Пример #1
NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeTrafficSignals(const OptionsCont& oc, NBNodeCont& nc) {
    OutputDevice& device = OutputDevice::getDevice(oc.getString("dlr-navteq-output") + "_traffic_signals.txt");
    writeHeader(device, oc);
    const GeoConvHelper& gch = GeoConvHelper::getFinal();
    const bool haveGeo = gch.usingGeoProjection();
    const SUMOReal geoScale = pow(10.0f, haveGeo ? 5 : 2); // see NIImporter_DlrNavteq::GEO_SCALE
    // write format specifier
    device << "#Traffic signal related to LINK_ID and NODE_ID with location relative to driving direction.\n#column format like pointcollection.\n#DESCRIPTION->LOCATION: 1-rechts von LINK; 2-links von LINK; 3-oberhalb LINK -1-keineAngabe\n#RELATREC_ID\tPOICOL_TYPE\tDESCRIPTION\tLONGITUDE\tLATITUDE\tLINK_ID\n";
    // write record for every edge incoming to a tls controlled node
    for (std::map<std::string, NBNode*>::const_iterator i = nc.begin(); i != nc.end(); ++i) {
        NBNode* n = (*i).second;
        if (n->isTLControlled()) {
            Position pos = n->getPosition();
            const EdgeVector& incoming = n->getIncomingEdges();
            for (EdgeVector::const_iterator it = incoming.begin(); it != incoming.end(); ++it) {
                NBEdge* e = *it;
                device << e->getID() << "\t"
                       << "12\t" // POICOL_TYPE
                       << "LSA;NODEIDS#" << n->getID() << "#;LOCATION#-1#;\t"
                       << pos.x() << "\t"
                       << pos.y() << "\t"
                       << e->getID() << "\n";
Пример #2
GNEJunction::setLogicValid(bool valid, GNEUndoList* undoList, const std::string& status) {
    myHasValidLogic = valid;
    if (!valid) {
        assert(undoList != 0);
        undoList->add(new GNEChange_Attribute(this, GNE_ATTR_MODIFICATION_STATUS, status));
        // allow edges to recompute their connections
        NBTurningDirectionsComputer::computeTurnDirectionsForNode(&myNBNode, false);
        EdgeVector incoming = EdgeVector(myNBNode.getIncomingEdges());
        for (EdgeVector::iterator it = incoming.begin(); it != incoming.end(); it++) {
            NBEdge* srcNBE = *it;
            NBEdge* turnEdge = srcNBE->getTurnDestination();
            GNEEdge* srcEdge = myNet->retrieveEdge(srcNBE->getID());
            std::vector<NBEdge::Connection> connections = srcNBE->getConnections(); // make a copy!
            // delete in reverse so that undoing will add connections in the original order
            for (std::vector<NBEdge::Connection>::reverse_iterator con_it = connections.rbegin(); con_it != connections.rend(); con_it++) {
                bool hasTurn = con_it->toEdge == turnEdge;
                undoList->add(new GNEChange_Connection(
                                  srcEdge, con_it->fromLane, con_it->toEdge->getID(),
                                  con_it->toLane, con_it->mayDefinitelyPass, false), true);
                // needs to come after GNEChange_Connection
                // XXX bug: this code path will not be used on a redo!
                if (hasTurn) {
            undoList->add(new GNEChange_Attribute(srcEdge, GNE_ATTR_MODIFICATION_STATUS, status), true);
    } else {
Пример #3
NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeLinksUnsplitted(const OptionsCont& oc, NBEdgeCont& ec) {
    std::map<const std::string, std::string> nameIDs;
    OutputDevice& device = OutputDevice::getDevice(oc.getString("dlr-navteq-output") + "_links_unsplitted.txt");
    writeHeader(device, oc);
    // write format specifier
    // write edges
    for (std::map<std::string, NBEdge*>::const_iterator i = ec.begin(); i != ec.end(); ++i) {
        NBEdge* e = (*i).second;
        const int kph = speedInKph(e->getSpeed());
        const std::string& betweenNodeID = (e->getGeometry().size() > 2) ? e->getID() : UNDEFINED;
        std::string nameID = UNDEFINED;
        if (oc.getBool("output.street-names")) {
            const std::string& name = i->second->getStreetName();
            if (name != "" && nameIDs.count(name) == 0) {
                nameID = toString(nameIDs.size());
                nameIDs[name] = nameID;
        device << e->getID() << "\t"
               << e->getFromNode()->getID() << "\t"
               << e->getToNode()->getID() << "\t"
               << betweenNodeID << "\t"
               << getGraphLength(e) << "\t"
               << getAllowedTypes(e->getPermissions()) << "\t"
               << "3\t" // Speed Category 1-8 XXX refine this
               << UNDEFINED << "\t" // no special brunnel type (we don't know yet)
               << getRoadClass(e) << "\t"
               << getSpeedCategory(kph) << "\t"
               << getNavteqLaneCode(e->getNumLanes()) << "\t"
               << getSpeedCategoryUpperBound(kph) << "\t"
               << kph << "\t"
               << nameID << "\t" // NAME_ID1_REGIONAL XXX
               << UNDEFINED << "\t" // NAME_ID2_LOCAL XXX
               << UNDEFINED << "\t" // housenumbers_right
               << UNDEFINED << "\t" // housenumbers_left
               << UNDEFINED << "\t" // ZIP_CODE
               << UNDEFINED << "\t" // AREA_ID
               << UNDEFINED << "\t" // SUBAREA_ID
               << "1\t" // through_traffic (allowed)
               << UNDEFINED << "\t" // special_restrictions
               << UNDEFINED << "\t" // extended_number_of_lanes
               << UNDEFINED << "\t" // isRamp
               << "0\t" // connection (between nodes always in order)
               << "\n";
    if (oc.getBool("output.street-names")) {
        OutputDevice& namesDevice = OutputDevice::getDevice(oc.getString("dlr-navteq-output") + "_names.txt");
        writeHeader(namesDevice, oc);
        // write format specifier
        namesDevice << "# NAME_ID\tName\n" << nameIDs.size() << "\n";
        for (std::map<const std::string, std::string>::const_iterator i = nameIDs.begin(); i != nameIDs.end(); ++i) {
            namesDevice << i->second << "\t" << i->first << "\n";
NIXMLTrafficLightsHandler::addTlConnection(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) {
    bool ok = true;
    // parse identifying attributes
    NBEdge* from = retrieveEdge(attrs, SUMO_ATTR_FROM, ok);
    NBEdge* to = retrieveEdge(attrs, SUMO_ATTR_TO, ok);
    if (!ok) {
    int fromLane = retrieveLaneIndex(attrs, SUMO_ATTR_FROM_LANE, from, ok);
    int toLane = retrieveLaneIndex(attrs, SUMO_ATTR_TO_LANE, to, ok);
    if (!ok) {
    // retrieve connection
    const std::vector<NBEdge::Connection>& connections = from->getConnections();
    std::vector<NBEdge::Connection>::const_iterator con_it;
    con_it = find_if(connections.begin(), connections.end(),
                     NBEdge::connections_finder(fromLane, to, toLane));
    if (con_it == connections.end()) {
        WRITE_ERROR("Connection from=" + from->getID() + " to=" + to->getID() +
                    " fromLane=" + toString(fromLane) + " toLane=" + toString(toLane) + " not found");
    NBEdge::Connection c = *con_it;
    // read other  attributes
    std::string tlID = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TLID, 0, ok, "");
    if (tlID == "") {
        // we are updating an existing tl-controlled connection
        tlID = c.tlID;
        assert(tlID != "");
    int tlIndex = attrs.getOptIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TLLINKINDEX, 0, ok, -1);
    if (tlIndex == -1) {
        // we are updating an existing tl-controlled connection
        tlIndex = c.tlLinkNo;

    // register the connection with all definitions
    const std::map<std::string, NBTrafficLightDefinition*>& programs = myTLLCont.getPrograms(tlID);
    if (programs.size() > 0) {
        std::map<std::string, NBTrafficLightDefinition*>::const_iterator it;
        for (it = programs.begin(); it != programs.end(); it++) {
            NBLoadedSUMOTLDef* tlDef = dynamic_cast<NBLoadedSUMOTLDef*>(it->second);
            if (tlDef) {
                tlDef->addConnection(from, c.toEdge, c.fromLane, c.toLane, tlIndex);
            } else {
                throw ProcessError("Corrupt traffic light definition '"
                                   + tlID + "' (program '" + it->first + "')");
    } else {
        WRITE_ERROR("The traffic light '" + tlID + "' is not known.");
NIImporter_VISUM::getNamedEdgeContinuating(NBEdge* begin, NBNode* node) {
    if (begin == 0) {
        return 0;
    NBEdge* ret = begin;
    std::string edgeID = ret->getID();
    // hangle forward
    while (ret != 0) {
        // ok, this is the edge we are looking for
        if (ret->getToNode() == node) {
            return ret;
        const EdgeVector& nedges = ret->getToNode()->getOutgoingEdges();
        if (nedges.size() != 1) {
            // too many edges follow
            ret = 0;
        NBEdge* next = nedges[0];
        if (ret->getID().substr(0, edgeID.length()) != next->getID().substr(0, edgeID.length())) {
            // ok, another edge is next...
            ret = 0;
        if (next->getID().substr(next->getID().length() - node->getID().length()) != node->getID()) {
            ret = 0;
        ret = next;

    ret = begin;
    // hangle backward
    while (ret != 0) {
        // ok, this is the edge we are looking for
        if (ret->getFromNode() == node) {
            return ret;
        const EdgeVector& nedges = ret->getFromNode()->getIncomingEdges();
        if (nedges.size() != 1) {
            // too many edges follow
            ret = 0;
        NBEdge* next = nedges[0];
        if (ret->getID().substr(0, edgeID.length()) != next->getID().substr(0, edgeID.length())) {
            // ok, another edge is next...
            ret = 0;
        if (next->getID().substr(next->getID().length() - node->getID().length()) != node->getID()) {
            ret = 0;
        ret = next;
    return 0;
unsigned int
NIVissimConnection::buildEdgeConnections(NBEdgeCont& ec) {
    unsigned int unsetConnections = 0;
    // try to determine the connected edges
    NBEdge* fromEdge = 0;
    NBEdge* toEdge = 0;
    NIVissimEdge* vissimFrom = NIVissimEdge::dictionary(getFromEdgeID());
    if (vissimFrom->wasWithinAJunction()) {
        // this edge was not built, try to get one that approaches it
        vissimFrom = vissimFrom->getBestIncoming();
        if (vissimFrom != 0) {
            fromEdge = ec.retrievePossiblySplit(toString(vissimFrom->getID()), toString(getFromEdgeID()), true);
    } else {
        // this edge was built, try to get the proper part
        fromEdge = ec.retrievePossiblySplit(toString(getFromEdgeID()), toString(getToEdgeID()), true);
    NIVissimEdge* vissimTo = NIVissimEdge::dictionary(getToEdgeID());
    if (vissimTo->wasWithinAJunction()) {
        vissimTo = vissimTo->getBestOutgoing();
        if (vissimTo != 0) {
            toEdge = ec.retrievePossiblySplit(toString(vissimTo->getID()), toString(getToEdgeID()), true);
    } else {
        toEdge = ec.retrievePossiblySplit(toString(getToEdgeID()), toString(getFromEdgeID()), false);

    // try to get the edges the current connection connects
    NBEdge *fromEdge = ec.retrievePossiblySplit(toString(getFromEdgeID()), toString(getToEdgeID()), true);
    NBEdge *toEdge = ec.retrievePossiblySplit(toString(getToEdgeID()), toString(getFromEdgeID()), false);
    if (fromEdge == 0 || toEdge == 0) {
        WRITE_WARNING("Could not build connection between '" + toString(getFromEdgeID()) + "' and '" + toString(getToEdgeID()) + "'.");
        return 1; // !!! actually not 1
    recheckLanes(fromEdge, toEdge);
    const std::vector<int>& fromLanes = getFromLanes();
    const std::vector<int>& toLanes = getToLanes();
    if (fromLanes.size() != toLanes.size()) {
        WRITE_WARNING("Lane sizes differ for connection '" + toString(getID()) + "'.");
    } else {
        for (unsigned int index = 0; index < fromLanes.size(); ++index) {
            if (fromEdge->getNumLanes() <= static_cast<unsigned int>(fromLanes[index])) {
                WRITE_WARNING("Could not set connection between '" + fromEdge->getID() + "_" + toString(fromLanes[index]) + "' and '" + toEdge->getID() + "_" + toString(toLanes[index]) + "'.");
            } else if (!fromEdge->addLane2LaneConnection(fromLanes[index], toEdge, toLanes[index], NBEdge::L2L_VALIDATED)) {
                WRITE_WARNING("Could not set connection between '" + fromEdge->getID() + "_" + toString(fromLanes[index]) + "' and '" + toEdge->getID() + "_" + toString(toLanes[index]) + "'.");
    return unsetConnections;
Пример #7
NIImporter_DlrNavteq::ConnectedLanesHandler::report(const std::string& result) {
    if (result[0] == '#') {
        return true;
    StringTokenizer st(result, StringTokenizer::TAB);
    if (st.size() == 1) {
        return true; // one line with the number of data containing lines in it (also starts with a comment # since ersion 6.5)
    assert(st.size() >= 7);
    const std::string nodeID = st.next();
    const std::string vehicleType = st.next();
    const std::string fromLaneS = st.next();
    const std::string toLaneS = st.next();
    const std::string throughTraffic = st.next();
    const std::string startEdge = st.next();
    const std::string endEdge = st.get(st.size() - 1);

    NBEdge* from = myEdgeCont.retrieve(startEdge);
    if (from == nullptr) {
        WRITE_WARNING("Ignoring prohibition from unknown start edge '" + startEdge + "'");
        return true;
    NBEdge* to = myEdgeCont.retrieve(endEdge);
    if (to == nullptr) {
        WRITE_WARNING("Ignoring prohibition from unknown end edge '" + endEdge + "'");
        return true;
    int fromLane = StringUtils::toInt(fromLaneS) - 1; // one based
    if (fromLane < 0 || fromLane >= from->getNumLanes()) {
        WRITE_WARNING("Ignoring invalid lane index '" + fromLaneS + "' in connection from edge '" + startEdge + "' with " + toString(from->getNumLanes()) + " lanes");
        return true;
    int toLane = StringUtils::toInt(toLaneS) - 1; // one based
    if (toLane < 0 || toLane >= to->getNumLanes()) {
        WRITE_WARNING("Ignoring invalid lane index '" + toLaneS + "' in connection to edge '" + endEdge + "' with " + toString(to->getNumLanes()) + " lanes");
        return true;
    if (!from->addLane2LaneConnection(fromLane, to, toLane, NBEdge::L2L_USER, true)) {
        if (OptionsCont::getOptions().getBool("show-errors.connections-first-try")) {
            WRITE_WARNING("Could not set loaded connection from '" + from->getLaneID(fromLane) + "' to '" + to->getLaneID(toLane) + "'.");
        // set as to be re-applied after network processing
        // if this connection runs across a node cluster it may not be possible to set this
        const bool warnOnly = st.size() > 7;
        myEdgeCont.addPostProcessConnection(from->getID(), fromLane, to->getID(), toLane, false, true,
                                            NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_CONTPOS, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_VISIBILITY_DISTANCE,
                                            NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_SPEED, PositionVector::EMPTY, false, warnOnly);
    // ensure that connections for other lanes are guessed if not specified
    from->getLaneStruct(fromLane).connectionsDone = true;
    return true;
unsigned int
NBNodeCont::removeUnwishedNodes(NBDistrictCont& dc, NBEdgeCont& ec,
                                NBJoinedEdgesMap& je, NBTrafficLightLogicCont& tlc,
                                bool removeGeometryNodes) {
    unsigned int no = 0;
    std::vector<NBNode*> toRemove;
    for (NodeCont::iterator i = myNodes.begin(); i != myNodes.end(); i++) {
        NBNode* current = (*i).second;
        bool remove = false;
        std::vector<std::pair<NBEdge*, NBEdge*> > toJoin;
        // check for completely empty nodes
        if (current->getOutgoingEdges().size() == 0 && current->getIncomingEdges().size() == 0) {
            // remove if empty
            remove = true;
        // check for nodes which are only geometry nodes
        if (removeGeometryNodes) {
            if ((current->getOutgoingEdges().size() == 1 && current->getIncomingEdges().size() == 1)
                    (current->getOutgoingEdges().size() == 2 && current->getIncomingEdges().size() == 2)) {
                // ok, one in, one out or two in, two out
                //  -> ask the node whether to join
                remove = current->checkIsRemovable();
                if (remove) {
                    toJoin = current->getEdgesToJoin();
        // remove the node and join the geometries when wished
        if (!remove) {
        for (std::vector<std::pair<NBEdge*, NBEdge*> >::iterator j = toJoin.begin(); j != toJoin.end(); j++) {
            NBEdge* begin = (*j).first;
            NBEdge* continuation = (*j).second;
            continuation->getToNode()->replaceIncoming(continuation, begin, 0);
            tlc.replaceRemoved(continuation, -1, begin, -1);
            je.appended(begin->getID(), continuation->getID());
            ec.erase(dc, continuation);
    // erase all
    for (std::vector<NBNode*>::iterator j = toRemove.begin(); j != toRemove.end(); ++j) {
    return no;
Пример #9
NWWriter_SUMO::writeEdge(OutputDevice& into, const NBEdge& e, bool noNames, bool origNames) {
    // write the edge's begin
    into.openTag(SUMO_TAG_EDGE).writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_ID, e.getID());
    into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_FROM, e.getFromNode()->getID());
    into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TO, e.getToNode()->getID());
    if (!noNames && e.getStreetName() != "") {
        into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_NAME, StringUtils::escapeXML(e.getStreetName()));
    into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_PRIORITY, e.getPriority());
    if (e.getTypeID() != "") {
        into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, e.getTypeID());
    if (e.isMacroscopicConnector()) {
    // write the spread type if not default ("right")
    if (e.getLaneSpreadFunction() != LANESPREAD_RIGHT) {
        into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_SPREADTYPE, e.getLaneSpreadFunction());
    if (e.hasLoadedLength()) {
        into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_LENGTH, e.getLoadedLength());
    if (!e.hasDefaultGeometry()) {
        into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, e.getGeometry());
    // write the lanes
    const std::vector<NBEdge::Lane>& lanes = e.getLanes();

    SUMOReal length = e.getLoadedLength();
    if (OptionsCont::getOptions().getBool("no-internal-links") && !e.hasLoadedLength()) {
        // use length to junction center even if a modified geometry was given
        PositionVector geom = e.cutAtIntersection(e.getGeometry());
        length = geom.length();
    if (length <= 0) {
        length = POSITION_EPS;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int) lanes.size(); i++) {
        const NBEdge::Lane& l = lanes[i];
        writeLane(into, e.getID(), e.getLaneID(i), l.speed,
                  l.permissions, l.preferred, l.endOffset, l.width, l.shape, l.origID,
                  length, i, origNames);
    // close the edge
NBTrafficLightDefinition::collectEdges() {
    EdgeVector myOutgoing;
    // collect the edges from the participating nodes
    for (std::vector<NBNode*>::iterator i = myControlledNodes.begin(); i != myControlledNodes.end(); i++) {
        const EdgeVector& incoming = (*i)->getIncomingEdges();
        copy(incoming.begin(), incoming.end(), back_inserter(myIncomingEdges));
        const EdgeVector& outgoing = (*i)->getOutgoingEdges();
        copy(outgoing.begin(), outgoing.end(), back_inserter(myOutgoing));
    EdgeVector outer;
    // check which of the edges are completely within the junction
    //  add them to the list of edges lying within the node
    for (EdgeVector::iterator j = myIncomingEdges.begin(); j != myIncomingEdges.end(); ++j) {
        NBEdge* edge = *j;
        // an edge lies within the logic if it is outgoing as well as incoming
        EdgeVector::iterator k = find(myOutgoing.begin(), myOutgoing.end(), edge);
        if (k != myOutgoing.end()) {
        } else  {
    // collect edges that are reachable from the outside via controlled connections
    std::set<NBEdge*> reachable = collectReachable(outer, myEdgesWithin, true);
    // collect edges that are reachable from the outside regardless of controllability
    std::set<NBEdge*> reachable2 = collectReachable(outer, myEdgesWithin, false);

    const bool uncontrolledWithin = OptionsCont::getOptions().getBool("tls.uncontrolled-within");
    for (EdgeVector::iterator j = myEdgesWithin.begin(); j != myEdgesWithin.end(); ++j) {
        NBEdge* edge = *j;
        // edges that are marked as 'inner' will not get their own phase when
        // computing traffic light logics (unless they cannot be reached from the outside at all)
        if (reachable.count(edge) == 1) {
            // legacy behavior
            if (uncontrolledWithin && myControlledInnerEdges.count(edge->getID()) == 0) {
                myIncomingEdges.erase(find(myIncomingEdges.begin(), myIncomingEdges.end(), edge));
        if (reachable2.count(edge) == 0 && edge->getFirstNonPedestrianLaneIndex(NBNode::FORWARD, true) >= 0
                && getID() != DummyID) {
            WRITE_WARNING("Unreachable edge '" + edge->getID() + "' within tlLogic '" + getID() + "'");
Пример #11
NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeConnectedLanes(const OptionsCont& oc, NBNodeCont& nc) {
    OutputDevice& device = OutputDevice::getDevice(oc.getString("dlr-navteq-output") + "_connected_lanes.txt");
    writeHeader(device, oc);
    // write format specifier
    device << "#Lane connections related to LINK-IDs and NODE-ID.\n";
    device << "#column format like pointcollection.\n";
    // write record for every connection
    for (std::map<std::string, NBNode*>::const_iterator i = nc.begin(); i != nc.end(); ++i) {
        NBNode* n = (*i).second;
        const EdgeVector& incoming = n->getIncomingEdges();
        for (EdgeVector::const_iterator j = incoming.begin(); j != incoming.end(); ++j) {
            NBEdge* from = *j;
            const SVCPermissions fromPerm = from->getPermissions();
            const std::vector<NBEdge::Connection>& connections = from->getConnections();
            for (std::vector<NBEdge::Connection>::const_iterator it_c = connections.begin(); it_c != connections.end(); it_c++) {
                const NBEdge::Connection& c = *it_c;
                        << n->getID() << "\t"
                        << getAllowedTypes(fromPerm & c.toEdge->getPermissions()) << "\t"
                        << c.fromLane + 1 << "\t" // one-based
                        << c.toLane + 1 << "\t" // one-based
                        << 1 << "\t" // no information regarding permissibility of through traffic
                        << from->getID() << "\t"
                        << c.toEdge->getID() << "\t"
                        << "\n";
Пример #12
NBEdgeCont::recheckPostProcessConnections() {
    for (std::vector<PostProcessConnection>::const_iterator i = myConnections.begin(); i != myConnections.end(); ++i) {
        NBEdge* from = retrieve((*i).from);
        NBEdge* to = retrieve((*i).to);
        if (from != 0 && to != 0) {
            if (!from->addLane2LaneConnection((*i).fromLane, to, (*i).toLane, NBEdge::L2L_USER, false, (*i).mayDefinitelyPass)) {
                WRITE_WARNING("Could not insert connection between '" + (*i).from + "' and '" + (*i).to + "' after build.");
    // during loading we also kept some ambiguous connections in hope they might be valid after processing
    // we need to make sure that all invalid connections are removed now
    for (EdgeCont::iterator it = myEdges.begin(); it != myEdges.end(); ++it) {
        NBEdge* edge = it->second;
        NBNode* to = edge->getToNode();
        // make a copy because we may delete connections
        std::vector<NBEdge::Connection> connections = edge->getConnections();
        for (std::vector<NBEdge::Connection>::iterator it_con = connections.begin(); it_con != connections.end(); ++it_con) {
            NBEdge::Connection& c = *it_con;
            if (c.toEdge != 0 && c.toEdge->getFromNode() != to) {
                WRITE_WARNING("Found and removed invalid connection from " + edge->getID() +
                              " to " + c.toEdge->getID() + " via " + to->getID());
NBTrafficLightDefinition::collectAllLinks() {
    int tlIndex = 0;
    // build the list of links which are controled by the traffic light
    for (EdgeVector::iterator i = myIncomingEdges.begin(); i != myIncomingEdges.end(); i++) {
        NBEdge* incoming = *i;
        unsigned int noLanes = incoming->getNumLanes();
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < noLanes; j++) {
            std::vector<NBEdge::Connection> connected = incoming->getConnectionsFromLane(j);
            for (std::vector<NBEdge::Connection>::iterator k = connected.begin(); k != connected.end(); k++) {
                const NBEdge::Connection& el = *k;
                if (incoming->mayBeTLSControlled(el.fromLane, el.toEdge, el.toLane)) {
                    if (el.toEdge != 0 && el.toLane >= (int) el.toEdge->getNumLanes()) {
                        throw ProcessError("Connection '" + incoming->getID() + "_" + toString(j) + "->" + el.toEdge->getID() + "_" + toString(el.toLane) + "' yields in a not existing lane.");
                    if (incoming->getToNode()->getType() != NODETYPE_RAIL_CROSSING || !isRailway(incoming->getPermissions())) {
                        myControlledLinks.push_back(NBConnection(incoming, el.fromLane, el.toEdge, el.toLane, tlIndex++));
                    } else {
                        myControlledLinks.push_back(NBConnection(incoming, el.fromLane, el.toEdge, el.toLane, -1));
NWWriter_SUMO::writeConnection(OutputDevice& into, const NBEdge& from, const NBEdge::Connection& c,
                               bool includeInternal, ConnectionStyle style) {
    assert(c.toEdge != 0);
    into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_FROM, from.getID());
    into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TO, c.toEdge->getID());
    into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_FROM_LANE, c.fromLane);
    into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TO_LANE, c.toLane);
    if (c.mayDefinitelyPass) {
        into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_PASS, c.mayDefinitelyPass);
    if (style != PLAIN) {
        if (includeInternal) {
            into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_VIA, c.id + "_0");
        // set information about the controlling tl if any
        if (c.tlID != "") {
            into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TLID, c.tlID);
            into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TLLINKINDEX, c.tlLinkNo);
        if (style == SUMONET) {
            // write the direction information
            LinkDirection dir = from.getToNode()->getDirection(&from, c.toEdge);
            assert(dir != LINKDIR_NODIR);
            into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_DIR, toString(dir));
            // write the state information
            const LinkState linkState = from.getToNode()->getLinkState(
                                            &from, c.toEdge, c.toLane, c.mayDefinitelyPass, c.tlID);
            into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_STATE, linkState);
Пример #15
NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeNodesUnsplitted(const OptionsCont& oc, NBNodeCont& nc, NBEdgeCont& ec) {
    // For "real" nodes we simply use the node id.
    // For internal nodes (geometry vectors describing edge geometry in the parlance of this format)
    // we use the id of the edge and do not bother with
    // compression (each direction gets its own internal node).
    // XXX add option for generating numerical ids in case the input network has string ids and the target process needs integers
    OutputDevice& device = OutputDevice::getDevice(oc.getString("dlr-navteq-output") + "_nodes_unsplitted.txt");
    writeHeader(device, oc);
    const GeoConvHelper& gch = GeoConvHelper::getFinal();
    const bool haveGeo = gch.usingGeoProjection();
    const SUMOReal geoScale = pow(10.0f, haveGeo ? 5 : 2); // see NIImporter_DlrNavteq::GEO_SCALE
    if (!haveGeo) {
        WRITE_WARNING("DlrNavteq node data will be written in (floating point) cartesian coordinates");
    // write format specifier
    device << "# NODE_ID\tIS_BETWEEN_NODE\tamount_of_geocoordinates\tx1\ty1\t[x2 y2  ... xn  yn]\n";
    // write normal nodes
    for (std::map<std::string, NBNode*>::const_iterator i = nc.begin(); i != nc.end(); ++i) {
        NBNode* n = (*i).second;
        Position pos = n->getPosition();
        device << n->getID() << "\t0\t1\t" << pos.x() << "\t" << pos.y() << "\n";
    // write "internal" nodes
    for (std::map<std::string, NBEdge*>::const_iterator i = ec.begin(); i != ec.end(); ++i) {
        NBEdge* e = (*i).second;
        const PositionVector& geom = e->getGeometry();
        if (geom.size() > 2) {
            if (e->getID() == UNDEFINED) {
                WRITE_WARNING("Edge id '" + UNDEFINED +
                              "' clashes with the magic value for NO_BETWEEN_NODE. Internal geometry for this edge will be lost.");
            device << e->getID() << "\t1\t" << geom.size() - 2;
            for (size_t ii = 1; ii < geom.size() - 1; ++ii) {
                Position pos = geom[(int)ii];
                device << "\t" << pos.x() << "\t" << pos.y();
            device << "\n";
Пример #16
NBLoadedSUMOTLDef::collectEdges() {
    if (myControlledLinks.size() == 0) {
    EdgeVector myOutgoing;
    // collect the edges from the participating nodes
    for (std::vector<NBNode*>::iterator i = myControlledNodes.begin(); i != myControlledNodes.end(); i++) {
        const EdgeVector& incoming = (*i)->getIncomingEdges();
        copy(incoming.begin(), incoming.end(), back_inserter(myIncomingEdges));
        const EdgeVector& outgoing = (*i)->getOutgoingEdges();
        copy(outgoing.begin(), outgoing.end(), back_inserter(myOutgoing));
    // check which of the edges are completely within the junction
    // and which are uncontrolled as well (we already know myControlledLinks)
    for (EdgeVector::iterator j = myIncomingEdges.begin(); j != myIncomingEdges.end();) {
        NBEdge* edge = *j;
        // an edge lies within the logic if it is outgoing as well as incoming
        EdgeVector::iterator k = find(myOutgoing.begin(), myOutgoing.end(), edge);
        if (k != myOutgoing.end()) {
            if (myControlledInnerEdges.count(edge->getID()) == 0) {
                bool controlled = false;
                for (NBConnectionVector::iterator it = myControlledLinks.begin(); it != myControlledLinks.end(); it++) {
                    if ((*it).getFrom() == edge) {
                        controlled = true;
                if (controlled) {
                } else {
                    ++j; //j = myIncomingEdges.erase(j);
Пример #17
NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeProhibitedManoeuvres(const OptionsCont& oc, const NBNodeCont& nc, const NBEdgeCont& ec) {
    OutputDevice& device = OutputDevice::getDevice(oc.getString("dlr-navteq-output") + "_prohibited_manoeuvres.txt");
    writeHeader(device, oc);
    // need to invent id for relation
    std::set<std::string> reservedRelIDs;
    if (oc.isSet("reserved-ids")) {
        NBHelpers::loadPrefixedIDsFomFile(oc.getString("reserved-ids"), "rel:", reservedRelIDs);
    std::vector<std::string> avoid = ec.getAllNames(); // already used for tls RELATREC_ID
    avoid.insert(avoid.end(), reservedRelIDs.begin(), reservedRelIDs.end());
    IDSupplier idSupplier("", avoid); // @note: use a global relRecIDsupplier if this is used more often
    // write format specifier
    device << "#No driving allowed from ID1 to ID2 or the complete chain from ID1 to IDn\n";
    // write record for every pair of incoming/outgoing edge that are not connected despite having common permissions
    for (std::map<std::string, NBNode*>::const_iterator i = nc.begin(); i != nc.end(); ++i) {
        NBNode* n = (*i).second;
        const EdgeVector& incoming = n->getIncomingEdges();
        const EdgeVector& outgoing = n->getOutgoingEdges();
        for (EdgeVector::const_iterator j = incoming.begin(); j != incoming.end(); ++j) {
            NBEdge* inEdge = *j;
            const SVCPermissions inPerm = inEdge->getPermissions();
            for (EdgeVector::const_iterator k = outgoing.begin(); k != outgoing.end(); ++k) {
                NBEdge* outEdge = *k;
                const SVCPermissions outPerm = outEdge->getPermissions();
                const SVCPermissions commonPerm = inPerm & outPerm;
                if (commonPerm != 0 && commonPerm != SVC_PEDESTRIAN && !inEdge->isConnectedTo(outEdge)) {
                            << idSupplier.getNext() << "\t"
                            << 1 << "\t" // permanent id
                            << UNDEFINED << "\t"
                            << 1 << "\t"
                            << getAllowedTypes(SVCAll) << "\t"
                            << inEdge->getID() << "\t" << outEdge->getID() << "\n";
NWWriter_SUMO::writeEdge(OutputDevice& into, const NBEdge& e, bool noNames, bool origNames) {
    // write the edge's begin
    into.openTag(SUMO_TAG_EDGE).writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_ID, e.getID());
    into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_FROM, e.getFromNode()->getID());
    into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TO, e.getToNode()->getID());
    if (!noNames && e.getStreetName() != "") {
        into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_NAME, StringUtils::escapeXML(e.getStreetName()));
    into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_PRIORITY, e.getPriority());
    if (e.getTypeName() != "") {
        into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, e.getTypeName());
    if (e.isMacroscopicConnector()) {
    // write the spread type if not default ("right")
    if (e.getLaneSpreadFunction() != LANESPREAD_RIGHT) {
        into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_SPREADTYPE, e.getLaneSpreadFunction());
    if (e.hasLoadedLength()) {
        into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_LENGTH, e.getLoadedLength());
    if (!e.hasDefaultGeometry()) {
        into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, e.getGeometry());
    // write the lanes
    const std::vector<NBEdge::Lane>& lanes = e.getLanes();
    SUMOReal length = e.getLoadedLength();
    if (length <= 0) {
        length = (SUMOReal) .1;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int) lanes.size(); i++) {
        writeLane(into, e.getID(), e.getLaneID(i), lanes[i], length, i, origNames);
    // close the edge
Пример #19
// ----- Adapting the input
NBEdgeCont::removeUnwishedEdges(NBDistrictCont& dc) {
    EdgeVector toRemove;
    for (EdgeCont::iterator i = myEdges.begin(); i != myEdges.end(); ++i) {
        NBEdge* edge = (*i).second;
        if (!myEdges2Keep.count(edge->getID())) {
    for (EdgeVector::iterator j = toRemove.begin(); j != toRemove.end(); ++j) {
        erase(dc, *j);
Пример #20
NBOwnTLDef::collectLinks() throw(ProcessError) {
    // build the list of links which are controled by the traffic light
    for (EdgeVector::iterator i=myIncomingEdges.begin(); i!=myIncomingEdges.end(); i++) {
        NBEdge *incoming = *i;
        unsigned int noLanes = incoming->getNoLanes();
        for (unsigned int j=0; j<noLanes; j++) {
            std::vector<NBEdge::Connection> connected = incoming->getConnectionsFromLane(j);
            for (std::vector<NBEdge::Connection>::iterator k=connected.begin(); k!=connected.end(); k++) {
                const NBEdge::Connection &el = *k;
                if (incoming->mayBeTLSControlled(el.fromLane, el.toEdge, el.toLane)) {
                    if (el.toEdge!=0&&el.toLane>=(int) el.toEdge->getNoLanes()) {
                        throw ProcessError("Connection '" + incoming->getID() + "_" + toString(j) + "->" + el.toEdge->getID() + "_" + toString(el.toLane) + "' yields in a not existing lane.");
                    myControlledLinks.push_back(NBConnection(incoming, j, el.toEdge, el.toLane));
Пример #21
NWWriter_SUMO::writeConnection(OutputDevice& into, const NBEdge& from, const NBEdge::Connection& c,
                               bool includeInternal, ConnectionStyle style) {
    assert(c.toEdge != 0);
    into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_FROM, from.getID());
    into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TO, c.toEdge->getID());
    into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_FROM_LANE, c.fromLane);
    into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TO_LANE, c.toLane);
    if (c.mayDefinitelyPass && style != TLL) {
        into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_PASS, c.mayDefinitelyPass);
    if ((from.getToNode()->getKeepClear() == false || c.keepClear == false) && style != TLL) {
        into.writeAttr<bool>(SUMO_ATTR_KEEP_CLEAR, false);
    if (c.contPos != NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_CONTPOS && style != TLL) {
        into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_CONTPOS, c.contPos);
    if (style != PLAIN) {
        if (includeInternal) {
            into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_VIA, c.getInternalLaneID());
        // set information about the controlling tl if any
        if (c.tlID != "") {
            into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TLID, c.tlID);
            into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TLLINKINDEX, c.tlLinkNo);
        if (style == SUMONET) {
            // write the direction information
            LinkDirection dir = from.getToNode()->getDirection(&from, c.toEdge, OptionsCont::getOptions().getBool("lefthand"));
            assert(dir != LINKDIR_NODIR);
            into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_DIR, toString(dir));
            // write the state information
            const LinkState linkState = from.getToNode()->getLinkState(
                                            &from, c.toEdge, c.fromLane, c.toLane, c.mayDefinitelyPass, c.tlID);
            into.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_STATE, linkState);
NIImporter_VISUM::parse_Lanes() {
    // get the node
    NBNode* node = getNamedNode("KNOTNR");
    // get the edge
    NBEdge* baseEdge = getNamedEdge("STRNR");
    NBEdge* edge = getNamedEdgeContinuating("STRNR", node);
    // check
    if (node == 0 || edge == 0) {
    // get the lane
    std::string laneS = myLineParser.know("FSNR")
                        ? NBHelpers::normalIDRepresentation(myLineParser.get("FSNR"))
                        : NBHelpers::normalIDRepresentation(myLineParser.get("NR"));
    int lane = -1;
    try {
        lane = TplConvert::_2int(laneS.c_str());
    } catch (NumberFormatException&) {
        WRITE_ERROR("A lane number for edge '" + edge->getID() + "' is not numeric (" + laneS + ").");
    lane -= 1;
    if (lane < 0) {
        WRITE_ERROR("A lane number for edge '" + edge->getID() + "' is not positive (" + laneS + ").");
    // get the direction
    std::string dirS = NBHelpers::normalIDRepresentation(myLineParser.get("RICHTTYP"));
    int prevLaneNo = baseEdge->getNumLanes();
    if ((dirS == "1" && !(node->hasIncoming(edge))) || (dirS == "0" && !(node->hasOutgoing(edge)))) {
        // get the last part of the turnaround direction
        edge = getReversedContinuating(edge, node);
    // get the length
    std::string lengthS = NBHelpers::normalIDRepresentation(myLineParser.get("LAENGE"));
    SUMOReal length = -1;
    try {
        length = TplConvert::_2SUMOReal(lengthS.c_str());
    } catch (NumberFormatException&) {
        WRITE_ERROR("A lane length for edge '" + edge->getID() + "' is not numeric (" + lengthS + ").");
    if (length < 0) {
        WRITE_ERROR("A lane length for edge '" + edge->getID() + "' is not positive (" + lengthS + ").");
    if (dirS == "1") {
        lane -= prevLaneNo;
    if (length == 0) {
        if ((int) edge->getNumLanes() > lane) {
            // ok, we know this already...
        // increment by one
    } else {
        // check whether this edge already has been created
        if (edge->getID().substr(edge->getID().length() - node->getID().length() - 1) == "_" + node->getID()) {
            if (edge->getID().substr(edge->getID().find('_')) == "_" + toString(length) + "_" + node->getID()) {
                if ((int) edge->getNumLanes() > lane) {
                    // ok, we know this already...
                // increment by one
        // nope, we have to split the edge...
        //  maybe it is not the proper edge to split - VISUM seems not to sort the splits...
        bool mustRecheck = true;
        SUMOReal seenLength = 0;
        while (mustRecheck) {
            if (edge->getID().substr(edge->getID().length() - node->getID().length() - 1) == "_" + node->getID()) {
                // ok, we have a previously created edge here
                std::string sub = edge->getID();
                sub = sub.substr(sub.rfind('_', sub.rfind('_') - 1));
                sub = sub.substr(1, sub.find('_', 1) - 1);
                SUMOReal dist = TplConvert::_2SUMOReal(sub.c_str());
                if (dist < length) {
                    seenLength += edge->getLength();
                    if (dirS == "1") {
                        // incoming -> move back
                        edge = edge->getFromNode()->getIncomingEdges()[0];
                    } else {
                        // outgoing -> move forward
                        edge = edge->getToNode()->getOutgoingEdges()[0];
                } else {
                    mustRecheck = false;
            } else {
                // we have the center edge - do not continue...
                mustRecheck = false;
        // compute position
        Position p;
        SUMOReal useLength = length - seenLength;
        useLength = edge->getLength() - useLength;
        std::string edgeID = edge->getID();
        p = edge->getGeometry().positionAtLengthPosition(useLength);
        if (edgeID.substr(edgeID.length() - node->getID().length() - 1) == "_" + node->getID()) {
            edgeID = edgeID.substr(0, edgeID.find('_'));
        NBNode* rn = new NBNode(edgeID + "_" +  toString((size_t) length) + "_" + node->getID(), p);
        if (!myNetBuilder.getNodeCont().insert(rn)) {
            throw ProcessError("Ups - could not insert node!");
        std::string nid = edgeID + "_" +  toString((size_t) length) + "_" + node->getID();
        myNetBuilder.getEdgeCont().splitAt(myNetBuilder.getDistrictCont(), edge, useLength, rn,
                                           edge->getID(), nid, edge->getNumLanes() + 0, edge->getNumLanes() + 1);
        NBEdge* nedge = myNetBuilder.getEdgeCont().retrieve(nid);
        nedge = nedge->getToNode()->getOutgoingEdges()[0];
        while (nedge->getID().substr(nedge->getID().length() - node->getID().length() - 1) == "_" + node->getID()) {
            assert(nedge->getToNode()->getOutgoingEdges().size() > 0);
            nedge = nedge->getToNode()->getOutgoingEdges()[0];
NIXMLEdgesHandler::myEndElement(int element) {
    if (element == SUMO_TAG_EDGE && myCurrentEdge != 0) {
        if (!myIsUpdate) {
            try {
                if (!myEdgeCont.insert(myCurrentEdge)) {
                    WRITE_ERROR("Duplicate edge occured. ID='" + myCurrentID + "'");
                    delete myCurrentEdge;
            } catch (InvalidArgument& e) {
            } catch (...) {
                WRITE_ERROR("An important information is missing in edge '" + myCurrentID + "'.");
        if (mySplits.size() != 0) {
            std::vector<Split>::iterator i;
            NBEdge* e = myCurrentEdge;
            sort(mySplits.begin(), mySplits.end(), split_sorter());
            unsigned int noLanesMax = e->getNumLanes();
            // compute the node positions and sort the lanes
            for (i = mySplits.begin(); i != mySplits.end(); ++i) {
                (*i).gpos = e->getGeometry().positionAtLengthPosition((*i).pos);
                sort((*i).lanes.begin(), (*i).lanes.end());
                noLanesMax = MAX2(noLanesMax, (unsigned int)(*i).lanes.size());
            // split the edge
            std::vector<int> currLanes;
            for (unsigned int l = 0; l < e->getNumLanes(); ++l) {
            std::string edgeid = e->getID();
            SUMOReal seen = 0;
            for (i = mySplits.begin(); i != mySplits.end(); ++i) {
                const Split& exp = *i;
                assert(exp.lanes.size() != 0);
                if (exp.pos > 0 && e->getGeometry().length() + seen > exp.pos && exp.pos > seen) {
                    std::string nid = edgeid + "." +  toString(exp.nameid);
                    NBNode* rn = new NBNode(nid, exp.gpos);
                    if (myNodeCont.insert(rn)) {
                        //  split the edge
                        std::string nid = myCurrentID + "." +  toString(exp.nameid);
                        std::string pid = e->getID();
                        myEdgeCont.splitAt(myDistrictCont, e, exp.pos - seen, rn,
                                           pid, nid, e->getNumLanes(), (unsigned int) exp.lanes.size());
                        seen = exp.pos;
                        std::vector<int> newLanes = exp.lanes;
                        NBEdge* pe = myEdgeCont.retrieve(pid);
                        NBEdge* ne = myEdgeCont.retrieve(nid);
                        // reconnect lanes
                        //  new on right
                        unsigned int rightMostP = currLanes[0];
                        unsigned int rightMostN = newLanes[0];
                        for (int l = 0; l < (int) rightMostP - (int) rightMostN; ++l) {
                            pe->addLane2LaneConnection(0, ne, l, NBEdge::L2L_VALIDATED, true);
                        //  new on left
                        unsigned int leftMostP = currLanes.back();
                        unsigned int leftMostN = newLanes.back();
                        for (int l = 0; l < (int) leftMostN - (int) leftMostP; ++l) {
                            pe->addLane2LaneConnection(pe->getNumLanes() - 1, ne, leftMostN - l - rightMostN, NBEdge::L2L_VALIDATED, true);
                        //  all other connected
                        for (unsigned int l = 0; l < noLanesMax; ++l) {
                            if (find(currLanes.begin(), currLanes.end(), l) == currLanes.end()) {
                            if (find(newLanes.begin(), newLanes.end(), l) == newLanes.end()) {
                            pe->addLane2LaneConnection(l - rightMostP, ne, l - rightMostN, NBEdge::L2L_VALIDATED, true);
                        // move to next
                        e = ne;
                        currLanes = newLanes;
                    } else {
                        WRITE_WARNING("Error on parsing a split (edge '" + myCurrentID + "').");
                }  else if (exp.pos == 0) {
                    if (e->getNumLanes() < exp.lanes.size()) {
                        e->incLaneNo((int) exp.lanes.size() - e->getNumLanes());
                    } else {
                        e->decLaneNo(e->getNumLanes() - (int) exp.lanes.size());
                    currLanes = exp.lanes;
                } else {
                    WRITE_WARNING("Split at '" + toString(exp.pos) + "' lies beyond the edge's length (edge '" + myCurrentID + "').");
            // patch lane offsets
            e = myEdgeCont.retrieve(edgeid);
            i = mySplits.begin();
            if ((*i).pos != 0) {
                e = e->getToNode()->getOutgoingEdges()[0];
            for (; i != mySplits.end(); ++i) {
                unsigned int maxLeft = (*i).lanes.back();
                SUMOReal offset = 0;
                if (maxLeft < noLanesMax) {
                    if (e->getLaneSpreadFunction() == LANESPREAD_RIGHT) {
                        offset = SUMO_const_laneWidthAndOffset * (noLanesMax - 1 - maxLeft);
                    } else {
                        offset = SUMO_const_halfLaneAndOffset * (noLanesMax - 1 - maxLeft);
                unsigned int maxRight = (*i).lanes.front();
                if (maxRight > 0 && e->getLaneSpreadFunction() == LANESPREAD_CENTER) {
                    offset -= SUMO_const_halfLaneAndOffset * maxRight;
                if (offset != 0) {
                    PositionVector g = e->getGeometry();
                if (e->getToNode()->getOutgoingEdges().size() != 0) {
                    e = e->getToNode()->getOutgoingEdges()[0];
Пример #24
NIVissimEdge::buildNBEdge(NBDistrictCont& dc, NBNodeCont& nc, NBEdgeCont& ec,
                          SUMOReal sameNodesOffset) {
    // build the edge
    std::pair<NIVissimConnectionCluster*, NBNode*> fromInf, toInf;
    NBNode* fromNode, *toNode;
    fromNode = toNode = 0;
    sort(myConnectionClusters.begin(), myConnectionClusters.end(), connection_cluster_position_sorter(myID));
    sort(myDistrictConnections.begin(), myDistrictConnections.end());
    ConnectionClusters tmpClusters = myConnectionClusters;
    if (tmpClusters.size() != 0) {
        sort(tmpClusters.begin(), tmpClusters.end(), connection_cluster_position_sorter(myID));
        // get or build the from-node
        //  A node may have to be build when the edge starts or ends at
        //  a parking place or something like this
        fromInf = getFromNode(nc, tmpClusters);
        fromNode = fromInf.second;
        // get or build the to-node
        //if(tmpClusters.size()>0) {
        toInf = getToNode(nc, tmpClusters);
        toNode = toInf.second;
        if (fromInf.first != 0 && toNode != 0 && fromInf.first->around(toNode->getPosition())) {
            WRITE_WARNING("Will not build edge '" + toString(myID) + "'.");
            myAmWithinJunction = true;
        // if both nodes are the same, resolve the problem otherwise
        if (fromNode == toNode) {
            std::pair<NBNode*, NBNode*> tmp = resolveSameNode(nc, sameNodesOffset, fromNode, toNode);
            if (fromNode != tmp.first) {
                fromInf.first = 0;
            if (toNode != tmp.second) {
                toInf.first = 0;
            fromNode = tmp.first;
            toNode = tmp.second;

    if (fromNode == 0) {
        fromInf.first = 0;
        Position pos = myGeom[0];
        fromNode = new NBNode(toString<int>(myID) + "-SourceNode", pos, NODETYPE_NOJUNCTION);
        if (!nc.insert(fromNode)) {
            throw ProcessError("Could not insert node '" + fromNode->getID() + "' to nodes container.");
    if (toNode == 0) {
        toInf.first = 0;
        Position pos = myGeom[-1];
        toNode = new NBNode(toString<int>(myID) + "-DestinationNode", pos, NODETYPE_NOJUNCTION);
        if (!nc.insert(toNode)) {
            throw ProcessError("Could not insert node '" + toNode->getID() + "' to nodes container.");

    // build the edge
    SUMOReal avgSpeed = 0;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < (int) myNoLanes; i++) {
        if (myLaneSpeeds.size() <= (size_t) i || myLaneSpeeds[i] == -1) {
            myLanesWithMissingSpeeds.push_back(toString(myID) + "_" + toString(i));
            avgSpeed += OptionsCont::getOptions().getFloat("vissim.default-speed");
        } else {
            avgSpeed += myLaneSpeeds[i];
    avgSpeed /= (SUMOReal) myLaneSpeeds.size();
    avgSpeed *= OptionsCont::getOptions().getFloat("vissim.speed-norm");

    if (fromNode == toNode) {
        WRITE_WARNING("Could not build edge '" + toString(myID) + "'; would connect same node.");

    NBEdge* buildEdge = new NBEdge(toString<int>(myID), fromNode, toNode, myType,
                                   avgSpeed / (SUMOReal) 3.6, myNoLanes, -1,
                                   NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_OFFSET,
                                   myGeom, myName, LANESPREAD_CENTER, true);
    for (i = 0; i < (int) myNoLanes; i++) {
        if ((int) myLaneSpeeds.size() <= i || myLaneSpeeds[i] == -1) {
            buildEdge->setSpeed(i, OptionsCont::getOptions().getFloat("vissim.default-speed") / (SUMOReal) 3.6);
        } else {
            buildEdge->setSpeed(i, myLaneSpeeds[i] / (SUMOReal) 3.6);
    // check whether the edge contains any other clusters
    if (tmpClusters.size() > 0) {
        bool cont = true;
        for (ConnectionClusters::iterator j = tmpClusters.begin(); cont && j != tmpClusters.end(); ++j) {
            // split the edge at the previously build node
            std::string nextID = buildEdge->getID() + "[1]";
            cont = ec.splitAt(dc, buildEdge, (*j)->getNBNode());
            // !!! what to do if the edge could not be split?
            buildEdge = ec.retrieve(nextID);
Пример #25
NIVissimDisturbance::addToNode(NBNode* node, NBDistrictCont& dc,
                               NBNodeCont& nc, NBEdgeCont& ec) {
    myNode = 0;
    NIVissimConnection* pc =
    NIVissimConnection* bc =
    if (pc == nullptr && bc == nullptr) {
        // This has not been tested completely, yet
        // Both competing abstract edges are normal edges
        // We have to find a crossing point, build a node here,
        //  split both edges and add the connections
        NIVissimEdge* e1 = NIVissimEdge::dictionary(myEdge.getEdgeID());
        NIVissimEdge* e2 = NIVissimEdge::dictionary(myDisturbance.getEdgeID());
        WRITE_WARNING("Ugly split to prohibit '" + toString<int>(e1->getID()) + "' by '" + toString<int>(e2->getID()) + "'.");
        Position pos = e1->crossesEdgeAtPoint(e2);
        std::string id1 = toString<int>(e1->getID()) + "x" + toString<int>(e2->getID());
        std::string id2 = toString<int>(e2->getID()) + "x" + toString<int>(e1->getID());
        NBNode* node1 = nc.retrieve(id1);
        NBNode* node2 = nc.retrieve(id2);
        NBNode* node = nullptr;
        assert(node1 == 0 || node2 == 0);
        if (node1 == nullptr && node2 == nullptr) {
            return false;
            /*            node = new NBNode(id1, pos.x(), pos.y(), "priority");
                        if(!myNodeCont.insert(node)) {
                             "nope, NIVissimDisturbance" << endl;
                            throw 1;
        } else {
            node = node1 == nullptr ? node2 : node1;
        ec.splitAt(dc, ec.retrievePossiblySplit(toString<int>(e1->getID()), myEdge.getPosition()), node);
        ec.splitAt(dc, ec.retrievePossiblySplit(toString<int>(e2->getID()), myDisturbance.getPosition()), node);
        // !!! in some cases, one of the edges is not being build because it's too short
        // !!! what to do in these cases?
        NBEdge* mayDriveFrom = ec.retrieve(toString<int>(e1->getID()) + "[0]");
        NBEdge* mayDriveTo = ec.retrieve(toString<int>(e1->getID()) + "[1]");
        NBEdge* mustStopFrom = ec.retrieve(toString<int>(e2->getID()) + "[0]");
        NBEdge* mustStopTo = ec.retrieve(toString<int>(e2->getID()) + "[1]");
        if (mayDriveFrom != nullptr && mayDriveTo != nullptr && mustStopFrom != nullptr && mustStopTo != nullptr) {
                NBConnection(mayDriveFrom, mayDriveTo),
                NBConnection(mayDriveFrom, mayDriveTo));
        } else {
            return false;
            // !!! warning
//        }
    } else if (pc != nullptr && bc == nullptr) {
        // The prohibited abstract edge is a connection, the other
        //  is not;
        // The connection will be prohibitesd by all connections
        //  outgoing from the "real" edge

        NBEdge* e = ec.retrievePossiblySplit(toString<int>(myDisturbance.getEdgeID()), myDisturbance.getPosition());
        if (e == nullptr) {
            WRITE_WARNING("Could not prohibit '" + toString<int>(myEdge.getEdgeID()) + "' by '" + toString<int>(myDisturbance.getEdgeID()) + "'. Have not found disturbance.");
            return false;
        if (e->getFromNode() == e->getToNode()) {
            WRITE_WARNING("Could not prohibit '" + toString<int>(myEdge.getEdgeID()) + "' by '" + toString<int>(myDisturbance.getEdgeID()) + "'. Disturbance connects same node.");
            // What to do with self-looping edges?
            return false;
        // get the begin of the prohibited connection
        std::string id_pcoe = toString<int>(pc->getFromEdgeID());
        std::string id_pcie = toString<int>(pc->getToEdgeID());
        NBEdge* pcoe = ec.retrievePossiblySplit(id_pcoe, id_pcie, true);
        NBEdge* pcie = ec.retrievePossiblySplit(id_pcie, id_pcoe, false);
        // check whether it's ending node is the node the prohibited
        //  edge end at
        if (pcoe != nullptr && pcie != nullptr && pcoe->getToNode() == e->getToNode()) {
            // if so, simply prohibit the connections
            NBNode* node = e->getToNode();
            const EdgeVector& connected = e->getConnectedEdges();
            for (EdgeVector::const_iterator i = connected.begin(); i != connected.end(); i++) {
                    NBConnection(e, *i),
                    NBConnection(pcoe, pcie));
        } else {
            WRITE_WARNING("Would have to split edge '" + e->getID() + "' to build a prohibition");
            // quite ugly - why was it not build?
            return false;
            std::string nid1 = e->getID() + "[0]";
            std::string nid2 = e->getID() + "[1]";

            if(ec.splitAt(e, node)) {
                        getConnection(node, myEdge.getEdgeID())
    } else if (bc != nullptr && pc == nullptr) {
        // The prohibiting abstract edge is a connection, the other
        //  is not;
        // We have to split the other one and add the prohibition
        //  description

        NBEdge* e = ec.retrievePossiblySplit(toString<int>(myEdge.getEdgeID()), myEdge.getPosition());
        if (e == nullptr) {
            WRITE_WARNING("Could not prohibit '" + toString<int>(myEdge.getEdgeID()) + "' - it was not built.");
            return false;
        std::string nid1 = e->getID() + "[0]";
        std::string nid2 = e->getID() + "[1]";
        if (e->getFromNode() == e->getToNode()) {
            WRITE_WARNING("Could not prohibit '" + toString<int>(myEdge.getEdgeID()) + "' by '" + toString<int>(myDisturbance.getEdgeID()) + "'.");
            // What to do with self-looping edges?
            return false;
        // get the begin of the prohibiting connection
        std::string id_bcoe = toString<int>(bc->getFromEdgeID());
        std::string id_bcie = toString<int>(bc->getToEdgeID());
        NBEdge* bcoe = ec.retrievePossiblySplit(id_bcoe, id_bcie, true);
        NBEdge* bcie = ec.retrievePossiblySplit(id_bcie, id_bcoe, false);
        // check whether it's ending node is the node the prohibited
        //  edge end at
        if (bcoe != nullptr && bcie != nullptr && bcoe->getToNode() == e->getToNode()) {
            // if so, simply prohibit the connections
            NBNode* node = e->getToNode();
            const EdgeVector& connected = e->getConnectedEdges();
            for (EdgeVector::const_iterator i = connected.begin(); i != connected.end(); i++) {
                    NBConnection(bcoe, bcie),
                    NBConnection(e, *i));
        } else {
            WRITE_WARNING("Would have to split edge '" + e->getID() + "' to build a prohibition");
            return false;
            // quite ugly - why was it not build?
            if(ec.splitAt(e, node)) {
                        getConnection(node, myDisturbance.getEdgeID()),
    } else {
        // both the prohibiting and the prohibited abstract edges
        //  are connections
        // We can retrieve the conected edges and add the desription
        NBConnection conn1 = getConnection(node, myDisturbance.getEdgeID());
        NBConnection conn2 = getConnection(node, myEdge.getEdgeID());
        if (!conn1.check(ec) || !conn2.check(ec)) {
            return false;
        node->addSortedLinkFoes(conn1, conn2);
    return true;
Пример #26
NIXMLConnectionsHandler::myStartElement(int element,
                                        const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) {
    if (element == SUMO_TAG_DELETE) {
        bool ok = true;
        std::string from = attrs.get<std::string>(SUMO_ATTR_FROM, 0, ok);
        std::string to = attrs.get<std::string>(SUMO_ATTR_TO, 0, ok);
        if (!ok) {
        // these connections were removed when the edge was deleted
        if (myEdgeCont.wasRemoved(from) || myEdgeCont.wasRemoved(to)) {
        NBEdge* fromEdge = myEdgeCont.retrieve(from);
        NBEdge* toEdge = myEdgeCont.retrieve(to);
        if (fromEdge == 0) {
            myErrorMsgHandler->inform("The connection-source edge '" + from + "' to reset is not known.");
        if (toEdge == 0) {
            myErrorMsgHandler->inform("The connection-destination edge '" + to + "' to reset is not known.");
        if (!fromEdge->isConnectedTo(toEdge) && fromEdge->getStep() >= NBEdge::EDGE2EDGES) {
            WRITE_WARNING("Target edge '" + toEdge->getID() + "' is not connected with '" + fromEdge->getID() + "'; the connection cannot be reset.");
        int fromLane = -1; // Assume all lanes are to be reset.
        int toLane = -1;
        if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_LANE)
                || attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_FROM_LANE)
                || attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_TO_LANE)) {
            if (!parseLaneInfo(attrs, fromEdge, toEdge, &fromLane, &toLane)) {
            // we could be trying to reset a connection loaded from a sumo net and which has become obsolete.
            // In this case it's ok to encounter invalid lance indices
            if (!fromEdge->hasConnectionTo(toEdge, toLane) && fromEdge->getStep() >= NBEdge::LANES2EDGES) {
                WRITE_WARNING("Edge '" + fromEdge->getID() + "' has no connection to lane " + toString(toLane) + " of edge '" + toEdge->getID() + "'; the connection cannot be reset.");
        fromEdge->removeFromConnections(toEdge, fromLane, toLane, true);

    if (element == SUMO_TAG_CONNECTION) {
        bool ok = true;
        std::string from = attrs.get<std::string>(SUMO_ATTR_FROM, "connection", ok);
        std::string to = attrs.getOpt<std::string>(SUMO_ATTR_TO, "connection", ok, "");
        if (!ok || myEdgeCont.wasIgnored(from) || myEdgeCont.wasIgnored(to)) {
        // extract edges
        NBEdge* fromEdge = myEdgeCont.retrieve(from);
        NBEdge* toEdge = to.length() != 0 ? myEdgeCont.retrieve(to) : 0;
        // check whether they are valid
        if (fromEdge == 0) {
            myErrorMsgHandler->inform("The connection-source edge '" + from + "' is not known.");
        if (toEdge == 0 && to.length() != 0) {
            myErrorMsgHandler->inform("The connection-destination edge '" + to + "' is not known.");
        fromEdge->getToNode()->invalidateTLS(myTLLogicCont, true, false);
        // parse optional lane information
        if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_LANE) || attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_FROM_LANE) || attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_TO_LANE)) {
            parseLaneBound(attrs, fromEdge, toEdge);
        } else {
    if (element == SUMO_TAG_PROHIBITION) {
        bool ok = true;
        std::string prohibitor = attrs.getOpt<std::string>(SUMO_ATTR_PROHIBITOR, 0, ok, "");
        std::string prohibited = attrs.getOpt<std::string>(SUMO_ATTR_PROHIBITED, 0, ok, "");
        if (!ok) {
        NBConnection prohibitorC = parseConnection("prohibitor", prohibitor);
        NBConnection prohibitedC = parseConnection("prohibited", prohibited);
        if (prohibitorC == NBConnection::InvalidConnection || prohibitedC == NBConnection::InvalidConnection) {
            // something failed
        NBNode* n = prohibitorC.getFrom()->getToNode();
        n->addSortedLinkFoes(prohibitorC, prohibitedC);
    if (element == SUMO_TAG_CROSSING) {
    if (element == SUMO_TAG_WALKINGAREA) {
Пример #27
NBEdgeCont::splitAt(NBDistrictCont& dc,
                    NBEdge* edge, SUMOReal pos, NBNode* node,
                    const std::string& firstEdgeName,
                    const std::string& secondEdgeName,
                    unsigned int noLanesFirstEdge, unsigned int noLanesSecondEdge) {
    // build the new edges' geometries
    std::pair<PositionVector, PositionVector> geoms =
    if (geoms.first[-1] != node->getPosition()) {

    if (geoms.second[0] != node->getPosition()) {
    // build and insert the edges
    NBEdge* one = new NBEdge(firstEdgeName,
                             edge->myFrom, node, edge->myType, edge->mySpeed, noLanesFirstEdge,
                             edge->getPriority(), edge->myLaneWidth, 0, geoms.first,
                             edge->getStreetName(), edge->myLaneSpreadFunction, true);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < noLanesFirstEdge && i < edge->getNumLanes(); i++) {
        one->setSpeed(i, edge->getLaneSpeed(i));
    NBEdge* two = new NBEdge(secondEdgeName,
                             node, edge->myTo, edge->myType, edge->mySpeed, noLanesSecondEdge,
                             edge->getPriority(), edge->myLaneWidth, edge->myOffset, geoms.second,
                             edge->getStreetName(), edge->myLaneSpreadFunction, true);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < noLanesSecondEdge && i < edge->getNumLanes(); i++) {
        two->setSpeed(i, edge->getLaneSpeed(i));
    // replace information about this edge within the nodes
    edge->myFrom->replaceOutgoing(edge, one, 0);
    edge->myTo->replaceIncoming(edge, two, 0);
    // the edge is now occuring twice in both nodes...
    //  clean up
    // add connections from the first to the second edge
    // check special case:
    //  one in, one out, the outgoing has one lane more
    if (noLanesFirstEdge == noLanesSecondEdge - 1) {
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < one->getNumLanes(); i++) {
            if (!one->addLane2LaneConnection(i, two, i + 1, NBEdge::L2L_COMPUTED)) { // !!! Bresenham, here!!!
                throw ProcessError("Could not set connection!");
        one->addLane2LaneConnection(0, two, 0, NBEdge::L2L_COMPUTED);
    } else {
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < one->getNumLanes() && i < two->getNumLanes(); i++) {
            if (!one->addLane2LaneConnection(i, two, i, NBEdge::L2L_COMPUTED)) {// !!! Bresenham, here!!!
                throw ProcessError("Could not set connection!");
    if (myRemoveEdgesAfterJoining) {
        if (find(myEdges2Keep.begin(), myEdges2Keep.end(), edge->getID()) != myEdges2Keep.end()) {
        if (find(myEdges2Remove.begin(), myEdges2Remove.end(), edge->getID()) != myEdges2Remove.end()) {
    // erase the splitted edge
    erase(dc, edge);
    insert(one, true);
    insert(two, true);
    return true;
NBRampsComputer::buildOffRamp(NBNode* cur, NBNodeCont& nc, NBEdgeCont& ec, NBDistrictCont& dc, SUMOReal rampLength, bool dontSplit, std::set<NBEdge*>& incremented) {
    NBEdge* potHighway, *potRamp, *prev;
    getOffRampEdges(cur, &potHighway, &potRamp, &prev);
    // compute the number of lanes to append
    const unsigned int firstLaneNumber = prev->getNumLanes();
    int toAdd = (potRamp->getNumLanes() + potHighway->getNumLanes()) - firstLaneNumber;
    NBEdge* first = prev;
    NBEdge* last = prev;
    NBEdge* curr = prev;
    if (toAdd > 0 && find(incremented.begin(), incremented.end(), prev) == incremented.end()) {
        SUMOReal currLength = 0;
        while (curr != 0 && currLength + curr->getGeometry().length() - POSITION_EPS < rampLength) {
            if (find(incremented.begin(), incremented.end(), curr) == incremented.end()) {
                moveRampRight(curr, toAdd);
                currLength += curr->getLength(); // !!! loaded length?
                last = curr;
            NBNode* prevN = curr->getFromNode();
            if (prevN->getIncomingEdges().size() == 1) {
                curr = prevN->getIncomingEdges()[0];
                if (curr->getNumLanes() != firstLaneNumber) {
                    // the number of lanes changes along the computation; we'll stop...
                    curr = 0;
                } else if (last->isTurningDirectionAt(curr)) {
                    // turnarounds certainly should not be included in a ramp
                    curr = 0;
                } else if (curr == potHighway || curr == potRamp) {
                    // circular connectivity. do not split!
                    curr = 0;
            } else {
                // ambigous; and, in fact, what should it be? ...stop
                curr = 0;
        // check whether a further split is necessary
        if (curr != 0 && !dontSplit && currLength - POSITION_EPS < rampLength && curr->getNumLanes() == firstLaneNumber && find(incremented.begin(), incremented.end(), curr) == incremented.end()) {
            // there is enough place to build a ramp; do it
            bool wasFirst = first == curr;
            Position pos = curr->getGeometry().positionAtOffset(curr->getGeometry().length() - (rampLength  - currLength));
            NBNode* rn = new NBNode(curr->getID() + "-AddedOffRampNode", pos);
            if (!nc.insert(rn)) {
                throw ProcessError("Ups - could not build on-ramp for edge '" + curr->getID() + "' (node could not be build)!");
            std::string name = curr->getID();
            bool ok = ec.splitAt(dc, curr, rn, curr->getID(), curr->getID() + "-AddedOffRampEdge", curr->getNumLanes(), curr->getNumLanes() + toAdd);
            if (!ok) {
                WRITE_ERROR("Ups - could not build on-ramp for edge '" + curr->getID() + "'!");
            curr = ec.retrieve(name + "-AddedOffRampEdge");
            last = curr;
            moveRampRight(curr, toAdd);
            if (wasFirst) {
                first = curr;
        if (curr == prev && dontSplit) {
            WRITE_WARNING("Could not build off-ramp for edge '"  + curr->getID() + "' due to option '--ramps.no-split'");
    // set connections from added ramp to ramp/highway
    if (!first->addLane2LaneConnections(potRamp->getNumLanes(), potHighway, 0, MIN2(first->getNumLanes() - 1, potHighway->getNumLanes()), NBEdge::L2L_VALIDATED, true)) {
        throw ProcessError("Could not set connection!");
    if (!first->addLane2LaneConnections(0, potRamp, 0, potRamp->getNumLanes(), NBEdge::L2L_VALIDATED, false)) {
        throw ProcessError("Could not set connection!");
    // patch ramp geometry
    PositionVector p = potRamp->getGeometry();
void NIImporter_VISUM::parse_LanesConnections() {
    // get the node
    NBNode* node = getNamedNode("KNOTNR", "KNOT");
    if (node == 0) {
    // get the from-edge
    NBEdge* fromEdge = getNamedEdgeContinuating("VONSTRNR", "VONSTR", node);
    NBEdge* toEdge = getNamedEdgeContinuating("NACHSTRNR", "NACHSTR", node);
    if (fromEdge == 0 || toEdge == 0) {

    int fromLaneOffset = 0;
    if (!node->hasIncoming(fromEdge)) {
        fromLaneOffset = fromEdge->getNumLanes();
        fromEdge = getReversedContinuating(fromEdge, node);
    } else {
        fromEdge = getReversedContinuating(fromEdge, node);
        NBEdge* tmp = myNetBuilder.getEdgeCont().retrieve(fromEdge->getID().substr(0, fromEdge->getID().find('_')));
        fromLaneOffset = tmp->getNumLanes();

    int toLaneOffset = 0;
    if (!node->hasOutgoing(toEdge)) {
        toLaneOffset = toEdge->getNumLanes();
        toEdge = getReversedContinuating(toEdge, node);
    } else {
        NBEdge* tmp = myNetBuilder.getEdgeCont().retrieve(toEdge->getID().substr(0, toEdge->getID().find('_')));
        toLaneOffset = tmp->getNumLanes();
    // get the from-lane
    std::string fromLaneS = NBHelpers::normalIDRepresentation(myLineParser.get("VONFSNR"));
    int fromLane = -1;
    try {
        fromLane = TplConvert::_2int(fromLaneS.c_str());
    } catch (NumberFormatException&) {
        WRITE_ERROR("A from-lane number for edge '" + fromEdge->getID() + "' is not numeric (" + fromLaneS + ").");
    fromLane -= 1;
    if (fromLane < 0) {
        WRITE_ERROR("A from-lane number for edge '" + fromEdge->getID() + "' is not positive (" + fromLaneS + ").");
    // get the from-lane
    std::string toLaneS = NBHelpers::normalIDRepresentation(myLineParser.get("NACHFSNR"));
    int toLane = -1;
    try {
        toLane = TplConvert::_2int(toLaneS.c_str());
    } catch (NumberFormatException&) {
        WRITE_ERROR("A to-lane number for edge '" + toEdge->getID() + "' is not numeric (" + toLaneS + ").");
    toLane -= 1;
    if (toLane < 0) {
        WRITE_ERROR("A to-lane number for edge '" + toEdge->getID() + "' is not positive (" + toLaneS + ").");
    // !!! the next is probably a hack
    if (fromLane - fromLaneOffset < 0) {
        fromLaneOffset = 0;
    } else {
        fromLane = fromEdge->getNumLanes() - (fromLane - fromLaneOffset) - 1;
    if (toLane - toLaneOffset < 0) {
        toLaneOffset = 0;
    } else {
        toLane = toEdge->getNumLanes() - (toLane - toLaneOffset) - 1;
    if ((int) fromEdge->getNumLanes() <= fromLane) {
        WRITE_ERROR("A from-lane number for edge '" + fromEdge->getID() + "' is larger than the edge's lane number (" + fromLaneS + ").");
    if ((int) toEdge->getNumLanes() <= toLane) {
        WRITE_ERROR("A to-lane number for edge '" + toEdge->getID() + "' is larger than the edge's lane number (" + toLaneS + ").");
    fromEdge->addLane2LaneConnection(fromLane, toEdge, toLane, NBEdge::L2L_VALIDATED);
Пример #30
NIXMLEdgesHandler::myEndElement(int element) {
    if (element == SUMO_TAG_EDGE && myCurrentEdge != 0) {
        // add bike lane, wait until lanes are loaded to avoid building if it already exists
        if (myBikeLaneWidth != NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH) {
        // add sidewalk, wait until lanes are loaded to avoid building if it already exists
        if (mySidewalkWidth != NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH) {
        if (!myIsUpdate) {
            try {
                if (!myEdgeCont.insert(myCurrentEdge)) {
                    WRITE_ERROR("Duplicate edge occured. ID='" + myCurrentID + "'");
                    delete myCurrentEdge;
            } catch (InvalidArgument& e) {
            } catch (...) {
                WRITE_ERROR("An important information is missing in edge '" + myCurrentID + "'.");
        if (mySplits.size() != 0) {
            std::vector<Split>::iterator i;
            NBEdge* e = myCurrentEdge;
            sort(mySplits.begin(), mySplits.end(), split_sorter());
            unsigned int noLanesMax = e->getNumLanes();
            // compute the node positions and sort the lanes
            for (i = mySplits.begin(); i != mySplits.end(); ++i) {
                sort((*i).lanes.begin(), (*i).lanes.end());
                noLanesMax = MAX2(noLanesMax, (unsigned int)(*i).lanes.size());
            // split the edge
            std::vector<int> currLanes;
            for (unsigned int l = 0; l < e->getNumLanes(); ++l) {
            if (e->getNumLanes() != mySplits.back().lanes.size()) {
                // invalidate traffic light definitions loaded from a SUMO network
                // XXX it would be preferable to reconstruct the phase definitions heuristically
                // if the number of lanes changes the connections should be
                // recomputed

            std::string edgeid = e->getID();
            SUMOReal seen = 0;
            for (i = mySplits.begin(); i != mySplits.end(); ++i) {
                const Split& exp = *i;
                assert(exp.lanes.size() != 0);
                if (exp.pos > 0 && e->getGeometry().length() + seen > exp.pos && exp.pos > seen) {
                    if (myNodeCont.insert(exp.node)) {
                        //  split the edge
                        std::string pid = e->getID();
                        myEdgeCont.splitAt(myDistrictCont, e, exp.pos - seen, exp.node,
                                           pid, exp.node->getID(), e->getNumLanes(), (unsigned int) exp.lanes.size(), exp.speed);
                        seen = exp.pos;
                        std::vector<int> newLanes = exp.lanes;
                        NBEdge* pe = myEdgeCont.retrieve(pid);
                        NBEdge* ne = myEdgeCont.retrieve(exp.node->getID());
                        // reconnect lanes
                        //  new on right
                        unsigned int rightMostP = currLanes[0];
                        unsigned int rightMostN = newLanes[0];
                        for (int l = 0; l < (int) rightMostP - (int) rightMostN; ++l) {
                            pe->addLane2LaneConnection(0, ne, l, NBEdge::L2L_VALIDATED, true);
                        //  new on left
                        unsigned int leftMostP = currLanes.back();
                        unsigned int leftMostN = newLanes.back();
                        for (int l = 0; l < (int) leftMostN - (int) leftMostP; ++l) {
                            pe->addLane2LaneConnection(pe->getNumLanes() - 1, ne, leftMostN - l - rightMostN, NBEdge::L2L_VALIDATED, true);
                        //  all other connected
                        for (unsigned int l = 0; l < noLanesMax; ++l) {
                            if (find(currLanes.begin(), currLanes.end(), l) == currLanes.end()) {
                            if (find(newLanes.begin(), newLanes.end(), l) == newLanes.end()) {
                            pe->addLane2LaneConnection(l - rightMostP, ne, l - rightMostN, NBEdge::L2L_VALIDATED, true);
                        // move to next
                        e = ne;
                        currLanes = newLanes;
                    } else {
                        WRITE_WARNING("Error on parsing a split (edge '" + myCurrentID + "').");
                }  else if (exp.pos == 0) {
                    if (e->getNumLanes() < exp.lanes.size()) {
                        e->incLaneNo((int) exp.lanes.size() - e->getNumLanes());
                    } else {
                        e->decLaneNo(e->getNumLanes() - (int) exp.lanes.size());
                    currLanes = exp.lanes;
                    // invalidate traffic light definition loaded from a SUMO network
                    // XXX it would be preferable to reconstruct the phase definitions heuristically
                } else {
                    WRITE_WARNING("Split at '" + toString(exp.pos) + "' lies beyond the edge's length (edge '" + myCurrentID + "').");
            // patch lane offsets
            e = myEdgeCont.retrieve(edgeid);
            if (mySplits.front().pos != 0) {
                // add a dummy split at the beginning to ensure correct offset
                Split start;
                start.pos = 0;
                for (int lane = 0; lane < (int)e->getNumLanes(); ++lane) {
                mySplits.insert(mySplits.begin(), start);
            i = mySplits.begin();
            for (; i != mySplits.end(); ++i) {
                unsigned int maxLeft = (*i).lanes.back();
                SUMOReal offset = 0;
                if (maxLeft < noLanesMax) {
                    if (e->getLaneSpreadFunction() == LANESPREAD_RIGHT) {
                        offset = SUMO_const_laneWidthAndOffset * (noLanesMax - 1 - maxLeft);
                    } else {
                        offset = SUMO_const_halfLaneAndOffset * (noLanesMax - 1 - maxLeft);
                unsigned int maxRight = (*i).lanes.front();
                if (maxRight > 0 && e->getLaneSpreadFunction() == LANESPREAD_CENTER) {
                    offset -= SUMO_const_halfLaneAndOffset * maxRight;
                if (offset != 0) {
                    PositionVector g = e->getGeometry();
                if (e->getToNode()->getOutgoingEdges().size() != 0) {
                    e = e->getToNode()->getOutgoingEdges()[0];