Пример #1
    void prepareToPlay (int samplesPerBlockExpected,
                        double sampleRate)
        midiCollector.reset (sampleRate);

        synth.setCurrentPlaybackSampleRate (sampleRate);
Пример #2
    void getNextAudioBlock (const AudioSourceChannelInfo& bufferToFill)
        // the synth always adds its output to the audio buffer, so we have to clear it
        // first..

        // fill a midi buffer with incoming messages from the midi input.
        MidiBuffer incomingMidi;
        midiCollector.removeNextBlockOfMessages (incomingMidi, bufferToFill.numSamples);

        // and now get the synth to process the midi events and generate its output.
        synth.renderNextBlock (*bufferToFill.buffer, incomingMidi, 0, bufferToFill.numSamples);
Пример #3
    void getNextAudioBlock (const AudioSourceChannelInfo& bufferToFill)
        // the synth always adds its output to the audio buffer, so we have to clear it
        // first..

        // fill a midi buffer with incoming messages from the midi input.
        MidiBuffer incomingMidi;
        midiCollector.removeNextBlockOfMessages (incomingMidi, bufferToFill.numSamples);

        // pass these messages to the keyboard state so that it can update the component
        // to show on-screen which keys are being pressed on the physical midi keyboard.
        // This call will also add midi messages to the buffer which were generated by
        // the mouse-clicking on the on-screen keyboard.
        keyboardState.processNextMidiBuffer (incomingMidi, 0, bufferToFill.numSamples, true);

        // and now get the synth to process the midi events and generate its output.
        synth.renderNextBlock (*bufferToFill.buffer, incomingMidi, 0, bufferToFill.numSamples);
void MidiMonitorEditor::timerCallback ()
    MidiBuffer tmpBuffer;
    int hours, minutes, seconds, frames;
    MidiMessage::SmpteTimecodeType timeCode;
    MidiMessageCollector* collector = owner->getMessageCollector ();
    collector->removeNextBlockOfMessages (tmpBuffer, 1024);
    if (! tmpBuffer.isEmpty())
        String midiLine;

        int samplePos = 0;
        MidiMessage msg (0xf4, 0.0);
        MidiBuffer::Iterator eventIterator (tmpBuffer);

        while (eventIterator.getNextEvent (msg, samplePos))
           midiLine.printf (T("[CH: %d] "), msg.getChannel());

           if (msg.isNoteOnOrOff ())
                midiLine += MidiMessage::getMidiNoteName (msg.getNoteNumber(),
                                                          true, true, 0);
                midiLine += " ";
                midiLine += String ((int) msg.getVelocity ());

                if (msg.isNoteOn())
                    midiLine += " ON";
                    midiLine += " OFF";
           else if (msg.isAllNotesOff())
                midiLine += "ALL NOTES OFF";
           else if (msg.isAllSoundOff())
                midiLine += "ALL SOUND OFF";
           else if (msg.isPitchWheel())
                midiLine += "PITCHWEEL: ";
                midiLine += String (msg.getPitchWheelValue());
           else if (msg.isAftertouch())
                midiLine += "AFTERTOUCH: ";
                midiLine += String (msg.getAfterTouchValue());
           else if (msg.isChannelPressure())
                midiLine += "CHANNELPRESSURE: ";
                midiLine += String (msg.getChannelPressureValue());
           else if (msg.isSysEx())
                midiLine += "SYSEX: ";
                midiLine += String (msg.getSysExDataSize());
                midiLine += " bytes";
           else if (msg.isProgramChange())
                midiLine += "PROGRAM CHANGE: ";
                midiLine += String (msg.getProgramChangeNumber());
                midiLine += " (";
                midiLine += MidiMessage::getGMInstrumentName (msg.getProgramChangeNumber());
                midiLine += ")";
           else if (msg.isController())
                midiLine += "CC: #";
                midiLine += String (msg.getControllerNumber());
                midiLine += " (";
                midiLine += MidiMessage::getControllerName (msg.getControllerNumber());
                midiLine += ") = ";
                midiLine += String (msg.getControllerValue());
            else if (msg.isTimeSignatureMetaEvent ())
                int newNumerator, newDenominator;
                msg.getTimeSignatureInfo (newNumerator, newDenominator);

                midiLine += "TIME SIGNATURE: ";
                midiLine += String (newNumerator);
                midiLine += " / ";
                midiLine += String (newDenominator);
            else if (msg.isTempoMetaEvent ())
                midiLine += "TEMPO: ";
                midiLine += String (msg.getTempoSecondsPerQuarterNote ());
                //midiLine += " ";
                //midiLine += String (msg.getTempoMetaEventTickLength (ticksPerQuarterNote));
            else if (msg.isMidiMachineControlMessage())
                midiLine += "MIDI CONTROL: ";
                switch (msg.getMidiMachineControlCommand())
                    case MidiMessage::mmc_stop:             midiLine += "stop"; break;
                    case MidiMessage::mmc_play:             midiLine += "play"; break;
                    case MidiMessage::mmc_deferredplay:     midiLine += "deferredplay"; break;
                    case MidiMessage::mmc_fastforward:      midiLine += "fastforward"; break;
                    case MidiMessage::mmc_rewind:           midiLine += "rewind"; break;
                    case MidiMessage::mmc_recordStart:      midiLine += "recordStart"; break;
                    case MidiMessage::mmc_recordStop:       midiLine += "recordStop"; break;
                    case MidiMessage::mmc_pause:            midiLine += "pause"; break;
            else if (msg.isMidiStart ())
                midiLine += "MIDI START: ";
            else if (msg.isMidiContinue ())
                midiLine += "MIDI CONTINUE: ";
            else if (msg.isMidiStop ())
                midiLine += "MIDI STOP: ";
            else if (msg.isSongPositionPointer ())
                midiLine += "SONG POSITION: ";
                midiLine += String (msg.getSongPositionPointerMidiBeat ());
            else if (msg.isQuarterFrame ())
                midiLine += "QUARTER FRAME: ";
                midiLine += String (msg.getQuarterFrameSequenceNumber ());
                midiLine += " ";
                midiLine += String (msg.getQuarterFrameValue ());
            else if (msg.isFullFrame ())
                midiLine += "FULL FRAME: ";

                msg.getFullFrameParameters (hours, minutes, seconds, frames, timeCode);

                midiLine += String (hours);
                midiLine += ":";
                midiLine += String (minutes);
                midiLine += ":";
                midiLine += String (seconds);
                midiLine += ":";
                midiLine += String (frames);

                midiLine += " timecode: ";
                switch (timeCode) {
                    case MidiMessage::fps24:      midiLine += "fps24"; break;
                    case MidiMessage::fps25:      midiLine += "fps25"; break;
                    case MidiMessage::fps30drop:  midiLine += "fps30drop"; break;
                    case MidiMessage::fps30:      midiLine += "fps30"; break;
            else if (msg.isMidiMachineControlGoto (hours, minutes, seconds, frames))
                midiLine += "MIDI CONTROL GOTO: ";
                midiLine += String (hours);
                midiLine += ":";
                midiLine += String (minutes);
                midiLine += ":";
                midiLine += String (seconds);
                midiLine += ":";
                midiLine += String (frames);

            midiOutputEditor->insertTextAtCursor (midiLine + T("\n"));

