Пример #1
		void RemapImage( 
			const MatrixF& src, 
			float g0, 
			const Remapping& remapping,
			MatrixF& dest  )
			dest.Resize( src.Rows(), src.Cols() );
			for( int y = 0; y < src.Rows(); ++y )
				for( int x = 0; x < src.Cols(); ++x )
					dest[y][x] = remapping( g0, src[y][x] );
Пример #2
		float FindLaplacianValue(
			const MatrixF& img,
			const Remapping& remapping,
			float gvalue,
			int level,
			int row,
			int col )
			//find the total size we need
			int size = 3 * ( pow(2.0f,level+2) - 1 );
			int halfSize = size / 2;

			//find the corresponding point from that level to original image
			int rowTemp = row*pow(2.0f,level);
			int colTemp = col*pow(2.0f,level);

			//copy the whole block (replicating when necessary)
			MatrixF mat[2];
			MatrixF* dest0 = &(mat[0]);
			MatrixF* dest1 = &(mat[1]);

			Point topLeft( colTemp - halfSize, rowTemp - halfSize );
			Point bottomRight( colTemp + halfSize, rowTemp + halfSize );
			Copy( img, topLeft, bottomRight, *dest0 );
			RemapImage(*dest0, gvalue, remapping, *dest0);

			Pyramid::Gaussian( *dest0, *dest1, 0.4f );
			Copy( *dest1, Point(2,2), Point(dest1->Cols()-3,dest1->Rows()-3), *dest1);

			for(int i = 0; i < level; ++i)
				std::swap( dest0, dest1 );
				Pyramid::Gaussian( *dest0, *dest1, 0.4f );
				Copy( *dest1, Point(2,2), Point(dest1->Cols()-3,dest1->Rows()-3), *dest1);

			assert( dest1->Rows() == 3 );
			assert( dest1->Cols() == 3 );
			ExpandOdd( *dest1, *dest1, 0.4f ); //now 5X5

			//we need to also reduce dest0
			Copy( *dest0, Point(2,2), Point(dest0->Cols()-3,dest0->Rows()-3), *dest0);
			MatrixF laplacian;
			Subtract(*dest0, *dest1, laplacian);
			return laplacian[laplacian.Rows()/2][laplacian.Cols()/2];