Пример #1
/** Initialise a workspace from its parent
 * This sets values such as title, instrument, units, sample, spectramap.
 * This does NOT copy any data.
 * @param parent :: the parent workspace
 * @param child :: the child workspace
 * @param differentSize :: A flag to indicate if the two workspace will be different sizes
void WorkspaceFactoryImpl::initializeFromParent(const MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr parent,
  const MatrixWorkspace_sptr child, const bool differentSize) const
  child->setInstrument(parent->getInstrument());  // This call also copies the SHARED POINTER to the parameter map
  // This call will (should) perform a COPY of the parameter map.
  child->m_sample = parent->m_sample;
  child->m_run = parent->m_run;

  // Only copy the axes over if new sizes are not given
  if ( !differentSize )
    // Only copy mask map if same size for now. Later will need to check continued validity.
    child->m_masks = parent->m_masks;

  // Same number of histograms = copy over the spectra data
  if (parent->getNumberHistograms() == child->getNumberHistograms())
    for (size_t wi=0; wi<parent->getNumberHistograms(); wi++)
      ISpectrum * childSpec = child->getSpectrum(wi);
      const ISpectrum * parentSpec = parent->getSpectrum(wi);
      // Copy spectrum number and detector IDs

  // deal with axis
  for (size_t i = 0; i < parent->m_axes.size(); ++i)
    const size_t newAxisLength = child->getAxis(i)->length();
    const size_t oldAxisLength = parent->getAxis(i)->length();

    if ( !differentSize || newAxisLength == oldAxisLength )
      // Need to delete the existing axis created in init above
      delete child->m_axes[i];
      // Now set to a copy of the parent workspace's axis
      child->m_axes[i] = parent->m_axes[i]->clone(child.get());
      if (! parent->getAxis(i)->isSpectra()) // WHY???
        delete child->m_axes[i];
        // Call the 'different length' clone variant
        child->m_axes[i] = parent->m_axes[i]->clone(newAxisLength,child.get());

Пример #2
/** Validates input properties.
 *  @return A map of input properties as keys and (error) messages as values.
std::map<std::string, std::string> NormaliseToMonitor::validateInputs() {
  std::map<std::string, std::string> issues;
  // Check where the monitor spectrum should come from
  const Property *monSpecProp = getProperty("MonitorSpectrum");
  const Property *monIDProp = getProperty("MonitorID");
  MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr monWS = getProperty("MonitorWorkspace");
  // something has to be set
  if (monSpecProp->isDefault() && !monWS && monIDProp->isDefault()) {
    const std::string mess("Either MonitorSpectrum, MonitorID or "
                           "MonitorWorkspace has to be provided.");
    issues["MonitorSpectrum"] = mess;
    issues["MonitorID"] = mess;
    issues["MonitorWorkspace"] = mess;

  const double intMin = getProperty("IntegrationRangeMin");
  const double intMax = getProperty("IntegrationRangeMax");
  if (!isEmpty(intMin) && !isEmpty(intMax)) {
    if (intMin > intMax) {
      issues["IntegrationRangeMin"] =
          "Range minimum set to a larger value than maximum.";
      issues["IntegrationRangeMax"] =
          "Range maximum set to a smaller value than minimum.";

  if (monWS && monSpecProp->isDefault()) {
    const int monIndex = getProperty("MonitorWorkspaceIndex");
    if (monIndex < 0) {
      issues["MonitorWorkspaceIndex"] = "A workspace index cannot be negative.";
    } else if (monWS->getNumberHistograms() <= static_cast<size_t>(monIndex)) {
      issues["MonitorWorkspaceIndex"] =
          "The MonitorWorkspace must contain the MonitorWorkspaceIndex.";
    MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inWS = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
    if (monWS->getInstrument()->getName() != inWS->getInstrument()->getName()) {
      issues["MonitorWorkspace"] = "The Input and Monitor workspaces must come "
                                   "from the same instrument.";
    if (monWS->getAxis(0)->unit()->unitID() !=
        inWS->getAxis(0)->unit()->unitID()) {
      issues["MonitorWorkspace"] =
          "The Input and Monitor workspaces must have the same unit";

  return issues;
Пример #3
/** Calculate and show the full (integrated) line, using the latest
 * integrated workspace. The apply() method must have been called
 * before calling this. */
void LineViewer::showFull()
  if (!m_sliceWS) return;
  MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr sliceMatrix = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const MatrixWorkspace>(m_sliceWS);
  if (sliceMatrix)
    MantidQwtMatrixWorkspaceData curveData(sliceMatrix, 0, false /*not logScale*/);
    Unit_const_sptr unit = sliceMatrix->getAxis(0)->unit();
    std::string title = unit->caption() + " (" + unit->label() + ")";
    m_plot->setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::xBottom, QString::fromStdString(title));;
    title = sliceMatrix->YUnit() + " (" + sliceMatrix->YUnitLabel() + ")";
    m_plot->setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::yLeft, QString::fromStdString(title));;
    MantidQwtIMDWorkspaceData curveData(m_sliceWS, false,
        VMD(), VMD(), m_lineOptions->getNormalization());
    m_plot->setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::xBottom, QString::fromStdString( curveData.getXAxisLabel() ));;
    m_plot->setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::yLeft, QString::fromStdString( curveData.getYAxisLabel() ));;

  if (m_previewCurve->isVisible())
  m_plot->setTitle("Integrated Line Plot");
Пример #4
void SaveNISTDAT::exec()
  MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWS = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
  std::string filename = getPropertyValue("Filename");

  // prepare to save to file
  std::ofstream out_File(filename.c_str());
  if (!out_File)
    g_log.error("Failed to open file:" + filename);
    throw Exception::FileError("Failed to open file:" , filename);
  out_File << "Data columns Qx - Qy - I(Qx,Qy) - err(I)\r\n";
  out_File << "ASCII data\r\n";

  // Set up the progress reporting object
  Progress progress(this,0.0,1.0,2);
  progress.report("Save I(Qx,Qy)");

  if ( inputWS->axes() > 1 && inputWS->getAxis(1)->isNumeric() )
    const Axis& axis = *inputWS->getAxis(1);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < axis.length()-1; i++)
      const double qy = (axis(i)+axis(i+1))/2.0;
      const MantidVec& XIn = inputWS->readX(i);
      const MantidVec& YIn = inputWS->readY(i);
      const MantidVec& EIn = inputWS->readE(i);

      for ( size_t j = 0; j < XIn.size()-1; j++)
        // Exclude NaNs
        if (YIn[j]==YIn[j])
          out_File << (XIn[j]+XIn[j+1])/2.0;
          out_File << "  " << qy;
          out_File << "  " << YIn[j];
          out_File << "  " << EIn[j] << "\r\n";
  progress.report("Save I(Qx,Qy)");
Пример #5
/** Get the x-axis units of the workspace
 * This will return either TOF or DSPACING depending on unit ID of
 * the workspace.
 * @param workspace :: the workspace to check x-axis units on
 * @return enum of type XAxisUnit with the value of TOF or DSPACING
FindSXPeaks::getWorkspaceXAxisUnit(MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr workspace) const {
  const auto xAxis = workspace->getAxis(0);
  const auto unitID = xAxis->unit()->unitID();

  if (unitID == "TOF") {
    return XAxisUnit::TOF;
  } else {
    return XAxisUnit::DSPACING;
Пример #6
 * Setup the output workspace
 * @param parent :: A pointer to the input workspace
 * @param newXBins [out] :: An output vector to be filled with the new X bin boundaries
 * @param newYBins [out] :: An output vector to be filled with the new Y bin boundaries
 * @return A pointer to the output workspace
MatrixWorkspace_sptr Rebin2D::createOutputWorkspace(MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr parent,
        MantidVec & newXBins,
        MantidVec & newYBins) const
    using Kernel::VectorHelper::createAxisFromRebinParams;
    // First create the two sets of bin boundaries
    const int newXSize = createAxisFromRebinParams(getProperty("Axis1Binning"), newXBins);
    const int newYSize = createAxisFromRebinParams(getProperty("Axis2Binning"), newYBins);
    // and now the workspace
    MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS;
    if (!this->useFractionalArea)
        outputWS = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(parent,newYSize-1,newXSize,newXSize-1);
        outputWS = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create("RebinnedOutput", newYSize-1, newXSize, newXSize-1);
        WorkspaceFactory::Instance().initializeFromParent(parent, outputWS, true);
    Axis* const verticalAxis = new NumericAxis(newYSize);
    // Meta data
    verticalAxis->unit() = parent->getAxis(1)->unit();
    verticalAxis->title() = parent->getAxis(1)->title();

    // Now set the axis values
    for (size_t i=0; i < static_cast<size_t>(newYSize-1); ++i)
    // One more to set on the 'y' axis

    return outputWS;
Пример #7
 * Find all of the spectra in the workspace that have width data
 * @param ws :: The workspace to search
void JumpFit::findAllWidths(MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr ws) {
  MantidQt::API::SignalBlocker<QObject> blocker(m_uiForm->cbWidth);

  auto axis = dynamic_cast<TextAxis *>(ws->getAxis(1));

  if (axis) {
    m_spectraList = findAxisLabelsWithSubstrings(axis, {".Width", ".FWHM"}, 3);

    for (const auto &iter : m_spectraList)
  } else {
    Execute the transformtion. Generates an output IMDEventWorkspace.
    @return the constructed IMDEventWorkspace following the transformation.
    @param ws: Input MatrixWorkspace const shared pointer
    IMDEventWorkspace_sptr ReflectometryTransformQxQz::execute(MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWs) const
      const size_t nbinsx = 10;
      const size_t nbinsz = 10;

      auto ws = boost::make_shared<MDEventWorkspace<MDLeanEvent<2>,2> >();
      MDHistoDimension_sptr qxDim = MDHistoDimension_sptr(new MDHistoDimension("Qx","qx","(Ang^-1)", static_cast<Mantid::coord_t>(m_qxMin), static_cast<Mantid::coord_t>(m_qxMax), nbinsx)); 
      MDHistoDimension_sptr qzDim = MDHistoDimension_sptr(new MDHistoDimension("Qz","qz","(Ang^-1)", static_cast<Mantid::coord_t>(m_qzMin), static_cast<Mantid::coord_t>(m_qzMax), nbinsz)); 


      // Set some reasonable values for the box controller
      BoxController_sptr bc = ws->getBoxController();

      // Initialize the workspace.

      // Start with a MDGridBox.

      auto spectraAxis = inputWs->getAxis(1);
      for(size_t index = 0; index < inputWs->getNumberHistograms(); ++index)
        auto counts = inputWs->readY(index);
        auto wavelengths = inputWs->readX(index);
        auto errors = inputWs->readE(index);
        const size_t nInputBins =  wavelengths.size() -1;
        const double theta_final = spectraAxis->getValue(index);
        //Loop over all bins in spectra 
        for(size_t binIndex = 0; binIndex < nInputBins; ++binIndex)
          const double& wavelength = 0.5*(wavelengths[binIndex] + wavelengths[binIndex+1]);
          double _qx = m_QxCalculation.execute(wavelength);
          double _qz = m_QzCalculation.execute(wavelength);
          double centers[2] = {_qx, _qz};

          ws->addEvent(MDLeanEvent<2>(float(counts[binIndex]), float(errors[binIndex]*errors[binIndex]), centers));
      return ws;
Пример #9
Test a workspace for compatibility with others on the basis of the arguments
@param ws : Workspace to test
@param xUnitID : Unit id for the x axis
@param YUnit : Y Unit
@param dist : flag indicating that the workspace should be a distribution
@param instrument : name of the instrument
@throws an invalid argument if a full match is not acheived.
void MergeRuns::testCompatibility(MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr ws,
                                  const std::string &xUnitID,
                                  const std::string &YUnit, const bool dist,
                                  const std::string instrument) const {
    std::string errors;
    if (ws->getAxis(0)->unit()->unitID() != xUnitID)
        errors += "different X units; ";
    if (ws->YUnit() != YUnit)
        errors += "different Y units; ";
    if (ws->isDistribution() != dist)
        errors += "not all distribution or all histogram type; ";
    if (ws->getInstrument()->getName() != instrument)
        errors += "different instrument names; ";
    if (errors.length() > 0) {
        g_log.error("Input workspaces are not compatible: " + errors);
        throw std::invalid_argument("Input workspaces are not compatible: " +
Пример #10
/** Executes the algorithm
 *  @throw runtime_error Thrown if algorithm cannot execute
void Fit1D::exec() {

  // Custom initialization

  // check if derivative defined in derived class
  bool isDerivDefined = true;
  gsl_matrix *M = NULL;
  try {
    const std::vector<double> inTest(m_parameterNames.size(), 1.0);
    std::vector<double> outTest(m_parameterNames.size());
    const double xValuesTest = 0;
    JacobianImpl J;
    M = gsl_matrix_alloc(m_parameterNames.size(), 1);
    // note nData set to zero (last argument) hence this should avoid further
    // memory problems
    functionDeriv(&(inTest.front()), &J, &xValuesTest, 0);
  } catch (Exception::NotImplementedError &) {
    isDerivDefined = false;

  // Try to retrieve optional properties
  int histNumber = getProperty("WorkspaceIndex");
  const int maxInterations = getProperty("MaxIterations");

  // Get the input workspace
  MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr localworkspace = getProperty("InputWorkspace");

  // number of histogram is equal to the number of spectra
  const size_t numberOfSpectra = localworkspace->getNumberHistograms();
  // Check that the index given is valid
  if (histNumber >= static_cast<int>(numberOfSpectra)) {
    g_log.warning("Invalid Workspace index given, using first Workspace");
    histNumber = 0;

  // Retrieve the spectrum into a vector
  const MantidVec &XValues = localworkspace->readX(histNumber);
  const MantidVec &YValues = localworkspace->readY(histNumber);
  const MantidVec &YErrors = localworkspace->readE(histNumber);

  // Read in the fitting range data that we were sent
  double startX = getProperty("StartX");
  double endX = getProperty("EndX");
  // check if the values had been set, otherwise use defaults
  if (isEmpty(startX)) {
    startX = XValues.front();
    modifyStartOfRange(startX); // does nothing by default but derived class may
                                // provide a more intelligent value
  if (isEmpty(endX)) {
    endX = XValues.back();
    modifyEndOfRange(endX); // does nothing by default but derived class may
                            // previde a more intelligent value

  int m_minX;
  int m_maxX;

  // Check the validity of startX
  if (startX < XValues.front()) {
    g_log.warning("StartX out of range! Set to start of frame.");
    startX = XValues.front();
  // Get the corresponding bin boundary that comes before (or coincides with)
  // this value
  for (m_minX = 0; XValues[m_minX + 1] < startX; ++m_minX) {

  // Check the validity of endX and get the bin boundary that come after (or
  // coincides with) it
  if (endX >= XValues.back() || endX < startX) {
    g_log.warning("EndX out of range! Set to end of frame");
    endX = XValues.back();
    m_maxX = static_cast<int>(YValues.size());
  } else {
    for (m_maxX = m_minX; XValues[m_maxX] < endX; ++m_maxX) {

  afterDataRangedDetermined(m_minX, m_maxX);

  // create and populate GSL data container warn user if l_data.n < l_data.p
  // since as a rule of thumb this is required as a minimum to obtained
  // 'accurate'
  // fitting parameter values.

  FitData l_data(this, getProperty("Fix"));

  l_data.n =
      m_maxX -
      m_minX; // m_minX and m_maxX are array index markers. I.e. e.g. 0 & 19.
  if (l_data.n == 0) {
    g_log.error("The data set is empty.");
    throw std::runtime_error("The data set is empty.");
  if (l_data.n < l_data.p) {
        "Number of data points less than number of parameters to be fitted.");
    throw std::runtime_error(
        "Number of data points less than number of parameters to be fitted.");
  l_data.X = new double[l_data.n];
  l_data.sigmaData = new double[l_data.n];
  l_data.forSimplexLSwrap = new double[l_data.n];
  l_data.parameters = new double[nParams()];

  // check if histogram data in which case use mid points of histogram bins

  const bool isHistogram = localworkspace->isHistogramData();
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < l_data.n; ++i) {
    if (isHistogram)
      l_data.X[i] =
          0.5 * (XValues[m_minX + i] +
                 XValues[m_minX + i + 1]); // take mid-point if histogram bin
      l_data.X[i] = XValues[m_minX + i];

  l_data.Y = &YValues[m_minX];

  // check that no error is negative or zero
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < l_data.n; ++i) {
    if (YErrors[m_minX + i] <= 0.0) {
      l_data.sigmaData[i] = 1.0;
    } else
      l_data.sigmaData[i] = YErrors[m_minX + i];

  // create array of fitted parameter. Take these to those input by the user.
  // However, for doing the
  // underlying fitting it might be more efficient to actually perform the
  // fitting on some of other
  // form of the fitted parameters. For instance, take the Gaussian sigma
  // parameter. In practice it
  // in fact more efficient to perform the fitting not on sigma but 1/sigma^2.
  // The methods
  // modifyInitialFittedParameters() and modifyFinalFittedParameters() are used
  // to allow for this;
  // by default these function do nothing.

  for (size_t i = 0; i < nParams(); i++) {
      m_fittedParameter); // does nothing except if overwritten by derived class
  for (size_t i = 0; i < nParams(); i++) {
    l_data.parameters[i] = m_fittedParameter[i];

  // set-up initial guess for fit parameters

  gsl_vector *initFuncArg;
  initFuncArg = gsl_vector_alloc(l_data.p);

  for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < nParams(); i++) {
    if (l_data.active[i])
      gsl_vector_set(initFuncArg, j++, m_fittedParameter[i]);

  // set-up GSL container to be used with GSL simplex algorithm

  gsl_multimin_function gslSimplexContainer;
  gslSimplexContainer.n = l_data.p; // n here refers to number of parameters
  gslSimplexContainer.f = &gsl_costFunction;
  gslSimplexContainer.params = &l_data;

  // set-up GSL least squares container

  gsl_multifit_function_fdf f;
  f.f = &gsl_f;
  f.df = &gsl_df;
  f.fdf = &gsl_fdf;
  f.n = l_data.n;
  f.p = l_data.p;
  f.params = &l_data;

  // set-up remaining GSL machinery for least squared

  const gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_type *T = gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_lmsder;
  gsl_multifit_fdfsolver *s = NULL;
  if (isDerivDefined) {
    s = gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_alloc(T, l_data.n, l_data.p);
    gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_set(s, &f, initFuncArg);

  // set-up remaining GSL machinery to use simplex algorithm

  const gsl_multimin_fminimizer_type *simplexType =
  gsl_multimin_fminimizer *simplexMinimizer = NULL;
  gsl_vector *simplexStepSize = NULL;
  if (!isDerivDefined) {
    simplexMinimizer = gsl_multimin_fminimizer_alloc(simplexType, l_data.p);
    simplexStepSize = gsl_vector_alloc(l_data.p);
                       1.0); // is this always a sensible starting step size?
    gsl_multimin_fminimizer_set(simplexMinimizer, &gslSimplexContainer,
                                initFuncArg, simplexStepSize);

  // finally do the fitting

  int iter = 0;
  int status;
  double finalCostFuncVal;
  double dof = static_cast<double>(
      l_data.n - l_data.p); // dof stands for degrees of freedom

  // Standard least-squares used if derivative function defined otherwise
  // simplex
  Progress prog(this, 0.0, 1.0, maxInterations);
  if (isDerivDefined) {

    do {
      status = gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_iterate(s);

      if (status) // break if error

      status = gsl_multifit_test_delta(s->dx, s->x, 1e-4, 1e-4);
    } while (status == GSL_CONTINUE && iter < maxInterations);

    double chi = gsl_blas_dnrm2(s->f);
    finalCostFuncVal = chi * chi / dof;

    // put final converged fitting values back into m_fittedParameter
    for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < nParams(); i++)
      if (l_data.active[i])
        m_fittedParameter[i] = gsl_vector_get(s->x, j++);
  } else {
    do {
      status = gsl_multimin_fminimizer_iterate(simplexMinimizer);

      if (status) // break if error

      double size = gsl_multimin_fminimizer_size(simplexMinimizer);
      status = gsl_multimin_test_size(size, 1e-2);
    } while (status == GSL_CONTINUE && iter < maxInterations);

    finalCostFuncVal = simplexMinimizer->fval / dof;

    // put final converged fitting values back into m_fittedParameter
    for (unsigned int i = 0, j = 0; i < m_fittedParameter.size(); i++)
      if (l_data.active[i])
        m_fittedParameter[i] = gsl_vector_get(simplexMinimizer->x, j++);

      m_fittedParameter); // do nothing except if overwritten by derived class

  // Output summary to log file

  std::string reportOfFit = gsl_strerror(status);

  g_log.information() << "Iteration = " << iter << "\n"
                      << "Status = " << reportOfFit << "\n"
                      << "Chi^2/DoF = " << finalCostFuncVal << "\n";
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_fittedParameter.size(); i++)
    g_log.information() << m_parameterNames[i] << " = " << m_fittedParameter[i]
                        << "  \n";

  // also output summary to properties

  setProperty("OutputStatus", reportOfFit);
  setProperty("OutputChi2overDoF", finalCostFuncVal);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_fittedParameter.size(); i++)
    setProperty(m_parameterNames[i], m_fittedParameter[i]);

  std::string output = getProperty("Output");
  if (!output.empty()) {
    // calculate covariance matrix if derivatives available

    gsl_matrix *covar(NULL);
    std::vector<double> standardDeviations;
    std::vector<double> sdExtended;
    if (isDerivDefined) {
      covar = gsl_matrix_alloc(l_data.p, l_data.p);
      gsl_multifit_covar(s->J, 0.0, covar);

      int iPNotFixed = 0;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < nParams(); i++) {
        if (l_data.active[i]) {
          sdExtended[i] = sqrt(gsl_matrix_get(covar, iPNotFixed, iPNotFixed));
      for (size_t i = 0; i < nParams(); i++)
        if (l_data.active[i])

          new WorkspaceProperty<API::ITableWorkspace>(
              "OutputNormalisedCovarianceMatrix", "", Direction::Output),
          "The name of the TableWorkspace in which to store the final "
          "covariance matrix");
                       output + "_NormalisedCovarianceMatrix");

      Mantid::API::ITableWorkspace_sptr m_covariance =
      m_covariance->addColumn("str", "Name");
          paramThatAreFitted; // used for populating 1st "name" column
      for (size_t i = 0; i < nParams(); i++) {
        if (l_data.active[i]) {
          m_covariance->addColumn("double", m_parameterNames[i]);

      for (size_t i = 0; i < l_data.p; i++) {

        Mantid::API::TableRow row = m_covariance->appendRow();
        row << paramThatAreFitted[i];
        for (size_t j = 0; j < l_data.p; j++) {
          if (j == i)
            row << 1.0;
          else {
            row << 100.0 * gsl_matrix_get(covar, i, j) /
                       sqrt(gsl_matrix_get(covar, i, i) *
                            gsl_matrix_get(covar, j, j));

      setProperty("OutputNormalisedCovarianceMatrix", m_covariance);

    declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<API::ITableWorkspace>(
                        "OutputParameters", "", Direction::Output),
                    "The name of the TableWorkspace in which to store the "
                    "final fit parameters");
        new WorkspaceProperty<MatrixWorkspace>("OutputWorkspace", "",
        "Name of the output Workspace holding resulting simlated spectrum");

    setPropertyValue("OutputParameters", output + "_Parameters");
    setPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace", output + "_Workspace");

    // Save the final fit parameters in the output table workspace
    Mantid::API::ITableWorkspace_sptr m_result =
    m_result->addColumn("str", "Name");
    m_result->addColumn("double", "Value");
    if (isDerivDefined)
      m_result->addColumn("double", "Error");
    Mantid::API::TableRow row = m_result->appendRow();
    row << "Chi^2/DoF" << finalCostFuncVal;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < nParams(); i++) {
      Mantid::API::TableRow row = m_result->appendRow();
      row << m_parameterNames[i] << m_fittedParameter[i];
      if (isDerivDefined && l_data.active[i]) {
        // perhaps want to scale standard deviations with sqrt(finalCostFuncVal)
        row << sdExtended[i];
    setProperty("OutputParameters", m_result);

    // Save the fitted and simulated spectra in the output workspace
    MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWorkspace = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
    int iSpec = getProperty("WorkspaceIndex");
    const MantidVec &inputX = inputWorkspace->readX(iSpec);
    const MantidVec &inputY = inputWorkspace->readY(iSpec);

    int histN = isHistogram ? 1 : 0;
    Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr ws =
                "Workspace2D", 3, l_data.n + histN, l_data.n));
    ws->getAxis(0)->unit() =
            ->unit(); //    UnitFactory::Instance().create("TOF");

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
          .assign(inputX.begin() + m_minX, inputX.begin() + m_maxX + histN);

    ws->dataY(0).assign(inputY.begin() + m_minX, inputY.begin() + m_maxX);

    MantidVec &Y = ws->dataY(1);
    MantidVec &E = ws->dataY(2);

    double *lOut =
        new double[l_data.n]; // to capture output from call to function()
    modifyInitialFittedParameters(m_fittedParameter); // does nothing except if
                                                      // overwritten by derived
                                                      // class
    function(&m_fittedParameter[0], lOut, l_data.X, l_data.n);
    modifyInitialFittedParameters(m_fittedParameter); // reverse the effect of
    // modifyInitialFittedParameters - if any

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < l_data.n; i++) {
      Y[i] = lOut[i];
      E[i] = l_data.Y[i] - Y[i];

    delete[] lOut;


    if (isDerivDefined)

  // clean up dynamically allocated gsl stuff

  if (isDerivDefined)
  else {

  delete[] l_data.X;
  delete[] l_data.sigmaData;
  delete[] l_data.forSimplexLSwrap;
  delete[] l_data.parameters;

Пример #11
		/** Executes the rebin algorithm
		*  @throw runtime_error Thrown if
		void Rebunch::exec()
			// retrieve the properties
			int n_bunch=getProperty("NBunch");

			// Get the input workspace
			MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputW = getProperty("InputWorkspace");

			bool dist = inputW->isDistribution();

			// workspace independent determination of length
                        int histnumber = static_cast<int>(inputW->size()/inputW->blocksize());

			const std::vector<double>& Xold = inputW->readX(0);
			const std::vector<double>& Yold = inputW->readY(0);
			int size_x=Xold.size();
			int size_y=Yold.size();
                        int size_x = static_cast<int>(inputW->readX(0).size());
                        int size_y = static_cast<int>(inputW->readY(0).size());

			//signal is the same length for histogram and point data
			int ny=(size_y/n_bunch);
			if(size_y%n_bunch >0)ny+=1;
			// default is for hist
			int nx=ny+1;
			bool point=false;
			if (size_x==size_y)

			// make output Workspace the same type is the input, but with new length of signal array
			API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputW = API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(inputW,histnumber,nx,ny);

            int progress_step = histnumber / 100;
            if (progress_step == 0) progress_step = 1;
			for (int hist=0; hist <  histnumber;hist++)
				// Ensure that axis information are copied to the output workspace if the axis exists
				catch( Exception::IndexError& )
				  // Not a Workspace2D

				// get const references to input Workspace arrays (no copying)
				const MantidVec& XValues = inputW->readX(hist);
				const MantidVec& YValues = inputW->readY(hist);
				const MantidVec& YErrors = inputW->readE(hist);

				//get references to output workspace data (no copying)
				MantidVec& XValues_new=outputW->dataX(hist);
				MantidVec& YValues_new=outputW->dataY(hist);
				MantidVec& YErrors_new=outputW->dataE(hist);

				// output data arrays are implicitly filled by function
					rebunch_hist(XValues,YValues,YErrors,XValues_new,YValues_new,YErrors_new,n_bunch, dist);

				if (hist % progress_step == 0)

			// Copy units
			if (outputW->getAxis(0)->unit().get())
			  outputW->getAxis(0)->unit() = inputW->getAxis(0)->unit();
			  if (inputW->getAxis(1)->unit().get())
			    outputW->getAxis(1)->unit() = inputW->getAxis(1)->unit();
			catch(Exception::IndexError&) {
			  // OK, so this isn't a Workspace2D

			// Assign it to the output workspace property

Пример #12
/** Executes the regroup algorithm
 *  @throw runtime_error Thrown if
void Regroup::exec()
  // retrieve the properties
  std::vector<double> rb_params=getProperty("Params");

  // Get the input workspace
  MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputW = getProperty("InputWorkspace");

  // can work only if all histograms have the same boundaries
  if (!API::WorkspaceHelpers::commonBoundaries(inputW))
    g_log.error("Histograms with different boundaries");
    throw std::runtime_error("Histograms with different boundaries");

  bool dist = inputW->isDistribution();

  int histnumber = static_cast<int>(inputW->getNumberHistograms());
  MantidVecPtr XValues_new;
  const MantidVec & XValues_old = inputW->readX(0);
  std::vector<int> xoldIndex;// indeces of new x in XValues_old
  // create new output X axis
  int ntcnew = newAxis(rb_params,XValues_old,XValues_new.access(),xoldIndex);

  // make output Workspace the same type is the input, but with new length of signal array
  API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputW = API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(inputW,histnumber,ntcnew,ntcnew-1);

  int progress_step = histnumber / 100;
  if (progress_step == 0) progress_step = 1;
  for (int hist=0; hist <  histnumber;hist++)
    // get const references to input Workspace arrays (no copying)
    const MantidVec& XValues = inputW->readX(hist);
    const MantidVec& YValues = inputW->readY(hist);
    const MantidVec& YErrors = inputW->readE(hist);

    //get references to output workspace data (no copying)
    MantidVec& YValues_new=outputW->dataY(hist);
    MantidVec& YErrors_new=outputW->dataE(hist);

    // output data arrays are implicitly filled by function
    rebin(XValues,YValues,YErrors,xoldIndex,YValues_new,YErrors_new, dist);


    if (hist % progress_step == 0)


  // Copy units
  if (outputW->getAxis(0)->unit().get())
    outputW->getAxis(0)->unit() = inputW->getAxis(0)->unit();
    if (inputW->getAxis(1)->unit().get())
      outputW->getAxis(1)->unit() = inputW->getAxis(1)->unit();
  catch(Exception::IndexError) {
    // OK, so this isn't a Workspace2D

  // Assign it to the output workspace property

Пример #13
  /** Executes the algorithm.
   *  @throw runtime_error Thrown if algorithm cannot execute
  void SaveNexusProcessed::exec()
    //TODO: Remove?

    Workspace_sptr inputWorkspace = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
    boost::shared_ptr<WorkspaceGroup> wsGrpSptr =
      processGroups(wsGrpSptr, this->getProperties());

    Progress prog_init(this, 0.0, 0.3, 5);

    // Retrieve the filename from the properties
    m_filename = getPropertyValue("Filename");
    //m_entryname = getPropertyValue("EntryName");
    m_title = getPropertyValue("Title");
    // Do we prserve events?
    bool PreserveEvents = getProperty("PreserveEvents");

    MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr matrixWorkspace = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const MatrixWorkspace>(inputWorkspace);
    ITableWorkspace_const_sptr tableWorkspace = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const ITableWorkspace>(inputWorkspace);
    // check if inputWorkspace is something we know how to save
    if (!matrixWorkspace && !tableWorkspace) 
    m_eventWorkspace = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const EventWorkspace>(matrixWorkspace);

    // If no title's been given, use the workspace title field
    if (m_title.empty()) 
      m_title = inputWorkspace->getTitle();

    // If we don't want to append then remove the file if it already exists
    bool append_to_file = getProperty("Append");
    if( !append_to_file )
      Poco::File file(m_filename);
      if( file.exists() )

    const std::string workspaceID = inputWorkspace->id();
    if ((workspaceID.find("Workspace2D") == std::string::npos) &&
        !m_eventWorkspace && !tableWorkspace)
      throw Exception::NotImplementedError("SaveNexusProcessed passed invalid workspaces. Must be Workspace2D, EventWorkspace or ITableWorkspace.");

    Mantid::NeXus::NexusFileIO *nexusFile= new Mantid::NeXus::NexusFileIO();

    if( nexusFile->openNexusWrite( m_filename ) != 0 )
      throw Exception::FileError("Failed to open file", m_filename);

    // Equivalent C++ API handle
    ::NeXus::File * cppFile = new ::NeXus::File(nexusFile->fileID);

    prog_init.reportIncrement(1, "Opening file");
    if( nexusFile->writeNexusProcessedHeader( m_title ) != 0 )
      throw Exception::FileError("Failed to write to file", m_filename);

    prog_init.reportIncrement(1, "Writing header");

    // write instrument data, if present and writer enabled
    if (matrixWorkspace) 
      // Save the instrument names, ParameterMap, sample, run
      prog_init.reportIncrement(1, "Writing sample and instrument");

      // check if all X() are in fact the same array
      const bool uniformSpectra = API::WorkspaceHelpers::commonBoundaries(matrixWorkspace);

      // Retrieve the workspace indices (from params)
      std::vector<int> spec;
      this->getSpectrumList(spec, matrixWorkspace);

      // Write out the data (2D or event)
      if (m_eventWorkspace && PreserveEvents)
        nexusFile->writeNexusProcessedData2D(matrixWorkspace,uniformSpectra,spec, "workspace", true);

      // MW 27/10/10 - don't try and save the spectra-detector map if there isn't one
      if ( matrixWorkspace->getAxis(1)->isSpectra() )
        cppFile->openGroup("instrument", "NXinstrument");
        matrixWorkspace->saveSpectraMapNexus(cppFile, spec, ::NeXus::LZW);

    }  // finish matrix workspace specifics 
    if (tableWorkspace)

    delete nexusFile;

Пример #14
  /** Executes the algorithm.
   *  @throw runtime_error Thrown if algorithm cannot execute
  void SaveNexusProcessed::exec()
    //TODO: Remove?

    Workspace_sptr inputWorkspace = getProperty("InputWorkspace");

    // Retrieve the filename from the properties
    m_filename = getPropertyValue("Filename");
    //m_entryname = getPropertyValue("EntryName");
    m_title = getPropertyValue("Title");
    // Do we prserve events?
    bool PreserveEvents = getProperty("PreserveEvents");

    MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr matrixWorkspace = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const MatrixWorkspace>(inputWorkspace);
    ITableWorkspace_const_sptr tableWorkspace = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const ITableWorkspace>(inputWorkspace);
    PeaksWorkspace_const_sptr peaksWorkspace = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const PeaksWorkspace>(inputWorkspace);
    OffsetsWorkspace_const_sptr offsetsWorkspace = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const OffsetsWorkspace>(inputWorkspace);
    if(peaksWorkspace) g_log.debug("We have a peaks workspace");
    // check if inputWorkspace is something we know how to save
    if (!matrixWorkspace && !tableWorkspace) {
      g_log.debug() << "Workspace "  << m_title << " not saved because it is not of a type we can presently save.\n";
    m_eventWorkspace = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const EventWorkspace>(matrixWorkspace);
    const std::string workspaceID = inputWorkspace->id();
    if ((workspaceID.find("Workspace2D") == std::string::npos) &&
      (workspaceID.find("RebinnedOutput") == std::string::npos) &&
      !m_eventWorkspace && !tableWorkspace && !offsetsWorkspace)
      throw Exception::NotImplementedError("SaveNexusProcessed passed invalid workspaces. Must be Workspace2D, EventWorkspace, ITableWorkspace, or OffsetsWorkspace.");

    // Create progress object for initial part - depends on whether events are processed
    if( PreserveEvents && m_eventWorkspace)
       m_timeProgInit = 0.07; // Events processed 0.05 to 1.0
      m_timeProgInit = 1.0; // All work is done in the initial part
    Progress prog_init(this, 0.0, m_timeProgInit, 7);

    // If no title's been given, use the workspace title field
    if (m_title.empty()) 
      m_title = inputWorkspace->getTitle();

    // If we don't want to append then remove the file if it already exists
    bool append_to_file = getProperty("Append");
    if( !append_to_file )
      Poco::File file(m_filename);
      if( file.exists() )
	// Then immediately open the file
    Mantid::NeXus::NexusFileIO *nexusFile= new Mantid::NeXus::NexusFileIO( &prog_init );

    nexusFile->openNexusWrite( m_filename );

    // Equivalent C++ API handle
    ::NeXus::File * cppFile = new ::NeXus::File(nexusFile->fileID);

    prog_init.reportIncrement(1, "Opening file");
    if( nexusFile->writeNexusProcessedHeader( m_title ) != 0 )
      throw Exception::FileError("Failed to write to file", m_filename);

    prog_init.reportIncrement(1, "Writing header");

    // write instrument data, if present and writer enabled
    if (matrixWorkspace) 
      // Save the instrument names, ParameterMap, sample, run
      prog_init.reportIncrement(1, "Writing sample and instrument");

      // check if all X() are in fact the same array
      const bool uniformSpectra = API::WorkspaceHelpers::commonBoundaries(matrixWorkspace);

      // Retrieve the workspace indices (from params)
      std::vector<int> spec;
      this->getSpectrumList(spec, matrixWorkspace);

      prog_init.reportIncrement(1, "Writing data");
      // Write out the data (2D or event)
      if (m_eventWorkspace && PreserveEvents)
      else if (offsetsWorkspace)
        g_log.warning() << "Writing SpecialWorkspace2D ID=" << workspaceID << "\n";
        nexusFile->writeNexusProcessedData2D(matrixWorkspace,uniformSpectra,spec, "offsets_workspace", true);
        nexusFile->writeNexusProcessedData2D(matrixWorkspace,uniformSpectra,spec, "workspace", true);

      // MW 27/10/10 - don't try and save the spectra-detector map if there isn't one
      if ( matrixWorkspace->getAxis(1)->isSpectra() )
        cppFile->openGroup("instrument", "NXinstrument");
        matrixWorkspace->saveSpectraMapNexus(cppFile, spec, ::NeXus::LZW);

    }  // finish matrix workspace specifics 

    if (peaksWorkspace) 
      // Save the instrument names, ParameterMap, sample, run
      prog_init.reportIncrement(1, "Writing sample and instrument");

    // peaks workspace specifics
    if (peaksWorkspace)
      //	g_log.information("Peaks Workspace saving to Nexus would be done");
      //	int pNum = peaksWorkspace->getNumberPeaks();
      peaksWorkspace->saveNexus( cppFile );

    } // finish peaks workspace specifics
    else if (tableWorkspace) // Table workspace specifics 
    }  // finish table workspace specifics

    // Switch to the Cpp API for the algorithm history


    delete nexusFile;

Пример #15
/** Executes the algorithm
 *  @throw runtime_error Thrown if algorithm cannot execute
void Max::exec()
  // Try and retrieve the optional properties
  m_MinRange = getProperty("RangeLower");
  m_MaxRange = getProperty("RangeUpper");
  m_MinSpec = getProperty("StartWorkspaceIndex");
  m_MaxSpec = getProperty("EndWorkspaceIndex");

  // Get the input workspace
  MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr localworkspace = getProperty("InputWorkspace");

  const int numberOfSpectra = static_cast<int>(localworkspace->getNumberHistograms());

  // Check 'StartSpectrum' is in range 0-numberOfSpectra
  if ( m_MinSpec > numberOfSpectra )
    g_log.warning("StartSpectrum out of range! Set to 0.");
    m_MinSpec = 0;
  if ( isEmpty(m_MaxSpec) ) m_MaxSpec = numberOfSpectra-1;
  if ( m_MaxSpec > numberOfSpectra-1 || m_MaxSpec < m_MinSpec )
    g_log.warning("EndSpectrum out of range! Set to max detector number");
    m_MaxSpec = numberOfSpectra;
  if ( m_MinRange > m_MaxRange )
    g_log.warning("Range_upper is less than Range_lower. Will integrate up to frame maximum.");
    m_MaxRange = 0.0;

  // Create the 1D workspace for the output
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWorkspace = API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(localworkspace,m_MaxSpec-m_MinSpec+1,2,1);

  Progress progress(this,0,1,(m_MaxSpec-m_MinSpec+1));
  // Loop over spectra
  for (int i = m_MinSpec; i <= m_MaxSpec; ++i)
    int newindex=i-m_MinSpec;
    if (localworkspace->axes() > 1)
      outputWorkspace->getAxis(1)->spectraNo(newindex) = localworkspace->getAxis(1)->spectraNo(i);

    // Retrieve the spectrum into a vector
    const MantidVec& X = localworkspace->readX(i);
    const MantidVec& Y = localworkspace->readY(i);

    // Find the range [min,max]
    MantidVec::const_iterator lowit, highit;
    if (m_MinRange == EMPTY_DBL()) lowit=X.begin();
    else lowit=std::lower_bound(X.begin(),X.end(),m_MinRange);

    if (m_MaxRange == EMPTY_DBL()) highit=X.end();
    else highit=std::find_if(lowit,X.end(),std::bind2nd(std::greater<double>(),m_MaxRange));

    // If range specified doesn't overlap with this spectrum then bail out
    if ( lowit == X.end() || highit == X.begin() ) continue;

    highit--; // Upper limit is the bin before, i.e. the last value smaller than MaxRange

    MantidVec::difference_type distmin=std::distance(X.begin(),lowit);
    MantidVec::difference_type distmax=std::distance(X.begin(),highit);

    // Find the max element
    MantidVec::const_iterator maxY=std::max_element(Y.begin()+distmin,Y.begin()+distmax);
    MantidVec::difference_type d=std::distance(Y.begin(),maxY);
    // X boundaries for the max element
    outputWorkspace->dataX(newindex)[1]=*(X.begin()+d+1); //This is safe since X is of dimension Y+1

  // Assign it to the output workspace property

Пример #16
    /** Executes the rebin algorithm
    *  @throw runtime_error Thrown if the bin range does not intersect the range of the input workspace
    void Rebin::exec()
      // Get the input workspace
      MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWS = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
      MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS = getProperty("OutputWorkspace");

      // Are we preserving event workspace-iness?
      bool PreserveEvents = getProperty("PreserveEvents");

      // Rebinning in-place
      bool inPlace = (inputWS == outputWS);

      // retrieve the properties
      const std::vector<double> rb_params=getProperty("Params");

      const bool dist = inputWS->isDistribution();

      const bool isHist = inputWS->isHistogramData();

      // workspace independent determination of length
      const int histnumber = static_cast<int>(inputWS->getNumberHistograms());
      MantidVecPtr XValues_new;
      // create new output X axis
      const int ntcnew = VectorHelper::createAxisFromRebinParams(rb_params, XValues_new.access());

      //Now, determine if the input workspace is actually an EventWorkspace
      EventWorkspace_const_sptr eventInputWS = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const EventWorkspace>(inputWS);

      if (eventInputWS != NULL)
        //------- EventWorkspace as input -------------------------------------
        EventWorkspace_sptr eventOutputWS = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<EventWorkspace>(outputWS);

        if (inPlace && PreserveEvents)
          // -------------Rebin in-place, preserving events ----------------------------------------------
          // This only sets the X axis. Actual rebinning will be done upon data access.
          this->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatrixWorkspace>(eventOutputWS));
        else if (!inPlace && PreserveEvents)
          // -------- NOT in-place, but you want to keep events for some reason. ----------------------
          // Must copy the event workspace to a new EventWorkspace (and bin that).

          //Make a brand new EventWorkspace
          eventOutputWS = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<EventWorkspace>(
              API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create("EventWorkspace", inputWS->getNumberHistograms(), 2, 1));
          //Copy geometry over.
          API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().initializeFromParent(inputWS, eventOutputWS, false);
          //You need to copy over the data as well.
          eventOutputWS->copyDataFrom( (*eventInputWS) );

          // This only sets the X axis. Actual rebinning will be done upon data access.

          //Cast to the matrixOutputWS and save it
          this->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatrixWorkspace>(eventOutputWS));
          //--------- Different output, OR you're inplace but not preserving Events --- create a Workspace2D -------
          g_log.information() << "Creating a Workspace2D from the EventWorkspace " << eventInputWS->getName() << ".\n";

          //Create a Workspace2D
          // This creates a new Workspace2D through a torturous route using the WorkspaceFactory.
          // The Workspace2D is created with an EMPTY CONSTRUCTOR
          outputWS = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create("Workspace2D",histnumber,ntcnew,ntcnew-1);
          WorkspaceFactory::Instance().initializeFromParent(inputWS, outputWS, true);

          //Initialize progress reporting.
          Progress prog(this,0.0,1.0, histnumber);

          //Go through all the histograms and set the data
          PARALLEL_FOR3(inputWS, eventInputWS, outputWS)
          for (int i=0; i < histnumber; ++i)

            //Set the X axis for each output histogram
            outputWS->setX(i, XValues_new);

            //Get a const event list reference. eventInputWS->dataY() doesn't work.
            const EventList& el = eventInputWS->getEventList(i);
            MantidVec y_data, e_data;
            // The EventList takes care of histogramming.
            el.generateHistogram(*XValues_new, y_data, e_data);

            //Copy the data over.
            outputWS->dataY(i).assign(y_data.begin(), y_data.end());
            outputWS->dataE(i).assign(e_data.begin(), e_data.end());

            //Report progress

          //Copy all the axes
          for (int i=1; i<inputWS->axes(); i++)
            outputWS->replaceAxis( i, inputWS->getAxis(i)->clone(outputWS.get()) );
            outputWS->getAxis(i)->unit() = inputWS->getAxis(i)->unit();

          //Copy the units over too.
          for (int i=0; i < outputWS->axes(); ++i)
            outputWS->getAxis(i)->unit() = inputWS->getAxis(i)->unit();

          // Assign it to the output workspace property
          setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outputWS);

      } // END ---- EventWorkspace