks; int simSteps; double worldSize; bool hasOdom; bool hasPoseSensor; bool hasPointSensor; bool hasPointBearingSensor; bool hasSegmentSensor; bool hasCompass; bool hasGPS; std::string outputFilename; arg.param("simSteps", simSteps, 100, "number of simulation steps"); arg.param("worldSize", worldSize, 25.0, "size of the world"); arg.param("hasOdom", hasOdom, false, "the robot has an odometry" ); arg.param("hasPointSensor", hasPointSensor, false, "the robot has a point sensor" ); arg.param("hasPointBearingSensor", hasPointBearingSensor, false, "the robot has a point bearing sensor" ); arg.param("hasPoseSensor", hasPoseSensor, false, "the robot has a pose sensor" ); arg.param("hasCompass", hasCompass, false, "the robot has a compass"); arg.param("hasGPS", hasGPS, false, "the robot has a GPS"); arg.param("hasSegmentSensor", hasSegmentSensor, false, "the robot has a segment sensor" ); arg.paramLeftOver("graph-output", outputFilename, "simulator_out.g2o", "graph file which will be written", true); arg.parseArgs(argc, argv); std::tr1::ranlux_base_01 generator; OptimizableGraph graph; World world(&graph); for (int i=0; i<nlandmarks; i++){ WorldObjectPointXY * landmark = new WorldObjectPointXY; double x = sampleUniform(-.5,.5, &generator)*worldSize; double y = sampleUniform(-.5,.5, &generator)*worldSize; landmark->vertex()->setEstimate(Vector2d(x,y)); world.addWorldObject(landmark); } Robot2D robot(&world, "myRobot"); world.addRobot(&robot); stringstream ss; ss << "-ws" << worldSize; ss << "-nl" << nlandmarks; ss << "-steps" << simSteps; if (hasOdom) { SensorOdometry2D* odometrySensor=new SensorOdometry2D("odometry"); robot.addSensor(odometrySensor); Matrix3d odomInfo = odometrySensor->information(); odomInfo.setIdentity(); odomInfo*=100; odomInfo(2,2)=1000; odometrySensor->setInformation(odomInfo); ss << "-odom"; } if (hasPoseSensor) { SensorPose2D* poseSensor = new SensorPose2D("poseSensor"); robot.addSensor(poseSensor); Matrix3d poseInfo = poseSensor->information(); poseInfo.setIdentity(); poseInfo*=100; poseInfo(2,2)=1000; poseSensor->setInformation(poseInfo); ss << "-pose"; } if (hasPointSensor) { SensorPointXY* pointSensor = new SensorPointXY("pointSensor"); robot.addSensor(pointSensor); Matrix2d pointInfo = pointSensor->information(); pointInfo.setIdentity(); pointInfo*=100; pointSensor->setInformation(pointInfo); ss << "-pointXY"; } if (hasPointBearingSensor) { SensorPointXYBearing* bearingSensor = new SensorPointXYBearing("bearingSensor"); robot.addSensor(bearingSensor); bearingSensor->setInformation(bearingSensor->information()*1000); ss << "-pointBearing"; } robot.move(SE2()); double pStraight=0.7; SE2 moveStraight; moveStraight.setTranslation(Vector2d(1., 0.)); double pLeft=0.15; SE2 moveLeft; moveLeft.setRotation(Rotation2Dd(M_PI/2)); //double pRight=0.15; SE2 moveRight; moveRight.setRotation(Rotation2Dd(-M_PI/2)); for (int i=0; i<simSteps; i++){ cerr << "m"; SE2 move; SE2 pose=robot.pose(); double dtheta=-100; Vector2d dt; if (pose.translation().x() < -.5*worldSize){ dtheta = 0; } if (pose.translation().x() > .5*worldSize){ dtheta = -M_PI; } if (pose.translation().y() < -.5*worldSize){ dtheta = M_PI/2; } if (pose.translation().y() > .5*worldSize){ dtheta = -M_PI/2; } if (dtheta< -M_PI) { // select a random move of the robot double sampled=sampleUniform(0.,1.,&generator); if (sampled<pStraight) move=moveStraight; else if (sampled<pStraight+pLeft) move=moveLeft; else move=moveRight; } else { double mTheta=dtheta-pose.rotation().angle(); move.setRotation(Rotation2Dd(mTheta)); if (move.rotation().angle()<std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()){ move.setTranslation(Vector2d(1., 0.)); } } robot.relativeMove(move); // do a sense cerr << "s"; robot.sense(); } //string fname=outputFilename + ss.str() + ".g2o"; ofstream testStream(outputFilename.c_str());; }