Пример #1
bool SelfOrganizingMap::train_( MatrixFloat &data ){
    //Clear any previous models
    const UINT M = data.getNumRows();
    const UINT N = data.getNumCols();
    numInputDimensions = N;
    numOutputDimensions = numClusters*numClusters;
    Random rand;
    //Setup the neurons
    neurons.resize( numClusters, numClusters );
    if( neurons.getSize() != numClusters*numClusters ){
        errorLog << "train_( MatrixFloat &data ) - Failed to resize neurons matrix, there might not be enough memory!" << std::endl;
        return false;
    //Init the neurons
    for(UINT i=0; i<numClusters; i++){
        for(UINT j=0; j<numClusters; j++){
            neurons[i][j].init( N, 0.5, SOM_MIN_TARGET, SOM_MAX_TARGET );
    //Scale the data if needed
    ranges = data.getRanges();
    if( useScaling ){
        for(UINT i=0; i<M; i++){
            for(UINT j=0; j<numInputDimensions; j++){
                data[i][j] = scale(data[i][j],ranges[j].minValue,ranges[j].maxValue,SOM_MIN_TARGET,SOM_MAX_TARGET);
    Float error = 0;
    Float lastError = 0;
    Float trainingSampleError = 0;
    Float delta = 0;
    Float minChange = 0;
    Float weightUpdate = 0;
    Float alpha = 1.0;
    Float neuronDiff = 0;
    Float neuronWeightFunction = 0;
    Float gamma = 0;
    UINT iter = 0;
    bool keepTraining = true;
    VectorFloat trainingSample;
    Vector< UINT > randomTrainingOrder(M);
    //In most cases, the training data is grouped into classes (100 samples for class 1, followed by 100 samples for class 2, etc.)
    //This can cause a problem for stochastic gradient descent algorithm. To avoid this issue, we randomly shuffle the order of the
    //training samples. This random order is then used at each epoch.
    for(UINT i=0; i<M; i++){
        randomTrainingOrder[i] = i;
    std::random_shuffle(randomTrainingOrder.begin(), randomTrainingOrder.end());
    //Enter the main training loop
    while( keepTraining ){
        //Update alpha based on the current iteration
        alpha = Util::scale(iter,0,maxNumEpochs,alphaStart,alphaEnd);
        //Run one epoch of training using the online best-matching-unit algorithm
        error = 0;
        for(UINT m=0; m<M; m++){
            trainingSampleError = 0;
            //Get the i'th random training sample
            trainingSample = data.getRowVector( randomTrainingOrder[m] );
            //Find the best matching unit
            Float dist = 0;
            Float bestDist = grt_numeric_limits< Float >::max();
            UINT bestIndexRow = 0;
            UINT bestIndexCol = 0;
            for(UINT i=0; i<numClusters; i++){
                for(UINT j=0; j<numClusters; j++){
                    dist = neurons[i][j].getSquaredWeightDistance( trainingSample );
                    if( dist < bestDist ){
                        bestDist = dist;
                        bestIndexRow = i;
                        bestIndexCol = j;
            error += bestDist;
            //Update the weights based on the distance to the winning neuron
            //Neurons closer to the winning neuron will have their weights update more
            const Float bir = bestIndexRow;
            const Float bic = bestIndexCol;
            for(UINT i=0; i<numClusters; i++){  
                for(UINT j=0; j<numClusters; j++){
                    //Update the weights for all the neurons, pulling them a little closer to the input example
                    neuronDiff = 0;
                    gamma = 2.0 * grt_sqr( numClusters * sigmaWeight );
                    neuronWeightFunction = exp( -grt_sqr(bir-i)/gamma ) * exp( -grt_sqr(bic-j)/gamma );
                    //std::cout << "best index: " << bestIndexRow << " " << bestIndexCol << " bestDist: " << bestDist << " pos: " << i << " " << j << " neuronWeightFunction: " << neuronWeightFunction << std::endl;
                    for(UINT n=0; n<N; n++){
                        neuronDiff = trainingSample[n] - neurons[i][j][n];
                        weightUpdate = neuronWeightFunction * alpha * neuronDiff;
                        neurons[i][j][n] += weightUpdate;

        error = error / M;

        trainingLog << "iter: " << iter << " average error: " << error << std::endl;
        //Compute the error
        delta = fabs( error-lastError );
        lastError = error;
        //Check to see if we should stop
        if( delta <= minChange && false ){
            converged = true;
            keepTraining = false;
        if( grt_isinf( error ) ){
            errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &data) - Training failed! Error is NAN!" << std::endl;
            return false;
        if( ++iter >= maxNumEpochs ){
            keepTraining = false;
        trainingLog << "Epoch: " << iter << " Squared Error: " << error << " Delta: " << delta << " Alpha: " << alpha << std::endl;
    numTrainingIterationsToConverge = iter;
    trained = true;
    return true;
Пример #2
bool SelfOrganizingMap::train_( MatrixFloat &data ){
    //Clear any previous models
    const UINT M = data.getNumRows();
    const UINT N = data.getNumCols();
    numInputDimensions = N;
    numOutputDimensions = numClusters;
    Random rand;
    //Setup the neurons
    neurons.resize( numClusters );
    if( neurons.size() != numClusters ){
        errorLog << "train_( MatrixFloat &data ) - Failed to resize neurons Vector, there might not be enough memory!" << std::endl;
        return false;
    for(UINT j=0; j<numClusters; j++){
        //Init the neuron
        neurons[j].init( N, 0.5 );
        //Set the weights as a random training example
        neurons[j].weights = data.getRowVector( rand.getRandomNumberInt(0, M) );
    //Setup the network weights
    switch( networkTypology ){
        case RANDOM_NETWORK:
            networkWeights.resize(numClusters, numClusters);
            //Set the diagonal weights as 1 (as i==j)
            for(UINT i=0; i<numClusters; i++){
                networkWeights[i][i] = 1;
            //Randomize the other weights
            UINT indexA = 0;
            UINT indexB = 0;
            Float weight = 0;
            for(UINT i=0; i<numClusters*numClusters; i++){
                indexA = rand.getRandomNumberInt(0, numClusters);
                indexB = rand.getRandomNumberInt(0, numClusters);
                //Make sure the two random indexs are the same (as this is a diagonal and should be 1)
                if( indexA != indexB ){
                    //Pick a random weight between these two neurons
                    weight = rand.getRandomNumberUniform(0,1);
                    //The weight betwen neurons a and b is the mirrored
                    networkWeights[indexA][indexB] = weight;
                    networkWeights[indexB][indexA] = weight;
    //Scale the data if needed
    ranges = data.getRanges();
    if( useScaling ){
        for(UINT i=0; i<M; i++){
            for(UINT j=0; j<numInputDimensions; j++){
                data[i][j] = scale(data[i][j],ranges[j].minValue,ranges[j].maxValue,0,1);
    Float error = 0;
    Float lastError = 0;
    Float trainingSampleError = 0;
    Float delta = 0;
    Float minChange = 0;
    Float weightUpdate = 0;
    Float weightUpdateSum = 0;
    Float alpha = 1.0;
    Float neuronDiff = 0;
    UINT iter = 0;
    bool keepTraining = true;
    VectorFloat trainingSample;
    Vector< UINT > randomTrainingOrder(M);
    //In most cases, the training data is grouped into classes (100 samples for class 1, followed by 100 samples for class 2, etc.)
    //This can cause a problem for stochastic gradient descent algorithm. To avoid this issue, we randomly shuffle the order of the
    //training samples. This random order is then used at each epoch.
    for(UINT i=0; i<M; i++){
        randomTrainingOrder[i] = i;
    std::random_shuffle(randomTrainingOrder.begin(), randomTrainingOrder.end());
    //Enter the main training loop
    while( keepTraining ){
        //Update alpha based on the current iteration
        alpha = Util::scale(iter,0,maxNumEpochs,alphaStart,alphaEnd);
        //Run one epoch of training using the online best-matching-unit algorithm
        error = 0;
        for(UINT i=0; i<M; i++){
            trainingSampleError = 0;
            //Get the i'th random training sample
            trainingSample = data.getRowVector( randomTrainingOrder[i] );
            //Find the best matching unit
            Float dist = 0;
            Float bestDist = grt_numeric_limits< Float >::max();
            UINT bestIndex = 0;
            for(UINT j=0; j<numClusters; j++){
                dist = neurons[j].getSquaredWeightDistance( trainingSample );
                if( dist < bestDist ){
                    bestDist = dist;
                    bestIndex = j;
            //Update the weights based on the distance to the winning neuron
            //Neurons closer to the winning neuron will have their weights update more
            for(UINT j=0; j<numClusters; j++){
                //Update the weights for the j'th neuron
                weightUpdateSum = 0;
                neuronDiff = 0;
                for(UINT n=0; n<N; n++){
                    neuronDiff = trainingSample[n] - neurons[j][n];
                    weightUpdate = networkWeights[bestIndex][j] * alpha * neuronDiff;
                    neurons[j][n] += weightUpdate;
                    weightUpdateSum += neuronDiff;
                trainingSampleError += grt_sqr( weightUpdateSum );
            error += grt_sqrt( trainingSampleError / numClusters );
        //Compute the error
        delta = fabs( error-lastError );
        lastError = error;
        //Check to see if we should stop
        if( delta <= minChange ){
            converged = true;
            keepTraining = false;
        if( grt_isinf( error ) ){
            errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &data) - Training failed! Error is NAN!" << std::endl;
            return false;
        if( ++iter >= maxNumEpochs ){
            keepTraining = false;
        trainingLog << "Epoch: " << iter << " Squared Error: " << error << " Delta: " << delta << " Alpha: " << alpha << std::endl;
    numTrainingIterationsToConverge = iter;
    trained = true;
    return true;