Пример #1
    nsCOMPtr<nsIAppShell> appShell(do_GetService(kAppShellCID));
#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
      // In content processes that want XPCOM (and hence want
      // AppShell), we usually run our hybrid event loop through
      // MessagePump::Run(), by way of nsBaseAppShell::Run().  The
      // Cocoa nsAppShell impl, however, implements its own Run()
      // that's unaware of MessagePump.  That's all rather suboptimal,
      // but oddly enough not a problem... usually.
      // The problem with this setup comes during startup.
      // XPCOM-in-subprocesses depends on IPC, e.g. to init the pref
      // service, so we have to init IPC first.  But, IPC also
      // indirectly kinda-depends on XPCOM, because MessagePump
      // schedules work from off-main threads (e.g. IO thread) by
      // using NS_DispatchToMainThread().  If the IO thread receives a
      // Message from the parent before nsThreadManager is
      // initialized, then DispatchToMainThread() will fail, although
      // MessagePump will remember the task.  This race condition
      // isn't a problem when appShell->Run() ends up in
      // MessagePump::Run(), because MessagePump will immediate see it
      // has work to do.  It *is* a problem when we end up in [NSApp
      // run], because it's not aware that MessagePump has work that
      // needs to be processed; that was supposed to be signaled by
      // nsIRunnable(s).
      // So instead of hacking Cocoa nsAppShell or rewriting the
      // event-loop system, we compromise here by processing any tasks
      // that might have been enqueued on MessagePump, *before*
      // MessagePump::ScheduleWork was able to successfully
      // DispatchToMainThread().
      MessageLoop* loop = MessageLoop::current();
      bool couldNest = loop->NestableTasksAllowed();

      RefPtr<Runnable> task = new MessageLoop::QuitTask();

#endif  // XP_MACOSX
    return appShell->Run();