Пример #1
parse_param_string(const char *line, MyString &name, MyString &value, bool del_quotes)
	MyString one_line;
	int pos=0;

	name = "";
	value = "";

	if( !line || (line[0] == '\0') ) {

	one_line = line;
	pos = one_line.FindChar('=', 0);
	if( pos <= 0 ) {

	name = one_line.Substr(0, pos -1);
	if( pos == (one_line.Length() - 1) ) {
		value = "";
	}else {
		value = one_line.Substr( pos+1, one_line.Length() - 1); 


	if( del_quotes ) {
		value = delete_quotation_marks(value.Value());
Пример #2
// Remove/replace characters from the string so it can be used as an attribute name
// it changes the string that is passed to it.  first leading an trailing spaces
// are removed, then Characters that are invalid in compatible classads 
// (basically anthing but [a-zA-Z0-9_]) is replaced with chReplace.
// if chReplace is 0, then invalid characters are removed. 
// if compact is true, then multiple consecutive runs of chReplace
// are changed to a single instance.
// return value is the length of the resulting string.
int cleanStringForUseAsAttr(MyString &str, char chReplace/*=0*/, bool compact/*=true*/)
   // have 0 mean 'remove' since we can't actually use it as a replacement char
   // we'll actually implement it by replacing invalid chars with spaces,
   // and then compacting to remove all of the spaces.
   if (0 == chReplace) {
      chReplace = ' ';
      compact = true;

   // trim the input and replace invalid chars with chReplace
   for (int ii = 0; ii < str.Length(); ++ii) {
      char ch = str[ii];
      if (ch == '_' || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z'))

   // if compact, convert runs of chReplace with a single instance,
   // unless chReplace is ' ', then remove them entirely.
   if (compact) {
      if (chReplace == ' ')
         str.replaceString(" ","");
      else {
         MyString tmp; tmp += chReplace; tmp += chReplace;
         str.replaceString(tmp.Value(), tmp.Value()+1);
   return str.Length();
Пример #3
// Removes leading/tailing single(') or double(") quote
delete_quotation_marks(const char *value)
	MyString fixedvalue;

	if( !value || (value[0] == '\0')) {
		return fixedvalue;

	char *tmpvalue = strdup(value);
	char *ptr = tmpvalue;

	// Delete leading ones
	while( ( *ptr == '\"') || (*ptr == '\'' ) ) {
		*ptr = ' ';

	ptr = tmpvalue + strlen(tmpvalue) - 1;
	// Delete tailing ones
	while( ( ptr > tmpvalue ) && 
			( ( *ptr == '\"') || (*ptr == '\'' ) )) {
		*ptr = ' ';
	fixedvalue = tmpvalue;
	return fixedvalue;
Пример #4
void HTTPServer::onIncomingConnection ( SOCKET sock )

	//read data from socket
	char buffer[1024];
	int n;
	bzero ( buffer, sizeof ( buffer ) );

	n = read ( sock,buffer,1024 );
	if ( n < 0 ) {
		mLog ( "ERROR reading from socket", LOG_PERROR );
		exit ( 1 );
	//mLog((string)"Read from buffer: " + buffer);

	MyString data ( buffer );
	//data now contains incoming data.

	string firstLine;
	firstLine = data.substr ( 0, data.find ( "\r\n" ) );

	//we should check if header is correct
	const string prefix ( "GET" );
	const string postfix ( "HTTP/1." );
	mLog ( ( "Data received: " + data ).c_str() );

	if ( firstLine.find ( prefix ) != 0 // doesn't start with prefix
	     || firstLine.find ( postfix ) != firstLine.length()-1 - postfix.length() // doesn't end with postfix
	     || firstLine.length() < 14 ) { // length is small
		// header is incorrect
		mLog ( "Bad request: " + firstLine );
		exit ( 1 );
	} else {
		// header is correct
		MyString req = firstLine.substr ( 4, firstLine.find ( postfix )-4 );
#if defined(FULLDEBUG)
		mLog ( "request is:" + req );
		mLog ( "first line is:" + firstLine );

		onUrlRequested ( req, sock );

	close ( sock );

GLExecPrivSepHelper::run_script(ArgList& args,MyString &error_desc)
	if (!proxy_valid_right_now()) {
		dprintf(D_ALWAYS, "GLExecPrivSepHelper::run_script: not invoking glexec since the proxy is not valid!\n");
		error_desc += "The job proxy is not valid.";

		/* Note that set_user_priv is a no-op if condor is running as
		   non-root (the "usual" mode for invoking glexec) */
	priv_state priv_saved = set_user_priv();
	FILE* fp = my_popen(args, "r", TRUE);
	if (fp == NULL) {
		        "GLExecPrivSepHelper::run_script: "
		            "my_popen failure on %s: errno=%d (%s)\n",
		return -1;
	MyString str;
	while (str.readLine(fp, true));

	priv_saved = set_user_priv();
	int ret = my_pclose(fp);

	if (ret != 0) {
		        "GLExecPrivSepHelper::run_script: %s exited "
		            "with status %d and following output:\n%s\n",
		error_desc.formatstr_cat("%s exited with status %d and the following output: %s",
		error_desc.replaceString("\n","; ");
	return ret;
Пример #6
GetConfigAndAttrs( /* const */ StringList &dagFiles, bool useDagDir, 
			MyString &configFile, StringList &attrLines, MyString &errMsg )
	bool		result = true;

		// Note: destructor will change back to original directory.
	TmpDir		dagDir;

	char *dagFile;
	while ( (dagFile = dagFiles.next()) != NULL ) {

			// Change to the DAG file's directory if necessary, and
			// get the filename we need to use for it from that directory.
		const char *	newDagFile;
		if ( useDagDir ) {
			MyString	tmpErrMsg;
			if ( !dagDir.Cd2TmpDirFile( dagFile, tmpErrMsg ) ) {
				AppendError( errMsg,
						MyString("Unable to change to DAG directory ") +
						tmpErrMsg );
				return false;
			newDagFile = condor_basename( dagFile );
		} else {
			newDagFile = dagFile;

		StringList		configFiles;

			// Note: destructor will close file.
		MultiLogFiles::FileReader reader;
		errMsg = reader.Open( newDagFile );
		if ( errMsg != "" ) {
			return false;

		MyString logicalLine;
		while ( reader.NextLogicalLine( logicalLine ) ) {
			if ( logicalLine != "" ) {
					// Note: StringList constructor removes leading
					// whitespace from lines.
				StringList tokens( logicalLine.Value(), " \t" );

				const char *firstToken = tokens.next();
				if ( !strcasecmp( firstToken, "config" ) ) {

						// Get the value.
					const char *newValue = tokens.next();
					if ( !newValue || !strcmp( newValue, "" ) ) {
						AppendError( errMsg, "Improperly-formatted "
									"file: value missing after keyword "
									"CONFIG" );
			    		result = false;
					} else {

							// Add the value we just found to the config
							// files list (if it's not already in the
							// list -- we don't want duplicates).
						char *existingValue;
						bool alreadyInList = false;
						while ( ( existingValue = configFiles.next() ) ) {
							if ( !strcmp( existingValue, newValue ) ) {
								alreadyInList = true;

						if ( !alreadyInList ) {
								// Note: append copies the string here.
							configFiles.append( newValue );

					//some DAG commands are needed for condor_submit_dag, too...
				} else if ( !strcasecmp( firstToken, "SET_JOB_ATTR" ) ) {
						// Strip of DAGMan-specific command name; the
						// rest we pass to the submit file.
					logicalLine.replaceString( "SET_JOB_ATTR", "" );
					if ( logicalLine == "" ) {
						AppendError( errMsg, "Improperly-formatted "
									"file: value missing after keyword "
									"SET_JOB_ATTR" );
						result = false;
					} else {
						attrLines.append( logicalLine.Value() );

			// Check the specified config file(s) against whatever we
			// currently have, setting the config file if it hasn't
			// been set yet, flagging an error if config files conflict.
		char *		cfgFile;
		while ( (cfgFile = configFiles.next()) ) {
			MyString	cfgFileMS = cfgFile;
			MyString	tmpErrMsg;
			if ( MakePathAbsolute( cfgFileMS, tmpErrMsg ) ) {
				if ( configFile == "" ) {
					configFile = cfgFileMS;
				} else if ( configFile != cfgFileMS ) {
					AppendError( errMsg, MyString("Conflicting DAGMan ") +
								"config files specified: " + configFile +
								" and " + cfgFileMS );
					result = false;
			} else {
				AppendError( errMsg, tmpErrMsg );
				result = false;

			// Go back to our original directory.
		MyString	tmpErrMsg;
		if ( !dagDir.Cd2MainDir( tmpErrMsg ) ) {
			AppendError( errMsg,
					MyString("Unable to change to original directory ") +
					tmpErrMsg );
			result = false;

	return result;
Пример #7
run_simple_docker_command(const std::string &command, const std::string &container, int timeout, CondorError &, bool ignore_output)
  ArgList args;
  if ( ! add_docker_arg(args))
    return -1;
  args.AppendArg( command );
  args.AppendArg( container.c_str() );

  MyString displayString;
  args.GetArgsStringForLogging( & displayString );
  dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "Attempting to run: %s\n", displayString.c_str() );

#if 1
	MyPopenTimer pgm;
	if (pgm.start_program( args, true, NULL, false ) < 0) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to run '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -2;

	if ( ! pgm.wait_and_close(timeout) || pgm.output_size() <= 0) {
		int error = pgm.error_code();
		if( error ) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to read results from '%s': '%s' (%d)\n", displayString.c_str(), pgm.error_str(), error );
			if (pgm.was_timeout()) {
				dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Declaring a hung docker\n");
				return DockerAPI::docker_hung;
		} else {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "'%s' returned nothing.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -3;

	// On a success, Docker writes the containerID back out.
	MyString line;
	line.chomp(); line.trim();
	if (!ignore_output && line != container.c_str()) {
		// Didn't get back the result I expected, report the error and check to see if docker is hung.
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Docker %s failed, printing first few lines of output.\n", command.c_str());
		for (int ii = 0; ii < 10; ++ii) {
			if ( ! line.readLine(pgm.output(), false)) break;
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "%s\n", line.c_str() );
		return -4;

  // Read from Docker's combined output and error streams.
  FILE * dockerResults = my_popen( args, "r", 1 , 0, false);
  if( dockerResults == NULL ) {
    dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to run '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );
    return -2;

  // On a success, Docker writes the containerID back out.
  char buffer[1024];
  if( NULL == fgets( buffer, 1024, dockerResults ) ) {
    if( errno ) {
      dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to read results from '%s': '%s' (%d)\n", displayString.c_str(), strerror( errno ), errno );
    } else {
      dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "'%s' returned nothing.\n", displayString.c_str() );
    my_pclose( dockerResults );
    return -3;

  size_t length = strlen( buffer );
  if (!ignore_output) {
    if( length < 1 || strncmp( buffer, container.c_str(), length - 1 ) != 0 ) {
      dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Docker %s failed, printing first few lines of output.\n", command.c_str() );
      dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "%s", buffer );
      while( NULL != fgets( buffer, 1024, dockerResults ) ) {
	dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "%s", buffer );
      my_pclose( dockerResults );
      return -4;

  my_pclose( dockerResults );
  return 0;
Пример #8
int DockerAPI::rm( const std::string & containerID, CondorError & /* err */ ) {

	ArgList rmArgs;
	if ( ! add_docker_arg(rmArgs))
		return -1;
	rmArgs.AppendArg( "rm" );
	rmArgs.AppendArg( "-f" );  // if for some reason still running, kill first
	rmArgs.AppendArg( "-v" );  // also remove the volume
	rmArgs.AppendArg( containerID.c_str() );

	MyString displayString;
	rmArgs.GetArgsStringForLogging( & displayString );
	dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "Attempting to run: %s\n", displayString.c_str() );

	// Read from Docker's combined output and error streams.
#if 1
	MyPopenTimer pgm;
	if (pgm.start_program( rmArgs, true, NULL, false ) < 0) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to run '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -2;
	const char * got_output = pgm.wait_and_close(default_timeout);

	// On a success, Docker writes the containerID back out.
	MyString line;
	if ( ! got_output || ! line.readLine(pgm.output(), false)) {
		int error = pgm.error_code();
		if( error ) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to read results from '%s': '%s' (%d)\n", displayString.c_str(), pgm.error_str(), error );
			if (pgm.was_timeout()) {
				dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Declaring a hung docker\n");
				return docker_hung;
		} else {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "'%s' returned nothing.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -3;

	line.chomp(); line.trim();
	if (line != containerID.c_str()) {
		// Didn't get back the result I expected, report the error and check to see if docker is hung.
		return check_if_docker_offline(pgm, "Docker remove", -4);
	FILE * dockerResults = my_popen( rmArgs, "r", 1 , 0, false);
	if( dockerResults == NULL ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to run '%s'.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		return -2;

	// On a success, Docker writes the containerID back out.
	char buffer[1024];
	if( NULL == fgets( buffer, 1024, dockerResults ) ) {
		if( errno ) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Failed to read results from '%s': '%s' (%d)\n", displayString.c_str(), strerror( errno ), errno );
		} else {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "'%s' returned nothing.\n", displayString.c_str() );
		my_pclose( dockerResults );
		return -3;

	int length = strlen( buffer );
	if( length < 1 || strncmp( buffer, containerID.c_str(), length - 1 ) != 0 ) {
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "Docker remove failed, printing first few lines of output.\n" );
		dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "%s", buffer );
		while( NULL != fgets( buffer, 1024, dockerResults ) ) {
			dprintf( D_ALWAYS | D_FAILURE, "%s", buffer );
		my_pclose( dockerResults );
		return -4;

	my_pclose( dockerResults );
	return 0;
Пример #9
VirshType::parseXenDiskParam(const char *format)
	if( !format || (format[0] == '\0') ) {
		return false;

    vmprintf(D_FULLDEBUG, "format = %s\n", format);

	StringList working_files;
	find_all_files_in_dir(m_workingpath.Value(), working_files, true);

	StringList disk_files(format, ",");
	if( disk_files.isEmpty() ) {
		return false;

	const char *one_disk = NULL;
	while( (one_disk = disk_files.next() ) != NULL ) {
		// found a disk file
		StringList single_disk_file(one_disk, ":");
        int iNumParams = single_disk_file.number();
		if( iNumParams < 3 || iNumParams > 4 ) 
			return false;


		// name of a disk file
		MyString dfile = single_disk_file.next();
		if( dfile.IsEmpty() ) {
			return false;

		const char* tmp_base_name = condor_basename(dfile.Value());
		if( !tmp_base_name ) {
			return false;

		// Every disk file for Virsh must have full path name
		MyString disk_file;
		if( filelist_contains_file(dfile.Value(),
					&working_files, true) ) {
			// file is transferred
			disk_file = m_workingpath;
			disk_file += DIR_DELIM_CHAR;
			disk_file += tmp_base_name;

			m_has_transferred_disk_file = true;
		}else {
			// file is not transferred.
			if( fullpath(dfile.Value()) == false) {
				vmprintf(D_ALWAYS, "File(%s) for xen disk "
						"should have full path name\n", dfile.Value());
				return false;
			disk_file = dfile;

		// device name
		MyString disk_device = single_disk_file.next();

		// disk permission
		MyString disk_perm = single_disk_file.next();

		if( !strcasecmp(disk_perm.Value(), "w") || !strcasecmp(disk_perm.Value(), "rw")) 
			// check if this disk file is writable
			if( check_vm_write_access_file(disk_file.Value(), false) == false ) {
				vmprintf(D_ALWAYS, "xen disk image file('%s') cannot be modified\n",
				return false;
			// check if this disk file is readable
			if( check_vm_read_access_file(disk_file.Value(), false) == false ) {
				vmprintf(D_ALWAYS, "xen disk image file('%s') cannot be read\n",
				return false;

		XenDisk *newdisk = new XenDisk;
		newdisk->filename = disk_file;
		newdisk->device = disk_device;
		newdisk->permission = disk_perm;

        // only when a format is specified do we check
        if (iNumParams == 4 )
            newdisk->format = single_disk_file.next();

	if( m_disk_list.Number() == 0 ) {
		vmprintf(D_ALWAYS, "No valid Virsh disk\n");
		return false;

	return true;