Пример #1
void MidiSenseWidget::updateMidi(){
	H2Core::Hydrogen *pEngine = H2Core::Hydrogen::get_instance();
	if(	!pEngine->lastMidiEvent.isEmpty() ){
		lastMidiEvent = pEngine->lastMidiEvent;
		lastMidiEventParameter = pEngine->lastMidiEventParameter;

		if( directWrite ){
		    //write the action / parameter combination to the midiMap
		    MidiMap *mM = MidiMap::get_instance();
		    MidiAction* pAction = new MidiAction( action->getType() );

		    //if( action->getParameter1() != 0){
		    pAction->setParameter1( action->getParameter1() );

		    if( lastMidiEvent.left(2) == "CC" ){
			    mM->registerCCEvent( lastMidiEventParameter , pAction );

		    if( lastMidiEvent.left(3) == "MMC" ){
			    mM->registerMMCEvent( lastMidiEvent , pAction );

		    if( lastMidiEvent.left(4) == "NOTE" ){
			    mM->registerNoteEvent( lastMidiEvent.toInt() , pAction );


Пример #2
void MidiTable::saveMidiTable()
	MidiMap *mM = MidiMap::get_instance();
	for ( int row = 0; row < __row_count; row++ ) {

		QComboBox * eventCombo =  dynamic_cast <QComboBox *> ( cellWidget( row, 1 ) );
		QSpinBox * eventSpinner = dynamic_cast <QSpinBox *> ( cellWidget( row, 2 ) );
		QComboBox * actionCombo = dynamic_cast <QComboBox *> ( cellWidget( row, 3 ) );
		QSpinBox * actionSpinner = dynamic_cast <QSpinBox *> ( cellWidget( row, 4 ) );

		QString eventString;
		QString actionString;

		if( !eventCombo->currentText().isEmpty() && !actionCombo->currentText().isEmpty() ){
			eventString = eventCombo->currentText();

			actionString = actionCombo->currentText();
			MidiAction* pAction = new MidiAction( actionString );

			if( actionSpinner->cleanText() != ""){
				pAction->setParameter1( actionSpinner->cleanText() );

			if( eventString.left(2) == "CC" ){
				mM->registerCCEvent( eventSpinner->cleanText().toInt() , pAction );
			} else if( eventString.left(3) == "MMC" ){
				mM->registerMMCEvent( eventString , pAction );
			} else if( eventString.left(4) == "NOTE" ){
				mM->registerNoteEvent( eventSpinner->cleanText().toInt() , pAction );
			} else if( eventString.left(14) == "PROGRAM_CHANGE" ){
				mM->registerPCEvent( pAction );
Пример #3
/// Load the preferences file
void Preferences::loadPreferences( bool bGlobal )
	bool recreate = false;	// configuration file must be recreated?

	QString sPreferencesDirectory;
	QString sPreferencesFilename;
	QString sDataDirectory;
	if ( bGlobal ) {
		sPreferencesDirectory = DataPath::get_data_path();
		sPreferencesFilename = sPreferencesDirectory + "/composite.default.conf";
		DEBUGLOG( "Loading preferences file (GLOBAL) [" + sPreferencesFilename + "]" );
	} else {
		sPreferencesFilename = m_sPreferencesFilename;
		sPreferencesDirectory = m_sPreferencesDirectory;
		sDataDirectory = QDir::homePath().append( "/.composite/data" );
		DEBUGLOG( "Loading preferences file (USER) [" + sPreferencesFilename + "]" );


	// preferences directory exists?
	QDir prefDir( sPreferencesDirectory );
	if ( !prefDir.exists() ) {
		if ( bGlobal ) {
			WARNINGLOG( "System configuration directory '" + sPreferencesDirectory + "' not found." );
		} else {
			ERRORLOG( "Configuration directory '" + sPreferencesDirectory + "' not found." );

	// data directory exists?
	QDir dataDir( sDataDirectory );
	if ( !dataDir.exists() ) {
		WARNINGLOG( "Data directory not found." );

	// soundLibrary directory exists?
	QString sDir = sDataDirectory;
	QString sDrumkitDir;
	QString sSongDir;
	QString sPatternDir;

	DEBUGLOG( "Creating soundLibrary directories in " + sDir );
	sDrumkitDir = sDir + "/drumkits";
	sSongDir = sDir + "/songs";
	sPatternDir = sDir + "/patterns";
	QDir drumkitDir( sDrumkitDir );
	QDir songDir( sSongDir );
	QDir patternDir( sPatternDir );
	if ( ! drumkitDir.exists() || ! songDir.exists() || ! patternDir.exists() )
	// pref file exists?
	std::ifstream input( sPreferencesFilename.toLocal8Bit() , std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );
	if ( input ) {

		// read preferences file
		QDomDocument doc = LocalFileMng::openXmlDocument( sPreferencesFilename );
		QDomNode rootNode = doc.firstChildElement( "hydrogen_preferences" );
		if ( !rootNode.isNull() ) {

			// version
			QString version = LocalFileMng::readXmlString( rootNode, "version", "" );
			if ( version.isEmpty() ) {
				recreate = true;

			//////// GENERAL ///////////
			//m_sLadspaPath = LocalFileMng::readXmlString( this, rootNode, "ladspaPath", m_sLadspaPath );
			m_bShowDevelWarning = LocalFileMng::readXmlBool( rootNode, "showDevelWarning", m_bShowDevelWarning );
			restoreLastSong = LocalFileMng::readXmlBool( rootNode, "restoreLastSong", restoreLastSong );
			m_bPatternModePlaysSelected = LocalFileMng::readXmlBool( rootNode, "patternModePlaysSelected", TRUE );
			hearNewNotes = LocalFileMng::readXmlBool( rootNode, "hearNewNotes", hearNewNotes );
			recordEvents = LocalFileMng::readXmlBool( rootNode, "recordEvents", recordEvents );
			quantizeEvents = LocalFileMng::readXmlBool( rootNode, "quantizeEvents", quantizeEvents );

			QDomNode pRecentUsedSongsNode = rootNode.firstChildElement( "recentUsedSongs" );
			if ( !pRecentUsedSongsNode.isNull() ) {
				QDomElement pSongElement = pRecentUsedSongsNode.firstChildElement( "song" );
				while( !pSongElement.isNull() && !pSongElement.text().isEmpty() ){
					m_recentFiles.push_back( pSongElement.text() );
					pSongElement = pSongElement.nextSiblingElement( "song" );
			} else {
				DEBUGLOG( "recentUsedSongs node not found" );

			QDomNode pRecentFXNode = rootNode.firstChildElement( "recentlyUsedEffects" );
			if ( ! pRecentFXNode.isNull() ) {
				QDomElement pFXElement = pRecentFXNode.firstChildElement( "FX" );
				while ( !pFXElement.isNull()  && ! pFXElement.text().isEmpty()) {
					m_recentFX.push_back( pFXElement.text() );
					pFXElement = pFXElement.nextSiblingElement( "FX" );
			} else {
				DEBUGLOG( "recentlyUsedEffects node not found" );

			QDomNode pServerListNode = rootNode.firstChildElement( "serverList" );
			if ( !pServerListNode.isNull() ) {
				QDomElement pServerElement = pServerListNode.firstChildElement( "server" );
				while ( !pServerElement.isNull() && !pServerElement.text().isEmpty() ) {
					sServerList.push_back( pServerElement.text() );
					pServerElement = pServerElement.nextSiblingElement( "server" );
			} else {
				DEBUGLOG( "serverList node not found" );

			QDomNode pPatternCategoriesNode = rootNode.firstChildElement( "patternCategories" );
			if ( !pPatternCategoriesNode.isNull() ) {
				QDomElement pPatternCategoriesElement = pPatternCategoriesNode.firstChildElement( "categories" );
				while ( !pPatternCategoriesElement.isNull() && !pPatternCategoriesElement.text().isEmpty() ) {
					m_patternCategories.push_back( pPatternCategoriesElement.text() );
					pPatternCategoriesElement = pPatternCategoriesElement.nextSiblingElement( "categories" );
			} else {
				DEBUGLOG( "patternCategories node not found" );

			m_sLastNews = LocalFileMng::readXmlString( rootNode, "lastNews", "-", true );

			/////////////// AUDIO ENGINE //////////////
			QDomNode audioEngineNode = rootNode.firstChildElement( "audio_engine" );
			if ( audioEngineNode.isNull() ) {
				DEBUGLOG( "audio_engine node not found" );
				recreate = true;
			} else {
				m_sAudioDriver = LocalFileMng::readXmlString( audioEngineNode, "audio_driver", m_sAudioDriver );
				m_bUseMetronome = LocalFileMng::readXmlBool( audioEngineNode, "use_metronome", m_bUseMetronome );
				m_fMetronomeVolume = LocalFileMng::readXmlFloat( audioEngineNode, "metronome_volume", 0.5f );
				m_nMaxNotes = LocalFileMng::readXmlInt( audioEngineNode, "maxNotes", m_nMaxNotes );
				m_nBufferSize = LocalFileMng::readXmlInt( audioEngineNode, "buffer_size", m_nBufferSize );
				m_nSampleRate = LocalFileMng::readXmlInt( audioEngineNode, "samplerate", m_nSampleRate );

				//// JACK DRIVER ////
				QDomNode jackDriverNode = audioEngineNode.firstChildElement( "jack_driver" );
				if ( jackDriverNode.isNull() ) {
					DEBUGLOG( "jack_driver node not found" );
					recreate = true;
				} else {
					m_sJackPortName1 = LocalFileMng::readXmlString( jackDriverNode, "jack_port_name_1", m_sJackPortName1 );
					m_sJackPortName2 = LocalFileMng::readXmlString( jackDriverNode, "jack_port_name_2", m_sJackPortName2 );
					QString sMode = LocalFileMng::readXmlString( jackDriverNode, "jack_transport_mode", "NO_JACK_TRANSPORT" );
					if ( sMode == "NO_JACK_TRANSPORT" ) {
						m_bJackTransportMode = NO_JACK_TRANSPORT;
					} else if ( sMode == "USE_JACK_TRANSPORT" ) {
						m_bJackTransportMode = USE_JACK_TRANSPORT;
					//jack time master
					QString tmMode = LocalFileMng::readXmlString( jackDriverNode, "jack_transport_mode_master", "NO_JACK_TIME_MASTER" );
					if ( tmMode == "NO_JACK_TIME_MASTER" ) {
						m_bJackMasterMode = NO_JACK_TIME_MASTER;
					} else if ( tmMode == "USE_JACK_TIME_MASTER" ) {
						m_bJackMasterMode = USE_JACK_TIME_MASTER;
					//~ jack time master

					m_bJackTrackOuts = LocalFileMng::readXmlBool( jackDriverNode, "jack_track_outs", m_bJackTrackOuts );
					m_bJackConnectDefaults = LocalFileMng::readXmlBool( jackDriverNode, "jack_connect_defaults", m_bJackConnectDefaults );

					m_nJackTrackOutputMode = LocalFileMng::readXmlInt( jackDriverNode, "jack_track_output_mode", m_nJackTrackOutputMode );

				/// MIDI DRIVER ///
				QDomNode midiDriverNode = audioEngineNode.firstChildElement( "midi_driver" );
				if ( midiDriverNode.isNull() ) {
					DEBUGLOG( "midi_driver node not found" );
					recreate = true;
				} else {
					m_sMidiDriver = LocalFileMng::readXmlString( midiDriverNode, "driverName", "JackMidi" );
					m_sMidiPortName = LocalFileMng::readXmlString( midiDriverNode, "port_name", "None" );
					m_nMidiChannelFilter = LocalFileMng::readXmlInt( midiDriverNode, "channel_filter", -1 );
					m_bMidiNoteOffIgnore = LocalFileMng::readXmlBool( midiDriverNode, "ignore_note_off", true );


			/////////////// GUI //////////////
			QDomNode guiNode = rootNode.firstChildElement( "gui" );
			if ( guiNode.isNull() ) {
				DEBUGLOG( "gui node not found" );
				recreate = true;
			} else {
				// QT Style
				m_sQTStyle = LocalFileMng::readXmlString( guiNode, "QTStyle", m_sQTStyle, true );

				// Application font family
				applicationFontFamily = LocalFileMng::readXmlString( guiNode, "application_font_family", applicationFontFamily );

				// Application font pointSize
				applicationFontPointSize = LocalFileMng::readXmlInt( guiNode, "application_font_pointsize", applicationFontPointSize );

				// mixer font family
				mixerFontFamily = LocalFileMng::readXmlString( guiNode, "mixer_font_family", mixerFontFamily );

				// mixer font pointSize
				mixerFontPointSize = LocalFileMng::readXmlInt( guiNode, "mixer_font_pointsize", mixerFontPointSize );

				// Mixer falloff speed
				mixerFalloffSpeed = LocalFileMng::readXmlFloat( guiNode, "mixer_falloff_speed", 1.1f );

				// pattern editor grid resolution
				m_nPatternEditorGridResolution = LocalFileMng::readXmlInt( guiNode, "patternEditorGridResolution", m_nPatternEditorGridResolution );
				m_bPatternEditorUsingTriplets = LocalFileMng::readXmlBool( guiNode, "patternEditorUsingTriplets", m_bPatternEditorUsingTriplets );
				m_bShowInstrumentPeaks = LocalFileMng::readXmlBool( guiNode, "showInstrumentPeaks", m_bShowInstrumentPeaks );
				m_bIsFXTabVisible = LocalFileMng::readXmlBool( guiNode, "isFXTabVisible", m_bIsFXTabVisible );

				// pattern editor grid height
				m_nPatternEditorGridHeight = LocalFileMng::readXmlInt( guiNode, "patternEditorGridHeight", m_nPatternEditorGridHeight );

				// pattern editor grid width
				m_nPatternEditorGridWidth = LocalFileMng::readXmlInt( guiNode, "patternEditorGridWidth", m_nPatternEditorGridWidth );

				// mainForm window properties
				setMainFormProperties( readWindowProperties( guiNode, "mainForm_properties", mainFormProperties ) );
				setMixerProperties( readWindowProperties( guiNode, "mixer_properties", mixerProperties ) );
				setPatternEditorProperties( readWindowProperties( guiNode, "patternEditor_properties", patternEditorProperties ) );
				setSongEditorProperties( readWindowProperties( guiNode, "songEditor_properties", songEditorProperties ) );
				setAudioEngineInfoProperties( readWindowProperties( guiNode, "audioEngineInfo_properties", audioEngineInfoProperties ) );

				m_bFollowPlayhead = LocalFileMng::readXmlBool( guiNode, "followPlayhead", true );

				QString bcMode = LocalFileMng::readXmlString( guiNode, "bc", "BC_OFF" );
					if ( bcMode == "BC_OFF" ) {
						m_bbc = BC_OFF;
					} else if ( bcMode == "BC_ON" ) {
						m_bbc = BC_ON;

				QString setPlay = LocalFileMng::readXmlString( guiNode, "setplay", "SET_PLAY_OFF" );
					if ( setPlay == "SET_PLAY_OFF" ) {
						m_mmcsetplay = SET_PLAY_OFF;
					} else if ( setPlay == "SET_PLAY_ON" ) {
						m_mmcsetplay = SET_PLAY_ON;
				m_countOffset = LocalFileMng::readXmlInt( guiNode, "countoffset", 0 );
				m_startOffset = LocalFileMng::readXmlInt( guiNode, "playoffset", 0 );
				//~ beatcounter
				//SoundLibraryPanel expand items
				__expandSongItem = LocalFileMng::readXmlBool( guiNode, "expandSongItem", __expandSongItem );
				__expandPatternItem = LocalFileMng::readXmlBool( guiNode, "expandPatternItem", __expandPatternItem ); 

				for ( unsigned nFX = 0; nFX < MAX_FX; nFX++ ) {
					QString sNodeName = QString("ladspaFX_properties%1").arg( nFX );
					setLadspaProperties( nFX, readWindowProperties( guiNode, sNodeName, m_ladspaProperties[nFX] ) );

				QDomNode pUIStyle = guiNode.firstChildElement( "UI_Style" );
				if ( !pUIStyle.isNull() ) {
					readUIStyle( pUIStyle );
				} else {
					DEBUGLOG( "UI_Style node not found" );
					recreate = true;

			/////////////// FILES //////////////
			QDomNode filesNode = rootNode.firstChildElement( "files" );
			if ( filesNode.isNull() ) {
				DEBUGLOG( "files node not found" );
				recreate = true;
			} else {
				// last used song
				lastSongFilename = LocalFileMng::readXmlString( filesNode, "lastSongFilename", lastSongFilename, true );
				m_sDefaultEditor = LocalFileMng::readXmlString( filesNode, "defaulteditor", m_sDefaultEditor, true );

			MidiMap* mM = get_midi_map();
			QDomNode pMidiEventMapNode = rootNode.firstChildElement( "midiEventMap" );
			if ( !pMidiEventMapNode.isNull() ) {

				QDomNode pMidiEventNode = pMidiEventMapNode.firstChildElement( "midiEvent" );
				while ( !pMidiEventNode.isNull() ) {
					if( pMidiEventNode.firstChildElement().nodeValue() == QString("mmcEvent")){
						QString event = pMidiEventNode.firstChildElement("mmcEvent").firstChildElement().nodeValue();
						QString s_action = pMidiEventNode.firstChildElement("action").firstChildElement().nodeValue();
						QString s_param = pMidiEventNode.firstChildElement("parameter").firstChildElement().nodeValue();
						Action* pAction = new Action( s_action );
						pAction->setParameter1( s_param );
						mM->registerMMCEvent(event, pAction);

					if( pMidiEventNode.firstChildElement().nodeValue() == QString("noteEvent")){
						QString event = pMidiEventNode.firstChildElement("noteEvent").firstChildElement().nodeValue();
						QString s_action = pMidiEventNode.firstChildElement("action").firstChildElement().nodeValue();
						QString s_param = pMidiEventNode.firstChildElement("parameter").firstChildElement().nodeValue();
						QString s_eventParameter = pMidiEventNode.firstChildElement("eventParameter").firstChildElement().nodeValue();
						Action* pAction = new Action( s_action );
						pAction->setParameter1( s_param );
						mM->registerNoteEvent(s_eventParameter.toInt(), pAction);

					if( pMidiEventNode.firstChildElement().nodeValue() == QString("ccEvent") ){
						QString event = pMidiEventNode.firstChildElement("ccEvent").firstChildElement().nodeValue();
						QString s_action = pMidiEventNode.firstChildElement("action").firstChildElement().nodeValue();
						QString s_param = pMidiEventNode.firstChildElement("parameter").firstChildElement().nodeValue();
						QString s_eventParameter = pMidiEventNode.firstChildElement("eventParameter").firstChildElement().nodeValue();
						Action * pAction = new Action( s_action );
						pAction->setParameter1( s_param );
						mM->registerCCEvent( s_eventParameter.toInt(), pAction );

					pMidiEventNode = pMidiEventNode.nextSiblingElement( "midiEvent" );

			} else {
				DEBUGLOG( "midiMap node not found" );

		} // rootNode
		else {
			DEBUGLOG( "hydrogen_preferences node not found" );
			recreate = true;
	} else {
		if ( bGlobal ) {
			WARNINGLOG( "System configuration file not found." );
		} else {
			WARNINGLOG( "Configuration file not found." );
			recreate = true;

	// The preferences file should be recreated?
	if ( recreate == true ) {
		WARNINGLOG( "Recreating configuration file." );
