int main(int argc, char** argv) { init(argc, argv, "JointUpdateNode"); NodeHandle nh; // get the filenames nh.param(string("joint_offsets_filename_suffix"), jointOffsetsFilename, string("calibration_joint_offsets.xacro")); nh.param(string("camera_transform_filename_suffix"), cameraTransformFilename, string("calibration_camera_transform.xacro")); nh.param(string("urdf_filename_suffix"), urdfFilename, string("robot_model_calibrated.xml")); nh.param(string("marker_transforms_filename_suffix"), markerTransformsFilename, string("calibration_marker_transformations.xacro")); nh.param(string("camera_intrnsics_filename"), cameraIntrnsicsFilename, string("nao_bottom_640x480.yaml")); ModelLoader modelLoader; modelLoader.initializeFromRos(); urdf::Model model; modelLoader.getUrdfModel(model); // get the robot name and prepend to the filenames string filePrefix = model.getName(); jointOffsetsFilename = filePrefix + "_" + jointOffsetsFilename; cameraTransformFilename = filePrefix + "_" + cameraTransformFilename; urdfFilename = filePrefix + "_" + urdfFilename; markerTransformsFilename = filePrefix + "_" + markerTransformsFilename; Subscriber sub = nh.subscribe("/onlineCalibration/calibration_result", 1, resultCb); spin(); return 0; }
void resultCb(const calibrationResultConstPtr& msg) { ModelLoader modelLoader; modelLoader.initializeFromRos(); urdf::Model model; modelLoader.getUrdfModel(model); // write the parameter file for the joint offsets map<string, double> offsets; for (int i = 0; i < msg->jointNames.size(); i++) { offsets[msg->jointNames[i]] = msg->jointOffsets[i]; } JointUpdate ju(model); ju.writeCalibrationData(offsets, jointOffsetsFilename); // write the parameter file for the camera transformation tf::Transform transform; tf::transformMsgToTF(msg->cameraTransform, transform); CameraTransformUpdate ctu(model); ctu.writeCalibrationData(transform, cameraTransformFilename); // write the new urdf file UrdfUpdate urdfUpdate; urdfUpdate.readFromRos("/robot_description"); urdfUpdate.updateJointOffsets(offsets); urdfUpdate.updateCameraDeltaTransform(transform); urdfUpdate.writeToFile(urdfFilename); ROS_INFO("No transformation found from %s to %s!", markerTransformsFilename.c_str()); // print the marker transformation on the screen and as parameters in a file // TODO: move into own class? // TODO: also update urdf... ofstream file;; file << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"; file << "<robot>\n"; for (int i = 0; i < msg->chainNames.size(); i++) { double rr, rp, ry, tx, ty, tz; tf::Transform current; tf::transformMsgToTF(msg->endeffectorToMarker[i], current); current = current.inverse(); tf::Matrix3x3(current.getRotation()).getRPY(rr, rp, ry); tx = current.getOrigin().getX(); ty = current.getOrigin().getY(); tz = current.getOrigin().getZ(); cout << "chain: " << msg->chainNames[i] << "\n"; cout << "translation: " << tx << " " << ty << " " << tz << "\n"; cout << "rotation: " << rr << " " << rp << " " << ry << "\n"; file << "\t<property name=\"" << msg->chainNames[i] << "_marker_tx" << "\" value=\"" << tx << "\" />\n"; file << "\t<property name=\"" << msg->chainNames[i] << "_marker_ty" << "\" value=\"" << ty << "\" />\n"; file << "\t<property name=\"" << msg->chainNames[i] << "_marker_tz" << "\" value=\"" << tz << "\" />\n"; file << "\t<property name=\"" << msg->chainNames[i] << "_marker_rr" << "\" value=\"" << rr << "\" />\n"; file << "\t<property name=\"" << msg->chainNames[i] << "_marker_rp" << "\" value=\"" << rp << "\" />\n"; file << "\t<property name=\"" << msg->chainNames[i] << "_marker_ry" << "\" value=\"" << ry << "\" />\n"; } file << "</robot>\n"; file.close(); // write camera intrinsics const string cameraName = "nao_camera"; camera_calibration_parsers::writeCalibrationYml(cameraIntrnsicsFilename, cameraName, msg->cameraInfo); }