int main(void) { MidiInput midiin; MidiOutput midiout; midiout.setPort(0);; midiin.setPort(0);; MidiEvent message; int sysexloc; unsigned char *sysexdata = NULL; int sysexsize = 0; int i; int running = 1; cout << "sysexio -- display and echo SYSEX messages from MIDI input" << endl; cout << "Press Middle C to quit." << endl; while (running) { if (midiin.getCount() > 0) { midiin.extract(message); if (message.getP0() == 0xf0) { sysexloc = message.getP1(); sysexdata = midiin.getSysex(sysexloc); sysexsize = midiin.getSysexSize(sysexloc); // print out the sysex data to the screen: for (i=0; i<sysexsize; i++) { cout << hex << (int)sysexdata[i] << " "; if ((i + 1) % 30 == 0) { cout << endl; } } cout << endl; // Now echo the messages to MIDI output (as a demo // for how to send Sysex outputs) midiout.rawsend(sysexdata, sysexsize); // As a courtesy, mark the midiin sysex buffer free // but this is not necessay (it will be erased when // more space is needed for storing a sysex. midiin.clearSysex(sysexloc); } else if ((message.getP0() & 0xf0) == 0x90) { // Exit the program when a middle C note is pressed. if (message.getP1() == 60 && message.getP2() > 0) { running = 0; } } } } return 0; }
void processMidiCommand(MidiEvent& message) { if (message.getP0() != 0x90 || message.getP2() == 0) { return; } switch (message.getP1()) { case 60: // Middle C = beat keyboardCommand(' '); break; case 61: // C# = amplitude control { double amp = performance.getAmp(); amp = amp * message.getP2() / 64; if (amp < 0) { amp = 0; } else if (amp > 127) { amp = 127; } performance.setAmp((int)amp); } break; case 71: // B = 1 beat tempo follow keyboardCommand('1'); break; case 72: // C = 2 beat tempo follow keyboardCommand('2'); break; case 73: // C# = 3 beat tempo follow keyboardCommand('3'); break; case 74: // D = 4 beat tempo follow keyboardCommand('4'); break; case 79: // G = constant tempo follow keyboardCommand('9'); break; case 80: // G# = automatic keyboardCommand('0'); break; case 62: // amplitude decrease keyboardCommand('['); break; case 63: // amplitude increase keyboardCommand(']'); break; case 64: // tempo decrease keyboardCommand('-'); break; case 65: // tempo increase keyboardCommand('='); break; } }
void mainloopalgorithms(void) { eventBuffer.checkPoll(); // see if any notes to play while (synth.getNoteCount() > 0) { message = synth.extractNote(); if (message.getP2() != 0) { lastnotes.insert(message.getP1()); lasttimes.insert(message.tick); distancee = lastnotes[0] - lastnotes[1]; duration = lasttimes[0] - lasttimes[1]; channel = 0x0f & message.getP0(); if (distancee != 0) { playgliss(message.getP1(), message.getP2(), channel, duration, distancee); } } } }
void mainloopalgorithms(void) { if (synth.getNoteCount() > 0) { while (synth.getNoteCount() > 0) { message = synth.extractNote(); if ((message.getP2() == 0) || ((message.getP0() & 0xf0) == 0x80)) { keystates[message.getP1()] = 0; } else if (message.getP2() != 0) { keystates[message.getP1()] = 1; } } getNewChordInfo(tempchord, keystates); lastnotetime = t_time; } if (t_time > lastnotetime + timedelta) { if (!equalChord(tempchord, currentchord)) { printNewChord(tempchord, chordset, names); currentchord = tempchord; } } }
void mainloopalgorithms(void) { if (comparestate && notetimer.expired()) { if (notetimer.expired() > 2) { notetimer.reset(); } else { notetimer.update(); } notestate = !notestate; if (notestate == 1 || notestate == -1) {, note, 64); data = 0x90; sentout.insert(data); data = note; sentout.insert(data); data = 64; sentout.insert(data); } else {, note, 0); data = 0x90; sentout.insert(data); data = note; sentout.insert(data); data = 0; sentout.insert(data); note += step * direction; if (note > highestnote) { note = lowestnote; } if (note < lowestnote) { note = highestnote; } } } if (midiinput.getCount() > 0) { midiinput.extract(message); receivedin.insert(message.getP0()); receivedin.insert(message.getP1()); receivedin.insert(message.getP2()); // check that the messages are identical if (receivedin.getCount() < 3) { cout << "Error: not enough received data" << endl; } else { receivedin.extract(checkin[0]); receivedin.extract(checkin[1]); receivedin.extract(checkin[2]); } if (sentout.getCount() < 3) { cout << "Error: not enough sent data" << endl; } else { sentout.extract(checkout[0]); sentout.extract(checkout[0]); sentout.extract(checkout[0]); } if ((checkout[0] != checkin[0]) || (checkout[1] != checkin[1]) || (checkout[2] != checkin[2])) { synth.rawsend(0xaa, 0x7f, 0x00); cout << "Error " << "output was = (" << hex << (int)checkout[0] << ") " << dec << (int)checkout[1] << " " << dec << (int)checkout[2] << "\tbut input is = (" << hex << (int)checkin[0] << ") " << dec << (int)checkin[1] << " " << dec << (int)checkin[2] << " " << endl; // assume that a note message was missed. if (sentout.getCount() < 3) { cout << "Error: not enough sent data during error" << endl; } else { sentout.extract(checkout[0]); sentout.extract(checkout[1]); sentout.extract(checkout[2]); } stop(); cout << "Press space to restart testing, " "or press 'S' to silence synth" << endl; } } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { options.setOptions(argc, argv); checkOptions(options); displayHeader(cout); if (fileQ) { displayHeader(outputfile); } KeyboardInput keyboard; // for typing comments into output file char keych; // character from keyboard MidiEvent message; int lastTime = -1;; while (1) { while (midi.getCount() > 0) { midi.extract(message); if (echoQ) { midi.send(message); } if ((!activeSensingQ) && (message.getP0() == 0xfe)) { // don't display incoming active-sensing messages continue; } // filter any specified message types if (suppressOffQ && ((message.getP0() & 0xf0) == 0x90) && (message.getP2() == 0)) { continue; } else if (filter[(message.getP0() >> 4) - 8]) { continue; } else if (cfilter[message.getP0() & 0x0f]) { continue; } // adjust message time to delta time if necessary if (!absoluteQ) { if (lastTime == -1) { lastTime = message.tick; message.tick = 0; } else { int temp = message.tick; message.tick = message.tick - lastTime; lastTime = temp; } } displayMessage(cout, message, style); if (fileQ) { displayMessage(outputfile, message, style); } } if (keyboardQ && keyboard.hit()) { keych = keyboard.getch(); switch (keych) { case 27: // escape key if (fileQ && bufferIndex != 0 && bufferIndex < MAX_KEY_BUFF) { inputBuffer[bufferIndex] = '\0'; outputfile << inputBuffer; } keyboard.deinitialize(); exit(0); break; case 0x08: // backspace key case 0x7f: // delete key if (bufferIndex > 0) { cout << "\b \b" << flush; bufferIndex--; } break; case 0x0a: // enter key only #ifdef VISUAL break; #endif case 13: // line feed cout << endl; if (bufferIndex < MAX_KEY_BUFF) { inputBuffer[bufferIndex] = '\0'; if (fileQ) { outputfile << inputBuffer << '\n'; } examineInputForCommand(inputBuffer); } bufferIndex = 0; break; case 0x0c: // ^L key (redraw input) cout << endl; if (bufferIndex < MAX_KEY_BUFF) { inputBuffer[bufferIndex] = '\0'; cout << inputBuffer << flush; } break; default: // normal key cout << keych << flush; if (bufferIndex < MAX_KEY_BUFF) { inputBuffer[bufferIndex++] = keych; } else { // buffer is WAY to long: kill it bufferIndex = 0; } } } millisleep(1); // sleep for 1 millisec for multi-tasking courtesy }
void processNote(MidiEvent message) { int key = message.getP1(); int velocity = message.getP2(); int channel = message.getP0() & 0x0f; int status = 1; if (message.getP0() - channel == 0x80 || velocity == 0) { status = 0; } if (status == 0) { if (key == C8 || key == B7) { trillcorrection = 0; } if (key == As7 || key == A7) { velcorrection = 0; } return; } if (key == C8) { trillcorrection = velocity / 10; return; } if (key == B7) { trillcorrection = -(velocity / 10); return; } if (key == As7) { velcorrection = +(velocity / 10); return; } if (key == A7) { velcorrection = -(velocity / 10); return; } if (key == A0) { for (int j=0; j<128; j++) { noteontimes[j] = t_time; } return; } if (key == A0) { for (int j=0; j<128; j++) { noteontimes[j] = t_time; } return; } noteontimes[key] = t_time; notetimes.insert(message.tick); notes.insert(key); if (notes[1] == 0) { trills.insert(0); return; } if (notes[2] != 0) { if (trills[0] == 1 && notetimes[1] - notetimes[2] < TRIGTIME) { trills.insert(0); return; } } trills.insert(1); int duration = notetimes[0] - notetimes[1]; if (duration < TRIGTIME && duration > MINTRIGTIME && notes[0] - notes[1] != 0) { createTrill(key, notes[1], velocity, channel, duration); } }