Пример #1
boost::optional<Document> DocumentSourceRedact::redactObject() {
    const Value expressionResult = _expression->evaluate(_variables.get());

    if (expressionResult == keepVal) {
        return _variables->getDocument(_currentId);
    } else if (expressionResult == pruneVal) {
        return boost::optional<Document>();
    } else if (expressionResult == descendVal) {
        const Document in = _variables->getDocument(_currentId);
        MutableDocument out;
        FieldIterator fields(in);
        while (fields.more()) {
            const Document::FieldPair field(fields.next());

            // This changes CURRENT so don't read from _variables after this
            const Value val = redactValue(field.second);
            if (!val.missing()) {
                out.addField(field.first, val);
        return out.freeze();
    } else {
                  str::stream() << "$redact's expression should not return anything "
                                << "aside from the variables $$KEEP, $$DESCEND, and "
                                << "$$PRUNE, but returned "
                                << expressionResult.toString());
Пример #2
boost::optional<Document> DocumentSourceRedact::redactObject(const Variables& in) {
    const Value expressionResult = _expression->evaluate(in);

    if (expressionResult == keepVal) {
        return in.current.getDocument();
    else if (expressionResult == pruneVal) {
        return boost::optional<Document>();
    else if (expressionResult == descendVal) {
        MutableDocument out;
        FieldIterator fields(in.current.getDocument());
        while (fields.more()) {
            const Document::FieldPair field(fields.next());
            const Value val = redactValue(in, field.second);
            if (!val.missing()) {
                out.addField(field.first, val);
        return out.freeze();
    else {
        uasserted(17053, str::stream() << "$redact's expression should not return anything "
                  << "aside from the variables $$KEEP, $$DESCEND, and "
                  << "$$PRUNE, but returned "
                  << expressionResult.toString());
Document DocumentSourceSort::sortKeyPattern(SortKeySerialization serializationMode) const {
    MutableDocument keyObj;
    const size_t n = _sortPattern.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        if (_sortPattern[i].fieldPath) {
            // Append a named integer based on whether the sort is ascending/descending.
                            Value(_sortPattern[i].isAscending ? 1 : -1));
        } else {
            // Sorting by an expression, use a made up field name.
            auto computedFieldName = string(str::stream() << "$computed" << i);
            switch (serializationMode) {
                case SortKeySerialization::kForExplain:
                case SortKeySerialization::kForPipelineSerialization: {
                    const bool isExplain = (serializationMode == SortKeySerialization::kForExplain);
                    keyObj[computedFieldName] = _sortPattern[i].expression->serialize(isExplain);
                case SortKeySerialization::kForSortKeyMerging: {
                    // We need to be able to tell which direction the sort is. Expression sorts are
                    // always descending.
                    keyObj[computedFieldName] = Value(-1);
    return keyObj.freeze();
Пример #4
DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceFacet::getNext() {

    if (_done) {
        return GetNextResult::makeEOF();

    vector<vector<Value>> results(_facets.size());
    bool allPipelinesEOF = false;
    while (!allPipelinesEOF) {
        allPipelinesEOF = true;  // Set this to false if any pipeline isn't EOF.
        for (size_t facetId = 0; facetId < _facets.size(); ++facetId) {
            const auto& pipeline = _facets[facetId].pipeline;
            auto next = pipeline->getSources().back()->getNext();
            for (; next.isAdvanced(); next = pipeline->getSources().back()->getNext()) {
            allPipelinesEOF = allPipelinesEOF && next.isEOF();

    MutableDocument resultDoc;
    for (size_t facetId = 0; facetId < _facets.size(); ++facetId) {
        resultDoc[_facets[facetId].name] = Value(std::move(results[facetId]));

    _done = true;  // We will only ever produce one result.
    return resultDoc.freeze();
 bool applyProjectionToOneField(StringData field) const {
     MutableDocument doc;
     const FieldPath f{field};
     doc.setNestedField(f, Value(1.0));
     const Document transformedDoc = applyTransformation(doc.freeze());
     return !transformedDoc.getNestedField(f).missing();
Пример #6
    Value DocumentSourceGroup::serialize(bool explain) const {
        MutableDocument insides;

        // add the _id
        if (_idFieldNames.empty()) {
            invariant(_idExpressions.size() == 1);
            insides["_id"] = _idExpressions[0]->serialize(explain);
        else {
            // decomposed document case
            invariant(_idExpressions.size() == _idFieldNames.size());
            MutableDocument md;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < _idExpressions.size(); i++) {
                md[_idFieldNames[i]] = _idExpressions[i]->serialize(explain);
            insides["_id"] = md.freezeToValue();

        // add the remaining fields
        const size_t n = vFieldName.size();
        for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            intrusive_ptr<Accumulator> accum = vpAccumulatorFactory[i]();
            insides[vFieldName[i]] =
                Value(DOC(accum->getOpName() << vpExpression[i]->serialize(explain)));

        if (_doingMerge) {
            // This makes the output unparsable (with error) on pre 2.6 shards, but it will never
            // be sent to old shards when this flag is true since they can't do a merge anyway.

            insides["$doingMerge"] = Value(true);

        return Value(DOC(getSourceName() << insides.freeze()));
void ProjectionNode::serialize(boost::optional<ExplainOptions::Verbosity> explain,
                               MutableDocument* output) const {
    // Determine the boolean value for projected fields in the explain output.
    const bool projVal = !applyLeafProjectionToValue(Value(true)).missing();

    // Always put "_id" first if it was projected (implicitly or explicitly).
    if (_projectedFields.find("_id") != _projectedFields.end()) {
        output->addField("_id", Value(projVal));

    for (auto&& projectedField : _projectedFields) {
        if (projectedField != "_id") {
            output->addField(projectedField, Value(projVal));

    for (auto&& field : _orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren) {
        auto childIt = _children.find(field);
        if (childIt != _children.end()) {
            MutableDocument subDoc;
            childIt->second->serialize(explain, &subDoc);
            output->addField(field, subDoc.freezeToValue());
        } else {
            invariant(_policies.computedFieldsPolicy == ComputedFieldsPolicy::kAllowComputedFields);
            auto expressionIt = _expressions.find(field);
            invariant(expressionIt != _expressions.end());
            output->addField(field, expressionIt->second->serialize(static_cast<bool>(explain)));
Пример #8
Value DocumentSourceFacet::serialize(bool explain) const {
    MutableDocument serialized;
    for (auto&& facet : _facets) {
        serialized[facet.name] =
            Value(explain ? facet.pipeline->writeExplainOps() : facet.pipeline->serialize());
    return Value(Document{{"$facet", serialized.freezeToValue()}});
Пример #9
 MutableValue MutableDocument::getNestedFieldHelper(const FieldPath& dottedField,
                                                    size_t level) {
     if (level == dottedField.getPathLength()-1) {
         return getField(dottedField.getFieldName(level));
     else {
         MutableDocument nested (getField(dottedField.getFieldName(level)));
         return nested.getNestedFieldHelper(dottedField, level+1);
Пример #10
 MutableValue MutableDocument::getNestedFieldHelper(const vector<Position>& positions,
                                                    size_t level) {
     if (level == positions.size()-1) {
         return getField(positions[level]);
     else {
         MutableDocument nested (getField(positions[level]));
         return nested.getNestedFieldHelper(positions, level+1);
Пример #11
Document ExclusionNode::serialize() const {
    MutableDocument output;
    for (auto&& excludedField : _excludedFields) {
        output.addField(excludedField, Value(false));

    for (auto&& childPair : _children) {
        output.addField(childPair.first, Value(childPair.second->serialize()));
    return output.freeze();
Пример #12
Value DocumentSourceCursor::serialize(boost::optional<ExplainOptions::Verbosity> verbosity) const {
    // We never parse a DocumentSourceCursor, so we only serialize for explain.
    if (!verbosity)
        return Value();


            "Mismatch between verbosity passed to serialize() and expression context verbosity",
            verbosity == pExpCtx->explain);

    MutableDocument out;
    out["query"] = Value(_query);

    if (!_sort.isEmpty())
        out["sort"] = Value(_sort);

    if (_limit)
        out["limit"] = Value(_limit->getLimit());

    if (!_projection.isEmpty())
        out["fields"] = Value(_projection);

    BSONObjBuilder explainStatsBuilder;

        auto opCtx = pExpCtx->opCtx;
        auto lockMode = getLockModeForQuery(opCtx, _exec->nss());
        AutoGetDb dbLock(opCtx, _exec->nss().db(), lockMode);
        Lock::CollectionLock collLock(opCtx, _exec->nss(), lockMode);
        auto collection =
            dbLock.getDb() ? dbLock.getDb()->getCollection(opCtx, _exec->nss()) : nullptr;


    BSONObj explainStats = explainStatsBuilder.obj();
    out["queryPlanner"] = Value(explainStats["queryPlanner"]);

    if (verbosity.get() >= ExplainOptions::Verbosity::kExecStats) {
        out["executionStats"] = Value(explainStats["executionStats"]);

    return Value(DOC(getSourceName() << out.freezeToValue()));
Пример #13
    Value DocumentSourceCursor::serialize(bool explain) const {
        // we never parse a documentSourceCursor, so we only serialize for explain
        if (!explain)
            return Value();

        Status explainStatus(ErrorCodes::InternalError, "");
        scoped_ptr<TypeExplain> plan;
            Lock::DBRead lk(_ns);
            Client::Context ctx(_ns, storageGlobalParams.dbpath, /*doVersion=*/false);

            ClientCursorPin pin(_cursorId);
            ClientCursor* cursor = pin.c();

            uassert(17135, "Cursor deleted. Was the collection or database dropped?",

            Runner* runner = cursor->getRunner();

            TypeExplain* explainRaw;
            explainStatus = runner->getExplainPlan(&explainRaw);
            if (explainStatus.isOK())


        MutableDocument out;
        out["query"] = Value(_query);

        if (!_sort.isEmpty())
            out["sort"] = Value(_sort);

        if (_limit)
            out["limit"] = Value(_limit->getLimit());

        if (!_projection.isEmpty())
            out["fields"] = Value(_projection);

        if (explainStatus.isOK()) {
            out["plan"] = Value(extractInfo(plan));
        } else {
            out["planError"] = Value(explainStatus.toString());

        return out.freezeToValue();
Пример #14
    Value AccumulatorAvg::getValue() const {
        if (!pCtx->getInShard()) {
            double avg = 0;
            if (count)
                avg = doubleTotal / static_cast<double>(count);

            return Value::createDouble(avg);

        MutableDocument out;
        out.addField(subTotalName, Value::createDouble(doubleTotal));
        out.addField(countName, Value::createLong(count));

        return Value::createDocument(out.freeze());
Пример #15
    Value AccumulatorAvg::getValue(bool toBeMerged) const {
        if (!toBeMerged) {
            double avg = 0;
            if (count)
                avg = doubleTotal / static_cast<double>(count);

            return Value(avg);
        else {
            MutableDocument out;
            out.addField(subTotalName, Value(doubleTotal));
            out.addField(countName, Value(count));

            return Value(out.freeze());
Пример #16
    Document DocumentSourceSort::serializeSortKey() const {
        MutableDocument keyObj;
        // add the key fields
        const size_t n = vSortKey.size();
        for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            // get the field name out of each ExpressionFieldPath
            const FieldPath& withVariable = vSortKey[i]->getFieldPath();
            verify(withVariable.getPathLength() > 1);
            verify(withVariable.getFieldName(0) == "ROOT");
            const string fieldPath = withVariable.tail().getPath(false);

            // append a named integer based on the sort order
            keyObj.setField(fieldPath, Value(vAscending[i] ? 1 : -1));
        return keyObj.freeze();
Пример #17
    void DocumentSourceGroup::sourceToBson(BSONObjBuilder* pBuilder, bool explain) const {
        MutableDocument insides;

        /* add the _id */
        insides["_id"] = pIdExpression->serialize();

        /* add the remaining fields */
        const size_t n = vFieldName.size();
        for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            intrusive_ptr<Accumulator> accum = vpAccumulatorFactory[i]();
            insides[vFieldName[i]] = Value(
                    DOC(accum->getOpName() << vpExpression[i]->serialize()));

        *pBuilder << groupName << insides.freeze();
Пример #18
    Value DocumentSourceCursor::serialize(bool explain) const {
        // we never parse a documentSourceCursor, so we only serialize for explain
        if (!explain)
            return Value();

        // Get planner-level explain info from the underlying PlanExecutor.
        BSONObjBuilder explainBuilder;
        Status explainStatus(ErrorCodes::InternalError, "");
            const NamespaceString nss(_ns);
            AutoGetCollectionForRead autoColl(pExpCtx->opCtx, nss);

            massert(17392, "No _exec. Were we disposed before explained?", _exec);

            explainStatus = Explain::explainStages(pExpCtx->opCtx,

        MutableDocument out;
        out["query"] = Value(_query);

        if (!_sort.isEmpty())
            out["sort"] = Value(_sort);

        if (_limit)
            out["limit"] = Value(_limit->getLimit());

        if (!_projection.isEmpty())
            out["fields"] = Value(_projection);

        // Add explain results from the query system into the agg explain output.
        if (explainStatus.isOK()) {
            BSONObj explainObj = explainBuilder.obj();
            out["queryPlanner"] = Value(explainObj["queryPlanner"]);
        else {
            out["planError"] = Value(explainStatus.toString());

        return Value(DOC(getSourceName() << out.freezeToValue()));
Пример #19
    // Taken as a whole, these three functions should produce the same output document given the
    // same deps set as mongo::Projection::transform would on the output of depsToProjection. The
    // only exceptions are that we correctly handle the case where no fields are needed and we don't
    // need to work around the above mentioned bug with subfields of _id (SERVER-7502). This is
    // tested in a DEV block in DocumentSourceCursor::findNext().
    // Output from this function is input for the next two
    // ParsedDeps is a simple recursive look-up table. For each field in a ParsedDeps:
    //      If the value has type==Bool, the whole field is needed
    //      If the value has type==Object, the fields in the subobject are needed
    //      All other fields should be missing which means not needed
    DocumentSource::ParsedDeps DocumentSource::parseDeps(const set<string>& deps) {
        MutableDocument md;

        string last;
        for (set<string>::const_iterator it(deps.begin()), end(deps.end()); it!=end; ++it) {
            if (!last.empty() && str::startsWith(*it, last)) {
                // we are including a parent of *it so we don't need to include this field
                // explicitly. In fact, if we included this field, the parent wouldn't be fully
                // included.  This logic relies on on set iterators going in lexicographic order so
                // that a string is always directly before of all fields it prefixes.
            last = *it + '.';
            md.setNestedField(*it, Value(true));

        return md.freeze();
Пример #20
    Value DocumentSourceCursor::serialize(bool explain) const {
        // we never parse a documentSourceCursor, so we only serialize for explain
        if (!explain)
            return Value();

        Status explainStatus(ErrorCodes::InternalError, "");
        scoped_ptr<TypeExplain> plan;
            Lock::DBRead lk(pExpCtx->opCtx->lockState(), _ns);
            Client::Context ctx(pExpCtx->opCtx, _ns, /*doVersion=*/ false);

            massert(17392, "No _runner. Were we disposed before explained?",


            TypeExplain* explainRaw;
            explainStatus = _runner->getInfo(&explainRaw, NULL);
            if (explainStatus.isOK())


        MutableDocument out;
        out["query"] = Value(_query);

        if (!_sort.isEmpty())
            out["sort"] = Value(_sort);

        if (_limit)
            out["limit"] = Value(_limit->getLimit());

        if (!_projection.isEmpty())
            out["fields"] = Value(_projection);

        if (explainStatus.isOK()) {
            out["plan"] = Value(extractInfo(plan));
        } else {
            out["planError"] = Value(explainStatus.toString());

        return Value(DOC(getSourceName() << out.freezeToValue()));
Пример #21
    void run() {
        MutableDocument md;
        md.addField("foo", Value(1));
        ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, md.peek().size());
        ASSERT_EQUALS(1, md.peek()["foo"].getInt());
        md.addField("bar", Value(99));
        ASSERT_EQUALS(2U, md.peek().size());
        ASSERT_EQUALS(99, md.peek()["bar"].getInt());
        // No assertion is triggered by a duplicate field name.
        md.addField("a", Value(5));

        Document final = md.freeze();
        ASSERT_EQUALS(3U, final.size());
Пример #22
    boost::optional<Document> DocumentSourceProject::getNext() {

        boost::optional<Document> input = pSource->getNext();
        if (!input)
            return boost::none;

        /* create the result document */
        const size_t sizeHint = pEO->getSizeHint();
        MutableDocument out (sizeHint);

          Use the ExpressionObject to create the base result.

          If we're excluding fields at the top level, leave out the _id if
          it is found, because we took care of it above.
        pEO->addToDocument(out, *input, _variables.get());

#if defined(_DEBUG)
        if (!_simpleProjection.getSpec().isEmpty()) {
            // Make sure we return the same results as Projection class

            BSONObj inputBson = input->toBson();
            BSONObj outputBson = out.peek().toBson();

            BSONObj projected = _simpleProjection.transform(inputBson);

            if (projected != outputBson) {
                log() << "$project applied incorrectly: " << getRaw() << endl;
                log() << "input:  " << inputBson << endl;
                log() << "out: " << outputBson << endl;
                log() << "projected: " << projected << endl;
                verify(false); // exits in _DEBUG builds

        return out.freeze();
Пример #23
    Document Document::fromBsonWithMetaData(const BSONObj& bson) {
        MutableDocument md;

        BSONObjIterator it(bson);
        while(it.more()) {
            BSONElement elem(it.next());
            if (elem.fieldName()[0] == '$') {
                if (elem.fieldNameStringData() == metaFieldTextScore) {

            // Note: this will not parse out metadata in embedded documents.
            md.addField(elem.fieldNameStringData(), Value(elem));

        return md.freeze();
Пример #24
    boost::optional<Document> DocumentSourceGeoNear::getNext() {

        if (!resultsIterator)

        if (!resultsIterator->more())
            return boost::none;

        // each result from the geoNear command is wrapped in a wrapper object with "obj",
        // "dis" and maybe "loc" fields. We want to take the object from "obj" and inject the
        // other fields into it.
        Document result (resultsIterator->next().embeddedObject());
        MutableDocument output (result["obj"].getDocument());
        output.setNestedField(*distanceField, result["dis"]);
        if (includeLocs)
            output.setNestedField(*includeLocs, result["loc"]);

        return output.freeze();
Пример #25
    Document DocumentSourceProject::getCurrent() {
        Document pInDocument(pSource->getCurrent());

        /* create the result document */
        const size_t sizeHint = pEO->getSizeHint();
        MutableDocument out (sizeHint);

          Use the ExpressionObject to create the base result.

          If we're excluding fields at the top level, leave out the _id if
          it is found, because we took care of it above.
        pEO->addToDocument(out, pInDocument, /*root=*/pInDocument);

#if defined(_DEBUG)
        if (!_simpleProjection.getSpec().isEmpty()) {
            // Make sure we return the same results as Projection class

            BSONObjBuilder inputBuilder;
            BSONObj input = inputBuilder.done();

            BSONObjBuilder outputBuilder;
            BSONObj output = outputBuilder.done();

            BSONObj projected = _simpleProjection.transform(input);

            if (projected != output) {
                log() << "$project applied incorrectly: " << getRaw() << endl;
                log() << "input:  " << input << endl;
                log() << "out: " << output << endl;
                log() << "projected: " << projected << endl;
                verify(false); // exits in _DEBUG builds

        return out.freeze();
Пример #26
Document DocumentSourceSort::serializeSortKey(bool explain) const {
    MutableDocument keyObj;
    // add the key fields
    const size_t n = vSortKey.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        if (ExpressionFieldPath* efp = dynamic_cast<ExpressionFieldPath*>(vSortKey[i].get())) {
            // ExpressionFieldPath gets special syntax that includes direction
            const FieldPath& withVariable = efp->getFieldPath();
            verify(withVariable.getPathLength() > 1);
            verify(withVariable.getFieldName(0) == "ROOT");
            const string fieldPath = withVariable.tail().fullPath();

            // append a named integer based on the sort order
            keyObj.setField(fieldPath, Value(vAscending[i] ? 1 : -1));
        } else {
            // other expressions use a made-up field name
            keyObj[string(str::stream() << "$computed" << i)] = vSortKey[i]->serialize(explain);
    return keyObj.freeze();
Value DocumentSourceBucketAuto::serialize(bool explain) const {
    MutableDocument insides;

    insides["groupBy"] = _groupByExpression->serialize(explain);
    insides["buckets"] = Value(_nBuckets);

    if (_granularityRounder) {
        insides["granularity"] = Value(_granularityRounder->getName());

    const size_t nOutputFields = _fieldNames.size();
    MutableDocument outputSpec(nOutputFields);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nOutputFields; i++) {
        intrusive_ptr<Accumulator> accum = _accumulatorFactories[i]();
        outputSpec[_fieldNames[i]] =
            Value{Document{{accum->getOpName(), _expressions[i]->serialize(explain)}}};
    insides["output"] = outputSpec.freezeToValue();

    return Value{Document{{getSourceName(), insides.freezeToValue()}}};
Пример #28
DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceIndexStats::getNext() {

    if (_indexStatsMap.empty()) {
        _indexStatsMap = _mongod->getIndexStats(pExpCtx->opCtx, pExpCtx->ns);
        _indexStatsIter = _indexStatsMap.begin();

    if (_indexStatsIter != _indexStatsMap.end()) {
        const auto& stats = _indexStatsIter->second;
        MutableDocument doc;
        doc["name"] = Value(_indexStatsIter->first);
        doc["key"] = Value(stats.indexKey);
        doc["host"] = Value(_processName);
        doc["accesses"]["ops"] = Value(stats.accesses.loadRelaxed());
        doc["accesses"]["since"] = Value(stats.trackerStartTime);
        return doc.freeze();

    return GetNextResult::makeEOF();
Пример #29
Value DocumentSourceCursor::serialize(boost::optional<ExplainOptions::Verbosity> explain) const {
    // We never parse a DocumentSourceCursor, so we only serialize for explain.
    if (!explain)
        return Value();

    // Get planner-level explain info from the underlying PlanExecutor.
    BSONObjBuilder explainBuilder;
        AutoGetCollectionForRead autoColl(pExpCtx->opCtx, _exec->nss());
        Explain::explainStages(_exec.get(), autoColl.getCollection(), *explain, &explainBuilder);

    MutableDocument out;
    out["query"] = Value(_query);

    if (!_sort.isEmpty())
        out["sort"] = Value(_sort);

    if (_limit)
        out["limit"] = Value(_limit->getLimit());

    if (!_projection.isEmpty())
        out["fields"] = Value(_projection);

    // Add explain results from the query system into the agg explain output.
    BSONObj explainObj = explainBuilder.obj();
    out["queryPlanner"] = Value(explainObj["queryPlanner"]);
    if (*explain >= ExplainOptions::Verbosity::kExecStats) {
        out["executionStats"] = Value(explainObj["executionStats"]);

    return Value(DOC(getSourceName() << out.freezeToValue()));
Пример #30
// ParsedDeps::_fields is a simple recursive look-up table. For each field:
//      If the value has type==Bool, the whole field is needed
//      If the value has type==Object, the fields in the subobject are needed
//      All other fields should be missing which means not needed
boost::optional<ParsedDeps> DepsTracker::toParsedDeps() const {
    MutableDocument md;

    if (needWholeDocument || _needTextScore) {
        // can't use ParsedDeps in this case
        return boost::none;

    string last;
    for (set<string>::const_iterator it(fields.begin()), end(fields.end()); it != end; ++it) {
        if (!last.empty() && str::startsWith(*it, last)) {
            // we are including a parent of *it so we don't need to include this field
            // explicitly. In fact, if we included this field, the parent wouldn't be fully
            // included.  This logic relies on on set iterators going in lexicographic order so
            // that a string is always directly before of all fields it prefixes.
        last = *it + '.';
        md.setNestedField(*it, Value(true));

    return ParsedDeps(md.freeze());