Пример #1
   * Disable points in the workpsace in the way that points which are not included in any of specified
   * sections are not used when fitting given workspace
   * @param ws :: Workspace to disable points in
   * @param sections :: Section we want to use for fitting
  void ALCBaselineModellingModel::disableUnwantedPoints(MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws,
    const std::vector<IALCBaselineModellingModel::Section>& sections)
    // Whether point with particular index should be disabled
    std::vector<bool> toDisable(ws->blocksize(), true);

    // Find points which are in at least one section, and exclude them from disable list
    for (size_t i = 0; i < ws->blocksize(); ++i)
      for (auto it = sections.begin(); it != sections.end(); ++it)
        if ( ws->dataX(0)[i] >= it->first && ws->dataX(0)[i] <= it->second )
          toDisable[i] = false;
          break; // No need to check other sections

    // XXX: Points are disabled by settings their errors to very high value. This makes those
    //      points to have very low weights during the fitting, effectively disabling them.

    const double DISABLED_ERR = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

    // Disable chosen points
    for (size_t i = 0; i < ws->blocksize(); ++i)
      if (toDisable[i])
        ws->dataE(0)[i] = DISABLED_ERR;
Пример #2
 * Computes the square root of the errors and if the input was a distribution
 * this divides by the new bin-width
 * @param outputWS The workspace containing the output data
 * @param inputWS The input workspace used for testing distribution state
void Rebin2D::normaliseOutput(MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS, MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWS)
    for(int64_t i = 0; i < static_cast<int64_t>(outputWS->getNumberHistograms()); ++i)

        MantidVec & outputY = outputWS->dataY(i);
        MantidVec & outputE = outputWS->dataE(i);
        for(size_t j = 0; j < outputWS->blocksize(); ++j)
            m_progress->report("Calculating errors");
            const double binWidth = (outputWS->readX(i)[j+1] - outputWS->readX(i)[j]);
            double eValue = std::sqrt(outputE[j]);
            // Don't do this for a RebinnedOutput workspace. The fractions
            // take care of such things.
            if( inputWS->isDistribution() && inputWS->id() != "RebinnedOutput")
                outputY[j] /= binWidth;
                eValue /= binWidth;
            outputE[j] = eValue;


Пример #3
CalculateIqt::removeInvalidData(MatrixWorkspace_sptr workspace) {
  auto binning = (workspace->blocksize() + 1) / 2;
  auto binV = workspace->x(0)[binning];
  workspace = cropWorkspace(workspace, binV);
  return replaceSpecialValues(workspace);
Пример #4
/** Create an output workspace of the appropriate (histogram or event) type
* and
* copy over the data
*  @param inputWS The input workspace
API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr ConvertUnits::setupOutputWorkspace(
    const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWS) {
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS = getProperty("OutputWorkspace");

  // If input and output workspaces are NOT the same, create a new workspace
  // for
  // the output
  if (outputWS != inputWS) {
    outputWS = inputWS->clone();

  if (!m_inputEvents && m_distribution) {
    // Loop over the histograms (detector spectra)
    Progress prog(this, 0.0, 0.2, m_numberOfSpectra);
    for (int64_t i = 0; i < static_cast<int64_t>(m_numberOfSpectra); ++i) {
      // Take the bin width dependency out of the Y & E data
      auto &X = outputWS->x(i);
      auto &Y = outputWS->mutableY(i);
      auto &E = outputWS->mutableE(i);
      for (size_t j = 0; j < outputWS->blocksize(); ++j) {
        const double width = std::abs(X[j + 1] - X[j]);
        Y[j] *= width;
        E[j] *= width;

      prog.report("Convert to " + m_outputUnit->unitID());
Пример #5
/** Return the to-be axis of the workspace dependent on the log entry
* @param ws : the input workspace
* @return : the x-axis to use for the output workspace
std::vector<double> ConjoinXRuns::getXAxis(MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws) const {

  std::vector<double> axis;
  auto &run = ws->run();
  // try time series first
  TimeSeriesProperty<double> *timeSeriesDouble(nullptr);
  timeSeriesDouble =
      dynamic_cast<TimeSeriesProperty<double> *>(run.getLogData(m_logEntry));
  if (timeSeriesDouble) {
    // try double series
    axis = timeSeriesDouble->filteredValuesAsVector();
  } else {
    // try int series next
    TimeSeriesProperty<int> *timeSeriesInt(nullptr);
    timeSeriesInt =
        dynamic_cast<TimeSeriesProperty<int> *>(run.getLogData(m_logEntry));
    if (timeSeriesInt) {
      std::vector<int> intAxis = timeSeriesInt->filteredValuesAsVector();
      axis = std::vector<double>(intAxis.begin(), intAxis.end());
    } else {
      // then scalar

  return axis;
Пример #6
  * Checks the input workspace's X data structure is logical.
  * @param inputWS pointer to input workspace
  * @returns True if the X structure of the given input is what we expect, i.e. NX=NY+1
 bool ConvertToPointData::isWorkspaceLogical(const MatrixWorkspace_sptr inputWS) const
   const size_t numBins = inputWS->blocksize();
   const size_t numBoundaries = inputWS->readX(0).size();
   if( numBoundaries != (numBins + 1) )
     g_log.error() << "The number of bin boundaries must be one greater than the number of bins. "
       << "Found nbins=" << numBins << " and nBoundaries=" << numBoundaries << "\n";
     return false;
   return true;
Пример #7
void IQTransform::exec()
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr inputWS = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
  // Print a warning if the input workspace has more than one spectrum
  if ( inputWS->getNumberHistograms() > 1 )
    g_log.warning("This algorithm is intended for use on single-spectrum workspaces.\n"
                  "Only the first spectrum will be transformed.");

  // Do background subtraction from a workspace first because it doesn't like
  // potential conversion to point data that follows. Requires a temporary workspace.
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr tmpWS;
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr backgroundWS = getProperty("BackgroundWorkspace");
  if ( backgroundWS ) tmpWS = subtractBackgroundWS(inputWS,backgroundWS);
  else tmpWS = inputWS;

  // Create the output workspace
  const size_t length = tmpWS->blocksize();
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(inputWS,1,length,length);
  // Copy the data over. Assume single spectrum input (output will be).
  // Take the mid-point of histogram bins
  if ( tmpWS->isHistogramData() )
  MantidVec& Y = outputWS->dataY(0) = tmpWS->dataY(0);
  outputWS->dataE(0) = tmpWS->dataE(0);

  // Subtract a constant background if requested
  const double background = getProperty("BackgroundValue");
  if ( background > 0.0 ) subtractBackgroundValue(Y,background);

  // Select the desired transformation function and call it
  TransformFunc f = m_transforms.find(getProperty("TransformType"))->second;

  // Need the generic label unit on this (unless the unit on the X axis hasn't changed)
  if ( ! m_label->caption().empty() ) outputWS->getAxis(0)->unit() = m_label;
void ImggFormatsConvertViewQtWidget::writeImg(
    MatrixWorkspace_sptr inWks, const std::string &outputName,
    const std::string &outFormat) const {
  if (!inWks)
  auto width = inWks->getNumberHistograms();
  if (0 == width)
  auto height = inWks->blocksize();

  QImage img(QSize(static_cast<int>(width), static_cast<int>(height)),

  int tableSize = 256;
  QVector<QRgb> grayscale(tableSize);
  for (int i = 0; i < grayscale.size(); i++) {
    int level = i; // would be equivalent: qGray(i, i, i);
    grayscale[i] = qRgb(level, level, level);

  // only 16 to 8 bits color map supported with current libraries
  const double scaleFactor = std::numeric_limits<unsigned short int>::max() /
                             std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max();
  for (int yi = 0; yi < static_cast<int>(width); ++yi) {
    const auto &row = inWks->readY(yi);
    for (int xi = 0; xi < static_cast<int>(width); ++xi) {
      int scaled = static_cast<int>(row[xi] / scaleFactor);
      // Images not from IMAT, just crop. This needs much improvement when
      // we have proper Load/SaveImage algorithms
      if (scaled > 255)
        scaled = 255;
      if (scaled < 0)
        scaled = 0;
      img.setPixel(xi, yi, scaled);

  writeImgFile(img, outputName, outFormat);
 * Construct an "empty" output workspace in virtual-lambda for summation in Q.
 * The workspace will have the same x values as the input workspace but the y
 * values will all be zero.
 * @return : a 1D workspace where y values are all zero
ReflectometryReductionOne2::constructIvsLamWS(MatrixWorkspace_sptr detectorWS) {

  // There is one output spectrum for each detector group
  const size_t numGroups = detectorGroups().size();
  // Calculate the number of bins based on the min/max wavelength, using
  // the same bin width as the input workspace
  const double binWidth = (detectorWS->x(0).back() - detectorWS->x(0).front()) /
  const int numBins = static_cast<int>(
      std::ceil((wavelengthMax() - wavelengthMin()) / binWidth));
  // Construct the histogram with these X values. Y and E values are zero.
  const BinEdges xValues(numBins, LinearGenerator(wavelengthMin(), binWidth));
  // Create the output workspace
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(
      detectorWS, numGroups, numBins, numBins - 1);

  // Loop through each detector group in the input
  for (size_t groupIdx = 0; groupIdx < numGroups; ++groupIdx) {
    // Get the detectors in this group
    auto &detectors = detectorGroups()[groupIdx];
    // Set the x values for this spectrum
    outputWS->setBinEdges(groupIdx, xValues);
    // Set the detector ID from the twoThetaR detector.
    const size_t twoThetaRIdx = twoThetaRDetectorIdx(detectors);
    auto &outSpec = outputWS->getSpectrum(groupIdx);
    const detid_t twoThetaRDetID =
    // Set the spectrum number from the twoThetaR detector
    SpectrumNumber specNum =
    auto indexInf = outputWS->indexInfo();
    indexInf.setSpectrumNumbers(specNum, specNum);

  return outputWS;
Пример #10
void NormaliseToMonitor::exec() {
  // Get the input workspace
  const MatrixWorkspace_sptr inputWS = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS = getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
  // First check the inputs

  bool isSingleCountWorkspace = false;
  try {
    isSingleCountWorkspace =
        (!inputWS->isHistogramData()) && (inputWS->blocksize() == 1);
  } catch (std::length_error &) {
    // inconsistent bin size, not a single count workspace
    isSingleCountWorkspace = false;

  // See if the normalization with integration properties are set.
  const bool integrate = setIntegrationProps(isSingleCountWorkspace);

  if (integrate)
    normaliseByIntegratedCount(inputWS, outputWS, isSingleCountWorkspace);
    normaliseBinByBin(inputWS, outputWS);

  setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outputWS);
  std::string norm_ws_name = getPropertyValue("NormFactorWS");
  if (!norm_ws_name.empty()) {
    std::string out_name = getPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace");
    if (out_name == norm_ws_name) {
      // if the normalization factor workspace name coincides with output
      // workspace name, add _normFactor suffix to this name
      norm_ws_name = norm_ws_name + "_normFactor";
      auto pProp = (this->getPointerToProperty("NormFactorWS"));
    if (!integrate)
      m_monitor = extractMonitorSpectra(m_monitor, m_workspaceIndexes);
    setProperty("NormFactorWS", m_monitor);
Пример #11
 * Sets a new preview spectrum for the mini plot.
 * @param value workspace index
void ResNorm::previewSpecChanged(int value) {
  m_previewSpec = value;

  // Update vanadium plot
  if (m_uiForm.dsVanadium->isValid())
        "Vanadium", m_uiForm.dsVanadium->getCurrentDataName(), m_previewSpec);

  // Update fit plot
  std::string fitWsGroupName(m_pythonExportWsName + "_Fit_Workspaces");
  std::string fitParamsName(m_pythonExportWsName + "_Fit");
  if (AnalysisDataService::Instance().doesExist(fitWsGroupName)) {
    WorkspaceGroup_sptr fitWorkspaces =
    ITableWorkspace_sptr fitParams =
    if (fitWorkspaces && fitParams) {
      Column_const_sptr scaleFactors = fitParams->getColumn("Scaling");
      std::string fitWsName(fitWorkspaces->getItem(m_previewSpec)->name());
      MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr fitWs =

      MatrixWorkspace_sptr fit = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(fitWs, 1);
      fit->setX(0, fitWs->readX(1));
      fit->getSpectrum(0)->setData(fitWs->readY(1), fitWs->readE(1));

      for (size_t i = 0; i < fit->blocksize(); i++)
        fit->dataY(0)[i] /= scaleFactors->cell<double>(m_previewSpec);

      m_uiForm.ppPlot->addSpectrum("Fit", fit, 0, Qt::red);
Пример #12
void ApplyPaalmanPings::run() {
  // Create / Initialize algorithm
  API::BatchAlgorithmRunner::AlgorithmRuntimeProps absCorProps;
  IAlgorithm_sptr applyCorrAlg =

  // get Sample Workspace
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr sampleWs =
  m_originalSampleUnits = sampleWs->getAxis(0)->unit()->unitID();

  // If not in wavelength then do conversion
  if (m_originalSampleUnits != "Wavelength") {
        "Sample workspace not in wavelength, need to convert to continue.");
    absCorProps["SampleWorkspace"] =
        addConvertUnitsStep(sampleWs, "Wavelength");
  } else {
    absCorProps["SampleWorkspace"] = m_sampleWorkspaceName;

  const bool useCan = m_uiForm.ckUseCan->isChecked();
  const bool useCorrections = m_uiForm.ckUseCorrections->isChecked();
  // Get Can and Clone
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr canClone;
  if (useCan) {
    const auto canName =
    const auto cloneName = "__algorithm_can";
    IAlgorithm_sptr clone =
    clone->setProperty("InputWorkspace", canName);
    clone->setProperty("Outputworkspace", cloneName);

    const bool useShift = m_uiForm.ckShiftCan->isChecked();
    if (useShift) {
      IAlgorithm_sptr scaleX = AlgorithmManager::Instance().create("ScaleX");
      scaleX->setProperty("InputWorkspace", cloneName);
      scaleX->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", cloneName);
      scaleX->setProperty("Factor", m_uiForm.spCanShift->value());
      scaleX->setProperty("Operation", "Add");
      IAlgorithm_sptr rebin =
      rebin->setProperty("WorkspaceToRebin", cloneName);
      rebin->setProperty("WorkspaceToMatch", m_sampleWorkspaceName);
      rebin->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", cloneName);
    canClone =
    // Check for same binning across sample and container
    if (!checkWorkspaceBinningMatches(sampleWs, canClone)) {
      const char *text =
          "Binning on sample and container does not match."
          "Would you like to rebin the container to match the sample?";

      int result = QMessageBox::question(NULL, tr("Rebin sample?"), tr(text),
                                         QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No,

      if (result == QMessageBox::Yes) {
      } else {
        g_log.error("Cannot apply absorption corrections "
                    "using a sample and "
                    "container with different binning.");

    // If not in wavelength then do conversion
    std::string originalCanUnits = canClone->getAxis(0)->unit()->unitID();
    if (originalCanUnits != "Wavelength") {
      g_log.information("Container workspace not in wavelength, need to "
                        "convert to continue.");
      absCorProps["CanWorkspace"] = addConvertUnitsStep(canClone, "Wavelength");
    } else {
      absCorProps["CanWorkspace"] = cloneName;

    const bool useCanScale = m_uiForm.ckScaleCan->isChecked();
    if (useCanScale) {
      const double canScaleFactor = m_uiForm.spCanScale->value();
      applyCorrAlg->setProperty("CanScaleFactor", canScaleFactor);

  if (useCorrections) {
    QString correctionsWsName = m_uiForm.dsCorrections->getCurrentDataName();

    WorkspaceGroup_sptr corrections =
    bool interpolateAll = false;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < corrections->size(); i++) {
      MatrixWorkspace_sptr factorWs =

      // Check for matching binning
      if (sampleWs && (sampleWs->blocksize() != factorWs->blocksize())) {
        int result;
        if (interpolateAll) {
          result = QMessageBox::Yes;
        } else {
          std::string text = "Number of bins on sample and " +
                             factorWs->name() + " workspace does not match.\n" +
                             "Would you like to interpolate this workspace to "
                             "match the sample?";

          result = QMessageBox::question(
              NULL, tr("Interpolate corrections?"), tr(text.c_str()),
              QMessageBox::YesToAll, QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No);

        switch (result) {
        case QMessageBox::YesToAll:
          interpolateAll = true;
        // fall through
        case QMessageBox::Yes:
          addInterpolationStep(factorWs, absCorProps["SampleWorkspace"]);
          g_log.error("ApplyPaalmanPings cannot run with corrections that do "
                      "not match sample binning.");


  // Generate output workspace name
  auto QStrSampleWsName = QString::fromStdString(m_sampleWorkspaceName);
  int nameCutIndex = QStrSampleWsName.lastIndexOf("_");
  if (nameCutIndex == -1)
    nameCutIndex = QStrSampleWsName.length();

  QString correctionType;
  switch (m_uiForm.cbGeometry->currentIndex()) {
  case 0:
    correctionType = "flt";
  case 1:
    correctionType = "cyl";
  case 2:
    correctionType = "anl";
  QString outputWsName = QStrSampleWsName.left(nameCutIndex);

  // Using corrections
  if (m_uiForm.ckUseCorrections->isChecked()) {
    outputWsName += "_" + correctionType + "_Corrected";
  } else {
    outputWsName += "_Subtracted";

  // Using container
  if (m_uiForm.ckUseCan->isChecked()) {
    const auto canName =
    MatrixWorkspace_sptr containerWs =
    auto run = containerWs->run();
    if (run.hasProperty("run_number")) {
      outputWsName +=
          "_" + QString::fromStdString(run.getProperty("run_number")->value());
    } else {
      auto canCutIndex = QString::fromStdString(canName).indexOf("_");
      outputWsName += "_" + QString::fromStdString(canName).left(canCutIndex);

  outputWsName += "_red";

  applyCorrAlg->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outputWsName.toStdString());

  // Add corrections algorithm to queue
  m_batchAlgoRunner->addAlgorithm(applyCorrAlg, absCorProps);

  // Run algorithm queue
  connect(m_batchAlgoRunner, SIGNAL(batchComplete(bool)), this,

  // Set the result workspace for Python script export
  m_pythonExportWsName = outputWsName.toStdString();
  // m_containerWorkspaceName = m_uiForm.dsContainer->getCurrentDataName();
  // updateContainer();
double DiffractionEventCalibrateDetectors::intensity(
    double x, double y, double z, double rotx, double roty, double rotz,
    std::string detname, std::string inname, std::string outname,
    std::string peakOpt, std::string rb_param, std::string groupWSName) {

  EventWorkspace_sptr inputW = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<EventWorkspace>(

  bool debug = true;
  CPUTimer tim;

  movedetector(x, y, z, rotx, roty, rotz, detname, inputW);
  if (debug)
    std::cout << tim << " to movedetector()\n";

  IAlgorithm_sptr alg3 = createChildAlgorithm("ConvertUnits");
  alg3->setProperty<EventWorkspace_sptr>("InputWorkspace", inputW);
  alg3->setPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace", outname);
  alg3->setPropertyValue("Target", "dSpacing");
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputW = alg3->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");

  if (debug)
    std::cout << tim << " to ConvertUnits\n";

  IAlgorithm_sptr alg4 = createChildAlgorithm("DiffractionFocussing");
  alg4->setProperty<MatrixWorkspace_sptr>("InputWorkspace", outputW);
  alg4->setProperty<MatrixWorkspace_sptr>("OutputWorkspace", outputW);
  alg4->setPropertyValue("GroupingFileName", "");
  alg4->setPropertyValue("GroupingWorkspace", groupWSName);
  outputW = alg4->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");

  // Remove file
  if (debug)
    std::cout << tim << " to DiffractionFocussing\n";

  IAlgorithm_sptr alg5 = createChildAlgorithm("Rebin");
  alg5->setProperty<MatrixWorkspace_sptr>("InputWorkspace", outputW);
  alg5->setProperty<MatrixWorkspace_sptr>("OutputWorkspace", outputW);
  alg5->setPropertyValue("Params", rb_param);
  outputW = alg5->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");

  if (debug)
    std::cout << tim << " to Rebin\n";

  // Find point of peak centre
  const MantidVec &yValues = outputW->readY(0);
  auto it = std::max_element(yValues.begin(), yValues.end());
  double peakHeight = *it;
  if (peakHeight == 0)
    return -0.000;
  double peakLoc = outputW->readX(0)[it - yValues.begin()];

  IAlgorithm_sptr fit_alg;
  try {
    // set the ChildAlgorithm no to log as this will be run once per spectra
    fit_alg = createChildAlgorithm("Fit", -1, -1, false);
  } catch (Exception::NotFoundError &) {
    g_log.error("Can't locate Fit algorithm");
  std::ostringstream fun_str;
  fun_str << "name=Gaussian,Height=" << peakHeight
          << ",Sigma=0.01,PeakCentre=" << peakLoc;
  fit_alg->setProperty("Function", fun_str.str());
  fit_alg->setProperty("InputWorkspace", outputW);
  fit_alg->setProperty("WorkspaceIndex", 0);
  fit_alg->setProperty("StartX", outputW->readX(0)[0]);
  fit_alg->setProperty("EndX", outputW->readX(0)[outputW->blocksize()]);
  fit_alg->setProperty("MaxIterations", 200);
  fit_alg->setProperty("Output", "fit");

  if (debug)
    std::cout << tim << " to Fit\n";

  std::vector<double> params; // = fit_alg->getProperty("Parameters");
  Mantid::API::IFunction_sptr fun_res = fit_alg->getProperty("Function");
  for (size_t i = 0; i < fun_res->nParams(); ++i) {
  peakHeight = params[0];
  peakLoc = params[1];

  movedetector(-x, -y, -z, -rotx, -roty, -rotz, detname, inputW);

  if (debug)
    std::cout << tim << " to movedetector()\n";

  // Optimize C/peakheight + |peakLoc-peakOpt|  where C is scaled by number of
  // events
  EventWorkspace_const_sptr inputE =
      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const EventWorkspace>(inputW);
  return (static_cast<int>(inputE->getNumberEvents()) / 1.e6) / peakHeight +
         std::fabs(peakLoc - boost::lexical_cast<double>(peakOpt));
Пример #14
/**  Checks input properties and compares them to previous values
*   @param is :: [output] Number of the first run
*   @param ie :: [output] Number of the last run
void PlotAsymmetryByLogValue::checkProperties(size_t &is, size_t &ie) {

  // Log Value
  m_logName = getPropertyValue("LogValue");
  // Get function to apply to logValue
  m_logFunc = getPropertyValue("Function");
  // Get type of computation
  m_int = (getPropertyValue("Type") == "Integral");
  // Get grouping properties
  m_forward_list = getProperty("ForwardSpectra");
  m_backward_list = getProperty("BackwardSpectra");
  // Get green and red periods
  m_red = getProperty("Red");
  m_green = getProperty("Green");
  // Get time min and time max
  m_minTime = getProperty("TimeMin");
  m_maxTime = getProperty("TimeMax");
  // Get type of dead-time corrections
  m_dtcType = getPropertyValue("DeadTimeCorrType");
  m_dtcFile = getPropertyValue("DeadTimeCorrFile");
  // Get runs
  std::string firstFN = getProperty("FirstRun");
  std::string lastFN = getProperty("LastRun");

  // Parse run names and get the number of runs
  parseRunNames(firstFN, lastFN, m_filenameBase, m_filenameExt,
  is = atoi(firstFN.c_str()); // starting run number
  ie = atoi(lastFN.c_str());  // last run number
  if (ie < is) {
    throw std::runtime_error(
        "First run number is greater than last run number");

  // Create a string holding all the properties
  std::ostringstream ss;
  ss << m_filenameBase << "," << m_filenameExt << "," << m_filenameZeros << ",";
  ss << m_dtcType << "," << m_dtcFile << ",";
  ss << getPropertyValue("ForwardSpectra") << ","
     << getPropertyValue("BackwardSpectra") << ",";
  ss << m_int << "," << m_minTime << "," << m_maxTime << ",";
  ss << m_red << "," << m_green << ",";
  ss << m_logName << ", " << m_logFunc;
  m_allProperties = ss.str();

  // Check if we can re-use results from previous run
  // We can reuse results if:
  // 1. There is a ws in the ADS with name m_currResName
  // 2. It is a MatrixWorkspace
  // 3. It has a title equatl to m_allProperties
  // This ws stores previous results as described below
  if (AnalysisDataService::Instance().doesExist(m_currResName)) {
    MatrixWorkspace_sptr prevResults =
    if (prevResults) {
      if (m_allProperties == prevResults->getTitle()) {
        // We can re-use results
        size_t nPoints = prevResults->blocksize();
        size_t nHisto = prevResults->getNumberHistograms();

        if (nHisto == 2) {
          // Only 'red' data
          for (size_t i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
            // The first spectrum contains: X -> run number, Y -> log value
            // The second spectrum contains: Y -> redY, E -> redE
            size_t run = static_cast<size_t>(prevResults->readX(0)[i]);
            if ((run >= is) && (run <= ie)) {
              m_logValue[run] = prevResults->readY(0)[i];
              m_redY[run] = prevResults->readY(1)[i];
              m_redE[run] = prevResults->readE(1)[i];
        } else {
          // 'Red' and 'Green' data
          for (size_t i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
            // The first spectrum contains: X -> run number, Y -> log value
            // The second spectrum contains: Y -> diffY, E -> diffE
            // The third spectrum contains: Y -> redY, E -> redE
            // The fourth spectrum contains: Y -> greenY, E -> greeE
            // The fifth spectrum contains: Y -> sumY, E -> sumE
            size_t run = static_cast<size_t>(prevResults->readX(0)[i]);
            if ((run >= is) && (run <= ie)) {
              m_logValue[run] = prevResults->readY(0)[i];
              m_diffY[run] = prevResults->readY(1)[i];
              m_diffE[run] = prevResults->readE(1)[i];
              m_redY[run] = prevResults->readY(2)[i];
              m_redE[run] = prevResults->readE(2)[i];
              m_greenY[run] = prevResults->readY(3)[i];
              m_greenE[run] = prevResults->readE(3)[i];
              m_sumY[run] = prevResults->readY(4)[i];
              m_sumE[run] = prevResults->readE(4)[i];
Пример #15
/** Carries out the bin-by-bin normalization
 *  @param inputWorkspace The input workspace
 *  @param outputWorkspace The result workspace
void NormaliseToMonitor::normaliseBinByBin(
    const MatrixWorkspace_sptr &inputWorkspace,
    MatrixWorkspace_sptr &outputWorkspace) {
  EventWorkspace_sptr inputEvent =

  // Only create output workspace if different to input one
  if (outputWorkspace != inputWorkspace) {
    if (inputEvent) {
      outputWorkspace = inputWorkspace->clone();
    } else
      outputWorkspace = create<MatrixWorkspace>(*inputWorkspace);
  auto outputEvent =

  const auto &inputSpecInfo = inputWorkspace->spectrumInfo();
  const auto &monitorSpecInfo = m_monitor->spectrumInfo();

  const auto specLength = inputWorkspace->blocksize();
  for (auto &workspaceIndex : m_workspaceIndexes) {
    // Get hold of the monitor spectrum
    const auto &monX = m_monitor->binEdges(workspaceIndex);
    auto monY = m_monitor->counts(workspaceIndex);
    auto monE = m_monitor->countStandardDeviations(workspaceIndex);
    size_t timeIndex = 0;
    if (m_scanInput)
      timeIndex = monitorSpecInfo.spectrumDefinition(workspaceIndex)[0].second;
    // Calculate the overall normalization just the once if bins are all
    // matching
    if (m_commonBins)
      this->normalisationFactor(monX, monY, monE);

    const size_t numHists = inputWorkspace->getNumberHistograms();
    // Flag set when a division by 0 is found
    bool hasZeroDivision = false;
    Progress prog(this, 0.0, 1.0, numHists);
    // Loop over spectra
        Kernel::threadSafe(*inputWorkspace, *outputWorkspace, *m_monitor))
    for (int64_t i = 0; i < int64_t(numHists); ++i) {

      const auto &specDef = inputSpecInfo.spectrumDefinition(i);
      if (!spectrumDefinitionsMatchTimeIndex(specDef, timeIndex))

      const auto &X = inputWorkspace->binEdges(i);
      // If not rebinning, just point to our monitor spectra, otherwise create
      // new vectors

      auto Y = (m_commonBins ? monY : Counts(specLength));
      auto E = (m_commonBins ? monE : CountStandardDeviations(specLength));

      if (!m_commonBins) {
        // ConvertUnits can give X vectors of all zeros - skip these, they
        // cause
        // problems
        if (X.back() == 0.0 && X.front() == 0.0)
        // Rebin the monitor spectrum to match the binning of the current data
        // spectrum
            monX.rawData(), monY.mutableRawData(), monE.mutableRawData(),
            X.rawData(), Y.mutableRawData(), E.mutableRawData(), false);
        // Recalculate the overall normalization factor
        this->normalisationFactor(X, Y, E);

      if (inputEvent) {
        // --- EventWorkspace ---
        EventList &outEL = outputEvent->getSpectrum(i);
        outEL.divide(X.rawData(), Y.mutableRawData(), E.mutableRawData());
      } else {
        // --- Workspace2D ---
        auto &YOut = outputWorkspace->mutableY(i);
        auto &EOut = outputWorkspace->mutableE(i);
        const auto &inY = inputWorkspace->y(i);
        const auto &inE = inputWorkspace->e(i);
        outputWorkspace->setSharedX(i, inputWorkspace->sharedX(i));

        // The code below comes more or less straight out of Divide.cpp
        for (size_t k = 0; k < specLength; ++k) {
          // Get the input Y's
          const double leftY = inY[k];
          const double rightY = Y[k];

          if (rightY == 0.0) {
            hasZeroDivision = true;

          // Calculate result and store in local variable to avoid overwriting
          // original data if output workspace is same as one of the input
          // ones
          const double newY = leftY / rightY;

          if (fabs(rightY) > 1.0e-12 && fabs(newY) > 1.0e-12) {
            const double lhsFactor = (inE[k] < 1.0e-12 || fabs(leftY) < 1.0e-12)
                                         ? 0.0
                                         : pow((inE[k] / leftY), 2);
            const double rhsFactor =
                E[k] < 1.0e-12 ? 0.0 : pow((E[k] / rightY), 2);
            EOut[k] = std::abs(newY) * sqrt(lhsFactor + rhsFactor);

          // Now store the result
          YOut[k] = newY;
        } // end Workspace2D case
      }   // end loop over current spectrum

    } // end loop over spectra

    if (hasZeroDivision) {
      g_log.warning() << "Division by zero in some of the bins.\n";
    if (inputEvent)
Пример #16
void GroupDetectors::exec()
  // Get the input workspace
  const MatrixWorkspace_sptr WS = getProperty("Workspace");

  std::vector<size_t> indexList = getProperty("WorkspaceIndexList");
  std::vector<specid_t> spectraList = getProperty("SpectraList");
  const std::vector<detid_t> detectorList = getProperty("DetectorList");

  // Could create a Validator to replace the below
  if ( indexList.empty() && spectraList.empty() && detectorList.empty() )
    g_log.information(name() +
      ": WorkspaceIndexList, SpectraList, and DetectorList properties are all empty, no grouping done");

  // Bin boundaries need to be the same, so check if they actually are
  if (!API::WorkspaceHelpers::commonBoundaries(WS))
    g_log.error("Can only group if the histograms have common bin boundaries");
    throw std::runtime_error("Can only group if the histograms have common bin boundaries");

  // If the spectraList property has been set, need to loop over the workspace looking for the
  // appropriate spectra number and adding the indices they are linked to the list to be processed
  if ( ! spectraList.empty() )
  }// End dealing with spectraList
  else if ( ! detectorList.empty() )
    // Dealing with DetectorList
    //convert from detectors to workspace indices
    WS->getIndicesFromDetectorIDs(detectorList, indexList);

  if ( indexList.empty() )
      g_log.warning("Nothing to group");

  const size_t vectorSize = WS->blocksize();

  const specid_t firstIndex = static_cast<specid_t>(indexList[0]);
  ISpectrum * firstSpectrum = WS->getSpectrum(firstIndex);


  // loop over the spectra to group
  Progress progress(this, 0.0, 1.0, static_cast<int>(indexList.size()-1));
  for (size_t i = 0; i < indexList.size()-1; ++i)
    // The current spectrum
    const size_t currentIndex = indexList[i+1];
    ISpectrum * spec = WS->getSpectrum(currentIndex);

    // Add the current detector to belong to the first spectrum

    // Add up all the Y spectra and store the result in the first one
    // Need to keep the next 3 lines inside loop for now until ManagedWorkspace mru-list works properly
    MantidVec &firstY = WS->dataY(firstIndex);
    MantidVec::iterator fYit;
    MantidVec::iterator fEit = firstSpectrum->dataE().begin();
    MantidVec::iterator Yit = spec->dataY().begin();
    MantidVec::iterator Eit = spec->dataE().begin();
    for (fYit = firstY.begin(); fYit != firstY.end(); ++fYit, ++fEit, ++Yit, ++Eit)
      *fYit += *Yit;
      // Assume 'normal' (i.e. Gaussian) combination of errors
      *fEit = sqrt( (*fEit)*(*fEit) + (*Eit)*(*Eit) );

    // Now zero the now redundant spectrum and set its spectraNo to indicate this (using -1)
    // N.B. Deleting spectra would cause issues for ManagedWorkspace2D, hence the the approach taken here

Пример #17
  * Returns the size of the new X vector
  * @param inputWS pointer to input workspace
  * @returns An integer giving the size of the new X vector
 size_t ConvertToPointData::getNewXSize(const MatrixWorkspace_sptr inputWS) const
   return static_cast<int>(inputWS->blocksize());
Пример #18
   * Execute the algorithm.
  void SofQW3::exec()
    MatrixWorkspace_sptr inputWS = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
    // Do the full check for common binning
    if( !WorkspaceHelpers::commonBoundaries(inputWS) )
      throw std::invalid_argument("The input workspace must have common binning across all spectra");

    RebinnedOutput_sptr outputWS = this->setUpOutputWorkspace(inputWS,
    g_log.debug() << "Workspace type: " << outputWS->id() << std::endl;
    setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outputWS);
    const size_t nEnergyBins = inputWS->blocksize();
    const size_t nHistos = inputWS->getNumberHistograms();

    // Progress reports & cancellation
    const size_t nreports(nHistos * nEnergyBins);
    m_progress = boost::shared_ptr<API::Progress>(new API::Progress(this, 0.0,

    // Compute input caches

    std::vector<double> par = inputWS->getInstrument()->getNumberParameter("detector-neighbour-offset");
    if (par.empty())
      // Index theta cache
      g_log.debug() << "Offset: " << par[0] << std::endl;
      this->m_detNeighbourOffset = static_cast<int>(par[0]);

    const MantidVec & X = inputWS->readX(0);

    PARALLEL_FOR2(inputWS, outputWS)
    for (int64_t i = 0; i < static_cast<int64_t>(nHistos); ++i) // signed for openmp

      DetConstPtr detector = inputWS->getDetector(i);
      if (detector->isMasked() || detector->isMonitor())

      double theta = this->m_theta[i];
      double phi = 0.0;
      double thetaWidth = 0.0;
      double phiWidth = 0.0;
      // Non-PSD mode
      if (par.empty())
        thetaWidth = this->m_thetaWidth;
      // PSD mode
        phi = this->m_phi[i];
        thetaWidth = this->m_thetaWidths[i];
        phiWidth = this->m_phiWidths[i];

      double thetaHalfWidth = 0.5 * thetaWidth;
      double phiHalfWidth = 0.5 * phiWidth;

      const double thetaLower = theta - thetaHalfWidth;
      const double thetaUpper = theta + thetaHalfWidth;

      const double phiLower = phi - phiHalfWidth;
      const double phiUpper = phi + phiHalfWidth;

      const double efixed = this->getEFixed(detector);

      for(size_t j = 0; j < nEnergyBins; ++j)
        m_progress->report("Computing polygon intersections");
        // For each input polygon test where it intersects with
        // the output grid and assign the appropriate weights of Y/E
        const double dE_j = X[j];
        const double dE_jp1 = X[j+1];

        const V2D ll(dE_j, this->calculateQ(efixed, dE_j, thetaLower, phiLower));
        const V2D lr(dE_jp1, this->calculateQ(efixed, dE_jp1, thetaLower, phiLower));
        const V2D ur(dE_jp1, this->calculateQ(efixed, dE_jp1, thetaUpper, phiUpper));
        const V2D ul(dE_j, this->calculateQ(efixed, dE_j, thetaUpper, phiUpper));
        Quadrilateral inputQ = Quadrilateral(ll, lr, ur, ul);

        this->rebinToFractionalOutput(inputQ, inputWS, i, j, outputWS, m_Qout);


    this->normaliseOutput(outputWS, inputWS);
Пример #19
/** Execute the algorithm.
void MaxEnt::exec() {

  // MaxEnt parameters
  // Complex data?
  bool complex = getProperty("ComplexData");
  // Image must be positive?
  bool positiveImage = getProperty("PositiveImage");
  // Autoshift
  bool autoShift = getProperty("AutoShift");
  // Increase the number of points in the image by this factor
  size_t densityFactor = getProperty("DensityFactor");
  // Background (default level, sky background, etc)
  double background = getProperty("A");
  // Chi target
  double chiTarget = getProperty("ChiTarget");
  // Required precision for Chi arget
  double chiEps = getProperty("ChiEps");
  // Maximum degree of non-parallelism between S and C
  double angle = getProperty("MaxAngle");
  // Distance penalty for current image
  double distEps = getProperty("DistancePenalty");
  // Maximum number of iterations
  size_t niter = getProperty("MaxIterations");
  // Maximum number of iterations in alpha chop
  size_t alphaIter = getProperty("AlphaChopIterations");
  // Number of spectra and datapoints
  // Read input workspace
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr inWS = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
  // Number of spectra
  size_t nspec = inWS->getNumberHistograms();
  // Number of data points
  size_t npoints = inWS->blocksize() * densityFactor;
  // Number of X bins
  size_t npointsX = inWS->isHistogramData() ? npoints + 1 : npoints;

  // The type of entropy we are going to use (depends on the type of image,
  // positive only, or positive and/or negative)
  MaxentData_sptr maxentData;
  if (positiveImage) {
    maxentData = boost::make_shared<MaxentData>(
  } else {
    maxentData = boost::make_shared<MaxentData>(

  // Output workspaces
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outImageWS;
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outDataWS;
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outEvolChi;
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outEvolTest;

  nspec = complex ? nspec / 2 : nspec;
  outImageWS =
      WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(inWS, 2 * nspec, npointsX, npoints);
  outDataWS =
      WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(inWS, 2 * nspec, npointsX, npoints);
  outEvolChi = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(inWS, nspec, niter, niter);
  outEvolTest = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(inWS, nspec, niter, niter);

  npoints *= 2;
  for (size_t s = 0; s < nspec; s++) {

    // Start distribution (flat background)
    std::vector<double> image(npoints, background);

    if (complex) {
      auto dataRe = inWS->readY(s);
      auto dataIm = inWS->readY(s + nspec);
      auto errorsRe = inWS->readE(s);
      auto errorsIm = inWS->readE(s + nspec);
      maxentData->loadComplex(dataRe, dataIm, errorsRe, errorsIm, image,
    } else {
      auto data = inWS->readY(s);
      auto error = inWS->readE(s);
      maxentData->loadReal(data, error, image, background);

    // To record the algorithm's progress
    std::vector<double> evolChi(niter, 0.);
    std::vector<double> evolTest(niter, 0.);

    // Progress
    Progress progress(this, 0, 1, niter);

    // Run maxent algorithm
    for (size_t it = 0; it < niter; it++) {

      // Calculate quadratic model coefficients
      // (SB eq. 21 and 24)
      double currAngle = maxentData->getAngle();
      double currChisq = maxentData->getChisq();
      auto coeffs = maxentData->getQuadraticCoefficients();

      // Calculate delta to construct new image (SB eq. 25)
      auto delta = move(coeffs, chiTarget / currChisq, chiEps, alphaIter);

      // Apply distance penalty (SB eq. 33)
      image = maxentData->getImage();
      delta = applyDistancePenalty(delta, coeffs, image, background, distEps);

      // Update image according to 'delta' and calculate the new Chi-square
      currChisq = maxentData->getChisq();

      // Record the evolution of Chi-square and angle(S,C)
      evolChi[it] = currChisq;
      evolTest[it] = currAngle;

      // Stop condition, solution found
      if ((std::abs(currChisq / chiTarget - 1.) < chiEps) &&
          (currAngle < angle)) {

      // Check for canceling the algorithm
      if (!(it % 1000)) {


    } // iterations

    // Get calculated data
    auto solData = maxentData->getReconstructedData();
    auto solImage = maxentData->getImage();

    // Populate the output workspaces
    populateDataWS(inWS, s, nspec, solData, outDataWS);
    populateImageWS(inWS, s, nspec, solImage, outImageWS, autoShift);

    // Populate workspaces recording the evolution of Chi and Test
    // X values
    for (size_t it = 0; it < niter; it++) {
      outEvolChi->dataX(s)[it] = static_cast<double>(it);
      outEvolTest->dataX(s)[it] = static_cast<double>(it);
    // Y values
    outEvolChi->dataY(s).assign(evolChi.begin(), evolChi.end());
    outEvolTest->dataY(s).assign(evolTest.begin(), evolTest.end());
    // No errors

  } // Next spectrum

  setProperty("EvolChi", outEvolChi);
  setProperty("EvolAngle", outEvolTest);
  setProperty("ReconstructedImage", outImageWS);
  setProperty("ReconstructedData", outDataWS);
Пример #20
/** Populates the output workspaces
* @param inWS :: [input] The input workspace
* @param spec :: [input] The current spectrum being analyzed
* @param nspec :: [input] The total number of histograms in the input workspace
* @param result :: [input] The result to be written in the output workspace
* @param outWS :: [input] The output workspace to populate
* @param autoShift :: [input] Whether or not to correct the phase shift
void MaxEnt::populateImageWS(const MatrixWorkspace_sptr &inWS, size_t spec,
                             size_t nspec, const std::vector<double> &result,
                             MatrixWorkspace_sptr &outWS, bool autoShift) {

  if (result.size() % 2)
    throw std::invalid_argument("Cannot write results to output workspaces");

  int npoints = static_cast<int>(result.size() / 2);
  int npointsX = inWS->isHistogramData() ? npoints + 1 : npoints;
  MantidVec X(npointsX);
  MantidVec YR(npoints);
  MantidVec YI(npoints);
  MantidVec E(npoints, 0.);

  double x0 = inWS->readX(spec)[0];
  double dx = inWS->readX(spec)[1] - x0;

  double delta = 1. / dx / npoints;
  int isOdd = (inWS->blocksize() % 2) ? 1 : 0;

  double shift = x0 * 2 * M_PI;
  if (!autoShift)
    shift = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
    int j = (npoints / 2 + i + isOdd) % npoints;
    X[i] = delta * (-npoints / 2 + i);

    double xShift = X[i] * shift;
    double c = cos(xShift);
    double s = sin(xShift);
    YR[i] = result[2 * j] * c - result[2 * j + 1] * s;
    YI[i] = result[2 * j] * s + result[2 * j + 1] * c;
    YR[i] *= dx;
    YI[i] *= dx;
  if (npointsX == npoints + 1)
    X[npoints] = X[npoints - 1] + delta;

  // Caption & label
  auto inputUnit = inWS->getAxis(0)->unit();
  if (inputUnit) {
    boost::shared_ptr<Kernel::Units::Label> lblUnit =
    if (lblUnit) {

      outWS->getAxis(0)->unit() = lblUnit;

  outWS->dataX(spec).assign(X.begin(), X.end());
  outWS->dataY(spec).assign(YR.begin(), YR.end());
  outWS->dataE(spec).assign(E.begin(), E.end());
  outWS->dataX(nspec + spec).assign(X.begin(), X.end());
  outWS->dataY(nspec + spec).assign(YI.begin(), YI.end());
  outWS->dataE(nspec + spec).assign(E.begin(), E.end());
Пример #21
 * Plots raw time data from .raw file before any data conversion has been
 * performed.
void ISISEnergyTransfer::plotRaw() {
  using Mantid::specnum_t;
  using MantidQt::API::BatchAlgorithmRunner;

  if (!m_uiForm.dsRunFiles->isValid()) {
    emit showMessageBox("You must select a run file.");

  int detectorMin = m_uiForm.spPlotTimeSpecMin->value();
  int detectorMax = m_uiForm.spPlotTimeSpecMax->value();

  if (detectorMin > detectorMax) {
    emit showMessageBox(
        "Minimum spectra must be less than or equal to maximum spectra.");
  const int startBack = m_uiForm.spBackgroundStart->value();
  const int endBack = m_uiForm.spBackgroundEnd->value();

  if (m_uiForm.ckBackgroundRemoval->isChecked() == true) {
    if (startBack > endBack) {
      emit showMessageBox("Background Start must be less than Background End");

  QString rawFile = m_uiForm.dsRunFiles->getFirstFilename();
  auto pos = rawFile.lastIndexOf(".");
  auto extension = rawFile.right(rawFile.length() - pos);
  QFileInfo rawFileInfo(rawFile);
  std::string name = rawFileInfo.baseName().toStdString();

  IAlgorithm_sptr loadAlg = AlgorithmManager::Instance().create("Load");
  loadAlg->setProperty("Filename", rawFile.toStdString());
  loadAlg->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", name);
  loadAlg->setProperty("LoadLogFiles", false);
  if (extension.compare(".nxs") == 0) {
    int64_t detectorMin =
    int64_t detectorMax =
    loadAlg->setProperty("SpectrumMin", detectorMin);
    loadAlg->setProperty("SpectrumMax", detectorMax);
  } else {
    loadAlg->setProperty("SpectrumMin", detectorMin);
    loadAlg->setProperty("SpectrumMax", detectorMax);


  if (m_uiForm.ckBackgroundRemoval->isChecked()) {
    MatrixWorkspace_sptr tempWs =
    const double minBack = tempWs->readX(0)[0];
    const double maxBack = tempWs->readX(0)[tempWs->blocksize()];

    if (startBack < minBack) {
      emit showMessageBox("The Start of Background Removal is less than the "
                          "minimum of the data range");

    if (endBack > maxBack) {
      emit showMessageBox("The End of Background Removal is more than the "
                          "maximum of the data range");

  // Rebin the workspace to its self to ensure constant binning
  BatchAlgorithmRunner::AlgorithmRuntimeProps inputToRebin;
  inputToRebin["WorkspaceToMatch"] = name;
  inputToRebin["WorkspaceToRebin"] = name;
  inputToRebin["OutputWorkspace"] = name;

  IAlgorithm_sptr rebinAlg =
  m_batchAlgoRunner->addAlgorithm(rebinAlg, inputToRebin);

  BatchAlgorithmRunner::AlgorithmRuntimeProps inputFromRebin;
  inputFromRebin["InputWorkspace"] = name;

  std::vector<specnum_t> detectorList;
  for (specnum_t i = detectorMin; i <= detectorMax; i++)

  if (m_uiForm.ckBackgroundRemoval->isChecked()) {
    std::vector<double> range;

    IAlgorithm_sptr calcBackAlg =
    calcBackAlg->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", name + "_bg");
    calcBackAlg->setProperty("Mode", "Mean");
    calcBackAlg->setProperty("StartX", range[0]);
    calcBackAlg->setProperty("EndX", range[1]);
    m_batchAlgoRunner->addAlgorithm(calcBackAlg, inputFromRebin);

    BatchAlgorithmRunner::AlgorithmRuntimeProps inputFromCalcBG;
    inputFromCalcBG["InputWorkspace"] = name + "_bg";

    IAlgorithm_sptr groupAlg =
    groupAlg->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", name + "_grp");
    groupAlg->setProperty("DetectorList", detectorList);
    m_batchAlgoRunner->addAlgorithm(groupAlg, inputFromCalcBG);

    IAlgorithm_sptr rawGroupAlg =
    rawGroupAlg->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", name + "_grp_raw");
    rawGroupAlg->setProperty("DetectorList", detectorList);
    m_batchAlgoRunner->addAlgorithm(rawGroupAlg, inputFromRebin);
  } else {
    IAlgorithm_sptr rawGroupAlg =
    rawGroupAlg->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", name + "_grp");
    rawGroupAlg->setProperty("DetectorList", detectorList);
    m_batchAlgoRunner->addAlgorithm(rawGroupAlg, inputFromRebin);

  disconnect(m_batchAlgoRunner, SIGNAL(batchComplete(bool)), this,
  connect(m_batchAlgoRunner, SIGNAL(batchComplete(bool)), this,
Пример #22
void ImageROIViewQtWidget::showProjectionImage(
    const Mantid::API::WorkspaceGroup_sptr &wsg, size_t idx) {

  MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws;
  try {
    ws = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatrixWorkspace>(wsg->getItem(idx));
    if (!ws)
  } catch (std::exception &e) {
        this, "Cannot load image",
        "There was a problem while trying to find the image data: " +

  const size_t MAXDIM = 2048 * 16;
  size_t width;
  try {
    width = boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(ws->run().getLogData("Axis1")->value());
    // TODO: add a settings option for this (like max mem allocation for
    // images)?
    if (width >= MAXDIM)
      width = MAXDIM;
  } catch (std::exception &e) {
    QMessageBox::critical(this, "Cannot load image",
                          "There was a problem while trying to "
                          "find the width of the image: " +

  size_t height;
  try {
    height =
    if (height >= MAXDIM)
      height = MAXDIM;
  } catch (std::exception &e) {
    QMessageBox::critical(this, "Cannot load image",
                          "There was a problem while trying to "
                          "find the height of the image: " +

  // images are loaded as 1 histogram == 1 pixel (1 bin per histogram):
  if (height != ws->getNumberHistograms() || width != ws->blocksize()) {
        this, "Image dimensions do not match in the input image workspace",
        "Could not load the expected "
        "number of rows and columns.");
  // find min and max to scale pixel values
  double min = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
         max = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < ws->getNumberHistograms(); ++i) {
    for (size_t j = 0; j < ws->blocksize(); ++j) {
      const double &v = ws->readY(i)[j];
      if (v < min)
        min = v;
      if (v > max)
        max = v;
  if (min >= max) {
        this, "Empty image!",
        "The image could be loaded but it contains "
        "effectively no information, all pixels have the same value.");
    // black picture
    QPixmap pix(static_cast<int>(width), static_cast<int>(height));
    pix.fill(QColor(0, 0, 0));
    m_basePixmap.reset(new QPixmap(pix));

  // load / transfer image into a QImage
  QImage rawImg(QSize(static_cast<int>(width), static_cast<int>(height)),
  const double max_min = max - min;
  const double scaleFactor = 255.0 / max_min;
  for (size_t yi = 0; yi < width; ++yi) {
    for (size_t xi = 0; xi < width; ++xi) {
      const double &v = ws->readY(yi)[xi];
      // color the range min-max in gray scale. To apply different color
      // maps you'd need to use rawImg.setColorTable() or similar.
      const int scaled = static_cast<int>(scaleFactor * (v - min));
      QRgb vRgb = qRgb(scaled, scaled, scaled);
      rawImg.setPixel(static_cast<int>(xi), static_cast<int>(yi), vRgb);

  // paint and show image
  // direct from image
  QPixmap pix = QPixmap::fromImage(rawImg);
  m_basePixmap.reset(new QPixmap(pix));
  // Alternative, drawing with a painter:
  // QPixmap pix(static_cast<int>(width), static_cast<int>(height));
  // QPainter painter;
  // painter.begin(&pix);
  // painter.drawImage(0, 0, rawImg);
  // painter.end();
  // m_ui.label_img->setPixmap(pix);
  // m_ui.label_img->show();
  // m_basePixmap.reset(new QPixmap(pix));