double test4() {
	string t0[] = {"amanda forsaken bloomer meditated gauging knolls",
 "betas neurons integrative expender commonalities",
 "latins antidotes crutched bandwidths begetting",
 "prompting dog association athenians christian ires",
 "pompousness percolating figured bagatelles bursted",
 "ninth boyfriends longingly muddlers prudence puns",
 "groove deliberators charter collectively yorks",
 "daringly antithesis inaptness aerosol carolinas",
 "payoffs chumps chirps gentler inexpressive morales"};
	vector <string> p0(t0, t0+sizeof(t0)/sizeof(string));
	MostCommonLetters * obj = new MostCommonLetters();
	clock_t start = clock();
	string my_answer = obj->listMostCommon(p0);
	clock_t end = clock();
	delete obj;
	cout <<"Time: " <<(double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC <<" seconds" <<endl;
	string p1 = "e";
	cout <<"Desired answer: " <<endl;
	cout <<"\t\"" << p1 <<"\"" <<endl;
	cout <<"Your answer: " <<endl;
	cout <<"\t\"" << my_answer<<"\"" <<endl;
	if (p1 != my_answer) {
		cout <<"DOESN'T MATCH!!!!" <<endl <<endl;
		return -1;
	else {
		cout <<"Match :-)" <<endl <<endl;
		return (double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
double test3() {
	string t0[] = {"english is a west germanic language originating",
 "in england and is the first language for most",
 "people in the united kingdom the united",
 "states canada australia new zealand ireland",
 "and the anglophone caribbean it is used",
 "extensively as a second language and as an",
 "official language throughout the world",
 "especially in commonwealth countries and in",
 "many international organizations"};
	vector <string> p0(t0, t0+sizeof(t0)/sizeof(string));
	MostCommonLetters * obj = new MostCommonLetters();
	clock_t start = clock();
	string my_answer = obj->listMostCommon(p0);
	clock_t end = clock();
	delete obj;
	cout <<"Time: " <<(double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC <<" seconds" <<endl;
	string p1 = "a";
	cout <<"Desired answer: " <<endl;
	cout <<"\t\"" << p1 <<"\"" <<endl;
	cout <<"Your answer: " <<endl;
	cout <<"\t\"" << my_answer<<"\"" <<endl;
	if (p1 != my_answer) {
		cout <<"DOESN'T MATCH!!!!" <<endl <<endl;
		return -1;
	else {
		cout <<"Match :-)" <<endl <<endl;
		return (double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
Пример #3
bool do_test(vector<string> text, string __expected) {
    time_t startClock = clock();
    MostCommonLetters *instance = new MostCommonLetters();
    string __result = instance->listMostCommon(text);
    double elapsed = (double)(clock() - startClock) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    delete instance;

    if (__result == __expected) {
        cout << "PASSED!" << " (" << elapsed << " seconds)" << endl;
        return true;
    else {
        cout << "FAILED!" << " (" << elapsed << " seconds)" << endl;
        cout << "           Expected: " << to_string(__expected) << endl;
        cout << "           Received: " << to_string(__result) << endl;
        return false;
Пример #4
// Generated by KawigiEdit 2.1.4 (beta) modified by pivanof
bool KawigiEdit_RunTest(int testNum, vector <string> p0, bool hasAnswer, string p1) {
	cout << "Test " << testNum << ": [" << "{";
	for (int i = 0; int(p0.size()) > i; ++i) {
		if (i > 0) {
			cout << ",";
		cout << "\"" << p0[i] << "\"";
	cout << "}";
	cout << "]" << endl;
	MostCommonLetters *obj;
	string answer;
	obj = new MostCommonLetters();
	clock_t startTime = clock();
	answer = obj->listMostCommon(p0);
	clock_t endTime = clock();
	delete obj;
	bool res;
	res = true;
	cout << "Time: " << double(endTime - startTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl;
	if (hasAnswer) {
		cout << "Desired answer:" << endl;
		cout << "\t" << "\"" << p1 << "\"" << endl;
	cout << "Your answer:" << endl;
	cout << "\t" << "\"" << answer << "\"" << endl;
	if (hasAnswer) {
		res = answer == p1;
	if (!res) {
		cout << "DOESN'T MATCH!!!!" << endl;
	} else if (double(endTime - startTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC >= 2) {
		cout << "FAIL the timeout" << endl;
		res = false;
	} else if (hasAnswer) {
		cout << "Match :-)" << endl;
	} else {
		cout << "OK, but is it right?" << endl;
	cout << "" << endl;
	return res;
double test2() {
	string t0[] = {"qwerty", "abc", "qwe", "a"};
	vector <string> p0(t0, t0+sizeof(t0)/sizeof(string));
	MostCommonLetters * obj = new MostCommonLetters();
	clock_t start = clock();
	string my_answer = obj->listMostCommon(p0);
	clock_t end = clock();
	delete obj;
	cout <<"Time: " <<(double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC <<" seconds" <<endl;
	string p1 = "aeqw";
	cout <<"Desired answer: " <<endl;
	cout <<"\t\"" << p1 <<"\"" <<endl;
	cout <<"Your answer: " <<endl;
	cout <<"\t\"" << my_answer<<"\"" <<endl;
	if (p1 != my_answer) {
		cout <<"DOESN'T MATCH!!!!" <<endl <<endl;
		return -1;
	else {
		cout <<"Match :-)" <<endl <<endl;
		return (double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;