MojoNewWhereMatcher::MatchResult MojoNewWhereMatcher::CheckProperty( const MojObject& keyArray, MojObject::ConstArrayIterator keyIter, const MojObject& response, const MojObject& op, const MojObject& val, MatchMode mode) const { MojObject onion = response; for (; keyIter != keyArray.arrayEnd(); ++keyIter) { if (onion.type() == MojObject::TypeArray) { return CheckProperty(keyArray, keyIter, onion, onion.arrayBegin(), op, val, mode); } else if (onion.type() == MojObject::TypeObject) { MojString keyStr; MojErr err = (*keyIter).stringValue(keyStr); if (err) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to convert property lookup " "key to string"); } MojObject next; if (!onion.get(, next)) { return NoProperty; } onion = next; } else { return NoProperty; } } return CheckMatch(onion, op, val); }
boost::shared_ptr<Requirement> ConnectionManagerProxy::InstantiateRequirement( boost::shared_ptr<Activity> activity, const std::string& name, const MojObject& value) { LOG_TRACE("Entering function %s", __FUNCTION__); LOG_DEBUG("Instantiating [Requirement %s] for [Activity %llu]", name.c_str(), activity->GetId()); if (name == "internet") { if ((value.type() == MojObject::TypeBool) && value.boolValue()) { boost::shared_ptr<ListedRequirement> req = boost::make_shared<BasicCoreListedRequirement>( activity, m_internetRequirementCore, m_internetRequirementCore->IsMet()); m_internetRequirements.push_back(*req); return req; } else { throw std::runtime_error("If an 'internet' requirement is " "specified, the only legal value is 'true'"); } } else if (name == "internetConfidence") { return InstantiateConfidenceRequirement(activity, m_internetConfidenceCores, m_internetConfidenceRequirements, value); } else if (name == "wan") { if ((value.type() == MojObject::TypeBool) && value.boolValue()) { boost::shared_ptr<ListedRequirement> req = boost::make_shared<BasicCoreListedRequirement>( activity, m_wanRequirementCore, m_wanRequirementCore->IsMet()); m_wanRequirements.push_back(*req); return req; } else { throw std::runtime_error("If an 'wan' requirement is " "specified, the only legal value is 'true'"); } } else if (name == "wanConfidence") { return InstantiateConfidenceRequirement(activity, m_wanConfidenceCores, m_wanConfidenceRequirements, value); } else if (name == "wifi") { if ((value.type() == MojObject::TypeBool) && value.boolValue()) { boost::shared_ptr<ListedRequirement> req = boost::make_shared<BasicCoreListedRequirement>( activity, m_wifiRequirementCore, m_wifiRequirementCore->IsMet()); m_wifiRequirements.push_back(*req); return req; } else { throw std::runtime_error("If an 'wifi' requirement is " "specified, the only legal value is 'true'"); } } else if (name == "wifiConfidence") { return InstantiateConfidenceRequirement(activity, m_wifiConfidenceCores, m_wifiConfidenceRequirements, value); } else { LOG_ERROR(MSGID_REQUIREMENT_INSTANTIATE_FAIL , 3, PMLOGKS("Manager",GetName().c_str()), PMLOGKFV("Activity","%llu",activity->GetId()), PMLOGKS("Requirement",name.c_str()), ""); throw std::runtime_error("Attempt to instantiate unknown requirement"); } }
MojoNewWhereMatcher::MatchResult MojoNewWhereMatcher::CheckProperty( const MojObject& key, const MojObject& response, const MojObject& op, const MojObject& val, MatchMode mode) const { if (key.type() == MojObject::TypeString) { MojString keyStr; MojErr err = key.stringValue(keyStr); if (err) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to convert property lookup key " "to string"); } MojObject propVal; bool found = response.get(, propVal); if (!found) { return NoProperty; } return CheckMatch(propVal, op, val); } else if (key.type() == MojObject::TypeArray) { return CheckProperty(key, key.arrayBegin(), response, op, val, mode); } else { throw std::runtime_error("Key specified was neither a string or " "array of strings"); } }
boost::shared_ptr<Requirement> PowerdProxy::InstantiateRequirement( boost::shared_ptr<Activity> activity, const std::string& name, const MojObject& value) { LOG_TRACE("Entering function %s", __FUNCTION__); LOG_DEBUG("Instantiating [Requirement %s] for [Activity %llu]", name.c_str(), activity->GetId()); if (name == "charging") { if ((value.type() != MojObject::TypeBool) || !value.boolValue()) { throw std::runtime_error("A \"charging\" requirement must specify " "'true' if present"); } boost::shared_ptr<ListedRequirement> req = boost::make_shared<BasicCoreListedRequirement>( activity, m_chargingRequirementCore, m_chargingRequirementCore->IsMet()); m_chargingRequirements.push_back(*req); return req; } else if (name == "docked") { if ((value.type() != MojObject::TypeBool) || !value.boolValue()) { throw std::runtime_error("A \"docked\" requirement must specify " "'true' if present"); } boost::shared_ptr<ListedRequirement> req = boost::make_shared<BasicCoreListedRequirement>( activity, m_dockedRequirementCore, m_dockedRequirementCore->IsMet()); m_dockedRequirements.push_back(*req); return req; } else if (name == "battery") { if ((value.type() != MojObject::TypeInt) || (value.intValue() < 0) || (value.intValue() > 100)) { throw std::runtime_error("A \"battery\" requirement must specify " "a value between 0 and 100"); } MojInt64 percent = value.intValue(); boost::shared_ptr<BatteryRequirement> req = boost::make_shared<BatteryRequirement>(activity, percent, boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<PowerdProxy, RequirementManager>(shared_from_this()), (m_batteryPercent >= percent)); m_batteryRequirements.insert(*req); return req; } else { LOG_ERROR(MSGID_UNKNOW_REQUIREMENT,3, PMLOGKS("MANAGER",GetName().c_str()), PMLOGKS("REQUIREMENT",name.c_str()), PMLOGKFV("Activity","%llu",activity->GetId()), "does not know how to instantiate "); throw std::runtime_error("Attempt to instantiate unknown requirement"); } }
boost::shared_ptr<Requirement> PowerdProxy::InstantiateRequirement( boost::shared_ptr<Activity> activity, const std::string& name, const MojObject& value) { MojLogTrace(s_log); MojLogInfo(s_log, _T("Instantiating [Requirement %s] for [Activity %llu]"), name.c_str(), activity->GetId()); if (name == "charging") { if ((value.type() != MojObject::TypeBool) || !value.boolValue()) { throw std::runtime_error("A \"charging\" requirement must specify " "'true' if present"); } boost::shared_ptr<ListedRequirement> req = boost::make_shared<BasicCoreListedRequirement>( activity, m_chargingRequirementCore, m_chargingRequirementCore->IsMet()); m_chargingRequirements.push_back(*req); return req; } else if (name == "docked") { if ((value.type() != MojObject::TypeBool) || !value.boolValue()) { throw std::runtime_error("A \"docked\" requirement must specify " "'true' if present"); } boost::shared_ptr<ListedRequirement> req = boost::make_shared<BasicCoreListedRequirement>( activity, m_dockedRequirementCore, m_dockedRequirementCore->IsMet()); m_dockedRequirements.push_back(*req); return req; } else if (name == "battery") { if ((value.type() != MojObject::TypeInt) || (value.intValue() < 0) || (value.intValue() > 100)) { throw std::runtime_error("A \"battery\" requirement must specify " "a value between 0 and 100"); } MojInt64 percent = value.intValue(); boost::shared_ptr<BatteryRequirement> req = boost::make_shared<BatteryRequirement>(activity, percent, boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<PowerdProxy, RequirementManager>(shared_from_this()), (m_batteryPercent >= percent)); m_batteryRequirements.insert(*req); return req; } else { MojLogError(s_log, _T("[Manager %s] does not know how to instantiate " "[Requirement %s] for [Activity %llu]"), GetName().c_str(), name.c_str(), activity->GetId()); throw std::runtime_error("Attempt to instantiate unknown requirement"); } }
MojoNewWhereMatcher::MatchResult MojoNewWhereMatcher::CheckClause( const MojObject& clause, const MojObject& response, MatchMode mode) const { LOG_AM_TRACE("Entering function %s", __FUNCTION__); if (clause.type() == MojObject::TypeArray) { return CheckClauses(clause, response, mode); } else if (clause.type() != MojObject::TypeObject) { throw std::runtime_error("Clauses must be either an object or array " "of objects"); } LOG_AM_DEBUG("Checking clause '%s' against response '%s' (%s)", MojoObjectJson(clause).c_str(), MojoObjectJson(response).c_str(), (mode == AndMode) ? "and" : "or"); if (clause.contains(_T("and"))) { MojObject andClause; clause.get(_T("and"), andClause); return CheckClause(andClause, response, AndMode); } else if (clause.contains(_T("or"))) { MojObject orClause; clause.get(_T("or"), orClause); return CheckClause(orClause, response, OrMode); } MojObject prop; bool found = clause.get(_T("prop"), prop); if (!found) { throw std::runtime_error("Clauses must contain \"and\", \"or\", " "or a comparison to make"); } MojObject op; found = clause.get(_T("op"), op); if (!found) { throw std::runtime_error("Clauses must specify a comparison operation " "to perform"); } MojObject val; found = clause.get(_T("val"), val); if (!found) { throw std::runtime_error("Clauses must specify a value to compare " "against"); } MatchResult result = CheckProperty(prop, response, op, val, mode); LOG_AM_DEBUG("Where Trigger: Clause %s %s", MojoObjectJson(clause).c_str(), (result == Matched) ? "matched" : "did not match"); return result; }
bool MojoWhereMatcher::GetObjectValue(const MojObject& key, const MojObject& response, MojObject& value) const { if (key.type() == MojObject::TypeString) { MojString keyStr; MojErr err = key.stringValue(keyStr); if (err) { throw std::runtime_error("Error attempting to retrieve key name " "getting object value"); } if (response.contains(keyStr)) { return response.get(keyStr, value); } else { return false; } } else if (key.type() == MojObject::TypeArray) { MojObject cur = response; for (MojObject::ConstArrayIterator iter = key.arrayBegin(); iter != key.arrayEnd(); ++iter) { const MojObject& keyObj = *iter; if (keyObj.type() != MojObject::TypeString) { throw std::runtime_error("Non-string found in property " "specifiction array"); } MojString keyStr; MojErr err = keyObj.stringValue(keyStr); if (err) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to access lookup key"); } if (cur.contains(keyStr)) { MojObject tmp; if (!cur.get(keyStr, tmp)) { return false; } else { cur = tmp; } } else { return false; } } value = cur; return true; } else { throw std::runtime_error("Property specification must be the " "property name or array of property names"); } }
boost::shared_ptr<Requirement> TelephonyProxy::InstantiateRequirement( boost::shared_ptr<Activity> activity, const std::string& name, const MojObject& value) { LOG_TRACE("Entering function %s", __FUNCTION__); LOG_DEBUG("Instantiating [Requirement %s] for [Activity %llu]", name.c_str(), activity->GetId()); if (name == "telephony") { if ((value.type() == MojObject::TypeBool) && value.boolValue()) { boost::shared_ptr<ListedRequirement> req = boost::make_shared<BasicCoreListedRequirement>( activity, m_telephonyRequirementCore, m_telephonyRequirementCore->IsMet()); m_telephonyRequirements.push_back(*req); return req; } else { throw std::runtime_error("If a 'telephony' requirement is " "specified, the only legal value is 'true'"); } } else { LOG_ERROR(MSGID_TIL_UNKNOWN_REQ, 3, PMLOGKS("MANAGER", GetName().c_str()), PMLOGKS("REQ",name.c_str()), PMLOGKFV("ACTIVITY_ID","%llu",activity->GetId()), "does not know how to instantiate Requirement" ); throw std::runtime_error("Attempt to instantiate unknown requirement"); } }
void MojoNewWhereMatcher::ValidateOp(const MojObject& op, const MojObject& val) const { if (op.type() != MojObject::TypeString) { throw std::runtime_error("Operation must be specified as a string " "property"); } MojString opStr; MojErr err = op.stringValue(opStr); if (err) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to convert operation to " "string value"); } if ((opStr != "<") && (opStr != "<=") && (opStr != "=") && (opStr != ">=") && (opStr != ">") && (opStr != "!=") && (opStr != "where")) { throw std::runtime_error("Operation must be one of '<', '<=', " "'=', '>=', '>', '!=', and 'where'"); } if (opStr == "where") { ValidateClauses(val); } }
void MojoWhereMatcher::ValidateKey(const MojObject& key) const { if (key.type() == MojObject::TypeArray) { for (MojObject::ConstArrayIterator iter = key.arrayBegin(); iter != key.arrayEnd(); ++iter) { const MojObject& keyObj = *iter; if (keyObj.type() != MojObject::TypeString) { throw std::runtime_error("Something other than a string " "found in array of property names"); } } } else if (key.type() != MojObject::TypeString) { throw std::runtime_error("Property keys must be specified as " "a property name, or array of property names"); } }
MojErr MojDbQuery::addClause(WhereMap& map, const MojChar* propName, CompOp op, const MojObject& val, MojDbCollationStrength coll) { MojAssert(propName); // only allow valid ops if (!(op >= OpEq && op <= OpSubString)) MojErrThrowMsg(MojErrDbInvalidQuery, _T("db: invalid query op")); // only allow array values for = or % or %% ops if (val.type() == MojObject::TypeArray && op != OpEq && op != OpPrefix && op != OpSubString) MojErrThrowMsg(MojErrDbInvalidQuery, _T("db: query contains array value for non-eq op")); // check to see if the prop is referenced in a prior clause WhereMap::Iterator iter; MojErr err = map.find(propName, iter); MojErrCheck(err); if (iter == map.end()) { // create new clause err = createClause(map, propName, op, val, coll); MojErrCheck(err); } else { // add clause to previously referenced prop. err = updateClause(iter.value(), op, val, coll); MojErrCheck(err); } return MojErrNone; }
MojErr MojDbPropExtractor::handleVal(const MojObject& val, KeySet& valsOut, MojSize idx) const { LOG_TRACE("Entering function %s", __FUNCTION__); MojAssert(idx < m_prop.size()); MojErr err = MojErrNone; if (idx == m_prop.size() - 1) { // if we're at the end of the prop path, use this object as the value if (m_tokenizer.get() && val.type() == MojObject::TypeString) { MojString text; err = val.stringValue(text); MojErrCheck(err); if (m_tokenizer.get()) { err = m_tokenizer->tokenize(text, m_collator.get(), valsOut); MojErrCheck(err); } } else { MojDbKey key; err = key.assign(val, m_collator.get()); MojErrCheck(err); err = valsOut.put(key); MojErrCheck(err); } } else { // otherwise, keep recursing err = valsImpl(val, valsOut, idx + 1); MojErrCheck(err); } return MojErrNone; }
MojErr MojDbPropExtractor::fromObjectImpl(const MojObject& obj, const MojDbPropExtractor& defaultConfig, const MojChar* locale) { LOG_TRACE("Entering function %s", __FUNCTION__); // super MojErr err = MojDbExtractor::fromObject(obj, locale); MojErrCheck(err); // default value m_default = defaultConfig.m_default; MojObject defaultVal; if (obj.get(DefaultKey, defaultVal)) { MojObject::Type type = defaultVal.type(); MojDbKey key; if (type == MojObject::TypeArray) { // if the value is an array, act on its elements rather than the array object itself MojObject::ConstArrayIterator end = defaultVal.arrayEnd(); for (MojObject::ConstArrayIterator j = defaultVal.arrayBegin(); j != end; ++j) { err = key.assign(*j); MojErrCheck(err); err = m_default.put(key); MojErrCheck(err); } } else { err = key.assign(defaultVal); MojErrCheck(err); err = m_default.put(key); MojErrCheck(err); } } // tokenizer m_tokenizer = defaultConfig.m_tokenizer; MojString tokenize; bool found = false; err = obj.get(TokenizeKey, tokenize, found); MojErrCheck(err); if (found) { if (tokenize == AllKey || tokenize == DefaultKey) { m_tokenizer.reset(new MojDbTextTokenizer); MojAllocCheck(m_tokenizer.get()); err = m_tokenizer->init(locale); MojErrCheck(err); } else { MojErrThrow(MojErrDbInvalidTokenization); } } // collator if (m_collation == MojDbCollationInvalid) m_collation = defaultConfig.m_collation; err = updateLocale(locale); MojErrCheck(err); // set prop err = prop(m_name); MojErrCheck(err); return MojErrNone; }
MojErr MojObjectTest::emptyTest(MojObject& obj) { MojObject obj2; MojString str1; MojString str2; bool found = false; MojTestAssert(obj.size() == 0); MojTestAssert(obj.empty()); MojTestAssert(obj.boolValue() == false); MojTestAssert(obj.intValue() == 0); MojTestAssert(obj.decimalValue() == MojDecimal()); MojTestAssert(obj.begin() == obj.end()); MojTestAssert(!obj.contains(_T("hello"))); MojTestAssert(!obj.get(_T("hi"), obj2)); MojErr err = obj.del(_T("hello"), found); MojTestErrCheck(err); obj2.assign(obj); MojTestAssert(obj2.type() == obj.type()); MojTestAssert(obj2 == obj); MojTestAssert(!(obj2 != obj)); err = obj.stringValue(str1); MojTestErrCheck(err); err = obj2.stringValue(str2); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(str1 == str2); return MojErrNone; }
MojErr BusClient::BusMethods::ScanRequest(MojServiceMessage* msg, MojObject& payload, ConfigurationMode confmode) { try { MojErr err; if (payload.type() != MojObject::TypeArray) { MojErrThrowMsg(MojErrInternal, "invalid message format"); } m_client.m_msg.reset(msg); for (MojObject::ConstArrayIterator it = payload.arrayBegin(); it != payload.arrayEnd(); it++) { const MojObject& request = *it; MojString locationStr; MojString typeStr; MojString app; BusClient::PackageType type; BusClient::PackageLocation location; err = request.getRequired("id", app); MojErrCheck(err); err = request.getRequired("type", typeStr); MojErrCheck(err); err = request.getRequired("location", locationStr); MojErrCheck(err); if (typeStr == "app") { type = BusClient::Application; } else if (typeStr == "service") { type = BusClient::Service; } else { MojErrThrow(MojErrInvalidMsg); } if (locationStr == "system") { location = BusClient::System; } else if (locationStr == "third party") { location = BusClient::ThirdParty; } else { MojErrThrow(MojErrInvalidMsg); } m_client.Scan(confmode, app, type, location); } m_client.RunNextConfigurator(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { MojErrThrowMsg(MojErrInternal, "%s", e.what()); } catch (...) { MojErrThrowMsg(MojErrInternal, "uncaught exception"); } return MojErrNone; }
bool MojoWhereMatcher::CheckClauses(const MojObject& clauses, const MojObject& response) const { MojLogTrace(s_log); if (clauses.type() == MojObject::TypeObject) { return CheckClause(clauses, response); } else if (clauses.type() == MojObject::TypeArray) { for (MojObject::ConstArrayIterator iter = clauses.arrayBegin(); iter != clauses.arrayEnd(); ++iter) { if (!CheckClause(*iter, response)) { return false; } } } else { throw std::runtime_error("Clauses must consist of either a single " "where clause or array of where clauses"); } return true; }
void MojoNewWhereMatcher::ValidateClauses(const MojObject& where) const { LOG_AM_TRACE("Entering function %s", __FUNCTION__); LOG_AM_DEBUG("Validating trigger clauses"); if (where.type() == MojObject::TypeObject) { ValidateClause(where); } else if (where.type() == MojObject::TypeArray) { for (MojObject::ConstArrayIterator iter = where.arrayBegin(); iter != where.arrayEnd(); ++iter) { const MojObject& clause = *iter; if (clause.type() != MojObject::TypeObject) { throw std::runtime_error("where statement array must " "consist of valid clauses"); } else { ValidateClause(clause); } } } else { throw std::runtime_error("where statement should consist of a single " "clause or array of valid clauses"); } }
void MojoWhereMatcher::ValidateClauses(const MojObject& where) const { MojLogTrace(s_log); MojLogInfo(s_log, _T("Validating trigger clauses")); if (where.type() == MojObject::TypeObject) { ValidateClause(where); } else if (where.type() == MojObject::TypeArray) { for (MojObject::ConstArrayIterator iter = where.arrayBegin(); iter != where.arrayEnd(); ++iter) { const MojObject& clause = *iter; if (clause.type() != MojObject::TypeObject) { throw std::runtime_error("where statement array must " "consist of valid clauses"); } else { ValidateClause(clause); } } } else { throw std::runtime_error("where statement should consist of a single " "clause or array of valid clauses"); } }
MojoNewWhereMatcher::MatchResult MojoNewWhereMatcher::CheckClauses( const MojObject& clauses, const MojObject& response, MatchMode mode) const { LOG_AM_TRACE("Entering function %s", __FUNCTION__); if (clauses.type() == MojObject::TypeObject) { return CheckClause(clauses, response, mode); } else if (clauses.type() != MojObject::TypeArray) { throw std::runtime_error("Multiple clauses must be specified as an " "array of clauses"); } LOG_AM_DEBUG("Checking clauses '%s' against response '%s' (%s)", MojoObjectJson(clauses).c_str(), MojoObjectJson(response).c_str(), (mode == AndMode) ? "and" : "or"); for (MojObject::ConstArrayIterator iter = clauses.arrayBegin(); iter != clauses.arrayEnd(); ++iter) { MatchResult result = CheckClause(*iter, response, mode); if (mode == AndMode) { if (result != Matched) { return NotMatched; } } else { if (result == Matched) { return Matched; } } } if (mode == AndMode) { return Matched; } else { return NotMatched; } }
MojErr MojDbQueryPlan::pushVal(MojDbKeyBuilder& builder, const MojObject& val, MojDbTextCollator* collator) { MojErr err = MojErrNone; MojDbKey key; MojDbKeyBuilder::KeySet keys; if (val.type() == MojObject::TypeArray) { MojObject::ConstArrayIterator end = val.arrayEnd(); for (MojObject::ConstArrayIterator i = val.arrayBegin(); i != end; ++i) { err = key.assign(*i, collator); MojErrCheck(err); err = keys.put(key); MojErrCheck(err); } } else { err = key.assign(val, collator); MojErrCheck(err); err = keys.put(key); MojErrCheck(err); } err = builder.push(keys); MojErrCheck(err); return MojErrNone; }
int ConnectionManagerProxy::ConfidenceToInt(const MojObject& confidenceObj) const { if (confidenceObj.type() != MojObject::TypeString) { LOG_WARNING(MSGID_NON_STRING_TYPE_NW_CONFIDENCE, 0, "Network confidence must be specified as a string"); return ConnectionConfidenceUnknown; } MojString confidenceStr; MojErr err = confidenceObj.stringValue(confidenceStr); if (err != MojErrNone) { LOG_WARNING(MSGID_GET_NW_CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_FAIL, 0, "Failed to retreive network confidence level as string"); return ConnectionConfidenceUnknown; } for (int i = 0; i < ConnectionConfidenceMax; ++i) { if (confidenceStr == ConnectionConfidenceNames[i]) { return i; } } LOG_DEBUG("Unknown connection confidence string: \"%s\"", ); return ConnectionConfidenceUnknown; }
bool MojoWhereMatcher::CheckClause(const MojObject& clause, const MojObject& response) const { MojLogTrace(s_log); bool result; if (clause.type() != MojObject::TypeObject) { throw std::runtime_error("Clause must be an object with prop, op, " "and val properties"); } bool found; MojObject prop; found = clause.get(_T("prop"), prop); if (!found) { throw std::runtime_error("Property specifier not present in where " "clause"); } /* Value not present causes clause to be skipped. * XXX allow missing behaviour to be specified? */ MojObject propValue; found = GetObjectValue(prop, response, propValue); if (found) { MojObject clauseValue; found = clause.get(_T("val"), clauseValue); if (!found) { throw std::runtime_error("Value to compare against not present in " "where clause"); } found = false; MojString op; MojErr err = clause.get(_T("op"), op, found); if (err) { throw std::runtime_error("Error retrieving operation to use for " "where clause"); } else if (!found) { throw std::runtime_error("operation to use for comparison not " "present in where clause"); } if (op == "<") { result = (propValue < clauseValue); } else if (op == "<=") { result = (propValue <= clauseValue); } else if (op == "=") { result = (propValue == clauseValue); } else if (op == "!=") { result = (propValue != clauseValue); } else if (op == ">=") { result = (propValue >= clauseValue); } else if (op == ">") { result = (propValue > clauseValue); } else { throw std::runtime_error("Unknown comparison operator in where " "clause"); } } else { result = false; } MojLogInfo(s_log, _T("Where Trigger: Clause %s %s"), MojoObjectJson(clause).c_str(), result ? "matched" : "did not match"); return result; }
MojErr MojObjectTest::typeTest() { MojObject obj; MojObject obj2; MojString str1; MojString str2; MojHashMap<MojObject, MojObject> map; // null MojTestAssert(obj.type() == MojObject::TypeUndefined); MojTestAssert(obj.size() == 0); MojTestAssert(obj.empty()); MojTestAssert(obj.boolValue() == false); MojTestAssert(obj.intValue() == 0); MojTestAssert(obj.decimalValue() == MojDecimal()); MojErr err = obj.stringValue(str1); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(str1 == _T("null")); err = map.put(obj, obj); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(map.contains(obj)); MojTestAssert(obj == obj2); MojTestAssert( == 0); err = obj.coerce(MojObject::TypeNull); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(obj.type() == MojObject::TypeNull); err = obj.coerce(MojObject::TypeString); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(obj == str1); err = obj.coerce(MojObject::TypeBool); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(obj == true); err = obj.coerce(MojObject::TypeInt); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(obj == 1); err = obj.coerce(MojObject::TypeDecimal); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(obj.type() == MojObject::TypeDecimal && obj == MojDecimal(1, 0)); err = obj.coerce(MojObject::TypeObject); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(obj.type() == MojObject::TypeObject); err = obj.coerce(MojObject::TypeArray); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(obj.type() == MojObject::TypeArray); // object err = obj.put(_T("hello"), 5); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(obj.type() == MojObject::TypeObject); MojTestAssert(obj.size() == 1); MojTestAssert(!obj.empty()); MojTestAssert(obj.boolValue() == true); MojTestAssert(obj.intValue() == 0); MojTestAssert(obj.decimalValue() == MojDecimal()); err = obj.stringValue(str1); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(str1 == _T("{\"hello\":5}")); err = map.put(obj, obj); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(map.contains(obj)); obj.clear(MojObject::TypeObject); MojTestAssert(obj.type() == MojObject::TypeObject); MojTestAssert(obj.size() == 0); MojTestAssert(obj.empty()); MojTestAssert(obj.boolValue() == false); MojTestAssert(obj.intValue() == 0); MojTestAssert(obj.decimalValue() == MojDecimal()); err = obj.stringValue(str1); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(str1 == _T("{}")); // array for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { err = obj.push(i); MojTestErrCheck(err); } MojTestAssert(obj.type() == MojObject::TypeArray); MojTestAssert(obj.size() == 1000); MojTestAssert(!obj.empty()); MojTestAssert(obj.boolValue() == true); MojTestAssert(obj.intValue() == 0); MojTestAssert(obj.decimalValue() == MojDecimal()); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { MojTestAssert(, obj2)); MojTestAssert(obj2 == i); } MojTestAssert(!, obj2)); err = obj.setAt(1001, 1001); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(obj.size() == 1002); MojTestAssert(, obj2)); MojTestAssert(obj2.type() == MojObject::TypeUndefined); obj.clear(MojObject::TypeArray); MojTestAssert(obj.size() == 0); MojTestAssert(obj.empty()); MojTestAssert(obj.boolValue() == false); MojTestAssert(obj.intValue() == 0); MojTestAssert(obj.decimalValue() == MojDecimal()); err = obj.stringValue(str1); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(str1 == _T("[]")); err = map.put(obj, obj); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(map.contains(obj)); // string err = str1.assign(_T("yo")); MojTestErrCheck(err); obj = str1; MojTestAssert(obj.type() == MojObject::TypeString); MojTestAssert(obj.size() == 0); MojTestAssert(obj.empty()); MojTestAssert(obj.boolValue() == true); MojTestAssert(obj.intValue() == 0); MojTestAssert(obj.decimalValue() == MojDecimal()); err = obj.stringValue(str2); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(str1 == str2); err = map.put(obj, obj); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(map.contains(obj)); obj.clear(MojObject::TypeString); MojTestAssert(obj.boolValue() == false); err = str1.assign(_T("12345")); MojTestErrCheck(err); obj = str1; MojTestAssert(obj.intValue() == 12345); MojTestAssert(obj.decimalValue() == MojDecimal(12345, 0)); err = str1.assign(_T("-67890")); MojTestErrCheck(err); obj = str1; MojTestAssert(obj.intValue() == -67890); MojTestAssert(obj.decimalValue() == MojDecimal(-67890, 0)); err = str1.assign(_T("12345000000000")); MojTestErrCheck(err); obj = str1; MojTestAssert(obj.intValue() == 12345000000000LL); err = str1.assign(_T("12345.6789")); MojTestErrCheck(err); obj = str1; MojTestAssert(obj.intValue() == 12345); MojTestAssert(obj.decimalValue() == MojDecimal(12345, 678900)); err = str1.assign(_T("1.0e3")); MojTestErrCheck(err); obj = str1; MojTestAssert(obj.intValue() == 1); MojTestAssert(obj.decimalValue() == MojDecimal(1000, 0)); err = str1.assign(_T("45hello")); MojTestErrCheck(err); obj = str1; MojTestAssert(obj.intValue() == 45); MojTestAssert(obj.decimalValue() == MojDecimal(45, 0)); // bool obj = true; MojTestAssert(obj.type() == MojObject::TypeBool); MojTestAssert(obj.size() == 0); MojTestAssert(obj.empty()); MojTestAssert(obj.boolValue() == true); MojTestAssert(obj.intValue() == 1); MojTestAssert(obj.decimalValue() == MojDecimal(1, 0)); err = obj.stringValue(str1); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(str1 == _T("true")); obj.clear(MojObject::TypeBool); MojTestAssert(obj.boolValue() == false); MojTestAssert(obj.intValue() == 0); MojTestAssert(obj.decimalValue() == MojDecimal()); err = obj.stringValue(str1); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(str1 == _T("false")); err = map.put(obj, obj); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(map.contains(obj)); // MojDecimal obj = MojDecimal(3, 140000); MojTestAssert(obj.type() == MojObject::TypeDecimal); MojTestAssert(obj.size() == 0); MojTestAssert(obj.empty()); MojTestAssert(obj.boolValue() == true); MojTestAssert(obj.intValue() == 3); MojTestAssert(obj.decimalValue() == MojDecimal(3.14)); err = obj.stringValue(str1); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(str1 == _T("3.14")); obj.clear(MojObject::TypeDecimal); MojTestAssert(obj.boolValue() == false); MojTestAssert(obj.intValue() == 0); MojTestAssert(obj.decimalValue() == MojDecimal()); err = obj.stringValue(str1); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(str1 == _T("0.0")); err = map.put(obj, obj); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(map.contains(obj)); // MojDecimal obj = -987654321; MojTestAssert(obj.type() == MojObject::TypeInt); MojTestAssert(obj.size() == 0); MojTestAssert(obj.empty()); MojTestAssert(obj.boolValue() == true); MojTestAssert(obj.intValue() == -987654321); MojTestAssert(obj.decimalValue() == MojDecimal(-987654321, 0)); err = obj.stringValue(str1); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(str1 == _T("-987654321")); obj.clear(MojObject::TypeInt); MojTestAssert(obj.boolValue() == false); MojTestAssert(obj.intValue() == 0); MojTestAssert(obj.decimalValue() == MojDecimal()); err = obj.stringValue(str1); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(str1 == _T("0")); err = map.put(obj, obj); MojTestErrCheck(err); MojTestAssert(map.contains(obj)); return MojErrNone; }
MojErr BusClient::BusMethods::Unconfigure(MojServiceMessage *msg, MojObject &payload) { MojLogTrace(m_log); if (WorkEnqueued((Callback) &BusMethods::Unconfigure, msg, payload)) return MojErrNone; try { MojErr err; if (payload.type() != MojObject::TypeArray) { MojErrThrowMsg(MojErrInternal, "invalid message format"); } m_client.m_msg.reset(msg); for (MojObject::ConstArrayIterator it = payload.arrayBegin(); it != payload.arrayEnd(); it++) { const MojObject& request = *it; MojString locationStr; MojString typeStr; MojObject typesArray; MojString app; BusClient::PackageType type; BusClient::PackageLocation location; BusClient::ScanTypes types; err = request.getRequired("id", app); MojErrCheck(err); err = request.getRequired("type", typeStr); MojErrCheck(err); if (!request.get("types", typesArray)) { types = BusClient::ACTIVITIES | BusClient::FILECACHE | BusClient::DBKINDS | BusClient::DBPERMISSIONS; } else { err = getTypes(typesArray, types); MojErrCheck(err); } err = request.getRequired("location", locationStr); MojErrCheck(err); if (typeStr == "app") { type = BusClient::Application; } else if (typeStr == "service") { type = BusClient::Service; } else { MojErrThrow(MojErrInvalidMsg); } if (locationStr == "system") { location = BusClient::System; } else if (locationStr == "third party") { location = BusClient::ThirdParty; } else { MojErrThrow(MojErrInvalidMsg); } m_client.Unconfigure(app, type, location, types); } m_client.RunNextConfigurator(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { MojErrThrowMsg(MojErrInternal, "%s", e.what()); } catch (...) { MojErrThrowMsg(MojErrInternal, "uncaught exception"); } return MojErrNone; }