void writeResults(MultiBlockLattice3D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& lattice, MultiScalarField3D<T>& volumeFraction, plint iT) { static const plint nx = lattice.getNx(); static const plint ny = lattice.getNy(); static const plint nz = lattice.getNz(); Box3D slice(0, nx-1, ny/2, ny/2, 0, nz-1); ImageWriter<T> imageWriter("leeloo"); imageWriter.writeScaledPpm(createFileName("u", iT, 6), *computeVelocityNorm(lattice, slice)); imageWriter.writeScaledPpm(createFileName("rho", iT, 6), *computeDensity(lattice, slice)); imageWriter.writeScaledPpm(createFileName("volumeFraction", iT, 6), *extractSubDomain(volumeFraction, slice)); // Use a marching-cube algorithm to reconstruct the free surface and write an STL file. std::vector<T> isoLevels; isoLevels.push_back((T) 0.5); typedef TriangleSet<T>::Triangle Triangle; std::vector<Triangle> triangles; isoSurfaceMarchingCube(triangles, volumeFraction, isoLevels, volumeFraction.getBoundingBox()); TriangleSet<T>(triangles).writeBinarySTL(createFileName(outDir+"/interface", iT, 6)+".stl"); VtkImageOutput3D<T> vtkOut(createFileName("volumeFraction", iT, 6), 1.); vtkOut.writeData<float>(volumeFraction, "vf", 1.); }
void writeGifs(MultiBlockLattice3D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& lattice, plint iter) { const plint imSize = 600; const plint nx = lattice.getNx(); const plint ny = lattice.getNy(); const plint nz = lattice.getNz(); Box3D slice(0, nx-1, 0, ny-1, nz/2, nz/2); ImageWriter<T> imageWriter("leeloo"); imageWriter.writeScaledGif(createFileName("u", iter, 6), *computeVelocityNorm(lattice, slice), imSize, imSize ); }
void writeGifs(MultiBlockLattice3D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& lattice, plint iter){ const plint nx = lattice.getNx(); const plint ny = lattice.getNy(); const plint nz = lattice.getNz(); const plint imSize = 600; ImageWriter<T> imageWriter("leeloo"); Box3D slice(0, nx-1, 0, ny-1, nz/2, nz/2); //imageWriter.writeGif(createFileName("u", iT, 6), //*computeDensity(lattice), ); imageWriter.writeGif( createFileName("rho", iter, 6), *computeDensity(lattice, slice), (T) rho0 - drho/1000000, (T) rho0 + drho/1000000, imSize, imSize); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { plbInit(&argc, &argv); T uMax; plint N; T nu_f,d_part,v_frac, v_inf; std::string outDir; try { global::argv(1).read(d_part); global::argv(2).read(N); global::argv(3).read(v_frac); global::argv(4).read(nu_f); global::argv(5).read(v_inf); global::argv(6).read(uMax); global::argv(7).read(outDir); } catch(PlbIOException& exception) { pcout << exception.what() << endl; pcout << "Command line arguments:\n"; pcout << "1 : d_part\n"; pcout << "2 : N per particle diameter\n"; pcout << "3 : particle volume fraction\n"; pcout << "4 : nu_fluid\n"; pcout << "5 : estimated v_inf\n"; pcout << "6 : uMax\n"; pcout << "7 : outDir\n"; exit(1); } std::string lbOutDir(outDir), demOutDir(outDir); lbOutDir.append("tmp/"); demOutDir.append("post/"); global::directories().setOutputDir(lbOutDir); const T rho_f = 1000; LiggghtsCouplingWrapper wrapper(argv,global::mpi().getGlobalCommunicator()); // particle size and volume fraction are handed over to LIGGGHTS // as variables (see LIGGGHTS docu for details) wrapper.setVariable("r_part",d_part/2); wrapper.setVariable("v_frac",v_frac); wrapper.execFile("in.lbdem"); T g = 9.81; const T lx = 1., ly = 1., lz = 2.; T r_ = d_part/2.; T rho_s = 1100.; T m = r_*r_*r_*4./3.*3.14*rho_s; PhysUnits3D<T> units(2.*r_,v_inf,nu_f,lx,ly,lz,N,uMax,rho_f); IncomprFlowParam<T> parameters(units.getLbParam()); plint nx = parameters.getNx(), ny = parameters.getNy(), nz = parameters.getNz(); // get lattice decomposition from LIGGGHTS and create lattice according to parallelization // given in the LIGGGHTS input script LatticeDecomposition lDec(parameters.getNx(),parameters.getNy(),parameters.getNz(), wrapper.lmp); SparseBlockStructure3D blockStructure = lDec.getBlockDistribution(); ExplicitThreadAttribution* threadAttribution = lDec.getThreadAttribution(); plint envelopeWidth = 1; MultiBlockLattice3D<T, DESCRIPTOR> lattice (MultiBlockManagement3D (blockStructure, threadAttribution, envelopeWidth ), defaultMultiBlockPolicy3D().getBlockCommunicator(), defaultMultiBlockPolicy3D().getCombinedStatistics(), defaultMultiBlockPolicy3D().getMultiCellAccess<T,DESCRIPTOR>(), new DYNAMICS ); defineDynamics(lattice,lattice.getBoundingBox(),new DYNAMICS); const T maxT = ceil(3.*lz/v_inf); const T vtkT = 0.1; const T logT = 0.0000001; const plint maxSteps = units.getLbSteps(maxT); const plint vtkSteps = max<plint>(units.getLbSteps(vtkT),1); const plint logSteps = max<plint>(units.getLbSteps(logT),1); writeLogFile(parameters, "sedimenting spheres benchmark"); lattice.initialize(); T dt_phys = units.getPhysTime(1); plint demSubsteps = 10; T dt_dem = dt_phys/(T)demSubsteps; pcout << "------------------------------\n" << "omega: " << parameters.getOmega() << "\n" << "dt_phys: " << dt_phys << "\n" << "maxT: " << maxT << " | maxSteps: " << maxSteps << "\n" << "v_inf: " << v_inf << "\n" << "Re : " << parameters.getRe() << "\n" << "vtkT: " << vtkT << " | vtkSteps: " << vtkSteps << "\n" << "grid size: " << nx << " " << ny << " " << nz << "\n" << "------------------------------" << std::endl; // set timestep and output directory wrapper.setVariable("t_step",dt_dem); wrapper.setVariable("dmp_stp",vtkSteps*demSubsteps); wrapper.setVariable("dmp_dir",demOutDir); wrapper.execFile("in2.lbdem"); wrapper.runUpto(demSubsteps-1); clock_t start = clock(); clock_t loop = clock(); clock_t end = clock(); // Loop over main time iteration. for (plint iT=0; iT<=maxSteps; ++iT) { bool initWithVel = false; setSpheresOnLattice(lattice,wrapper,units,initWithVel); if(iT%vtkSteps == 0 && iT > 0) // LIGGGHTS does not write at timestep 0 writeVTK(lattice,parameters,units,iT); lattice.collideAndStream(); getForcesFromLattice(lattice,wrapper,units); wrapper.run(demSubsteps); if(iT%logSteps == 0) { end = clock(); T time = difftime(end,loop)/((T)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); T totaltime = difftime(end,start)/((T)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); T mlups = ((T) (lattice.getNx()*lattice.getNy()*lattice.getNz()*logSteps))/time/1e6; pcout << "time: " << time << " " ; pcout << "calculating at " << mlups << " MLU/s" << " | total time running: " << totaltime << std::endl; loop = clock(); } } T totaltime = difftime(end,start)/((T)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); T totalmlups = ((T) (lattice.getNx()*lattice.getNy()*lattice.getNz()*(maxSteps+1)))/totaltime/1e6; pcout << " ********************** \n" << "total time: " << totaltime << " calculating at " << totalmlups << " MLU/s" << std::endl; }